15 research outputs found

    Re-formulating Monascus fermented durian seeds yogurt with strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) puree to enhance its microbiological, physicochemical and organoleptic properties

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    Healthy lifestyle and consumption of fermented products, is the trend that is popular among health-conscious individuals. Monascus fermented durian seed (MFDS) is a fermented product of durian seed using the Monascus purpureus culture. Even though MFDS possessed specific bioactive properties, such as competent antioxidant, antidiabetes and anti-hypercholesterolemia. However, the addition of MFDS extract to yogurt has some limitations [e.g.: reduction of colour and taste preference]. Thus, there is a need for an innovative food technology method to enhance key organoleptic characteristics of a newly formulated yogurt product made of MFDS and strawberry puree. The aim of this investigation was to determine the effect of difference concentrations of strawberry puree on microbiology, physicochemical, and organoleptic properties of MFDS yogurt product. The results showed that all concentrations of strawberry puree [5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% (w/v) of the total mixture] have affected the microbial, physicochemical and sensory properties of re-formulated yogurt product. Strawberry purees caused an acidity increase of yogurt with pH value between 4.287 and 4.475. The recorded titratable acidity was 0.74% to 1.17%. The colour parameters such as lightness and yellowness also decreased, however, the values of redness, chroma, and hue increased. The shelf-life experiment (maximum of 7 days) of the re-formulated yogurt revealed a maximum syneresis of 22.52%. Based on the sensory evaluation preferences, re-formulated yogurt with 10% strawberry puree was the most favourable product, with a preferred value of the colour at 5.6 (rather like), the flavour at 5.8 (rather like), and mouthfeel (rather like)

    Designing Listening Materials Based On Contextual Teaching And Learning Approach

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    Instructional teaching materials play an important role in English Language Teaching. To make sure that the learning objectives are fulfilled, teaching materials should be in line with the curriculum and learners' needs. This study is an attempt to produce listening materials based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach. Local-content materials are used because using topics which stimulate students' prior knowledge can help them comprehend the materials better. The samples are intended to be supplementary in teaching listening. In conducting this research, the researcher uses ADDIE procedure where the participants are the teacher and the tenth grade students of a high school in Pontianak. The result shows that local-content materials can be used for teaching listening. The researcher suggests that the teachers use contextual materials to activate students' prior knowledge in listening

    Studi Penggunaan Kalsium Karbonat atau Trikalsium Fosfat dan Konsentrasi Agar terhadap Sifat Fisikokimia dan Organoleptik Soygurt Berkalsium Tinggi

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    Soymilk has beany flavor and lack of calcium content which can be improved by fermentation of soymilk becoming set soygurt and calcium fortification using calcium carbonate or tricalcium phosphate. The differences of calcium salts may affect the soymilk colloid system, therefore it needs a stabilizer, for example agar. Then, a study of the use of calcium salts and appropriate agar concentration to produce a high calcium set soygurt is needed. The experimental was Randomized Block Design using factor Agar Concentrations on (A): 0,0% (0); 0,1% (1) and 0,2% (2) nested to the of Calcium Salts: Calcium Carbonate (C) and Tricalcium Phosphate (F). Parameters observed were syneresis, calcium content, and sensory characterisitics (preferences to texture and taste of the soygurt). The complement analysis were pH, acidity and protein content of soygurt. The data were analyzed using ANOVA at α = 5%, continued by DMRT test to determine the level of treatment that gives the significant effects. The result show significant difference of agar concentrations nested to the calcium salts gave significant effects to texture & taste of soygurt, but no siginificant effect to calcium content and syneresis of soygurt. Soygurt with 0,0% concentration of agar gave the highest score of texture preference at both kind of calcium salts. Agar concentration at 0,1% and 0,2% gave no significant difference on texture. Kind of calcium salts gave significant effect on taste preference on which soygurt with Tricalcium Phosphate gave higher score than Calcium Carbonate. The preference of taste of soyghurt treated with Tricalcium Phosphate was higher than The Calcium Carbonate, showed by score 4.3-4.4 compared to 3.2-3.8, on scale 1-7


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    This study aims to (1) Developing the higer oreder thinking skills test on computer based in the subject of trigonometric SMA. (2) Knowing the feasibility of a higer oreder thinking skills tests computer based made on the subject of trigonometric SMA. This research is a research and development (Research & Development). The development method used in this study follows a simple development procedure suggested by Borg and Gall consisting of five steps: (1) Product analysis to be developed, (2) initial product development, (3) Expert Validation and product revision, (4) ) Limited field trials and product revisions, (5) Main-scale field trials and end products. The results of this study is a computer-based test entitled: "Computer Based Test Problems On High Trigonometric Discussion" which is packaged in the form of Comapct Disk (CD). The computer-based tests were tested limited trial of 30 students and a major trials of 34 SMA N 10 Yogyakarta. Problem-based computer test has met the validity, reliability, objectivity, praktibilitas, and economical. Validation results show a computer-based test is worth using. This is supported by: average grain matter about 4.80 (very good) and average media expert 4,76 (very good) and student questionnaire score 39,03 (very good.  Research suggestions, the product should be used by students as an exercise in computer based reasoning.Â

