788 research outputs found

    Photocatalytic asphalt mixtures: semiconductors' impact in skid resistance and texture

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    Photocatalytic asphalt mixtures have the capability of mitigating air quality problems and degrade oils/greases by using semiconductors. The techniques to do so can change their functional characteristics. This study aimed to analyse the functionalization effect on the essential surface characteristics, such as macrotexture, skid resistance, and microtexture. AC 14 and AC 6 mixtures were functionalised with nano-TiO2 and micro-ZnO by spraying and bulk incorporation. Mean Profile Depth, British Pendulum and microtexture amplitude parameters were evaluated. TiO2 application seemed to smooth the surface slightly. In dry condition, the skid resistance of functionalised asphalt and control mixtures was similar. In wet condition, the functionalization caused a maximum decrease of 7% in skid resistance. The amplitude parameters were not affected by any functionalization technique except the skewness of AC 14 with 6% TiO2 by bulk incorporation. Furthermore, the application of the semiconductors can be used without high impacts in texture and skid resistance.This work was partially financed by FCT (Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia) under the project [PTDC/FIS/120412/2010]: "Nanobased concepts for Innovative & Eco-sustainable constructive material's surfaces" and project [PEst-OE/ECI/UI4047/2014]. Also, the first author would like to acknowledge FCT for the PhD scholarship [SFRH/BD/137421/2018]

    Animal Performance in Signalgrass Monoculture or in Silvopastoral Systems

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    Silvopastoral systems (SPS) can increase overall productivity and long-term income due to the simultaneous production of trees, forage, and livestock. This 2-yr study evaluated animal performance and herbage responses in C4-grass monoculture or in SPS in the sub-humid tropical region of Brazil. The experimental design was randomized complete block with three replications. Treatments were: Urochloa decumbens (Stapf.) R. Webster (Signalgrass) + Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth (SPS-Mimosa); Signalgrass + Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp (SPS-Gliricidia); and Signalgrass monoculture (SM). Response variables included herbage and livestock responses. Cattle were managed under continuous stocking with variable stocking rate. There was interaction between treatment Ă— month for herbage mass. Green herbage accumulation rate ranged from 20 to 80 kg DM ha-1d-1 across months, with SPS-Mimosa presenting lower rates. Average daily gain was greater in SPS-Gliricidia, followed by SM, and SPS-Mimosa, respectively (0.77; 0.56; 0.23 kg d-1), varying across months. Stocking rate ranged from 0.86 to 1.6 AU ha-1. Total gain per area during the experimental period was greater for SPS-Gliricidia (423 kg BW ha-1), followed by signalgrass in monoculture (347 kg BW ha-1), and SPS-Mimosa (50 kg BW ha-1). Silvopasture systems using signalgrass and gliricidia enhanced livestock gains compared with signalgrass in monoculture, and mimosa trees outcompeted signalgrass, reducing livestock gains. Silvopasture systems with tree legumes have potential to provide numerous ecosystem services and reduce C footprint of livestock systems in the tropics, however, the choice of tree species is key and determined by which ecosystem service is prioritized

    LHC and lepton flavour violation phenomenology of a left-right extension of the MSSM

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    We study the phenomenology of a supersymmetric left-right model, assuming minimal supergravity boundary conditions. Both left-right and (B-L) symmetries are broken at an energy scale close to, but significantly below the GUT scale. Neutrino data is explained via a seesaw mechanism. We calculate the RGEs for superpotential and soft parameters complete at 2-loop order. At low energies lepton flavour violation (LFV) and small, but potentially measurable mass splittings in the charged scalar lepton sector appear, due to the RGE running. Different from the supersymmetric 'pure seesaw' models, both, LFV and slepton mass splittings, occur not only in the left- but also in the right slepton sector. Especially, ratios of LFV slepton decays, such as Br(τ~R→μχ10{\tilde\tau}_R \to \mu \chi^0_1)/Br(τ~L→μχ10{\tilde\tau}_L \to \mu \chi^0_1) are sensitive to the ratio of (B-L) and left-right symmetry breaking scales. Also the model predicts a polarization asymmetry of the outgoing positrons in the decay μ+→e+γ\mu^+ \to e^+ \gamma, A ~ [0,1], which differs from the pure seesaw 'prediction' A=1$. Observation of any of these signals allows to distinguish this model from any of the three standard, pure (mSugra) seesaw setups.Comment: 43 pages, 17 figure

