16 research outputs found

    Corporate Security Department of PJSC "Lukoil" As Mechanism Of Economic Security Management

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    This article presents analysis of economic security structure on the example of LUKOIL PJSC,  the internal Company documents were studied, stages of the managerial decisions making process concerning economic security issues were considered. Keywords: economic security, corporate security, personal data, policy and strategy of economic security, information protectio

    Crustal and Upper Mantle Velocity Model along the DOBRE-4 Profile from North Dobruja to the Central Region of the Ukrainian Shield : 1. Seismic Data

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    For studying the structure of the lithosphere in southern Ukraine, wide-angle seismic studies that recorded the reflected and refracted waves were carried out under the DOBRE-4 project. The field works were conducted in October 2009. Thirteen chemical shot points spaced 35-50 km apart from each other were implemented with a charge weight varying from 600 to 1000 kg. Overall 230 recording stations with an interval of 2.5 km between them were used. The high quality of the obtained data allowed us to model the velocity section along the profile for P-and S-waves. Seismic modeling was carried out by two methods. Initially, trial-and-error ray tracing using the arrival times of the main reflected and refracted P-and S-phases was conducted. Next, the amplitudes of the recorded phases were analyzed by the finite-difference full waveform method. The resulting velocity model demonstrates a fairly homogeneous structure from the middle to lower crust both in the vertical and horizontal directions. A drastically different situation is observed in the upper crust, where the Vp velocities decrease upwards along the section from 6.35 km/s at a depth of 15-20 km to 5.9-5.8 km/s on the surface of the crystalline basement; in the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic deposits, it diminishes from 5.15 to 3.80 km/s, and in the Mesozoic layers, it decreases from 2.70 to 2.30 km/s. The sub-crustal Vp gradually increases downwards from 6.50 to 6.7-6.8 km/s at the crustal base, which complicates the problem of separating the middle and lower crust. The Vp velocities above 6.80 km/s have not been revealed even in the lowermost part of the crust, in contrast to the similar profiles in the East European Platform. The Moho is clearly delineated by the velocity contrast of 1.3-1.7 km/s. The alternating pattern of the changes in the Moho depths corresponding to Moho undulations with a wavelength of about 150 km and the amplitude reaching 8 to 17 km is a peculiarity of the velocity model.Peer reviewe


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    The study is focused on a section of sediments exposed on the right bank of Mishikha River, Russia. These sediments have a wide range of ages, from the Eocene to the Lower Pliocene. The stratigraphic subdivision of the section is based on the lithogeochemical data and X-ray phase analysis of the mineral compositions. The particle-size analysis shows the alluvial origin of the deposits. Their ages are constrained by spore-pollen spectra in three palynozones: I – Eocene – Oligocene, II – Early – Middle Miocene (subzone a – Tsuga, Picea in the lower part, and Quercus, Taxodiaceae, Momipites, Carya in the upper part; subzone b – Fagus, Quercus, Tsuga), and III – the Late Miocene – beginning of the Pliocene (subzone ν – Ulmus, Juglans, Carya; subzone g – Carya, Alnus). The section shows a combination of normal and overturned sedimentary layers. The tectonic displacement of the block with its flip was accompanied by the entry into contact of the unlithified Pliocene sediments with a rigid bed and the development of a landslide. The lower age limit of deformations is constrained from the youngest (beginning of the Pliocene) spore and pollen spectrum extracted from deformed layers. It is suggested that the overturned layers result from strike-slip deformations of the sediments at the beginning of the late orogenic stage of the Baikal rift development. The regional correlations of the sedimentary strata give grounds to conclude that the Mishikha section is characteristic of alluvial sedimentation that dominated at the eastern end of the Tankhoi tectonic step (Mishikha-Klyuevka paleovalley), in contrast to the Tankhoi block in the central part of the step, wherein a thick Lower Miocene stratum of swampy-oxbow sediments accumulated. The stratons of the Mishikha section correlate with sedimentary units detected by drilling in the Selenga delta at the central part of the South Baikal basin.Разрез осадочных отложений широкого (эоцен-нижнеплиоценового) возрастного диапазона вскрыт и изучен на правобережье р. Мишиха. Стратиграфическое расчленение разреза основано на данных литогеохимии и рентгенофазового анализа минерального состава отложений. По результатам гранулометрического анализа сделан вывод об аллювиальном происхождении отложений. Их возраст определен по спорово-пыльцевым спектрам, которые отнесены к трем палинозонам: I – эоцена – олигоцена, II – раннего и среднего миоцена (подзона a – в нижней части Tsuga, Picea, в верхней части Quercus, Taxodiaceae, Momipites, Carya; подзона b – Fagus, Quercus, Tsuga) и III – позднего миоцена – начала плиоцена (подзона ν – Ulmus, Juglans, Carya; подзона g – Carya, Alnus). В разрезе установлено сочетание нормального и опрокинутого залегания осадочных слоев. Тектоническое смещение блока с его переворотом сопровождалось вхождением в контакт нелитифицированных плиоценовых осадков с жесткой подложкой и развитием оползня. Нижний предельный возраст деформаций определен по наиболее молодому (начало плиоцена) спорово-пыльцевому спектру, полученному в деформированных слоях. Предполагается, что в опрокинутом залегании реализованы присдвиговые деформации отложений в начале позднеорогенного этапа развития Байкальского рифта. Из региональных корреляций толщ сделан вывод о том, что Мишихинский разрез характеризует аллювиальное осадконакопление, которое доминировало на восточном окончании Танхойской тектонической ступени, в Мишихинско-Клюевской палеодолине, в отличие от Танхойского блока центральной части ступени, в котором обнажена мощная нижнемиоценовая толща болотно-старичной фации. Стратоны Мишихинского разреза коррелируются со стратонами, вскрытыми скважинами в дельте р. Селенги в центральной части Южно-Байкальской впадины