    Characterization of mechanical and thermal properties of esterified lignin modified polypropylene composites filled with chitosan fibers

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    A comparative study was performed on the use of esterified alkaline lignin (AAL) and esterified organosolv lignin (AOSL) as the interfacial modifying agent to improve the properties of polypropylene-chitosan composites. Chitosan was chemically modified through a reaction with the esterified lignin in an alcohol medium. The composites were prepared using an internal mixer and hot-pressed method. Both modified chitosan showed a different chemical structure upon modification with the esterified lignins as confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy spectra. With a lower molecular weight, the AOSL attachment on the chitosan surface resulted in more efficiency in decreasing hydrophilic characters. Tensile tests showed the increased tensile strength by 32.15% and 26.43% for AOSL-modified composites and AAL-modified composites as compared with the unmodified composites. Overall, the AOSL was superior in improving the mechanical strength and thermal stability of the composites, while the AAL exhibited the most apparent enhancement in ductility and crystallization

    Pengembangan Soal Tes Penalaran Tinggi Berbasis Komputer pada Bahasan Trigonometri SMA

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    This study aims to (1) Developing the higer oreder thinking skills test on computer based in the subject of trigonometric SMA. (2) Knowing the feasibility of a higer oreder thinking skills tests computer based made on the subject of trigonometric SMA. This research is a research and development (Research & Development). The development method used in this study follows a simple development procedure suggested by Borg and Gall consisting of five steps: (1) Product analysis to be developed, (2) initial product development, (3) Expert Validation and product revision, (4) ) Limited field trials and product revisions, (5) Main-scale field trials and end products. The results of this study is a computer-based test entitled: "Computer Based Test Problems On High Trigonometric Discussion" which is packaged in the form of Comapct Disk (CD). The computer-based tests were tested limited trial of 30 students and a major trials of 34 SMA N 10 Yogyakarta. Problem-based computer test has met the validity, reliability, objectivity, praktibilitas, and economical. Validation results show a computer-based test is worth using. This is supported by: average grain matter about 4.80 (very good) and average media expert 4,76 (very good) and student questionnaire score 39,03 (very good. Â Research suggestions, the product should be used by students as an exercise in computer based reasoning.

    Pengaruh Jenis Kemasan dan Kondisi Penyimpanan terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan, Sifat Fisikokimia, Mikobiologis, dan Organoleptik Minuman Beras Kencur dari Beras Putih Varietas Jasmine

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    Beras kencur dikenal sebagai minuman tradisional khas Indonesia yang terbuat dari bahan-bahan herbal segar seperti kencur, jahe, kunyit dan beras. Pemilihan beras putih organik varietas Jasmine untuk pembuatan minuman beras kencur karena banyak dibudidayakan di Yogyakarta. Minuman beras kencur rentan mengalami kerusakan akibat pertumbuhan kapang, khamir dan mikrooganisme pembusuk lainnya sehingga beras kencur tidak dapat tahan lama. Kondisi penyimpanan (suhu kamar 26˚C dan suhu refrigerator 5˚C) yang berbeda juga memberi pengaruh terhadap beras kencur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan jenis kemasan, suhu penyimpanan dan lama penyimpanan terhadap sifat fisikokimia, aktivitas antioksidan, dan organoleptik beras kencur dari beras putih varietas Jasmine. Pada penelitian ini digunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan tiga faktor yaitu jenis kemasan dengan 2 taraf (plastik PET dan gelas kaca), suhu penyimpanan dengan 2 taraf (suhu kamar 26˚C dan suhu refrigerator 5˚C), serta lama penyimpanan sebanyak 5 taraf (pengamatan hari ke-0, 15, 30, 45, 60). Setiap perlakuan dilakukan pengulangan sebanyak tiga kali. Parameter yang diuji adalah sifat fisikokimia (pH, total padatan terlarut, warna), kadar antioksidan, dan organoleptik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai aktivitas antioksidan berkisar antara 18,082-19,039 µg/mL; nilai lightness berkisar antara 53,5-47,3; nilai chrome berkisar antara 27,4-35,6; nilai °Hue berkisar antara 75,3-77,5; nilai pH berkisar antara 3,836-3,960; nilai TPT berkisar antara 10,50-10,97ºBrix; dan nilai ALT berkisar antara 0,8x101-3,8x101 CFU/mL. Faktor perbedaan jenis kemasan, suhu penyimpanan, dan lama penyimpanan berpengaruh terhadap nilai pH, total padatan terlarut, dan aktivitas antioksidan beras kencur. Selama penyimpanan terjadi peningkatan nilai pH dan total padatan terlarut, serta terjadi penurunan aktivitas antioksidan dan laju pertumbuhan kapang

