191 research outputs found

    Биохимический отклик двух видов рыб сем. Gobiidae на зараженность метацеркариями Cryptocotyle spp. в устье р. Чёрная (Чёрное море, Севастополь)

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    Изучен биохимический отклик двух видов рыб семейства бычковые – бычка-травяникаZosterisessor ophiocephalus (Pallas, 1814) и бычка-рыжика Ponticola eurycephalus (Kessler, 1874) на зараженность метацеркариями Cryptocotyle spp. в устье р. Чёрная (Чёрное море, Севастополь). Обнаружены видовые отличия ответной реакции биохимических параметров на зараженность рыб паразитами. Установлено, что при высоком уровне зараженности в мышцах бычка-рыжика происходит интенсификация процессов перекисного окисления липидов и ослабление антиоксидантной защиты, тогда как в мышцах бычка-травяника наблюдается повышение антиоксидантной ферментной активности. Предполагается, что травяник более устойчив к зараженности метацеркариями Cryptocotyle spp. по сравнению с рыжиком


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    A 2-dimensional virtual environment, populated with autonomous decision-making agents, was created. Agents evolve moving around the environment under their own autonomous control, gathering both resources necessary for survival and reproduction. 6 groups of possible behavioral strategies were sorted out and compared to real cyanobacterial strategies

    Features of the hemostasis system state in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis detected by the method of low-frequency vibration piezoelectric hemocoagulography

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    Objective: to estimate the state of the hemostasis system in patients with tuberculosis by the method of LPHC. Methods: the state of the hemostasis system in patients with tuberculosis was evaluated with the aid of the analyzer of the blood rheological properties ARP - 01 “Mednord” as well as by the use of a standard complex of laboratory coagulation tests. The indices characterizing the initial stages of the blood coagulation, the intensity of thrombin formation and fibrin polymerization was evaluated by the LPHC method as well as the indices, which characterize the intensity of the clot retraction and fibrinolytic activity. Results: the comparative analysis of the state of the hemostasis system with the use of a standard coagulogram and LPHC express method in patients with tuberculosis revealed the presence of the processes of the moderate hyper-coagulation shift and suppression of fibrinolysis in them. Conclusion: the comparative estimation of the state of the hemostasis system in patients with tubercular infection with the aid of the method of low-frequency vibration piezoelectric hemocoagulography and standard coagulation tests revealed unidirectionality of the processes. The determination of changes in the components of the regulation of aggregation of the blood condition (RABC) system by the LPHC method allows to diagnose the development of complications in the blood coagulation system in patients with tuberculosis without manifestations of the corresponding clinical symptoms

    Effect of weight loss on the course of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: results of 6-month follow-up

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    Aim of investigation. To study the effect of nonpharmaceutical correction of body weight on the level ofhigh cardio-vascular risk markers at non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).Material and methods. Overall 117 patients with NAFLD at steatosis stage combined to obesity or metabolic syndrome (MS) — 59 and 58 patents respectively, mean age 43 years (38 to 46 years) and 45 years (39- 49) were investigated. Levels of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism markers, TNF-α, leptin, adiponectin and nitric oxide (NO) metabolites were evaluated.Results. Weight loss for at least 5% was gained in 44,1% of patients with NAFLD in association to obesityand in 56,6% of those with NAFLD in combination to MS, that was accompanied by significant reduction of lipid atherogenic fraction levels (cholesterol, low density lipoproteins), decrease of insulin resistance index, CRP and TNF-α inflammation markers, and decrease of leptin concentration in MS group. Comparative analysis of adiponectin and NO metabolites concentration has shown demonstrated, that in patients with NAFLD both in combination to obesity, and in combination to MS the target level of weight loss is accompanied by elevation of adiponectin level (р<0,05) and NO stable metabolites (р<0,05), whereas concentration of nitrites is increased significantly (р<0,05) only in obese patients.Conclusions. Weight loss for 5% and over at steatosis stage of NAFLD is characterized by decrease ofbiochemical cardio-vascular risk markers, in addition the group with 40 min/day physical exercises inefficacy had lower level of insulin resistance index and TNF-α along with higher levels of NO metabolites

    Liver fibrosis and markers of endothelial function at metabolic syndrome and early disorders of carbohydrate metabolism

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    Aim of investigation. Complex estimation of endothelial function at non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in association with early disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, in relation to liver fibrosis severity.Material and methods. Overall 67 patients with metabolic syndrome (MS) in combination to early carbohydrate metabolism disorders (71,6% women), mean age was 47,5 (42–49 years), body mass index — 34,6 kg/m2 (32,4–38,4 kg/m2) were investigated. In 72% of patients presence of NAFLD at steatosis stage and in 18% —at non-alcoholic steatohepatitis stage was found.Results. In patients with MS in association to early disorders of carbohydrate metabolism liver fibrosis at F1 METAVIR stage was revealed in 25%, at F2 — in 16%, at F3 — in 13% and at F4 — in 1,5% of all cases. Along with increase of fibrosis stage progressive elevation of TNF-α (p=0,0265), IL-6 (p=0,0012) and endothelin-1 (p=0,0137) contents on background of decrease of adiponectin concentration (p=0,0026) and gain of humeral artery diameter after compression (p=0,005) was marked.Conclusions. Presence and severity of liver fibrosis at MS in combination to early disorders of carbohydrate metabolism are related to increase of proinflammatory cytokines, endothelin-1 concentration on a background of reduction of adiponectin contents and decrease of endothelium vasodilation capacity


