159 research outputs found
Studying of Medium Manifestations Aspects in Relation to Some Recent Earthquakes
In June 1991 on the International Conference on Induced Seismicity in Baku and in August 1991, at International Congress of Geophysics and Geodesics in Vienna we introduced materials about strongest changes of microseisms starting from January, 15, 1991 on the territory of Absheron peninsula (Azerbaijan) which were connected with military activity in Iraq at the distance as far as 1000 km. In Turkey, Caucasus, Iran and other countries from January to June 1991 in comparison with previous 5 years frequency of earthquakes considerably increased. It is possible to say that exactly the same situation appears after April, 20, 1999 when started the operations in Yugoslavia. The microseisms registered at the distances of 1200 km, 3000 km and 5000 km evidently witnesses of the considerable disturbances in their behavior. What is more, these results say that if such disturbances appear at so big distances they can be distributed and influence everywhere. As a result of uncontrolled human activity the world Ecosystem has become exclusively sensitive and today even small impact has its response practically at any distances and all spheres. On the basis of previous research and data received we can suppose that many seismic events that happened in last year may have an induced character: they may have been sufficiently increased in intensity and quicken in time of occurrence. Increased sensitiveness of the medium and intensity of uncontrollable influence on it requires the creation of world induced effects control system
Principles of forming a modern accounting and analytical model of commercial organization in digital economy
Purpose: The article presents basic methodological approaches to the creation of a new model of forming and functioning of the accounting and analytical system to meet the information needs of internal and external stakeholders of organizations. Design/Approach/Methodology: Substantiation of the principles of building a system for accounting and analytical information management that meets current conditions for the business functioning using modern hardware and software. Findings: The developed model of cascade functioning of organization’s information support system optimizes the structure and content of accounting and analytical modules, contributes to the effective implementation of management functions, timely control and rapid response to the impact of negative factors. Practical implications: The principles of information flow management system constructing formulated in the article contribute to optimization of expenses for organization of accounting and analytical functions, improvement of quality of financial and non-financial reporting, realistic assessment and forecasting of business efficiency. Originality/Value: The proposed new model for constructing an accounting and analytical information base allows to improve the procedures of collection, processing, storage and disclosure of financial and non-financial information, to create a balanced structure of the database on the basis of cascade digitization of primary and derived data.peer-reviewe
Massless BTZ black holes in minisuperspace
We study aspects of the propagation of strings on BTZ black holes. After
performing a careful analysis of the global spacetime structure of generic BTZ
black holes, and its relation to the geometry of the SL(2,R) group manifold, we
focus on the simplest case of the massless BTZ black hole. We study the SL(2,R)
Wess-Zumino-Witten model in the worldsheet minisuperspace limit, taking into
account special features associated to the Lorentzian signature of spacetime.
We analyse the two- and three-point functions in the pointparticle limit. To
lay bare the underlying group structure of the correlation functions, we derive
new results on Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for SL(2,R) in a parabolic basis. We
comment on the application of our results to string theory in singular
time-dependent orbifolds, and to a Lorentzian version of the AdS/CFT
correspondence.Comment: 28 pages, v2: reference adde
Differential diagnosis of breast tumors on the basis of radiothermometric findings