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    An integrated method of functional diagnostics of basin geosystems through quantitative assessment of anthropogenic (drainage reclamation) or natural factors (climate) on the change of hydrochemical composition of surface and groundwater is presented. The method is based on the natural latitudinal and vertical zonation of the hydrochemical composition of surface and groundwater, as a manifestation of the geomembrane properties of the pedosphere. The stages of the quantitative assessment of the impact of increasing drainage reclamation areas in the Styr and Irpin river basins, were a linear regression analysis of chronological series of the content of each of the macrocomponents of the river water composition in the closing line for 1947-1989, and also the dynamics of increasing reclamation areas and correlation analysis of the obtained dependencies. To increase the closeness of the correlation, the hydrochemical composition was presented in %-equivalent form, which most accurately characterizes the ratio of macrocomponents, but does not depend on the total mineralization of water. A decrease in the content of such typomorphic ions as hydrocarbons and calcium and an increase in the content of other macrocomponents and mineralization were found statistically significantly with increasing drainage areas. In general, with increasing areas of drainage reclamation, there is an aridization of the hydrochemical composition of river water. The change of hydrochemical type of river water according to the classification of О.О. Alekina. The obtained parametric models of time trends of the content of macrocomponents of hydrochemical composition allowed to determine the limiting area of reclamation of the basins of two rivers and to predict changes in the hydrochemical type of water in the direction of its aridization. Stopping the construction of new reclamation systems and reducing the efficiency of agricultural use of drained lands leads to the restoration of the hydrochemical composition of rivers in the direction of their reclamation development. Approbation of the created method of functional diagnostics was carried out on five reclamation systems of Prykarpattia and in the basin of the Western Bug river and its branches proved its high efficiency and perspective for the creation of parametric models of the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on chemical composition and quality of water resources.Представлений інтегральний метод функціонального діагностування басейнових геосистем через кількісну оцінку впливу антропогенних (осушувальні меліорації), а можливо і природних чинників (клімат) на зміну гідрохімічного складу поверхневих і підземних вод. Метод базується на природній широтній і вертикальній зональності гідрохімічного складу поверхневих і підземних вод, як прояв геомембранних властивостей педосфери. Етапами проведеної кількісної оцінки впливу нарощення площ осушувальних меліорацій у басейнах річок Стир та Ірпінь було проведення лінійного регресійного аналізу хронологічних рядів вмісту кожного з макрокомпонентів хімічного складу річкової води у замикаючому створі за 1947-1989 рр. і динаміки нарощування площ меліорації та проведення кореляційного аналізу одержаних залежностей. Для підвищення тісноти кореляційного зв’язку гідрохімічний склад був представлений у %-еквівалентній формі, яка найточніше характеризує співвідношення макрокомпонентів, але не залежить від загальної мінералізації води. Статистично достовірно встановлено при наростанні площ осушення зниження вмісту таких типоморфних іонів як гідрокарбонати та кальцій і підвищення вмісту інших макрокомпонентів та мінералізації. Загалом із зростанням площ осушувальних меліорацій відбувається аридизація гідрохімічного складу річкової води. За екологічний критерій допустимості меліорованості басейну прийнята зміна гідрохімічного типу річкової води відповідно до класифікації О.О. Альокіна. Отримані параметричні моделі часових трендів вмісту макрокомпонентів гідрохімічного складу дозволили визначити граничну площу меліорованості басейнів двох річок і спрогнозувати зміни гідрохімічного типу води у бік її аридизації. Припинення будівництва нових меліоративних систем та зниження ефективності сільськогосподарського використання осушуваних земель призводить до відновлення гідрохімічного складу річок у напрямку їх до меліоративного освоєння. Апробація створеного методу функціонального діагностування проведена на п’яти меліоративних системах Прикарпаття та у басейні р. Західний Буг і його притоків, довела його високу ефективність і перспективність для створення параметричних моделей впливу природних і антропогенних чинників на хімічний склад і якість водних ресурсів


