7 research outputs found

    Water absorption polyamide samples of different thickness and its effect on the elastik modulus

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    Досліджено вплив водопоглинання поліамідних зразків різної товщини на величину модуля пружності

    Optimization of nitrogen fertilizer of the dark-gray soldized soil of the western forest steppe for using nitrification inhibitor

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    Nitrogen is a key element for the growth and yield of all crops. Increased doses of nitrogen do not give the expected return, create a danger of leaching of nitrates, activate the emission of nitrous oxide. These problems make it necessary to solve the urgent issue of optimizing nitrogen nutrition using the nitrogen stabilizer nitrapyrin. The purpose of our research under conditions of sufficient moisture in the Western Forest Steppe was to find out the effect of the urease inhibitor on the agrochemical parameters of the dark gray forest podzolized light loam soil, as well as the effect on the yield of winter barley. We conducted field experiments at the Lviv National University of Nature Management. We used traditional methods of field research and standardized methods of laboratory analysis. A positive effect of the use of the nitrogen stabilizer nitrapyrin on the funds of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium available for nutrition, as well as on the reduction of soil acidity, was established. The highest content of easily hydrolyzable nitrogen was achieved when applying N23P60K60 in autumn + N97 in the phase of vegetation recovery with nitrapyrin – 132 mg/kg of soil. This was 28 mg/kg more than the traditional fertilization system without nitrapyrin (N60P60K60). Application of 120 kg/ha of nitrogen in the form of urea created a reserve 3.3 times higher, and ammonium nitrate created a reserve 3.6 times higher than the unfertilized version. Nitrapyrin, a stabilizer of nitrates, made it possible to limit their formation with the introduction of urea by 3 5%, ammonium nitrate by 10 %. The nitrogen application rate of N120 kg/ha per year led to the annual emission of nitrous oxide in the amount of 121.5 kg/ha. Nitrapyrin limited the amount of nitrous oxide emission by 3.3–7.2 kg/ha, depending on the amount of nitrogen application rate. The use of ammonium nitrate at the rate of N120 when applied in the spring caused the highest level of nitrogen oxide emissions (29.5 kg/ha of soil). However, the application of this fertilizer and inhibitor reduced gaseous nitrogen losses to 25.9 kg/ha when applied to restore vegetation. The introduction of N97 (ammonium nitrate) + N-Lok Max under winter barley during the restoration of vegetation on the background of N23P60K60 under plowing gave the highest average yield in the experiment for 2020–2022 – 7.65 t/ha, for 2022 – 7.90 t/ha. The 3D regression model of winter barley grain yield under the influence of the synergistic effect of both forms of nitrogen illustrates the importance of balancing the funds of forms of this nutrient element in the soil

    Main outcomes of the Phebus FPT1 uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in the EU-MUSA project

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    The Management and Uncertainties of Severe Accidents (MUSA) project was funded in HORIZON 2020 and is coordinated by CIEMAT (Spain). The project aims at consolidating a harmonized approach for the analysis of uncertainties and sensitivities associated with Severe Accidents (SAs) analysis, focusing on source term figures of merit. The Application of Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) Methods against Integral Experiments (AUQMIE – Work Package 4 (WP4)), led by ENEA (Italy), was devoted to apply and test UQ methodologies adopting the internationally recognized PHEBUS FPT1 test. FPT1 was chosen to test UQ methodologies because, even though it is a simplified SA scenario, it was representative of the in-vessel phase of a severe accident initiated by a break in the cold leg of a PWR primary circuit. WP4 served as a platform to identify and discuss the issues encountered in the application of UQ methodol ogies to SA analyses (e.g. discuss the UQ methodology, perform the coupling between the SA codes and the UQ tools, define the results post-processing methods, etc.). The purpose of this paper is to describe the MUSA PHEBUS FPT1 uncertainty application exercise with the related specifications and the methodologies used by the partners to perform the UQ exercise. The main outcomes and lessons learned of the analysis are: scripting was in general needed for the SA code and uncertainty tool coupling and to have more flexibility; particular attention should be devoted to the proper choice of the input uncertain parameters; outlier values of figures of merit should be carefully analyzed; the computational time is a key element to perform UQ in SA; the large number of uncertain input parameters may complicate the interpretation of correlation or sensitivity analysis; there is the need for a statistically solid handling of failed calculations

