1,078 research outputs found

    Tomographic approach to the violation of Bell's inequalities for quantum states of two qutrits

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    The tomographic method is employed to investigate the presence of quantum correlations in two classes of parameter-dependent states of two qutrits. The violation of some Bell's inequalities in a wide domain of the parameter space is shown. A comparison between the tomographic approach and a recent method elaborated by Wu, Poulsen and Molmer shows the better adequacy of the former method with respect to the latter one.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Dealing with Qualitative and Quantitative Features in Legal Domains

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    In this work, we enrich a formalism for argumentation by including a formal characterization of features related to the knowledge, in order to capture proper reasoning in legal domains. We add meta-data information to the arguments in the form of labels representing quantitative and qualitative data about them. These labels are propagated through an argumentative graph according to the relations of support, conflict, and aggregation between arguments.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1903.0186

    Usefulness of image guidance in the surgical treatment of petrous apex cholesterol granuloma

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    The petrous apex is a pyramid-shaped structure, located medial to the inner ear and the intrapetrous segment of the internal carotid artery. Lesions of the petrous apex can be surgically treated through different surgical routes. Because of the important neurovascular structures located inside the temporal bone, anatomical 3D knowledge is paramount. For this reason, image-guided surgery could represent a useful tool. We report the case of a young woman who came to our observation for a trigeminal neuralgia due to a petrous apex cholesterol granuloma. The lesion was treated through the placement of a drainage tube via an infracochlear approach, with the aid of neuronavigation and intraoperative MRI. Preoperative CT scan images and intraoperative MRI images were fused for surgical planning. The accuracy of the neuronavigation system has proved to be good, and the safety of the procedure was enhanced. Therefore, neuronavigation and intraoperative MRI, though not available in all neurootological centres, should be considered useful tools in these challenging procedures

    A computationally fast alternative to cross-validation in penalized Gaussian graphical models

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    We study the problem of selection of regularization parameter in penalized Gaussian graphical models. When the goal is to obtain a model with good predicting power, cross validation is the gold standard. We present a new estimator of Kullback-Leibler loss in Gaussian Graphical model which provides a computationally fast alternative to cross-validation. The estimator is obtained by approximating leave-one-out-cross validation. Our approach is demonstrated on simulated data sets for various types of graphs. The proposed formula exhibits superior performance, especially in the typical small sample size scenario, compared to other available alternatives to cross validation, such as Akaike’s information criterion and Generalized approximate cross validation. We also show that the estimator can be used to improve the performance of the BIC when the sample size is small

    Effetti degli oli essenziali di agrumi applicati in post-emergenza sul controllo delle infestanti e sulla comunit\ue0 microbica del suolo

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    Sebbene gli erbicidi sintetici ad oggi siano il mezzo pi\uf9 utilizzato per il controllo delle erbe infestanti, \ue8 ampiamente dimostrato che essi hanno un impatto negativo sul suolo, sull'ambiente e, inoltre, iniziano a manifestarsi fenomeni di resistenza. Pertanto, \ue8 importante sviluppare mezzi alternativi che siano al contempo efficaci e rispettosi dell\u2019ambiente. Gli olii essenziali estratti dalle piante sono stati da sempre utilizzati per molteplici usi come agenti battericidi, virucidi, fungicidi, insetticidi, medicinali e cosmetici. Diversi studi hanno dimostrato tali attivit\ue0 degli oli essenziali estratti dagli agrumi, ma scarsi sono gli studi che hanno investigato il loro potenziale uso come erbicidi. Inoltre, anche se diversi studi hanno dimostrato un effetto antimicrobico, tali studi sono stati condotti prevalentemente in vitro e non in vivo. Obiettivo del presente lavoro \ue8 stato quello di valutare la potenzialit\ue0 degli oli essenziali estratti dalle bucce di limone e arancia i) per limitare lo sviluppo delle erbe infestanti e ii) il loro effetto sulla comunit\ue0 microbica del suolo. Gli oli essenziali testati sono stati estratti per idrodistillazione e con pressa a freddo: LI e AI, olio essenziale di limone e arancio, rispettivamente, estratti con pressa a freddo; LU e AU, olio essenziale di limone e arancio, rispettivamente, estratti tramite idrodistillazione. Ai fini del presente lavoro, il suolo utilizzato \ue8 stato prelevato presso un campo sperimentale dell'Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Palermo. Dopo il prelievo, il suolo \ue8 stato essiccato all'aria e setacciato con setaccio con fori del diametro di un centimetro. Successivamente, 500 grammi di suolo sono stati posti in 20 vaschette di alluminio (10 7 20 cm) ed incubati in condizioni naturali. Durante l\u2019incubazione il suolo \ue8 stato mantenuto al 50% della sua capacit\ue0 idrica di campo (WHC). Dopo l\u2019emergenza delle piantine, ovvero alla comparsa della terza foglia (ventesimo giorno dall\u2019inizio dell\u2019incubazione), ciascun olio essenziale \ue8 stato applicato nebulizzandolo sulle piantine, a giorni alterni per una settimana (tre applicazioni in totale). Per ogni vaso e per ogni trattamento, sono stati applicati 5 mL di una soluzione contenente 1 L di acqua, 10 mL di olio essenziale e 1 mL di emulsionante. Nel suolo di controllo la soluzione applicata alle piantine non conteneva olio essenziale. Dopo 15 giorni dall\u2019ultima applicazione dei trattamenti, i suoli sono stati campionati in modo totale, setacciati ed analizzati per la determinazione del carbonio della biomassa microbica (metodo fumigazione-estrazione), respirazione basale (emissione di CO2) e struttura della comunit\ue0 microbica (analisi degli acidi grassi dei fosfolipidi). Inoltre, per ogni trattamento sono stati determinati alcuni parametri delle piante come peso secco e fresco totale, numero di specie e numero di piante per specie. In questo lavoro vengono riportati e discussi i principali risultati