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    Based on clinical data, case histories, ultrasound studies, hormonal status, steroid hormone receptor levels, and estrogen metabolic enzyme activities, which are of the greatest informative value, the authors have determined a regression function for assessing a risk for endometrial cancer (EC) in patients with endometrial hyperplastic processes and calculating an individual risk. The application of this model could make an objective assessment of EC progress in these patients and use a treatment option on an individual basis. In patients with endometrial hyperplasia, the sensitivity of the EC risk prediction model was 87.5%; its specificity was 90%; these were 80 and 85.7 in the perimenopause and 92 and 83% in the postmenopause, respectively. For patients with endometrial hyperplasia con- current with uterine myoma, these indices were 87 and 85%, respectively.The mathematical model makes it possible to objectively assess the risk of EC in patient with endometrial hyperplasia in different age groups, to make up increased cancer risk groups, and to plan an individual treatment option, by taking into account both the tradi- tional indicators and the specific features of estrogen reception and metabolism

    Hormonal factors of virus-associated cancer of the cervix uteri

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    Objective: to study the urinary levels of estrogen metabolites as a diagnostic criterion in patients with cancer of the cervix uteri (CCU) associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection to provide a rationale for the use of pathogenetic therapy in the combination treatment of CCU.Subjects and methods. The study enrolled 26 patients with Stages I-IV CCU who were treated at the Department of Gynecology, Tomsk Research Institute of Oncology. The patients’ mean age was 45.6±1.3 years (range 24 to 72 years), the patients of reproductive age ac- counted for 50%. Tumor was staged in accordance with the FIGO classification. Genotyping was carried out on 12 oncotropic types, by estimating the viral load by polymerase chain reaction. Urinary estrogen metabolite levels were measured in all patients.Results. In the female patients, the urinary level of the metabolite 2-OHE1 responsible for normal cell growth was 8.95±2.9 ng/mg, which was significantly below the values in healthy women (19.7±1.2 ng/mg). The level of the metabolite 1

    Overturned Eocene – Lower Pliocene alluvial stratum on the southern coast of Lake Baikal and its neotectonic significance