    Fitting Neutrino Physics with a U(1)_R Lepton Number

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    We study neutrino physics in the context of a supersymmetric model where a continuous R-symmetry is identified with the total Lepton Number and one sneutrino can thus play the role of the down type Higgs. We show that R-breaking effects communicated to the visible sector by Anomaly Mediation can reproduce neutrino masses and mixing solely via radiative contributions, without requiring any additional degree of freedom. In particular, a relatively large reactor angle (as recently observed by the Daya Bay collaboration) can be accommodated in ample regions of the parameter space. On the contrary, if the R-breaking is communicated to the visible sector by gravitational effects at the Planck scale, additional particles are necessary to accommodate neutrino data.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures; v2: references added, constraints updated, overall conclusions unchange

    Predicting volume of distribution with decision tree-based regression methods using predicted tissue:plasma partition coefficients

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    Background: Volume of distribution is an important pharmacokinetic property that indicates the extent of a drug's distribution in the body tissues. This paper addresses the problem of how to estimate the apparent volume of distribution at steady state (Vss) of chemical compounds in the human body using decision tree-based regression methods from the area of data mining (or machine learning). Hence, the pros and cons of several different types of decision tree-based regression methods have been discussed. The regression methods predict Vss using, as predictive features, both the compounds' molecular descriptors and the compounds' tissue:plasma partition coefficients (Kt:p) - often used in physiologically-based pharmacokinetics. Therefore, this work has assessed whether the data mining-based prediction of Vss can be made more accurate by using as input not only the compounds' molecular descriptors but also (a subset of) their predicted Kt:p values. Results: Comparison of the models that used only molecular descriptors, in particular, the Bagging decision tree (mean fold error of 2.33), with those employing predicted Kt:p values in addition to the molecular descriptors, such as the Bagging decision tree using adipose Kt:p (mean fold error of 2.29), indicated that the use of predicted Kt:p values as descriptors may be beneficial for accurate prediction of Vss using decision trees if prior feature selection is applied. Conclusions: Decision tree based models presented in this work have an accuracy that is reasonable and similar to the accuracy of reported Vss inter-species extrapolations in the literature. The estimation of Vss for new compounds in drug discovery will benefit from methods that are able to integrate large and varied sources of data and flexible non-linear data mining methods such as decision trees, which can produce interpretable models. Figure not available: see fulltext. © 2015 Freitas et al.; licensee Springer

    The Evolution of Compact Binary Star Systems

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    We review the formation and evolution of compact binary stars consisting of white dwarfs (WDs), neutron stars (NSs), and black holes (BHs). Binary NSs and BHs are thought to be the primary astrophysical sources of gravitational waves (GWs) within the frequency band of ground-based detectors, while compact binaries of WDs are important sources of GWs at lower frequencies to be covered by space interferometers (LISA). Major uncertainties in the current understanding of properties of NSs and BHs most relevant to the GW studies are discussed, including the treatment of the natal kicks which compact stellar remnants acquire during the core collapse of massive stars and the common envelope phase of binary evolution. We discuss the coalescence rates of binary NSs and BHs and prospects for their detections, the formation and evolution of binary WDs and their observational manifestations. Special attention is given to AM CVn-stars -- compact binaries in which the Roche lobe is filled by another WD or a low-mass partially degenerate helium-star, as these stars are thought to be the best LISA verification binary GW sources.Comment: 105 pages, 18 figure
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