102 research outputs found

    PM2.5 Size Distribution and Characterization by Carbon Isotope in Tuscany (Italy)

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    This study is focused on the numerical distribution and isotopic description of PM2.5 developed within the PATOS II (Particolato Atmosferico TOScana) regional project about the characterization and source apportionment of atmospheric aerosol (PM2.5) in Tuscany. PM isotopic analysis can play an important role in the individuation of primary and secondary sources and also in the determination of the natural/biogenic or anthropogenic/combustion contribution to the measured concentration. In addition, the PM2.5 particle number concentrations and the relative contribution of ultrafine particles are interpreted to identify the emission sources, the main atmospheric processes and the factors related with the dispersion of atmospheric pollutants. The analytical results in term of δ13C parameter show a greater variability in the urban and suburban background sites than in the urban traffic site, where the δ13C parameter does not vary significantly: this could be strictly correlated with traffic emissions and independently from the total particles number. On the contrary, urban and suburban background sites are affected by the meteorology and atmospheric processes. For this reason we can observe a wider variability in the δ13C values due to the contribution of different emissions sources. Despite all, in urban background we can observe lower δ13C values related with high number of total particles; this effect could be related with a traffic emission transport, because the δ13C parameter is similar to the δ13C value of urban traffic site

    Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental reconstruction from Lakes Ohrid and Prespa (Macedonia/Albania border) using stable isotopes

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    Here we present stable isotope data from three sediment records from lakes that lie along the Macedonian-Albanian border (Lake Prespa: 1 core, and Lake Ohrid: 2 cores). The records only overlap for the last 40 kyr, although the longest record contains the MIS 5/6 transition (Lake Ohrid). The sedimentary characteristics of both lakes differ significantly between the glacial and interglacial phases. At the end of MIS 6 Lake Ohrid's water level was low (high δ18Ocalcite) and, although productivity was increasing (high calcite content), the carbon supply was mainly from inorganic catchment rock sources (high δ13Ccarb). During the last interglacial, calcite and TOC production and preservation increased, progressively lower δ18Ocalcite suggest increase in humidity and lake levels till around 115 ka. During ca. 80 ka to 11 ka the lake records suggest cold conditions as indicated by negligible calcite precipitation and low organic matter content. In Lake Ohrid δ13Corg are complacent, in contrast Lake Prespa shows consistently higher δ13Corg suggesting a low oxidation of 13C-depleted organic matter in agreement with a general deterioration of climate conditions during the glacial. From 15 ka to the onset of the Holocene, calcite and TOC begin to increase, suggesting lake levels were probably low (high δ18Ocalcite). In the Holocene (11 ka to present) enhanced productivity is manifested by high calcite and organic matter content. All three cores show an early Holocene characterised by low δ18Ocalcite, apart from the very early Holocene phase in Prespa where the lowest δ18Ocalcite occurs at ca. 7.5 ka, suggesting a phase of higher lake level only in (the more sensitive) Lake Prespa. From 6 ka δ18Ocalcite suggest progressive aridification, in agreement with many other records in the Mediterranean, although the uppermost sediments in one core records low δ18Ocalcite which we interpret as a result of human activity. Overall, the isotope data present here confirm that these two big lakes have captured the large scale, low frequency palaeoclimate variation that is seen in Mediterranean lakes, although in detail there is much palaeoclimate information that could be gained, especially small scale, high frequency differences between this region and the Mediterranean

    The 4.2 ka event in the central Mediterranean: new data from a Corchia speleothem (Apuan Alps, central Italy)

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    Abstract. We present new data on the 4.2 ka event in the central Mediterranean from Corchia Cave (Tuscany, central Italy) stalagmite CC27. The stalagmite was analyzed for stable isotopes (δ13C and δ18O) and trace elements (Mg, U, P, Y), with all proxies showing a coherent phase of reduced cave recharge between ca. 4.5 and 4.1 ka BP. Based on the current climatological data on cyclogenesis, the reduction in cave recharge is considered to be associated with the weakening of the cyclone center located in the Gulf of Genoa in response to reduced advection of air masses from the Atlantic during winter. These conditions, which closely resemble a positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) type of configuration, are associated with cooler and wetter summers with reduced sea warming, which reduced the western Mediterranean evaporation during autumn–early winter, further reducing precipitation

