25 research outputs found

    Mucormycose Otocerebrale: À Propos D\'un Cas

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    La mucormycose est une affection mycosique rare mais souvent fatale, survenant sur des terrains débilités. Elle est due à la prolifération de champignons cosmopolites de la famille de mucorales. Elle entraîne des lésions délabrantes et extensives des parties molles avec risque de thromboses vasculaires. Observation : nous rapportons l\'observation d\'une petite fille, âgée de 3 ans , issue d\'un mariage consanguin, hypotrophe, hospitalisée pour otite externe évoluant depuis 3 semaines. La patiente a bénéficié d\'une antromastoidectomie et a été mise sous antibiotiques. Devant une aggravation de l\'état local, avec extension de la nécrose et destruction du conduit auditif externe, une infection mycosique est fortement suspectée, sur un terrain particulier de déficit immunitaire probable. L\'examen parasitologique d\'un prélèvement local a mis en évidence la présence de filaments mycéliens dont la culture a isolé un Rhizopus oryzae, confirmé aussi par l\'étude anatomopathologique. L\'exploration de l\'immunité a mis en évidence un déficit de l\'immunitaire céllulaire.Un traitement par amphotéricine B était mal toléré (choc anaphylactique), l\'évolution spontanée était rapidement défavorable avec une extension locorégionale importante et une thrombophlébite du sinus latéral homolatéral, aboutissement au décés. Conclusion : la localisation oto cérebrale de la mucormycose est exeptionnelle, on doit y penser devant une otite externe maligne sur un terrain particulier. La prise en charge doit être urgente afin d\'augmenter les chances de survie.Mucormycosis is a relatively rare, potentially life-threatening, fungal infection. It occurs predominately in immunocompromised hosts. Vascular invasion, thrombosis and rapid ischemic necrosis of infected tissue are the most characteristic features of this pathology. Early diagnosis and consequently effective treatment are needed to save life in this fatal condition. Report: We report a case of otocerebral mucormycosis occurring in an hypotrophic 3-years old girl suffering from language retardation and chronic diarrhea. Immune system\'s exploration revealed a profound cell-mediated immunity defect. The diagnosis was suspected because of the rapidly extensive necrosis of the external ear conduct, the existence of lateral sinus thrombosis and the resistance to an aggressive antibiotic therapy.The diagnosis was confirmed by identifying Rhizopus oryzae by pathological examination of the necrotic tissue. Treatment by intravenous amphotericin B was certainly lately begun and unfortunately complicated by anaphylactic shock. Because no alternative drug was possible, such as liposomal amphotericin B, the girl rapidly died. Conclusion: Otocerebral mucormycosis is extremely rare.It must be considered when ear lesions are necrotic and rapidly extensive mainly in patients with predisposing conditions. Successful treatment requires tissue excision and early injection of amphotericin B, preferably in its liposomal presentation. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 16 2006: pp. 42-4

    The country of brand communication in the retail setting: An analysis of Italian products in China

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of country of brand (COB) communication within the retail environment of emerging markets. Drawing from the literature on store image, we developed a framework to analyse static and dynamic elements of COB communication. By adopting an inductive approach, we analysed COB use in a sample of 20 stores of Italian fashion brands in China using the mystery shopping technique. Given the increasing growth of e-retailing in China, the in-store observation is complemented by an analysis of the use of COB within the brand's local website and e-commerce page. In order to have a multi-layered representation of the phenomenon, in-depth interviews with managers of Italian firms in fashion industry are carried out. Findings confirm that retailing represents a primary communication channel for firms operating in China; however, the results of the participant observation show that COB is a cue information utilised only by a small percentage of the sample, mainly in a textual and iconic way. Managerial implications are discussed on the extent to which COB communication in store should be managed within an effective marketing strategy in line with the country and consumer characteristics in order to enhance the brand image in a growing market like China

    Predictors of smoking initiation among schoolchildren in Tunisia: a 4 years cohort study