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    Волога повітря, що видихається, привертає увагу як матеріал для вивчення біологічних компонентів. Пов'язано це з тим, що конденсат вологи повітря, що видихається (КВВП), формується в альвеолах легеневої тканини і його складові відображають стан місцевого гомеостазу системи дихання. Крім того, метод отримання КВВП належить до неінвазивних, що також привертає увагудослідників.У попередніх дослідженнях нами була показана діагностична цінність методу лазерної кореляційної спектроскопії (ЛКС) у дослідженнях біофізичних властивостей КВВП при захворюваннях органів дихання

    Pituitary tumor transforming gene-1 haplotypes and risk of pituitary adenoma: a case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has been suggested that pituitary adenoma results from accumulation of multiple genetic and/or epigenetic aberrations, which may be identified through association studies. As pituitary tumor transforming gene-1 (<it>PTTG1</it>)/securin plays a critical role in promoting genomic instability in pituitary neoplasia, the present study explored the association of <it>PTTG1 </it>haplotypes with the risk of pituitary adenoma.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We genotyped five <it>PTTG1 </it>haplotype-tagging SNPs (htSNP) by PCR-RFLP assays in a case-control study, which included 280 Han Chinese patients diagnosed with pituitary adenoma and 280 age-, gender- and geographically matched Han Chinese controls. Haplotypes were reconstructed according to the genotyping data and linkage disequilibrium status of the htSNPs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No significant differences in allele and genotype frequencies of the htSNPs were observed between pituitary adenoma patients and controls, indicating that none of the individual <it>PTTG1 </it>SNPs examined in this study is associated with the risk of pituitary adenoma. In addition, no significant association was detected between the reconstructed <it>PTTG1 </it>haplotypes and pituitary adenoma cases or the controls.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Though no significant association was found between <it>PTTG1 </it>haplotypes and the risk of pituitary adenoma, this is the first report on the association of individual <it>PTTG1 </it>SNPs or <it>PTTG1 </it>haplotypes with the risk of pituitary adenoma based on a solid study; it will provide an important reference for future studies on the association between genetic alterations in <it>PTTG1 </it>and the risk of pituitary adenoma or other tumors.</p

    Biochemical markers of high cardiovascular risk, insulin resistance and liver fibrosis in patients with obesity and metabolic syndrome

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    Obesity growth in all economically developed countries raises the interest to nonalchohol fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is found in 20-40% of adults and associated with cardiovascular disease riskincrease. This fact makes very important to study the processes that are associated with liver fibrosis intensity. Aim To investigate high cardiovascular risk biochemical markers in obese patients with metabolic syndrome in relation with liver fibrosis. Materials and methods We investigated 129 obese patients with metabolic syndrome aged from 27 to 59 years old ( Me - 44 years, Q1 - 38, Q3 - 47) and estimated fibrosis intensity (Metavir) correlation with lipid and glucose metabolism parameters. Results We found that fibrosis intensity is directly correlated to pro inflammatory cytokines plasma concentration. Thus, the most TNF-a, IL-6 и PAI-plasma levels were detected in patients with F3-4 and were significantly higher not only compared to F0- patients (p2.7). Meanwhile, no significant correlation of fibrosis to atherogenic lipid disorders is found (p>0.05). Conclusion Liver fibrosis is a prognostic criterion of elevated cardiovascular risk plasma biomarkers detection (TNF-a, IL-6 и PAI-1) with no significant correlation to glucose and lipid disorders.Увеличение количества людей с ожирением во всех экономически развитых странах мира, обуславливает рост интереса к проблеме НАЖБП, которая регистрируется у 20-40% взрослого населения и ассоциируется с увеличением риска ССЗ, что диктует необходимость изучения факторов взаимосвязанных интенсификацией процессов фиброзирования печени. Цель исследования. Изучить концентрацию биохимических маркеров высокого кардиоваскулярного риска у больных с ожирением и метаболическим синдромом, в зависимости от выраженности фиброза печени. Материалы и методы. Обследовано 129 больных с ожирением и метаболическим синдромом в возрасте от 27 до 59 лет (Me 44 года, Q1-38 Q3- 47 лет), которым проведена оценкавзаимосвязи выраженности фиброза (Metavir)c концентрацией маркеров воспаления, параметрами углеводного и липидного обмена. Результаты. Установлено, что степень фиброза прямо взаимосвязана с концентрацией провоспалительных цитокинов, так наибольшее содержание TNF-a, IL-6 и РАМ отмечено у больных с F3-4, при этом уровень данных цитокинов значимо превышал параметры не только группы со стадией фиброза F 0 (р 2,7), тогда как статистически значимой взаимосвязи фиброза с выраженностью атерогенных сдвигов липидного профиля не отмечается (р>0,05). Выводы. Наличие фиброза печени является прогностическим критерием повышенной вероятности определения высокой концентрации биохимическихмаркеров высокого кардиоваскулярного риска (TNF-a, IL-6 и РАМ), при отсутствии статистически значимых взаимосвязей с нарушениями липидного и углеводного обмена

    Epidemiological Situation on the Tick-Borne Viral Encephalitis in the Russian Federation in 2009-2011 and Prognosis for 2012

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    Analysis of the epidemiological situation on the tick-borne viral encephalitis in the territory of the Russian Federation with due consideration to weekly epidemiological monitoring data (2009-2011), conducted by Rospotrebnadzor organizations in the corresponding constituent entities, testifies of the fact that continuous decrease in morbidity, characteristic of the early XXI century, has given way to a slight increase within the past three years. Given that there are no spring or early-summer weather anomalies or forest fires, morbidity rates among the population of the Russian Federation in 2012 can tend to exceed 2011 rates. Comprehensive set of measures applied for the disease control and prevention in the majority of endemic territories is quite effective in view of averting sharp upturn of morbidity rates, but nevertheless is not sufficient in view of the suppression of epidemiological situation