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Cmc (Carboxylmethyl Cellulose) Sebagai Gelling Agent Terhadap Sifat Fisikokimia Dan Organoleptik Selai Kawis (Limonia Acidissima)

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    Kawis hanya ditemukan di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia salah satunya di Kota Rembang. Kota Rembang terkenal sebagai kota penghasil buah kawis. Salah satu pemanfaatan buah kawis untuk memperpanjang umur simpan buah kawis dan meningkatkan nilai ekonomis yaitu menjadikannya selai oles. Proses pembuatan selai oles membutuhkan penambahan gelling agent agar didapatkan viskositas dan struktur selai yang diinginkan. Gelling agent pada selai salah satunya adalah CMC. CMC sebagai pengental mampu mengikat air sehingga molekul air terperangkap dalam struktur gel yang dibentuk. CMC digunakan karena dapat meningkatkan total padatan pada selai kawis, mudah didapat, mudah digunakan, memiliki rentang pH tinggi dan stabil pada saat dipanaskan. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan satu faktor, yaitu konsentrasi CMC yang terdiri dari enam level, yaitu 0,5% (P1); 0,60% (P2); 0,70% (P3); 0,80% (P4); 0,90% (P5); 1,00% (P6) dari bubur buah yang digunakan. Percobaan diulang sebanyak empat kali. Parameter yang diuji yaitu kadar air, daya oles, sineresis, viskositas dan uji organoleptik (rasa, warna dan tekstur). Konsentrasi CMC semakin tinggi menyebabkan peningkatan viskositas selai serta penurunan kadar air, daya oles dan tingkat sineresis selai kawis. Rata-rata tingkat penerimaan panelis terhadap rasa selai 4,7-4,8, warna selai 4,4-4,5 dan tekstur selai saat dioles dan mouthfeel 3,3-6,3 dengan standar skor 1-7. Perlakuan yang paling disukai adalah selai dengan penambahan CMC 1% yang memiliki visikositas 5130 cp, daya oles 9,06 cm, kadar air 35,64%, sineresis hari ke-4 0,43%; hari ke-8 0,96%; hari ke-12 1,36%, serta tingkat kesukaan panelis dari parameter rasa 4,76 (agak disukai), warna 4,51 (agak disukai) dan tekstur selai yang dioles 6,34 (suka)

    Perubahan Sifat Fisikokimia dan Organoleptik Sari Kedelai dengan Penambahan Air Seduhan Beluntas

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    Sari kedelai adalah minuman yang terbuat dari kedelai yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Hal ini karena adanya senyawa fitokimia dalam kedelai, seperti isoflavon, saponin, sterol, asam fitat, triterpenoid, oligosakarida, dan lignan. Sari kedelai menunjukkan aktivitas antioksidan dan antidiabetik. Namun aktivitas tersebut belum optimal, oleh karena itu perlu ditambahkan air seduhan daun beluntas. Beluntas merupakan tanaman herba kelompok Asteracea telah terbukti mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan dan antidiabetik karena komposisi senyawa fitokimia yang meliputi tanin, sterol, alkaloid, flavonoid, fenol, kardiak glikosida, dan saponin. Penambahan air seduhan daun beluntas pada sari kedelai diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kemampuannya sebagai sumber antioksidan dan antidiabetik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui Perubahan sifat fisikokimia dan organoleptik sari kedelai dengan penambahan air seduhan bubuk daun beluntas. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan satu faktor, yaitu konsentrasi bubuk daun beluntas dalam air seduhan yang terdiri dari enam level, yaitu 0; 1; 2; 3; 4; dan 5 (% b/v) dari berat kering kedelai yang digunakan. Percobaan diulang sebanyak lima kali. Sari kedelai yang ditambahkan air seduhan beluntas yang berasal dari daun beluntas kering dengan kadar air sebanyak 7,97±0,28% (wb), sifat fisikokimia dan organoleptiknya dipengaruhi oleh penambahan berbagai variasi konsentrasi air seduhan daun beluntas. Parameter fisikokimia yang dihasilkan dari sari kedelai beluntas meliputi pH berkisar antara 6,71 ± 0,09 sampai dengan 6,01 ± 0,05, viskositas berkisar antara 21,05±0,93 sampai dengan 26,67±0,75, total padatan terlarut berkisar antara 11,81±0,27 sampai dengan 15,35±0,26, lightness berkisar antara 82,89±0,46 sampai dengan 69,10 ±1,70, chroma berkisar antara 10,57±0,78 sampai dengan 7,59±0,80, ohue berkisar antara 87,59±0,93 sampai dengan 00,14±1,11. Hasil uji grafik Spiderweb berdasarkan skor kesukaan secara organoleptik diperoleh bahwa penambahan air seduhan bubuk daun beluntas belum dapat meningkatkan tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap sari kedelai beluntas