76 research outputs found

    The Evolutionary Reorganization of Ontogeny and Origin of Multicellularity

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    The formation of morphogenetic mechanisms during emergence of multicellularity is discussed in this article

    A hydrothermal vent mite (Halacaridae, Acari) with a new Corynophrya species (Suctoria, Ciliophora), description of the suctorian and its distribution on the halacarid mite

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    Copidognathus nautilei Bartsch, 1997, from a hydrothermal vent field of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at about 13 degrees N, 45 degrees W and 4090 m depth, was infested with the suctorian Corynophrya abyssalis n. sp., with up to 58 epizoans per mite. The new suctorian has a sacciform body with seven longitudinal ribs, a compact macronucleus and up to 40 non-retractile tentacles. The budding is exogenous. The systematic position of the new species and the genus Corynophrya is discussed, as well as infestation rates and sites of suctorians on their halacarid hosts

    Suctorian ciliates (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibionts of stream-dwelling aquatic beetles (Coleoptera) and water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) in the southwestern Palaearctic region

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    Based on original data from recent research, numerous new records of the suctorian species living as epibionts on streamdwelling aquatic beetles (Coleoptera) and water mites (Acari, Hydrachnidia) in the southwestern Palaearctic area are given. The following species are reported for the first time for the national faunas: Setodiscophrya deplanata (Matthes, 1954) (Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey), Discophrya helmidis Matthes, 1954 (Montenegro, Turkey), Elatodiscophrya hochi (Matthes, 1954) (Bosnia and Hercegovina, Turkey), Periacineta buckei (Kent, 1881) (Montenegro, Greece), Discophrya lichtensteinii (Claparede & Lachmann, 1859) (Turkey, Iran). The characteristics of the suctorians as epibionts of stream-dwelling arthropods are briefly outlined

    Biotopic distribution of naked amoebas (protista) in ukrainian polissya area

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    Forty-one species of naked amoebas were found in the different types of waterbodies of Zhytomyr and Volyn’ parts of Ukrainian Polissya region. The major part of species of naked amoebas in this region demonstrated the prevalence to living in a certain type of water body that possible depends on the hydrochemical and trophic parameters of water. The limnetic and floodplain species complexes of amoebas are distinguished in Ukrainian Polissya

    The variability of exoskeleton elements in polyplacocystis ambigua (protista, centrohelida)

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    Article dealt with the investigation of variability of the scales of periplast in Polyplacocystis ambigua (Penard, 1904). New quantative character of periplast scale (wide of rim) was introduced. Renewed diagnosis of P. ambigua where the quantative characteristics of perilpast scales are taken into account is given

    New Records of Thecacineta cothurnioides and Trematosoma rotunda (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibionts on nematodes from the Indian Ocean

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    This article deals with the report of two suctorian ciliates species viz. Thecacineta cothurnioides Collin, 1909 and Trematosoma rotunda (Allgén, 1952 ) as epibionts on Tricoma sp. and Pseudochromadora sp. (Nematoda) respectively from Ratnagiri, west coast of India, Arabian Sea (Indian Ocean). Redescription of two species with distribution and nomenclatural notes are given. Both species are recorded here first time from Indian coast and the Indian Ocean. Genus Tricoma Cobb, 1894 is also recorded here first time as a host of Th. cothurnioides

    An overview of Suctorian ciliates (Ciliophora, Suctorea) as epibionts of halacarid mites (Acari, Halacaridae)

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    Scant information is available regarding the prevalence and distribution of suctorian ciliates on halacarid mites. However, using this limited information and data from our laboratory on the systematics, biology, ecology and distribution of suctorian ciliates that are epibionts of halacarid mites, we redescribed four suctorian species: Limnoricus ceter (Jankowski), Praethecacineta halacari (Schulz), Thecacineta calix (Schroder) and Acineta sulcata Dons. We also recognized Lissacineta allgeni Jankowski and Thecacineta allgeni (Jankowski) as synonyms of Praethecacineta halacari (Schluz), and Thecacineta laophontis Jankowski and Paracineta moebiusi Kahl as synonyms of Thecacineta calix (Schroder). Many suctorians have been reported, but not properly identified in the halacarid literature. So, we have attempted to identify those suctorians to species level. Lastly, the interactions between the suctorians and their hosts are also discussed and Praethecacineta halacari is also reported for the first time from the Indian coast

    Ecological spectrums of heterotrophic flagellates (protista) in water bodies of ukrainian polissya area

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    Dependence of 26 heterotrophic flagellate species development in central part of Ukrainian Polissya area from operating pH and concentrations of dissolved organic matter and oxygen in the waters is considered. Narrowing of existence spectrums in certain types of water body characteristic for some species of heterotrophic flagellates is stated; this peculiarity is strongly expressed in the bogs where specific complex of hydrochemical conditions to have a place

    The nutrition rates in peritrichous ciliates (Ciliophora, Peritrichia) under conditions of the treatment facilities of Zhytomir (Ukraine)

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    The article dealt with approbation of the method of peritrichous ciliates nutrition rate evaluation using the sqyare number of food vacuoles (SNFV) index

    Evolution, phylogeny and classification of Suctorea (Ciliophora)

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    The monograph is concerned with suctorian ciliates. Using the materials collected and generalizing all literary data available, the author has proposed original hypotheses of suctorians’ origin and the main regularities of the evolution of the taxa. A new scheme of phylogeny of Suctorea has also been elaborated. Based on this research a new system of the class Suctorea, including 4 subclasses, 15 orders, 2 suborders, 41 families and 124 genera, has been proposed