    Insight into summer drought in southern Italy: palaeohydrological evolution of Lake Pergusa (Sicily) in the last 6700 years

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    The Sicily region (central Mediterranean) is at high risk of drying and desertification caused by current warming and land management. The aim of this study is to place current climatic changes within the past trajectories and natural climatic variability of the Holocene. For this we re-examine a sediment core retrieved at Lake Pergusa covering the last ca. 6700 years. A multiproxy investigation, and in particular the oxygen isotope composition of lacustrine carbonate (delta O-18(c)), allowed us to reconstruct decadal- to centennial-scale hydrological changes. The wettest period occurred between ca. 6700 and 6000 cal a bp. The delta O-18(c) record indicates a new period of wetter conditions between ca. 3700 and 2400 cal a bp. In particular, a delta O-18(c) minimum between 2850 and 2450 cal a bp overlaps with the period of the 'Great Solar Minimum' and corresponds to a dramatic reduction of arboreal pollen (AP%) and to an increase in synanthropic pollen, marking the onset of Greek colonization in the region. The longest driest interval corresponds to the Medieval Climate Anomaly, whereas the highest delta O-18(c) values are recorded in the last 150 years. The trend of the last 3000 years suggests that, considering future climate projections, the area will experience unprecedented drying exacerbated by human impact

    Partitioning of Mg, Sr, Ba and U into a subaqueous calcite speleothem

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    The trace-element geochemistry of speleothems is becoming increasingly used for reconstructing palaeoclimate, with a particular emphasis on elements whose concentrations vary according to hydrological conditions at the cave site (e.g. Mg, Sr, Ba and U). An important step in interpreting trace-element abundances is understanding the underlying processes of their incorporation. This includes quantifying the fractionation between the solution and speleothem carbonate via partition coefficients (where the partitioning (D) of element X (DX) is the molar ratio [X/Ca] in the calcite divided by the molar ratio [X/Ca] in the parent water) and evaluating the degree of spatial variability across time-constant speleothem layers. Previous studies of how these elements are incorporated into speleothems have focused primarily on stalagmites and their source waters in natural cave settings, or have used synthetic solutions under cave-analogue laboratory conditions to produce similar dripstones. However, dripstones are not the only speleothem types capable of yielding useful palaeoclimate information. In this study, we investigate the incorporation of Mg, Sr, Ba and U into a subaqueous calcite speleothem (CD3) growing in a natural cave pool in Italy. Pool-water measurements extending back 15 years reveal a remarkably stable geochemical environment owing to the deep cave setting, enabling the calculation of precise solution [X/Ca]. We determine the trace element variability of ‘modern’ subaqueous calcite from a drill core taken through CD3 to derive DMg, DSr, DBa and DU then compare these with published cave, cave-analogue and seawater-analogue studies. The DMg for CD3 is anomalously high (0.042 ± 0.002) compared to previous estimates at similar temperatures (∼8 °C). The DSr (0.100 ± 0.007) is similar to previously reported values, but data from this study as well as those from Tremaine and Froelich (2013) and Day and Henderson (2013) suggest that [Na/Sr] might play an important role in Sr incorporation through the potential for Na to outcompete Sr for calcite non-lattice sites. DBa in CD3 (0.086 ± 0.008) is similar to values derived by Day and Henderson (2013) under cave-analogue conditions, whilst DU (0.013 ± 0.002) is almost an order of magnitude lower, possibly due to the unusually slow speleothem growth rates (<1 μm a−1), which could expose the crystal surfaces to leaching of uranyl carbonate. Finally, laser-ablation ICP-MS analysis of the upper 7 μm of CD3, regarded as ‘modern’ for the purposes of this study, reveals considerable heterogeneity, particularly for Sr, Ba and U, which is potentially indicative of compositional zoning. This reinforces the need to conduct 2D mapping and/or multiple laser passes to capture the range of time-equivalent elemental variations prior to palaeoclimate interpretation