The paper presents a method for the differential diagnosis of breast tumors in accordance with radiothermometric findings, which is based on the authors’ developed diagnostic technique (Patent No. 2532372 dated 5 September 2014). The radiometric method was used to examine 119 patients with malignant breast tumors, 53 patients with benign breast tumors, and 60 women without breast involvement. The data were obtained in 3 institutions: the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, and Moscow Oncology Dispensary Five. A microwave radiothermometer was used to measure core and skin temperatures in 9 symmetrical points of each breast. Using the findings as a basis, the authors proposed quantitative criteria that ensured that breast tumors should be differentially diagnosed with high specificity
Assessment of information value of targeted biopsy and endoscopic removal of colorectal polyps
This research is based on histological investigation of targeted biopsy material and resected polyps’ at 354 patients who applied to National Center of Oncology from 2005 to 2010. All patients underwent targeted biopsy at first with subsequent endoscopic polypectomy and 494 polyps were removed and histologically investigated. The most prevalence type was tubular polyp — 212 (43 %) cases. The rest types of polyps were distributed as follow: tubule-villous type — 125 (25.3 %), villous type — 16 (3.2 %), inflammatory type — 28 (5.7 %), hyperplastic type — 40 (8.1 %), hamartoma type — 21 (4.3 %) cases. In 52 (10.4 %) cases malignant polyps were revealed.Sensitivity of targeted biopsy in iagnostics of dysplasia was 65.1 % while in revealing of malignancy was even lower — just 36.5 %. So we consider performing of endoscopic polypectomy and histological evaluation of resected polyps in all case even after previous targeted biopsy
Relativistic theory of inverse beta-decay of polarized neutron in strong magnetic field
The relativistic theory of the inverse beta-decay of polarized neutron, , in strong magnetic field is developed. For the proton
wave function we use the exact solution of the Dirac equation in the magnetic
filed that enables us to account exactly for effects of the proton momentum
quantization in the magnetic field and also for the proton recoil motion. The
effect of nucleons anomalous magnetic moments in strong magnetic fields is also
discussed. We examine the cross section for different energies and directions
of propagation of the initial neutrino accounting for neutrons polarization. It
is shown that in the super-strong magnetic field the totally polarized neutron
matter is transparent for neutrinos propagating antiparallel to the direction
of polarization. The developed relativistic approach can be used for
calculations of cross sections of the other URCA processes in strong magnetic
fields.Comment: 41 pages in LaTex including 11 figures in PostScript, discussion on
nucleons AMM interaction with magnetic field is adde
Изменения баланса массы ледника Гарабаши (Эльбрус) на рубеже XX–XXI вв.
Long-term series of observations on the glacier of the southern slope of Elbrus manifest the change of two climatic periods in the highlands of the Caucasus. During the first one, relatively cold and snowy period of 1982–1997 with a small positive mass balance, the Garabashi Glacier accumulated a layer of 0.8 m.e. The second period (1998–2017) is characterized by rising summer air temperatures and increasing precipitation in the first decade, and catastrophic melting in 2010–2017. The mass balance of the glacier averaged −0.63 m w.e. yr−1, and in some years it reached −1.00 ÷ −1.50 m w.e. yr−1. In the last ten years, frequency of vast anticyclones covering the southern part of the European part of Russia and the North Caucasus increased. Summer temperatures in the Elbrus region rose to almost the level of the 1950s that was the hottest decade of the XX century. Duration of the summer season on the glaciers increased. Active melting resulted in elevation of the equilibrium line of the Garabashy Glacier by 200 m. In the main part of the glacier alimentation area, i.e. at heights of 3800–4000 m, the large parts of the firn area had disappeared, but open ice of the ablation zone had appeared. The former areas of the "warm" firn zone, where up to 35% of melt water retained within the 20‑meter firn thickness, were replaced by the firn-ice zone, and the ice discharge increased. The glacier alimentation is decreased, and its tongue retreats with increasing velocity. Rocks and entire lava ridges release from ice at different levels of the glacier. The inter-annual variations of the glacier mass balance are controlled by intensity of ablation. In the second period, the correlation coefficient of these values reached 0.97 compared to 0.82 in the first one. In total over 36 years of observations, reduction of the glacier mass during the second period resulted in loss of volume (0.05 km3 or 14%), area (0.51 km2 or 11.4%), and of ice layer (11.4 m).На основе 36‑летнего ряда ежегодных наблюдений за балансом массы и состоянием ледника Гарабаши на Эльбрусе выделены два периода: 1982–1997 и 1998–2017 гг. В первом периоде отмечен небольшой положительный баланс массы (+0,8 м в.э.), а во втором летние температуры в Приэльбрусье повысились на 1 °С, граница питания поднялась на 200 м. За все годы наблюдений ледник потерял 14% своего объёма и 11,4% площади