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    The study is focused on a section of sediments exposed on the right bank of Mishikha River, Russia. These sediments have a wide range of ages, from the Eocene to the Lower Pliocene. The stratigraphic subdivision of the section is based on the lithogeochemical data and X-ray phase analysis of the mineral compositions. The particle-size analysis shows the alluvial origin of the deposits. Their ages are constrained by spore-pollen spectra in three palynozones: I – Eocene – Oligocene, II – Early – Middle Miocene (subzone a – Tsuga, Picea in the lower part, and Quercus, Taxodiaceae, Momipites, Carya in the upper part; subzone b – Fagus, Quercus, Tsuga), and III – the Late Miocene – beginning of the Pliocene (subzone ν – Ulmus, Juglans, Carya; subzone g – Carya, Alnus). The section shows a combination of normal and overturned sedimentary layers. The tectonic displacement of the block with its flip was accompanied by the entry into contact of the unlithified Pliocene sediments with a rigid bed and the development of a landslide. The lower age limit of deformations is constrained from the youngest (beginning of the Pliocene) spore and pollen spectrum extracted from deformed layers. It is suggested that the overturned layers result from strike-slip deformations of the sediments at the beginning of the late orogenic stage of the Baikal rift development. The regional correlations of the sedimentary strata give grounds to conclude that the Mishikha section is characteristic of alluvial sedimentation that dominated at the eastern end of the Tankhoi tectonic step (Mishikha-Klyuevka paleovalley), in contrast to the Tankhoi block in the central part of the step, wherein a thick Lower Miocene stratum of swampy-oxbow sediments accumulated. The stratons of the Mishikha section correlate with sedimentary units detected by drilling in the Selenga delta at the central part of the South Baikal basin

    Seismic model of the crust and upper mantle in the Scythian Platform: the DOBRE-5 profile across the north western Black Sea and the Crimean Peninsula

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    International audienceThe Scythian Platform (ScP) with a heterogeneous basement of Baikalian–Variscan–Cimmerian age is located between the East European Craton (EEC) on the north and the Crimean–Caucasus orogenic belt and the Black Sea (BS) Basin on the south. In order to get new constrains on the basin architecture and crustal structure of the ScP and a better understanding of the tectonic processes and evolution of the southern margin of the EEC during Mesozoic and Cenozoic time, a 630-km-long seismic wide-angle refraction and reflection (WARR) profile DOBRE-5 was acquired in 2011 October. It crosses in a W–E direction the Fore-Dobrudja Trough, the Odessa Shelf of the BS and the Crimean Plain. The field acquisition included eight chemical shot points located every 50 km and recorded by 215 stations placed every ∼2.0 km on the land. In addition, the offshore data from existing profile 26, placed in the Odessa Shelf, were used. The obtained seismic model shows clear lateral segmentation of the crust within the study region on four domains: the Fore-Dobrudja Domain (km 20–160), an offshore domain of the Karkinit Trough at the Odessa Shelf of the BS (km 160–360), an onshore domain of the Central Crimean Uplift (Crimean Plain, km 360–520) and the Indolo-Kuban Trough at the Kerch Peninsula (km 520–620) that is the easternmost part of the Crimea. Two contrasting domains of the ScP within the central part of the DOBRE-5 profile, the Karkinit Trough and the Central Crimean Uplift, may represent different stages of the ScP formation. A deep Karkinit Trough with an underlying high-velocity (>7.16 km s−1) lower crust body suggests its rifting-related origin during Early Cretaceous time. The Central Crimean Uplift represents a thick (up to 47 km) crustal domain consisting of three layers with velocities 5.8–6.4, 6.5–6.6 and 6.7–7.0 km s−1, which could be evidence of this part of the ScP originating on the crust of Precambrian craton (EEC). The thick heterogeneous basement of the Central Crimean Uplift shows inclusions of granitic bodies associated with magmatic activity related with Variscan orogeny within the ScP. General bending and crustal scale buckling of the Central Crimean Uplift with a wavelength of 230 km could be an effect of the Alpine compressional tectonics in the adjacent Crimean Mountains. The extended/rifted continental margin of the ScP (EEC) at the Odessa Shelf and buckling/uplifted domain of the Central Crimean Uplift affected by compressional tectonics, are separated by the N–S oriented Western Crimean Fault. The crust of the southern margin of the EEC is separated from the ScP, which originated on the EEC crust tectonised and reworked during the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic, by the crustal fault of ∼W–E orientation, which corresponds with the Golitsyn Fault observed at the surface between the EEC and the ScP. The Fore-Dobrudja Domain with a thick (>10 km) heterogeneous basement and two subhorizontal layers in the crystalline crust (with velocities 6.2–6.3 and 6.4–6.65 km s−1) differs from the ScP crust and its origin could be very similar to that of the Trans-European Suture Zone and Palaeozoic West European Platform