53 research outputs found

    On the biological role of Fraunhofer lines of the Sun

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    The important role of Fraunhofer lines formed in the solar atmosphere in the spectrum of the Sun for the biological evolution on Earth has been discussed. In vitro, laboratory experiments have been accomplished to substantiate the concept of the role of Fraunhofer lines as drivers of the evolution via impact on molecules of biological significance. As a practical application of the concept, successful results of clinical tests on humans have been obtained to demonstrate the possibility of non-medicinal means to be used for therapy in the cases of infectious deceases such as HIV/AIDS. The importance for human health of blurring Fraunhofer lines due to increasing atmospheric pollution has been emphasized


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    In the problem of resolving the pathology of the cervix in recent years, a lot of information about etiology, causes of origin, diagnosis and treatment has been accumulated. The article summarizes the new possibilities of diagnosis and treatment of the pathology of the cervix, which contributes to a significant improvement in the resolution of the problem of the pathology of the cervix. There are 4 main groups of etiologic factors that lead to morphofunctional changes in the cervical epithelium. In the course of a violation of the transformation of the epithelialization of the cylindrical epithelium, the violation of local and humoral immunity is important. The definition of apoptosis index is a new modern method for predicting the development of precancerous and cervical cancer. Routine but informative methods for diagnosing cervical pathologies such as cytological and colposcopic, in recent years, have been replenished with an important immunohistochemical diagnostic method for detecting p161NK4a cellular protein, as well as by fluorescence spectrometry. The presented complex of diagnostic researches allows us to choose the method of adequate treatment of pathological processes taking into account the age of the patient, the nature and degree of severity of epithelial changes, the type of cervical and vaginal flora, as well as the hormonal status of the patient and concomitant pathology

    Рентгеноэндоскопическое исследование в диагностике и лечении пневмонии у больных хроническим обструктивным бронхитом

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    Two hundred and twelve pneumonia patients aged 16 to 82 years underwent radiological and endoscopic examination. Peculiarities of lobar and segment infiltrates in the chronic obstructive bronchitis patients were volume reduction of the injured lung area and changes in the bronchial-and-vascular architectonics properly due to the bronchi lesion. Bronchoscopy was performed in all the patients to differentiate the pneumonia from carcinoma and lung tuberculosis and to reveal the need in a therapeutic sanitation. The method of intrabronchial lymphotropic therapy of pneumonia in chronic obstructive bronchitis patients was developed. It allowed to reduce the treatment period by 1-1.5 weeks.Обследовано 212 больных пневмонией в возрасте от 16 до 82 лет, которым было проведено рентгенологическое и эндоскопическое исследования. Особенностью долевых и сегментарных инфильтратов у больных хроническим обструктивным бронхитом является уменьшение объема пораженного участка легкого и изменение архитектоники бронхососудистого компонента за счет собственно поражений бронхов. Бронхоскопию выполняли всем больным для проведения дифференциального диагноза с раком и туберкулезом легких, а также для установления показаний к лечебным санациям. Разработан метод интрабронхиальной лимфотропной терапии пневмоний у больных хроническим обструктивным бронхитом, позволяющий сократить сроки лечения на 1-1,5 нед

    Интрабронхиальная лимфотропная терапия абсцедирующей пневмонии

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    This study demonstrates the treatment results of 96 abscess-forming pneumonic patients treated with a method developed by the authors. It involves sanitating fibreoptic bronchoscopy and intrabronchial lymphotropic infusion of 1 g of Claforan combined either with 100 meg of T-activin or 100 mg of lysozyme. According to the results obtained this method is thought not only to cure all the patients but also to facilitate a partial restoration of structure and function of both ciliary epithelium and mucociliary transport.В работе представлены результаты лечения 96 больных абсцедирующей пневмонией с помощью разработанного авторами метода, включающего санационные бронхоскопии и интрабронхиальное лимфотропное введение 1 г клафорана в сочетании со 100 мкг Т-активина или 100 мг лизоцима. Результаты лечения показали, что данный метод позволил не только добиться излечения всех больных, но и способствовал частичному восстановлению строения и функции мерцательного эпителия и мукоцилиарного транспорта

    Suppression of the vacuum space-charge effect in fs-photoemission by a retarding electrostatic front lens

