956 research outputs found

    Model of block media taking into account internal friction

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    The block medium is modeled by a discrete-periodic spatial lattice of masses connected by elastic springs and viscous dampers. To describe the viscoelastic behavior of the interblock layers, a rheological model of internal friction with two Maxwell elements and one Voigt element with the quality factor of the material as the determining parameter is proposed. Numerical experiments show that, within the framework of this interlayer model, it is possible to select the viscosity and stiffness of the Maxwell and Voigt elements so that the quality factor of the material differs from the given constant value by no more than 5%. In the one-dimensional case, within the framework of the proposed model, the influence of the quality factor on the dispersion properties of a block medium is studied and it is shown that the greatest effect of the quality factor on the dispersion is observed in the low-frequency part of the spectrum. In the three-dimensional case, within the framework of the proposed model, some geomechanical problems are numerically studied for a block half-space under the action of a surface concentrated vertical load. Namely, the attenuation of the velocity amplitudes of surface blocks was studied depending on the Q-factor under step action and under the action of a Gaussian pulse. In addition, we study a layer on the surface of a half-space under the action of a concentrated vertical impulse load in the case when both the layer and the half-space are block media but have different properties.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Role of Corporate Culture in Model of Logic Levels of Organization

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    The article deals with the level of corporate culture in a model of logic levels of the organization. The modern organization is influenced by the external factors, and therefore it should have the ability to form and accumulate potential for corporate culture in order to ensure a timely response to the external environment and effectively manage the operation and development of numerous elements and subsystems of the organization


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    Using fractal analysis is an excellent alternative method for decode the seismic noise structure. Fractal analysis of microseismic noise could also be an appropriate method to detect earthquake indicators. The scientific goal is to detect standard signals, based on different earthquakes’ focal mechanisms, separating the "individual" behavior of the elements of the monitoring systems.The method for describing low-frequency microseismic noise from the network of seismic stations in a seismically active region of the Vrancea used. Seismic records of twenty-three broadband stations were analyzed, situated at distances of 20 to 500 km from the Vrancea earthquakes whit magnitudes Mw=5.7 and Mw=5.6 on September 23 and December 27, 2016, respectively. The daily assessment values of three multifractal parameters (characteristics of the multifractal singularity spectra of the waveform) from each station used for the description.The present paper is a continuation of previous work [Oynakov et al., 2019], where the effects of synchronization in the low-frequency microseismic field were found before the Vrancea earthquake with magnitude Mp=5.6 on October 28, 2019.The study shows that the noise coherence measure increased for stations, closer to the epicenter. However, the question of the source of this coherence remains open.Using fractal analysis is an excellent alternative method for decode the seismic noise structure. Fractal analysis of microseismic noise could also be an appropriate method to detect earthquake indicators. The scientific goal is to detect standard signals, based on different earthquakes’ focal mechanisms, separating the "individual" behavior of the elements of the monitoring systems.The method for describing low-frequency microseismic noise from the network of seismic stations in a seismically active region of the Vrancea used. Seismic records of twenty-three broadband stations were analyzed, situated at distances of 20 to 500 km from the Vrancea earthquakes whit magnitudes Mw=5.7 and Mw=5.6 on September 23 and December 27, 2016, respectively. The daily assessment values of three multifractal parameters (characteristics of the multifractal singularity spectra of the waveform) from each station used for the description.The present paper is a continuation of previous work [Oynakov et al., 2019], where the effects of synchronization in the low-frequency microseismic field were found before the Vrancea earthquake with magnitude Mp=5.6 on October 28, 2019.The study shows that the noise coherence measure increased for stations, closer to the epicenter. However, the question of the source of this coherence remains open

    Use of accelerated helium-3 ions for determining oxygen and carbon impurities in some pure materials

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    Methods are developed for the determination of O impurity in Be and Si carbide and concurrent determination of C and O impurities in Si and W by irradiation with accelerated He-3 ions and subsequent activity measurements of C-11 and F-18 formed from C and O with the aid of a gamma-gamma coincidence spectrometer. Techniques for determining O in Ge and Ga arsenide with radiochemical separation of F-18 are also described


