707 research outputs found

    Rapid Detection of Avian Eimeria Species Using Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis

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    A denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) assay was developed to rapidly discriminate species of avian Eimeria. Amplification by PCR of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (approximately 1,600 nucleotides) with Eimeria genus-specific primers followed by cloning and sequencing allowed us to carry out phylogenetic analyses and identify clone sequences to species level in most cases. Clones were subsequently used to amplify a smaller fragment (approximately 120 nucleotides) suitable for DGGE. The fragments were separated on denaturing gradient gel and bands with unique migration distances were mixed to obtain an identification ladder. The identification ladder and PCR products obtained from DNA extracted from fecal samples from several poultry farms were compared. Applying the DGGE method in this study allowed a rapid differentiation of Eimeria species present in fecal samples collected from poultry farms

    On relevance of borrowing the term «resilience» into Russian: as exemplified in professional economic texts

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    At the present stage of development, various cultures, economies, language systems and societies in general are in close interaction with each other. The processes of borrowing and assimilation of loan words in the language are becoming the most significant ones in the linguistic development of modern society. They bring to the fore the problem of the justified borrowings, which seems to be one of the most relevant for linguists. This article attempts to answer the question if the borrowing of the term «resilience» by the economic terminological system of the Russian language is justified. The issue of possible unification of the «resilience» concept and development of its clear structure is debatable in the Russian-speaking academic community and is of interest to both linguists and economists. The identification of the content constituents of this economic concept and its description for further unification of the economic conceptual apparatus can contribute to reflecting the multidimensional nature of that linguistic fragment of the world in which this concept is presented. The research methodology is a set of methods used in linguistic research, namely content analysis, analysis of dictionary definitions and articles of etymological dictionaries, frame modeling of a scientific concept, comparative analysis, and analysis of the phenomenon under study in synchrony and in diachronic timelines. The empirical material of this study was a corpus of 32 texts in English and 35 texts by Russian-speaking authors. The corpus is concentrated on economic topics, and mainly consists of academic papers. The results of the complex analysis demonstrate minor differences in the composition of the slots in the frames under study in English and Russian economic term systems. Possible translations of the scientific concept are considered. The choice of sound and graphic representation of the term in the Russian language is justified. The conclusion is made about the relevant borrowing of the term «resilience»

    Thymosin β4 as basis for creation of a reparation preparation of new generation

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    On the basis of its multipurpose activities during regeneration of fabrics in various experiments on animals, Thymosin β4 has the potential for new researches, in kidneys and a liver, and also recovery of a spinal cord, bones and injury of ligaments. Besides, it can be useful in case of treatment of a wide range of other diseases, including concerning consequences of old bacterial damages and viral infection

    Analysis of rare type of plants from botanical graden collection at SRU “Belsu” (Belgorod, Russia)

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    The aim of the study was the comprehensive analysis of rare plants from the collection fund of the botanical garden at the National Research University “BelSU

    Ion channel TRPA₁ is a promising therapeutic target for treatment of pain

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    In the last time information about the role of TRPA₁ in pain and cold sensitivity, as well as in the formation and maintenance of inflammation is increasing in scientific literature. Given this information, the interest for search and study of pharmacological agents, which selectively blocked of TRPA₁ and reduced the severity of pain and inflammation is increasin


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    Data about rate, aetiology, pathocenesis, diagnostics of perinatal infection in literature are given. Risk factors of intrauterine infection are presented. It has been proved that car ly appeal of high infectious risk pregnant women to modern obstetric centre, proper algorithm of medical examination help to diagnose infectious diseases timely and prognose complications in mother and fetus.Приведены данные литературы об этиологии, патогенезе, диагностике перинатальных инфекций. Доказаны факторы риска внутриутробного инфицирования. Результаты исследований свидетельствуют, что раннее обращение беременных группы высокого инфекционного риска в современные акушерские центры, соблюдение алгоритма обследования позволяют своевременно диагностировать инфекционные заболевания и прогнозировать осложнения у матери и плода.Наведені дані літератури про етіологію, патогенез, діагностику перинатальних інфекцій. Доведені чинники ризику внутрішньоутробного інфікування. Результати досліджень свідчать, що раннє звертання вагітних групи високого інфекційного ризику до сучасних акушерських центрів, дотримання алгоритму обстеження дозволяють своєчасно діагностувати інфекційні захворювання і прогнозувати ускладнення у матері та плода

