198 research outputs found

    Bistability phenomena in one-dimensional polariton wires

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    We investigate the phenomena of bistability and domain wall propagation in polaritonic systems with dissipation provided by the interaction with incoherent phonon bath. The results on the temperature dependence of the polariton bistability behavior and polariton neuron switching are presented.Comment: 6 pages + 4 figures. Continuation of the work published in Phys. Rev. B 83, 165316 (2011

    Density-matrix approach for an interacting polariton system

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    Using the Lindblad approach we develop a general formalism for theoretical description of a spatially inhomogeneous bosonic system with dissipation provided by the interaction of bosons with a phonon bath. We apply our results to model the dynamics of an interacting one-dimensional polariton system in real space and time, analyzing in detail the role of polariton-polariton and polariton-phonon interactions.Comment: 7 pages + 3 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1103.1336 by other author

    Stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii Equation for the Dynamical Thermalization of Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We present a theory for the description of energy relaxation in a nonequilibrium condensate of bosonic particles. The approach is based on coupling to a thermal bath of other particles (e.g., phonons in a crystal, or noncondensed atoms in a cold atom system), which are treated with a Monte Carlo type approach. Together with a full account of particle-particle interactions, dynamic driving, and particle loss, this offers a complete description of recent experiments in which Bose-Einstein condensates are seen to relax their energy as they propagate in real space and time. As an example, we apply the theory to the solid-state system of microcavity exciton polaritons, in which nonequilibrium effects are particularly prominent.Comment: Manuscript: 5 pages (Main Text) + 2 figures + 4 pages (Supplemental Material). Proofs versio

    Radiation Pressure Quantization

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    Kepler's observation of comets tails initiated the research on the radiation pressure of celestial objects and 250 years later they found new incarnation after the Maxwell's equations were formulated to describe a plethora of light-matter coupling phenomena. Further, quantum mechanics gave birth to the photon drag effect. Here, we predict a novel universal phenomenon which can be referred to as quantization of the radiation pressure. We develop a microscopic theory of this effect which can be applied to a general system containing Bose-Einstein-condensed particles, which possess an internal structure of quantum states. By analyzing the response of the system to an external electromagnetic field we find that such drag results in a flux of particles constituting both the condensate and the excited states. We show that in the presence of the condensed phase, the response of the system becomes quantized which manifests itself in a step-like behavior of the particle flux as a function of electromagnetic field frequency with the elementary quantum determined by the internal energy structure of the particles.Comment: Manuscript: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Intensity variations of protons and electrons of the outer radiation belt

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    Intensity variations of protons and electrons of outer radiation bel

    Nonlinear Terahertz Emission in Semiconductor Microcavities

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    We consider the nonlinear terahertz emission by the system of cavity polaritons in the regime of polariton lasing. To account for the quantum nature of terahertz-polariton coupling we use the Lindblad master equation approach and demonstrate that quantum microcavities reveal rich variety of the nonlinear phenomena in terahertz range, including bistability, short THz pulse generation and THz switching.Comment: 4 pages + 5 figures + Supplementary Material. (Final version containing the derivation of the kinetic equations.

    Rashba plasmon polaritons in semiconductor heterostructures

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    We propose a concept of surface plasmon-polariton amplification in the structure comprising interface between dielectric, metal and asymmetric quantum well. Due to the Rashba spin-orbit interaction, mimina of dispersion relation for electrons in conduction band are shifted with respect to the maximum of dispersion dependence for holes in Γ\Gamma-point. When energy and momentum intervals between extrema in dispersion relations of electrons and holes match dispersion relation of plasmons, indirect radiative transition can amplify the plasmons; excitation of leaky modes is forbidden due to the selection rules. Efficiency of the indirect radiative transition is calculated and design of the structure is analysed.Comment: Published (4 pages + 3 figures), 2nd proof versio

    Observation of a diffusion wave of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt

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    Cosmos satellite registration of relativistic electron diffusion wave in outer radiation bel

    Nonlinear Effects in Multi-Photon Polaritonics

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    We consider theoretically nonlinear effects in a semiconductor quantum well embedded inside a photonic microcavity. Two-photon absorption by a 2p exciton state is considered and investigated; the matrix element of two-photon absorption is calculated. We compute the emission spectrum of the sample and demonstrate that under coherent pumping the nonlinearity of the two photon absorption process gives rise to bistability.Comment: Accepted to Optics Express, 7 main pages + 3 figures + supplement
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