51 research outputs found


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    The paper identifies and generalizes personal orientations of cadets of the military institutions, which make up the psychological basis of individualization of education and upbringing in order to improve the quality of professional training of Russian military engineering personnel. The student’s personal orientations are rendered as his orientation to communication with the teacher, other students; attention to his personality, attitude to the world surrounded him, to the chosen profession and is directly related to the development and self-actualization of a person. The authors highlight the targets of the concept the development of the self-actualizing personality of the militaryprofessional orientation of cadets. The paper reveals research methodology used for identification of personal orientations as a basis of military-professional orientation of cadets. The results of the conducted research are shown. The author suggest possible solutions of the problem of developing cadets’ personal orientations by involving them in group creative scientific work and professional-oriented projects by means of application modern technologies of active, interactive and integration teachingВыявлены и обобщены личностные ориентации курсантов военного вуза, составляющие психологическую основу индивидуализации обучения и воспитания, с целью повышения качества профессиональной подготовки российских кадров военной инженерии. Под личностными ориентациями обучающегося понимается его ориентация на общение с преподавателем, другим обучающимся, внимание к его личности, отношение к окружающему миру, к выбранной специальности (профессии), они напрямую связаны с развитием и самоактуализацией личности. Обозначены целевые ориентиры концепции развития самоактуализирующейся личности военно-профессиональной направленности курсантов. Рассмотрена методология и методика исследования выявления личностных ориентаций как основы военно-профессиональной направленности курсантов, показаны результаты проведенного исследования. Приведены возможные варианты решения проблемы развития личностных ориентаций курсантов путем вовлечения их в совместную творческую научную работу, проектную профессионально-ориентированную деятельность с применением на занятиях современных технологий активного, интерактивного и интеграционного обучения

    Аромафитобальнеотерапия в лечении и профилактике частых респираторных инфекций у детей с хроническими и инвалидизирующими болезнями

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    In children with chronic pathologies, co-occurring frequent respiratory infections of a prolonged course obstructs and reduce the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures, and adversely affect the adaptation reserves. Hydrotherapeutic factors are widely used for the prevention of colds in children from the first days of life. Addition to the water of medicinal and phytoaromatic preparations increases their efficiency. For patients with chronic pathology, when prescribing balneotherapeutic factors for treatment and prophylaxis of respiratory infections, it is important to take into account the potential risk of adverse effects on the symptoms of the underlying disease. Researches in patients with orthopedic, chronic gastroenterological diseases, spastic forms of cerebral palsy, with co-occurring frequent respiratory infections of a prolonged course in history revealed that addition of medicinal baths based on phytoaromatic preparation, containing eucalyptus oil, to the rehabilitation complex is an effective method of preventing and stopping initial symptoms of respiratory infections. It also contributes to the adaptation reserves of the organism, without adversely affecting the course of the underlying disease.У детей с хронической патологией сопутствующие частые респираторные инфекции с затяжным течением затрудняют проведение и снижают эффективность реабилитационных мероприятий, крайне неблагоприятно влияют на адаптационные резервы. Водолечебные факторы широко используются для профилактики простудных заболеваний у детей с первых дней жизни. Повышает их эффективность добавление в воду лекарственных и фитоароматических препаратов. Для пациентов с хронической патологией при назначении бальнеотерапевтических процедур с целью лечения и профилактики респираторных инфекций важно учитывать возможный риск неблагоприятного влияния на симптомы основного заболевания. Исследования, проведенные у пациентов с ортопедической, хронической патологией желудочно-кишечного тракта, спастическими формами детского церебрального паралича, с сопутствующими частыми затяжными острыми респираторными болезнями в анамнезе, выявили, что включение в реабилитационный комплекс лекарственных ванн на основе фитоароматического препарата, содержащего эвкалиптовое масло, является эффективным методом профилактики и купирования начальных симптомов респираторных инфекций, способствует повышению адаптационных резервов организма, не оказывая отрицательного влияния на течение основного заболевания