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    Objective: To identify predictors of smoking initiation among non smoking Tunisian school children; and to propose efficient antismoking strategies in order to prevent smoking initiation. Methods: It was a cohort study surveying prospectively for four years pupils attending schools in Sousse city in Tunisia. 441 non smoking pupils aged 13-15 years attending secondary schools in Sousse. Data were collected by a self administered questionnaire during class session. Two ways cross tabulation, univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were the main analytical methods. Results: 57.1% of the surveyed population were girls, 42.9 % were boys. 63% had at least one of their peers who smoked. Before 1999, 16.6% had already tried to smoke, 29.5% had already experienced alcohol. In 2003, smoking prevalence was 17%. 4.8% were girls; 33.3% of boys; p<0,001). 69.9 % of these smokers declared that they would carry on smoking during the following five years. Predictors which were highly associated with smoking initiation were previous experimentation with alcohol and tobacco, having a smoking best friend, lack of sensitization from the part of the school, believing that smoking makes one feel cool and that tobacco shouldn&apos;t be forbidden in public places. Conclusion: Intervention programs should target young children to avoid experiencing the first cigarette. Multidisciplinary management including community and school based intervention highlighted by mass media campaigns may provide schoolchildren with skills to resist smoking peers prompts to adopt unhealthy habits such as smoking

    Genome sequence of Blastococcus saxobsidens DD2, a stone-inhabiting bacterium

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    Members of the genus Blastococcus have been isolated from sandstone monuments, as well as from sea, soil, plant, and snow samples. We report here the genome sequence of a member of this genus, Blastococcus saxobsidens strain DD2, isolated from below the surface of a Sardinian wall calcarenite stone sample. © 2012, American Society for Microbiology

    Genome sequence of radiation-resistant modestobacter marinus strain BC501, a representative actinobacterium that thrives on calcareous stone surfaces

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    Here we report the full genome sequence of Modestobacter marinus strain BC501, an actinobacterial isolate that thrives on stone surfaces. The generated chromosome is circular, with a length of 5.57 Mb and a G+C content of 74.13%, containing 5,445 protein-coding genes, 48 tRNAs, and 3 ribosomal operons. © 2012, American Society for Microbiology

    Esterase as an enzymatic signature of Geodermatophilaceae adaptability to Sahara desert stones and monuments

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    Aim: To assess esterase profiling of members of Geodermatophilaceae isolated from desert stones and monuments in Tunisia and Egypt. Methods and Results: Members of Geodermatophilaceae family isolated from desert stones and monuments in Tunisia and Egypt were characterized by partial 16S rRNA sequences. Twenty-five strains were clustered in three dissimilar groups of the genera Geodermatophilus (12 strains), Blastococcus (5 strains) and Modestobacter (3 strains). Isolates were also screened and typed based on major groups of esterase hydrolytic activity. Their esterase patterns were determined and compared to those of ten reference strains belonging to Geodermatophilaceae family. Strains exhibited a diverse and complex pattern of electrophoretic esterase bands, and 31 haplotypes were obtained for the 35 investigated strains. Esterases produced by members of Geodermatophilaceae family have an optimal activity around 40 degrees C and at pH 8. Esterases from Geodermatophilus strains display a high resistance to thermal inactivation and alkaline pH and retaining 30 and 20% of activity after heating for 20 min at 120 degrees C and at pH 12, respectively, and were completely inactivated after 30 min at 120 degrees C. Enzyme activity has been strongly activated in the presence of Ca2+and Mg2+ ions and moderately by Zn2+ and was markedly inhibited by Cu2+ and Co2+ ions. Conclusions: Geodermatophilaceae isolates share a rich and particular pool of esterase activities that could be directly linked to harsh conditions characterizing their ecological habitat including high level of aridity, temperature, ionic strength and low nutrient availability. Significance and Impact of the Study: Esterase could be considered as enzymatic signature that outlines adaptability of Geodermatophilaceae in arid area