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    The socio-psychological phenomenon “consumer mood”, which is interpreted as an emotional and evaluative summary of the subjective understanding of the individual of various information elements that form the semantic structure of his implicit theory of consumption, has been investigated. A hypothesis has been put forward that the formation of the semantic field of the implicit theory of consumption of an individual is based on two system-forming factors: 1) the real purchasing power of the consumer, 2) the dynamics of his socio-economic status. In the event that both factors have negative actual indicators, the mood of consumer will be characterized by a negative emotional tone and high stability over time. The proposed hypothesis is confirmed by the revealing and analysis of the main determinants of the current mood of Russian consumers, and their subsequent comparison with the consumer sentiment index, identificated empirically

    Research of the concept of polysensory branding and the possibilities of its adaptation to the web communication environment

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    The concept of polysensory branding and the problem of its adaptation to the web environment are investigated. The content specificity, genesis and psychological basis of the concept of polysensory branding are carried out. The article analyzed the «Smash your brand» technique, developed by Martin Lindstrom, in order to test the communicative effectiveness of the twelve components of the brand identity system, focused on different channels of perception. In order to scientifically substantiate the practical significance of the tools of polysensory branding and sensory marketing in an offline environment, the results of an empirical study conducted under the guidance of the author are considered. The empirical research is aimed at the identifying the impact features of the of the brand’s olfactory communication system on consumers. The study reveals the dependence of brand perception and consumer activity on the specifics of marginal suggestive aromatization of the store’s sales area. The problem of the limitations of sensory channels of brand communications in the web environment is studied, in particular, the impossibility of mechanical transfer of polysensory branding tools to the web environment due to technical limitations, as well as the peculiarities of the psychology of perception and behavior of online users. As a result of the conducted study, possible channels and tools for the implementation of brand polysensory web communications are identified and systematized, the author’s psychological model of the brand’s multi-channel communicative field is developed, which includes a mechanism for adapting offline channels of polysensory branding to the web communication environment

    Competitiveness of city geo-brand assessment: selecting the research methodology

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    The article studies the problem of selecting the research methodology of a city geo-brand in order to identify the optimal methodological tools for assessing its competitiveness. The author’s interpretation of a city geo-brand concept has been offered, the features of a city geo-brand concept choice, algorithm of its assessment, and evaluation parameters diagnostics methods analyzed. The comparative analysis of the current geo-brand competitiveness estimation models has been made. The study concludes the main reasons for the variety of a city geo-brand estimation models and optimal type of competitiveness assessment ones along with approach to the choice of parameter estimation diagnostics methods and universal system of evaluation parameters development

    Analysis of the 21st century world community system global crisis from the perspective of the systems and self-organization theories

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    The article identifies and analyzes main determinants of the 21st century world community system global crisis from the perspective of the systems and self-organization theories. The study analyzes specifics of the world community as a complex social dissipative system functioning and development. Main determinants of the world community modern system entry into the bifurcation zone have been identified and analyzed. A comparative analysis of expert forecasts of trends in the 21st century world community system development, presented in the works of V.I. Vernadsky, N.N. Moiseev, S. Huntington, D.L. Meadows, M. Wackernagel, T. Malthus and neo-Malthusians, and United Nations experts, has been carried out. As a result of the study, the conclusions about possible scenarios for developing the 21st century world community system in the bifurcation zone have been formulated

    Historical and sociological analysis of the development of the Russian society in transition as a social dissipative system in a bifurcation zone

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    The author of the article studies the phenomenon of a dissipative system, the patterns of functioning and development of social dissipative systems as well as their behavior in the bifurcation zone. The study is carried out through historical and sociological analysis of the specifics of the development of the Russian society during the transition period of the 1990s. A hypothesis is put forward that if the Russian society is a special case of a dissipative system, its development necessarily obeys the objective laws of development of dissipative systems; therefore, the dynamics of the system of the Russian society during a crisis period should correspond to the patterns of behavior of complex social dissipative systems in the bifurcation zone. Following the analysis of data from empirical sociological studies conducted in Russia at the end of the 20th century, the hypothesis is confirmed. A conclusion about the need for scientific substantiation of modern forecasts for the development of complex social systems through theoretical and methodological constructions of the general systems theory and the theory of self-organization is made
