10,999 research outputs found

    The rotation of the planet Mercury

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    Rotation of planet Mercury from radar observation explained by solar gravitational torque on tidal deformation and equatorial plane asymmetr

    Positive and generalized positive real lemma for slice hyperholomorphic functions

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    In this paper we prove a quaternionic positive real lemma as well as its generalized version, in case the associated kernel has negative squares for slice hyperholomorphic functions. We consider the case of functions with positive real part in the half space of quaternions with positive real part, as well as the case of (generalized) Schur functions in the open unit ball

    Order-disorder phase change in embedded Si nano-particles

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    We investigated the relative stability of the amorphous vs crystalline nanoparticles of size ranging between 0.8 and 1.8 nm. We found that, at variance from bulk systems, at low T small nanoparticles are amorphous and they undergo to an amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition at high T. On the contrary, large nanoparticles recover the bulk-like behavior: crystalline at low T and amorphous at high T. We also investigated the structure of crystalline nanoparticles, providing evidence that they are formed by an ordered core surrounded by a disordered periphery. Furthermore, we also provide evidence that the details of the structure of the crystalline core depend on the size of the nanoparticleComment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    k-Dirac operator and parabolic geometries

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    The principal group of a Klein geometry has canonical left action on the homogeneous space of the geometry and this action induces action on the spaces of sections of vector bundles over the homogeneous space. This paper is about construction of differential operators invariant with respect to the induced action of the principal group of a particular type of parabolic geometry. These operators form sequences which are related to the minimal resolutions of the k-Dirac operators studied in Clifford analysis

    Boundary interpolation for slice hyperholomorphic Schur functions

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    A boundary Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem is posed and solved in the quaternionic setting. Given nonnegative real numbers κ1,,κN\kappa_1, \ldots, \kappa_N, quaternions p1,,pNp_1, \ldots, p_N all of modulus 11, so that the 22-spheres determined by each point do not intersect and pu1p_u \neq 1 for u=1,,Nu = 1,\ldots, N, and quaternions s1,,sNs_1, \ldots, s_N, we wish to find a slice hyperholomorphic Schur function ss so that limr1r(0,1)s(rpu)=suforu=1,,N,\lim_{\substack{r\rightarrow 1\\ r\in(0,1)}} s(r p_u) = s_u\quad {\rm for} \quad u=1,\ldots, N, and limr1r(0,1)1s(rpu)su1rκu,foru=1,,N.\lim_{\substack{r\rightarrow 1\\ r\in(0,1)}}\frac{1-s(rp_u)\overline{s_u}}{1-r}\le\kappa_u,\quad {\rm for} \quad u=1,\ldots, N. Our arguments relies on the theory of slice hyperholomorphic functions and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces

    Regular Moebius transformations of the space of quaternions

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    Let H be the real algebra of quaternions. The notion of regular function of a quaternionic variable recently presented by G. Gentili and D. C. Struppa developed into a quite rich theory. Several properties of regular quaternionic functions are analogous to those of holomorphic functions of one complex variable, although the diversity of the quaternionic setting introduces new phenomena. This paper studies regular quaternionic transformations. We first find a quaternionic analog to the Casorati-Weierstrass theorem and prove that all regular injective functions from H to itself are affine. In particular, the group Aut(H) of biregular functions on H coincides with the group of regular affine transformations. Inspired by the classical quaternionic linear fractional transformations, we define the regular fractional transformations. We then show that each regular injective function from the Alexandroff compactification of H to itself is a regular fractional transformation. Finally, we study regular Moebius transformations, which map the unit ball B onto itself. All regular bijections from B to itself prove to be regular Moebius transformations.Comment: 12 page