    The Hidden Quantum Groups Symmetry of Super-renormalizable Gravity

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    In this paper we consider the relation between the super-renormalizable theories of quantum gravity (SRQG) studied in [arXiv:1110.5249v2, arXiv:1202.0008] and an underlying non-commutativity of spacetime. For one particular super-renormalizable theory we show that at linear level (quadratic in the Lagrangian) the propagator of the theory is the same we obtain starting from a theory of gravity endowed with {\theta}-Poincar\'e quantum groups of symmetry. Such a theory is over the so called {\theta}-Minkowski non-commuative spacetime. We shed new light on this link and show that among the theories considered in [arXiv:1110.5249v2, arXiv:1202.0008], there exist only one non-local and Lorentz invariant super-renormalizable theory of quantum gravity that can be described in terms of a quantum group symmetry structure. We also emphasize contact with pre-existent works in the literature and discuss preservation of the equivalence principle in our framework.Comment: 10 page

    Pair production in a strong slowly varying magnetic field: the effect of a background gravitational field

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    The production probability of an ee+e^--e^+ pair in the presence of a strong, uniform and slowly varying magnetic field is calculated by taking into account the presence of a background gravitational field. The curvature of the spacetime metric induced by the gravitational field not only changes the transition probabilities calculated in the Minkowski spacetime but also primes transitions that are strictly forbidden in absence of the gravitational field.Comment: 56 pages, no figure

    New exactly solvable relativistic models with anomalous interaction

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    A special class of Dirac-Pauli equations with time-like vector potentials of external field is investigated. A new exactly solvable relativistic model describing anomalous interaction of a neutral Dirac fermion with a cylindrically symmetric external e.m. field is presented. The related external field is a superposition of the electric field generated by a charged infinite filament and the magnetic field generated by a straight line current. In non-relativistic approximation the considered model is reduced to the integrable Pron'ko-Stroganov model.Comment: 20 pages, discussion of the possibility to test the model experimentally id added as an Appendix, typos are correcte

    Balance equations-based properties of the Rabi Hamiltonian

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    A stationary physical system satisfies peculiar balance conditions involving mean values of appropriate observables. In this paper we show how to deduce such quantitative links, named balance equations, demonstrating as well their usefulness in bringing to light physical properties of the system without solving the Schrodinger equation. The knowledge of such properties in the case of Rabi Hamiltonian is exploit to provide arguments to make easier the variational engineering of the ground state of this model.Comment: Accepted for publication on Journal of Russian Laser Researc

    A continued fraction based approach for the Two-photon Quantum Rabi Model

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    We study the Two Photon Quantum Rabi Model by way of its spectral functions and survival probabilities. This approach allows numerical precision with large truncation numbers, and thus exploration of the spectral collapse. We provide independent checks and calibration of the numerical results by studying an exactly solvable case and comparing the essential qualitative structure of the spectral functions. We stress that the large time limit of the survival probability provides us with an indicator of spectral collapse, and propose a technique for the detection of this signal in the current and upcoming quantum simulations of the model