
The Management and Uncertainties of Severe Accidents (MUSA) project, founded in HORIZON 2020 and coordinated by CIEMAT (Spain), aims to consolidate a harmonized approach for the analysis of uncertainties and sensitivities associated with Severe Accidents (SAs) by focusing on Source Term (ST) Figure of Merits (FOM). In this framework, among the 7 MUSA WPs the Application of Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) Methods against Integral Experiments (AUQMIE – Work Package 4 (WP4)), led by ENEA (Italy), looked at applying and testing UQ methodologies, against the internationally recognized PHEBUS FPT1 test. Considering that FPT1 is a simplified but representative SA scenario, the main target of the WP4 is to train project partners to perform UQ for SA analyses. WP4 is also a collaborative platform for highlighting and discussing results and issues arising from the application of UQ methodologies, already used for design basis accidents, and in MUSA for SA analyses. As a consequence, WP4 application creates the technical background useful for the full plant and spent fuel pool applications planned along the MUSA project, and it also gives a first contribution for MUSA best practices and lessons learned. 16 partners from different world regions are involved in the WP4 activities. The purpose of this paper is to describe the MUSA PHEBUS FPT1 uncertainty application exercise, the methodologies used by the partners to perform the UQ exercise, and the first insights coming out from the calculation phase

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