    High activity redox catalysts synthesized by chemical vapor impregnation

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    The use of precious metals in heterogeneous catalysis relies on the preparation of small nanoparticles that are stable under reaction conditions. To date, most conventional routes used to prepare noble metal nanoparticles have drawbacks related to surface contamination, particle agglomeration, and reproducibility restraints. We have prepared titania-supported palladium (Pd) and platinum (Pt) catalysts using a simplified vapor deposition technique termed chemical vapor impregnation (CVI) that can be performed in any standard chemical laboratory. These materials, composed of nanoparticles typically below 3 nm in size, show remarkable activity under mild conditions for oxidation and hydrogenation reactions of industrial importance. We demonstrate the preparation of bimetallic Pd–Pt homogeneous alloy nanoparticles by this new CVI method, which show synergistic effects in toluene oxidation. The versatility of our CVI methodology to be able to tailor the composition and morphology of supported nanoparticles in an easily accessible and scalable manner is further demonstrated by the synthesis of Pdshell–Aucore nanoparticles using CVI deposition of Pd onto preformed Au nanoparticles supported on titania (prepared by sol immobilization) in addition to the presence of monometallic Au and Pd nanoparticles


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    The rehabilitation of patients after surgery is an integral part of treatment in modern medicine. Restorative treatment is a complex of measures which includes participation of different medical specialists. The goal of child post-surgery rehabilitation is the restoration of physical and social adaptation of the patient. This article covers the main principles of restorative treatment in a multi-profile children’s medical institution. Examples of child rehailitation after reconstructive surgery of most frequent orthopedic pathologies are included.Реабилитация пациентов после оперативного лечения в современной медицине является неотъемлемой частью лечебного процесса. Восстановительное лечение — это комплекс мероприятий, включающий в себя участие врачей разных специальностей. Целью реабилитации детей в послеоперационном периоде является восстановление физической и социальной адаптации пациента. В статье изложены основные принципы восстановительного лечения в условиях многопрофильного детского медицинского учреждения. Приведены клинические примеры реабилитации детей после реконструктивных операций при наиболее распространенной ортопедической патологии.


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    The article reflects one of the important challenges in pediatric urology — treatment of megaureter in children, the condition which can lead to sclerotic changes in renal parenchyma and development of chronic renal failure. The authors used the physiotherapeutic method of treatment, including electrophoresis with the anti-sclerotic agent at the area of bladder and lower third of ureters. The received results, demonstrating successful effect of this treatment, are represented in the article

    Aromaphytobalneotherapy in Treatment and Prophylaxis of Frequent Respiratory Infections in Children with Chronic and Disabling Diseases

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    In children with chronic pathologies, co-occurring frequent respiratory infections of a prolonged course obstructs and reduce the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures, and adversely affect the adaptation reserves. Hydrotherapeutic factors are widely used for the prevention of colds in children from the first days of life. Addition to the water of medicinal and phytoaromatic preparations increases their efficiency. For patients with chronic pathology, when prescribing balneotherapeutic factors for treatment and prophylaxis of respiratory infections, it is important to take into account the potential risk of adverse effects on the symptoms of the underlying disease. Researches in patients with orthopedic, chronic gastroenterological diseases, spastic forms of cerebral palsy, with co-occurring frequent respiratory infections of a prolonged course in history revealed that addition of medicinal baths based on phytoaromatic preparation, containing eucalyptus oil, to the rehabilitation complex is an effective method of preventing and stopping initial symptoms of respiratory infections. It also contributes to the adaptation reserves of the organism, without adversely affecting the course of the underlying disease

    Frequency of hemochromatosis gene (HFE) mutations in Russian healthy women and patients with estrogen-dependent cancers

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    Possible association between the C282Y and H63D mutations in the HFE gene and estrogen-dependent cancer risk was assessed. Genotyping was performed using PCR amplification followed by digestion of products with specific restrictases. In a population of 260 healthy women (permanent residents of the southwest European Russia), mutant allele frequencies at the C282Y and H63D sites were evaluated as 3.3 and 16.3%, respectively. In patients with breast, ovarian, or endometrial cancer, C282Y frequencies were also low (1.0, 1.3, and 3.8%, respectively), and no cancer risk associated with the C282Y mutation was found. Odds ratios for breast cancer risk associated with the H63D mutation increased significantly with age: 0.5 in women below 48 years old, 1.0 in a range of 48-57 years, and 4.4 in older women (ptrend=0.002). The latter value was statistically significant (95% CI, 1.4-14.1), indicating that women bearing the H63D mutation may be at an increased breast cancer risk at an age above 57 years. Preliminary results obtained in patients with two other estrogen-dependent malignancies revealed the same tendency to OR increase with age in ovarian cancer patients (ptrend=0.008), but no age-related OR differences in endometrial cancer patients