675 research outputs found

    The effect of the relative nuclear size on the nucleus-nucleus interactions

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    The experimental data on the interactions of light nuclei (d, He(4), C(12)) at the momentum 4.2 GeV/cA with the carbon nuclei were taken in the 2-m propane bubble chamber. The distributions in the number of interacting nucleons, the spectra of protons, the mean energies of secondary pions and protons, the mean fractions of energy transferred to the pion and nucleon components are presented. The results of the investigation of the mechanism of nucleus-nucleus interactions can be used to calculate the nuclear cascades in the atmosphere

    Nominalization in linguocultural paradigm of chronicles

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    This paper deals with ways of representing linguistic consciousness of the Middle Ages' people with the help of word formation methods. It identifies key mechanisms of derivation process in a nominalization; it identifies the derivative forms the most important for the culture and traditions. It shows the role of derivatives in the formation of two main centers of word formation system - the field of action and field of worker, on a material of chronicles. It analyzes the ability of word formation types to reflect the conceptual significance of the concept of the worldview. It reveals the mechanisms of interaction of linguistic and extra linguistic reality. It determines the specificity of national representations of the human world of the Middle Ages as a result of linguistic and cultural approach to the study of linguistic units

    Adjective великий in the linguistic world-image of Russian medieval period (On the material of chronicles)

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    © 2017, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved. The following article examines the place and the role of the adjective великий in the Russian ethnocultural linguistic consciousness of the medieval period. One defines its role in the conceptualization and categorization of the phenomena of the extralinguistic reality reflected in the annalistic texts. One analyzes the special aspects of syntagmatic connections of the adjective великий, classifies the objects it is correlated with and determines its referential field in the Old Russian language. The special axiological status of the adjective великий is associated with the system of values relevant to the language of the medieval culture and the special value-semantic status of the latter


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    The article deals with the content peculiarities of the Russian texts generated by the Komi-Permyak bilinguals. While the first contacts of Komi-Permyaks and Russians took place over 500 years ago, until now the influence of the languages and cultures on each other is sufficiently strong. The researched material is the culturally significant referential situations which are pointed by the Komi-Permyaks in the Russian language spontaneous narratives (stories about themselves). The analysis of culturally significant referential situations in texts represents the biculturalism of Komi-Permyaks and demonstrates that now the national identity of Komi-Permyaks is connected with their natural language (KomiPermyak) and the place of residence of the most Komi-Permyaks – the KomiPermyak National District, native nature and habitual rural lifestyles.В статье рассматривают особенности содержания текстов билингвов-коми-пермяков на русском языке. Хотя коми-пермяцко-русские контакты насчитывают более 500 лет, до сих пор влияние языков и культур друг на друга достаточно велико. Материалом исследования послужили культурно значимые референтные ситуации, отмечаемые коми-пермяками в спонтанных нарративах (рассказах о себе) на русском языке. Анализ упоминания культурно значимых референтных ситуаций в текстах свидетельствует о бикультурализме коми-пермяков и о том, что на современном этапе их национальная идентичность связана прежде всего с родным коми-пермяцким языком, а также с ассоциированием себя с местом проживания большинства коми-пермяков – Коми-пермяцким национальным округом, родной природой и привычным деревенским укладом жизни

    Nominalization in linguocultural paradigm of chronicles

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    This paper deals with ways of representing linguistic consciousness of the Middle Ages' people with the help of word formation methods. It identifies key mechanisms of derivation process in a nominalization; it identifies the derivative forms the most important for the culture and traditions. It shows the role of derivatives in the formation of two main centers of word formation system-the field of action and field of worker, on a material of chronicles. It analyzes the ability of word formation types to reflect the conceptual significance of the concept of the worldview. It reveals the mechanisms of interaction of linguistic and extra linguistic reality. It determines the specificity of national representations of the human world of the Middle Ages as a result of linguistic and cultural approach to the study of linguistic units


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    In article the sociocultural and linguistic component of speech of residents of Solikamsk of Perm region is discussed. The brief information in many respects explaining the developed language's culture of the city is given. The considerable stratum of lexical units of dialect origin is shown. The model of proficiency in a language is constructed by a local word. Research showed that the use of lokalizm (local word) in literary speech depends on various social factors; it is connected with unevenness of development of language in time and space


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    The social approach to the facts of the language is not new in the history of linguistics at the same time it cannot be called to be out-of-date. Nowadays it’s impossible either to set or solve many of linguistic issues without interpreting and studying various social factors. Studying urban speech (slang) focuses not only on studying sublanguage systems but also on language functioning. That said speech is treated as a separate entity with its own formal features and semantics. Communication is essentially determined by social interaction. Studying oral speech in different Russian towns (such as Saratov, Yekaterinburg, Chelyiabinsk etc.) contributes to theoretical background for urban dialects dictionary with the emphasis being made on the lexicographic technique which is widely used to describe oral speech and its peculiarities. Lexicography, being a linguistics tool, has a great potential, for the emphasis on word usage contributes to the appearance of dictionaries representing the interests of their various users. The goal of these dictionaries (for example Jargon dictionary professional lexicon, urban speech as a whole etc) is to demonstrate the way a speech unit functions. The article presents a possible dictionary classification and gives a detailed description of the glossary of Perm localisms being written in Perm State University, In addition to the traditional information a dictionary entry describes the way localisms are formed, the information about age group, social strata and the area typical of such localism. The information contained in a dictionary entry results in a new type of lexicographic dictionary


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    Article is constructed on the basis of two experiments. The first experiment describes influence of sociobiological factors of the person on the text created by him. In the second experiment the private model of sociolect is shown. Both experiments are aimed at the description of social experience of speaker, being shown at syntactic level of speech


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    The description of the city language situation implies taking into consideration such phenomenon as a human. The statistic analysis used in the article aims at revealing factors influencing the usage of phonetic, lexical and syntactic units in the speech practice of the city dwellers. As a result the hierarchy of socio-, bio- and psychological factors (such as birthplace, education, profession, age, gender, character) determining the speaker speech behaviour is defined


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