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    The performance of time-resolved photoemission experiments at fs-pulsed photon sources is ultimately limited by the e–e Coulomb interaction, downgrading energy and momentum resolution. Here, we present an approach to effectively suppress space-charge artifacts in momentum microscopes and photoemission microscopes. A retarding electrostatic field generated by a special objective lens repels slow electrons, retaining the k-image of the fast photoelectrons. The suppression of space-charge effects scales with the ratio of the photoelectron velocities of fast and slow electrons. Fields in the range from −20 to −1100 V/mm for Ekin = 100 eV to 4 keV direct secondaries and pump-induced slow electrons back to the sample surface. Ray tracing simulations reveal that this happens within the first 40 to 3 μm above the sample surface for Ekin = 100 eV to 4 keV. An optimized front-lens design allows switching between the conventional accelerating and the new retarding mode. Time-resolved experiments at Ekin = 107 eV using fs extreme ultraviolet probe pulses from the free-electron laser FLASH reveal that the width of the Fermi edge increases by just 30 meV at an incident pump fluence of 22 mJ/cm2 (retarding field −21 V/mm). For an accelerating field of +2 kV/mm and a pump fluence of only 5 mJ/cm2, it increases by 0.5 eV (pump wavelength 1030 nm). At the given conditions, the suppression mode permits increasing the slow-electron yield by three to four orders of magnitude. The feasibility of the method at high energies is demonstrated without a pump beam at Ekin = 3830 eV using hard x rays from the storage ring PETRA III. The approach opens up a previously inaccessible regime of pump fluences for photoemission experiments

    Epizooty of Tularemia, Detected in the Population of the Common Vole in the Natural Focus of Steppe Type in the South-East of the Rostov Region in 2020

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    The aim of study was to conduct epizootiological monitoring of natural tularemia foci of the steppe type and investigate epizootic activity in the south-east of the Rostov Region.Materials and methods. An epizootiological survey was carried out on the territory of Remontnensky, Sal’sky and Peschanokopsky districts of the Rostov Region in 2019–2021. To capture and collect mammals, Ixodidae ticks and to study the samples of field material conventional methods were used.Results and discussion. Habitation of 16 species of small mammals, 6 species of Ixodidae ticks has been found. Molecular-genetic analysis of the voles has revealed the presence of the species Microtus arvalis obscurus in the studied area of the region. The circulation of the tularemia agent has been established in the population of common and social voles, forest mouse, hare, rook, Dermacentor marginatus, Hyalomma marginatum, removed from rooks. In May 2020, a high increase in the number of the social vole in the Remontnensky district (up to 21 %), in July 2020 – the common vole in the agrocenoses of the Sal’sky district (up to 33 %) was observed. An extensive epizooty of tularemia was detected in the population of common vole in the south-east of the Rostov Region and in adjacent territories in the Republic of Kalmykia and the Stavropol territory. Two cultures of the pathogen were isolated from the fallen and captured social voles, and four cultures – from the common vole. The isolated strains belong to the Holarctic subspecies of Francisella tularensis EryR. The results obtained attest to the activation of the natural tularemia focus in the south-east of the Rostov Region and its high epizootic activity

    Different approaches for interpretation and reporting of immunohistochemistry analysis results in the bone tissue – a review

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    Perspectives of cytomeres use in biology and medicine.

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    The law of the information structuregenesis is formulated: the information transforms into interaction, interaction into connection (link), and link into a new element. There is a dependence: the more signal is structured, the more informational potential it has. At a cell-like level greatest remote informogenesis have the fragments of the cytoplasm of cells surrounded by a cell-like membrane, i.e. cytomers. These are produced by many cells and migrate in all environments of an organism. The cytomers play an important role in immunological responses, inflammation, and tumor transformation. They are the predecessors of viruses, together with which they fulfill the role of universal informational code and provide informational integration between different levels of biosphere’s life organization into the united system.The new intercellular, intertissue and interorganic regeneration mechanism by the cytomers flow from regions of high functional load to regions with minimal functional load is described. The cytomers serve as an extracellular reserve to fulfill the needs of the cytoplasm regeneration of the cells. New pathogenetic algorithms of diseases development are based on a blockage of extravascular transport ways due to local informational (citomeric, trophical, immune etc.) deficit. A "pathogenic field" is formed because of extravasal transport ways blockage. This field limits the adaptive morphogenesis due to impossibility of structuring and proper arrangement of the informational streams