    Five decades of terrestrial and freshwater research at Ny-Ã…lesund, Svalbard

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    For more than five decades, research has been conducted at Ny-Ã…lesund, in Svalbard, Norway, to understand the structure and functioning of High-Arctic ecosystems and the profound impacts on them of environmental change. Terrestrial, freshwater, glacial and marine ecosystems are accessible year-round from Ny-Ã…lesund, providing unique opportunities for interdisciplinary observational and experimental studies along physical, chemical, hydrological and climatic gradients. Here, we synthesize terrestrial and freshwater research at Ny-Ã…lesund and review current knowledge of biodiversity patterns, species population dynamics and interactions, ecosystem processes, biogeochemical cycles and anthropogenic impacts. There is now strong evidence of past and ongoing biotic changes caused by climate change, including negative effects on populations of many taxa and impacts of rain-on-snow events across multiple trophic levels. While species-level characteristics and responses are well understood for macro-organisms, major knowledge gaps exist for microbes, invertebrates and ecosystem-level processes. In order to fill current knowledge gaps, we recommend (1) maintaining monitoring efforts, while establishing a long-term ecosystem-based monitoring programme; (2) gaining a mechanistic understanding of environmental change impacts on processes and linkages in food webs; (3) identifying trophic interactions and cascades across ecosystems; and (4) integrating long-term data on microbial, invertebrate and freshwater communities, along with measurements of carbon and nutrient fluxes among soils, atmosphere, freshwaters and the marine environment. The synthesis here shows that the Ny-Ã…lesund study system has the characteristics needed to fill these gaps in knowledge, thereby enhancing our understanding of High-Arctic ecosystems and their responses to environmental variability and change

    Five decades of terrestrial and freshwater research at Ny-Ã…lesund, Svalbard

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    For more than five decades, research has been conducted at Ny-Alesund, in Svalbard, Norway, to understand the structure and functioning of High Arctic ecosystems and the profound impacts on them of environmental change. Terrestrial, freshwater, glacial and marine ecosystems are accessible year-round from Ny-Alesund, providing unique opportunities for interdisciplinary observational and experimental studies along physical, chemical, hydrological and climatic gradients. Here, we synthesize terrestrial and freshwater research at Ny-Alesund and review current knowledge of biodiversity patterns, species population dynamics and interactions, ecosystem processes, biogeochemical cycles and anthropogenic impacts. There is now strong evidence of past and ongoing biotic changes caused by climate change, including negative effects on populations of many taxa and impacts of rain-on-snow events across multiple trophic levels. While species-level characteristics and responses are well understood for macro-organisms, major knowledge gaps exist for microbes, invertebrates and ecosystem-level processes. In order to fill current knowledge gaps, we recommend (1) maintaining monitoring efforts, while establishing a longterm ecosystem-based monitoring programme; (2) gaining a mechanistic understanding of environmental change impacts on processes and linkages in food webs; (3) identifying trophic interactions and cascades across ecosystems; and (4) integrating long-term data on microbial, invertebrate and freshwater communities, along with measurements of carbon and nutrient fluxes among soils, atmosphere, freshwaters and the marine environment. The synthesis here shows that the Ny-Alesund study system has the characteristics needed to fill these gaps in knowledge, thereby enhancing our understanding of High-Arctic ecosystems and their responses to environmental variability and change

    Biodiversity responses to Lateglacial climate change in the subdecadally-resolved record of Lake Hämelsee (Germany)

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    Anthropogenically-driven climate warming and land use change are the main causes of an ongoing decrease in global biodiversity. It is unclear how ecosystems, particularly freshwater habitats, will respond to such continuous and potentially intensifying disruptions. Here we analyse how different components of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems responded to natural climate change during the Lateglacial. By applying a range of analytical techniques (sedimentology, palaeoecology, geochemistry) to the well-dated sediment archive from Lake Hämelsee (Germany), we show evidence for vegetation development, landscape dynamics and aquatic ecosystem change typical for northwest Europe during the Lateglacial. By particularly focussing on periods of abrupt climate change, we determine the timing and duration of changes in biodiversity in response to external forcing. We show that onsets of changes in biodiversity indicators (e.g. diatom composition, Pediastrum concentrations) lag changes in environmental records (e.g. loss-on-ignition) by a few decades, particularly at the Allerød/ Younger Dryas transition. Most biodiversity indicators showed transition times of 10–50 years, whereas environmental records typically showed a 50–100 year long transition. In some cases, transition times observed for the compositional turnover or productivity records were up to 185 years, which could have been the result of the combined effects of direct (e.g. climate) and indirect (e.g. lake stratification) drivers of ecosystem change. Our results show differences in timing and duration of biodiversity responses to external disturbances, suggesting that a multi-decadal view needs to be taken when designing effective conservation management of freshwater ecosystems under current global warming
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