    First outcomes from the PHEBUS FPT1 uncertainty application done in the EU MUSA project

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    The Management and Uncertainties of Severe Accidents (MUSA) project, founded in HORIZON 2020 and coordinated by CIEMAT (Spain), aims to consolidate a harmonized approach for the analysis of uncertainties and sensitivities associated with Severe Accidents (SAs) by focusing on Source Term (ST) Figure of Merits (FOM). In this framework, among the 7 MUSA WPs the Application of Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) Methods against Integral Experiments (AUQMIE – Work Package 4 (WP4)), led by ENEA (Italy), looked at applying and testing UQ methodologies, against the internationally recognized PHEBUS FPT1 test. Considering that FPT1 is a simplified but representative SA scenario, the main target of the WP4 is to train project partners to perform UQ for SA analyses. WP4 is also a collaborative platform for highlighting and discussing results and issues arising from the application of UQ methodologies, already used for design basis accidents, and in MUSA for SA analyses. As a consequence, WP4 application creates the technical background useful for the full plant and spent fuel pool applications planned along the MUSA project, and it also gives a first contribution for MUSA best practices and lessons learned. 16 partners from different world regions are involved in the WP4 activities. The purpose of this paper is to describe the MUSA PHEBUS FPT1 uncertainty application exercise, the methodologies used by the partners to perform the UQ exercise, and the first insights coming out from the calculation phase

    Trimetazidine MR effects on heart remodeling in stable coronary heart disease patients

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    Aim. To study trimetazidine MR effects on left ventricular (LV) remodeling in stable coronary heart disease (CHD) patients with completely controlled effort angina and arterial hypertension (AH), who received combined treatment. Material and methods. In total, 114 individuals were examined: Group I – 65 healthy volunteers (mean age 31,38 years); Group II - 49 untreated CHD and AH patients (mean age 62,32 years). All participants underwent transthoracic echocardiography, with calculation of systolic and diastolic spherical index, remodeling index (RI), systolic and diastolic myocardial stress (MSs, MSd), LV myocardial mass index, LV relative wall thickness (RWT). Results. After three months of combined, four-component treatment, clinical stabilization was not associated with significant changes in LV remodeling, only MSs reduced significantly after adding Preductal MV to the treatment. In stable good clinical status, no obvious clinical dynamics, and unchanged ejection fraction, structural and functional cardiac parameters improved substantially, with reduction (р<0,00001) in MSs (145,68±11,35 and 124,51±7,89); MSd (160,72±16,78 and 156,24±12,11), end-diastolic pressure (14,81±3,16 and 11,9±1,91 mm Hg), end-diastolic LV wall strain (1967,33±337,27 and 1519,99±224,74 dyne/cm2), as well as with increase in RI (93,72±8,48 and 100,87±9,74). LV diastolic function parameters improved, NYHA functional class reduced. Conclusion. Trimetazidine MR beneficial effects on myocardial elasticity, contractility, and remodeling were demonstrated. The medication can be used as an anti-remodeling agent in combined CHD treatment

    First Outcomes from the PHEBUS FPT1 Uncertainty Application done in the EU-MUSA Project

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    The Management and Uncertainties of Severe Accidents (MUSA) project, founded in HORIZON 2020 and coordinated by CIEMAT (Spain), aims to consolidate a harmonized approach for the analysis of uncertainties and sensitivities associated with Severe Accidents (SAs) by focusing on Source Term (ST) Figure of Merits (FOM). In this framework, among the 7 MUSA WPs the Application of Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) Methods against Integral Experiments (AUQMIE – Work Package 4 (WP4)), led by ENEA (Italy), looked at applying and testing UQ methodologies, against the internationally recognized PHEBUS FPT1 test. Considering that FPT1 is a simplified but representative SA scenario, the main target of the WP4 is to train project partners to perform UQ for SA analyses. WP4 is also a collaborative platform for highlighting and discussing results and issues arising from the application of UQ methodologies, already used for design basis accidents, and in MUSA for SA analyses. As a consequence, WP4 application creates the technical background useful for the full plant and spent fuel pool applications planned along the MUSA project, and it also gives a first contribution for MUSA best practices and lessons learned. 16 partners from different world regions are involved in the WP4 activities. The purpose of this paper is to describe the MUSA PHEBUS FPT1 uncertainty application exercise, the methodologies used by the partners to perform the UQ exercise, and the first insights coming out from the calculation phase