    Sociolinguistics features of humor in american linguoculture

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    Humour is one of the most striking characteristics comprising a plurality of marking elements of cognitive-linguistic identity of native speakers of the language, forming the linguistic culture and sociolinguistics selected matrix formation and structuring of the national cognitive and speech patterns which form the "English humour", "French humour", "Italian humour", "Russian humour", etc. In this article we study the characteristics of the language of representation and perception of American humour, its linguistic and cultural features in humorous texts of American comics from the American linguistic culture. The material for research is the humorous texts and fragments of the performances of American comedians of various topics. The relevance of this study is determined by the value worldview expressed in humour, which in its turn is reflected in the American linguistic culture. The results of the study may find application in University lecture courses on stylistics of the English language and text interpretation, General linguistics, special courses on linguistics, text linguistics, and can also be useful in teaching English as a foreign language.Key words: text, research, language, speech, linguistics, speaker, linguoculture, humour, sociolinguistics

    Influence of occupations by production gymnastics on indicators of physical development and cardiovascular system of office employees

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    © 2016, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. All rights reserved.The article shows the positive impact of production gymnastics on the functional status and physical development of people involved in mental activity. One of the study objectives is the monitoring of the remote influence of industrial gymnastics on the health and physical development of students. The first survey was conducted prior to the production gymnastics exercises, a repeated survey was performed after one year of exercise. The production gymnastics was held in the form of sports breaks twice a day, first time-before lunch two hours after the work start and the second time-half an hour after the lunch break, as the fatigue occurs sooner in the second half of the day. During the examination, the power of a right and a left hand, the chest circumference on inhalation, exhalation and pause were studied, its tour was calculated, the vital capacity of lungs, arterial pressure, heart rate and cardiovascular system reaction to the dosed load (20 squats) were determined. The comparative analysis of health surveys among the accountants allows to make the following conclusions: 1. The exercises during a work day helps to increase lung capacity and the development of chest mobility. 2. The functionality of the cardiovascular system is increased slightly. 3. The number of complaints on headaches, heart pains, muscles, arms and back are reduced. 4. The motor-coordination abilities are improved

    Human adipose derived stem cells do not alter cytokine secretion in response to the genetic modification with pEGFP-N2 plasmid DNA

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    Adipose tissue contain progenitor cells with regenerative (angiogenic, neuroprotection, trophic etc.) potential and treatment based on adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSCs) transplantation may constitute a promising therapy. Genetic modification of stem cells with genes encoding growth factors and other biologically active molecules might further increase therapeutic efficiency. However, there is a question about the advantages and disadvantages of such gene/stem cell therapy. For a better understanding of the mechanisms occurring in organism after cell transplantation we should first study cell behavior in vitro. Here we report results of ADSCs transfection with plasmid DNA pEGFP-N2 and subsequent study of cytokines and chemokines secretion using Luminex technology. We demonstrated that genetic modification of ADSCs with commonly used control plasmid vector, encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), did not affect secretion of cytokines/chemokines IFN-{filled circle}, IL-1{filled circle}, IL-2, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, MCP-1. Thus, genetic modification procedure on its own might have little effect on stem cell properties, making it useful for gene-stem cell therapy applications. © IDOSI Publications, 2013

    The features of the language of representation of humour in the texts of American and Russian stand-up comedians

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    Based on the definition of the research object and the subject of sociolinguistics, which is considered an independent scientific discipline, in this article we assume to study the features of the language representation and perception of humour in performances of stand-up comedians from American and Russian linguocultures. We will also consider the similarities and differences of the topics of the texts of American and Russian comedians. In consideration of the genre of special interest is the attitude of the audience (in fact - the society) to the obscene and non-obscene language ("black humor"; "jokes below the belt", etc.) used by stand-up comedians in their performances in the United States and Russia. The relevance of this study is related to the overall underexplored genre"standup" fromlinguistics point of view and originality of their language. Research methodology –set of methods of textual, contextual, linguistic and linguostylistic analysis of the content of the texts of public performances ofthe comedians in the United States and Russia. Material for the study consists of texts of performances of stand-up comedians. The results of our research will help to identify the specifics of the language means of representation of humour in the texts of stand-up comedians.Key words: text, research, speech, language, translation, humour, linguistics, linguoculture,sociolinguistics