T3–4N0M0 breast cancer is rather rare among all breast cancers. The clinical features of these tumors and their biological nature are poorly studied in the scientific literature. In this study we showed that patients with T3N0M0 and T4N0M0 tumors revealed a number of common clinical features, comorbidities and biological characteristics of the tumor. At the same time carcinomas differed in their aggressiveness and the course of the disease. The history was shorter and the average tumor size was larger among patients from T3N0M0 group than in the T4N0M0 group, which indicates a higher tumor growth rate. Also, mean proliferation index ki-67 was higher in the T3N0M0 group than in the T4N0M0 group. The proportion of triple-negative and luminal B Her2‑negative biological subtypes was the largest in both the T3N0M0 and T4N0M0 groups. More than 50 % of women with T3–4N0M0 tumors had carcinomas with zero or low expression of hormonal receptors. Thus, such tumors were more aggressive and potentially highly sensitive to systemic chemotherapy in a significant proportion of patients with T3–4N0M0 breast cancer in our study.Рак молочной железы (РМЖ) T3–4N0M0 стадий среди всех опухолей данной локализации встречается нечасто. Клинические особенности подобных опухолей и их биологическая природа освещены в научной литературе довольно скудно. В нашей работе мы показали, что женщины с T3N0M0 и T4N0M0 стадиями РМЖ имели ряд общих клинических признаков, сопутствующих заболеваний и биологических характеристик опухоли. При этом карциномы отличались по агрессивности и характеру течения опухолевого процесса. В группе T3N0M0 длительность анамнеза оказалась меньше, а средний размер опухоли больше, чем в группе T4N0M0, что говорит о более высокой скорости роста опухолей в первой группе. Также в группе T3N0M0 среднее значение индекса пролиферации ki-67 было выше по сравнению с группой T4N0M0. Удельный вес тройного-негативного и люминального В Her2-отрицательного биологических подтипов преобладали как в группе T3N0M0, так и в группе T4N0M0. При РМЖ T3–4N0M0 стадий доля карцином с нулевой и слабой экспрессией гормональных рецепторов составляла более 50%. Таким образом, в нашем исследовании у значительной части больных с T3–4N0M0 стадией заболевания опухоль была агрессивной и потенциально высокочувствительной к системной химиотерапии
The processes of destruction of lead and tin under the action of intense ultrasound, cavi-tation and corrosion in seawater have been investigated. The study was carried out on samples of pure lead and pure tin
From 1990 to 2009, at the Research Institute for OBCs were examined and treated 62 children with testicular germ cell tumors. The average age of our patients was 3.7 years (range 3 months to 15 years). All children performed a study of tumor markers titer, ultrasound. In 14 children identified metastases. Surgical treatment is the first stage in the volume orhifunikulektomii conducted all 62 children. Retroperitoneal limfoadenektomiya made in 4 children and 5 children underwent thoracotomy with removal of metastases in the lung. Drug treatment was performed in 47 children with malignant germ cell tumor. Using a combined method in the treatment of malignant testicular tumors led to 100 % relapse-free and overall survival. С 1990 по 2009 г. в НИИ детской онкологии и гематологии (НИИ ДОГ) на обследовании и лечении находились 62 ребенка с герминогенной опухолью яичка. Средний возраст наших пациентов составил 3,7 года (от 3 мес до 15 лет). У всех детей проводили исследование титра онкомаркеров, ультразвуковое исследование. У 14 детей выявлены метастазы. Оперативное лечение на первом этапе в объеме орхифуникулэктомии проводили всем 62 детям. Забрюшинная лимфаденэктомия выполнена 4 детям и торакотомия с удалением метастазов в легком – 5. Лекарственное лечение проведено 47 детям со злокачественной герминогенной опухолью. Использование комбинированного метода в лечении злокачественной опухоли яичка позволило добиться 100 % безрецидивной и общей выживаемости.
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