411 research outputs found

    Legal Culture of the State Law Enforcement Service in the Republic of Belarus: Activity and Value-Normative Aspects

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    The importance of law enforcement in all spheres of public life, as well as public administration is conditioned by the objective need to ensure law and order in society. The creation of an effective law enforcement system in Belarus is a priority area for the improvement of law enforcement in modern society. Increasing the professionalism of State law enforcement officials is designed to foster a legal culture and a positive attitude of society towards the subjects of law enforcement activities. In the context of the study of the legal culture of modern Belarusian society the actual doctrinal and practical task is to characterize the activity and value-normative basis of the state law enforcement service. The article presents the analysis of theoretical approaches and legislative practice to the designation of qualifying features of state law enforcement agencies, the allocation of their system. Law enforcement service is distinguished from other types of state service in accordance with functional and organizational criteria

    Legality and Legal Order as Social Criteria of Legal Culture of Society: Theoretical Aspect

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    The Author proceeds from the fact that in modern political and legal realities, the most important social indicator of the legal culture of society is the state of legality, which contributes to ensuring the legal functioning of state and public institutions, guarantees of the rights and interests of the individual. The aim of the study is to analyze theoretical provisions regarding legality and law and order in the context of designating them as criteria of legal culture - signs on the basis of which it is possible to assess the formation of legal culture at the level of society.The degree of scientific elaboration of the problems of legality and legal order in the works of Russian and Belarusian jurists of the Soviet and modern periods has been determined. This made it possible to establish the generic commonality of law and order as a basic theoretical setting, which manifests itself in considering them as different sections of the ordering of social relations. Legality is investigated as a principle, method and, at the same time, a mode of state-power activity. The conditions for ensuring the legal order establish the exact and unswerving implementation of legal prescriptions by all subjects of law, which characterizes their legal culture. The theoretical model of the mechanism for ensuring the rule of law and legal order is presented through the characteristics of its social and legal content, subject composition and institutional and functional structure.The role of legal law and legal principles in ensuring the rule of law and legal order is shown. The subsystems of the institutional and functional structure of the mechanism for ensuring the latter – regulatory, state power, guarantees for the implementation of legal provisions – are analyzed. The  political, legal, organizational and scientific principles of the functioning of  the mechanism for ensuring the legal order are outlined. The following types of legal order are determined: civil, international, state (constitutional). Taken together, all types of legal order are interconnected, which reflects the universality of law as a social regulator, the importance of its principles. This  circumstance determines the legal criteria for the uniformity of legal  regulation of social relations, generally accepted international legal standards in the field of human rights.The directions of improving the legal culture of society are determined by high-quality rule-making; effective functioning of all government agencies, primarily law enforcement agencies; implementation of social and legal guarantees of legality and legal order

    Досвід і наукові дослідження з обгрунтування тривалості виконання робіт у будівництві

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    The article provides an analysis of the timeliness of work in construction and experience and research to justify the duration of work in construction. Experience shows that in construction, including housing construction, there is a significant deviation of the actual duration of work from the projected one, which leads to untimely commissioning of residential buildings. Increasing the reliability of justifying the duration of work in construction in conditions of the probabilistic nature of construction production, as experience and research shows, can be carried out on the basis of time reservation to compensate for the negative impact of the micro- and macroenvironment. At the same time, as experience shows, the determination of the duration of construction and installation works, in most cases, is carried out using deterministic methods focused on the use of established standards without taking into account the influence of random factors due to the probabilistic nature of construction production. Other methods, which in one way or another take into account the probabilistic nature of construction production, do not provide an opportunity, when justifying the duration of housing construction work, to determine the optimal level of time reservation required to eliminate the consequences of a negative impact on the progress of work from a large number of random factors. Thus, the development of a scientifically based methodological basis for optimizing the duration of housing construction and a market economy is an urgent problem of scientific and practical importance. Determination of the optimal duration of housing construction work is based on theoretical and methodological systemic principles, which make it possible to determine the optimal level of time reservation and study its dependence on individual organizational and technological factors, taking into account the specifics of construction production and the conditions of a market economy.В статті наведений аналіз своєчасності виконання робіт у будівництві та досвіду і наукових досліджень з обґрунтування тривалості виконання робіт у будівництві. Досвід свідчить, що у будівництві , в тому числі і житловому будівництві, має місце значне відхилення фактичної тривалості робіт від запроектованої, що призводить до несвоєчасного введення житлових будинків в експлуатацію. Підвищення надійності обґрунтування тривалості виконання робіт у будівництві в умовах імовірнісного характеру будівельного виробництва, як свідчить досвід і наукові дослідження, може бути здійснено на основі резервування часу для компенсації негативного впливу мікро- і макросередовища. В цей же час, як свідчить досвід, визначення тривалості виконання будівельно-монтажних робіт, у більшості випадків, здійснюється із застосуванням детермінованих методів, що орієнтовані на використання установлених нормативів без урахування впливу випадкових факторів, обумовлених імовірнісним характером будівельного виробництва. Інші методики, які тим чи іншим чином ураховують імовірнісний характер будівельного виробництва, не надають можливості при обґрунтуванні тривалості робіт житлового будівництва визначити оптимальний рівень резервування часу, необхідного для ліквідації   наслідків негативного впливу на хід виконання робіт великої кількості випадкових факторів. Отже, розробка науково-обґрунтованої методологічної основи оптимізації тривалості виконання робіт житлового будівництва і ринкової економіки, є актуальною проблемою , що має наукове і практичне значення. Визначення оптимальної тривалості виконання робіт житлового будівництва ґрунтується на теоретичних і методологічних системних засадах, які надають можливість визначити оптимальний рівень резервування часу і дослідити його залежність від окремих організаційно-технологічних факторів з урахуванням специфіки будівельного виробництва і умов ринкової економіки

    Minimization of Fungicidal Applications Against Potato Late Blight in the North Caucasian Region: Use of the “Agrodozor” System

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    Late blight is considered to be the most devastating potato disease, which control requires application of fungicides able to significantly contaminate the environment and accumulate in agricultural products. Pesticide load on potato fields can be reduced via optimization of the scheme of protective treatments. Such optimization can be performed using a mathematical simulator describing the dependence of late blight-caused yield losses on the weather data and an “Agrodozor” decision support system (DSS). The performed analysis of a situation in the regions of the North Caucasus allowed us to determine three zones differing in the disease harmfulness and characterized by potential yield losses at the level of <10, 10-20, and >20 % and the probability of disease appearance in field during 30, 77, and 90 % of seasons, respectively. Using the “Agrodozor” DSS, we calculated the optimum dates of fungicidal treatments for these zones and showed that, comparing to the commonly used routine scheme of treatments, the use of this DSS provides a significant reduction of the number of such treatments and, therefore, the corresponding costs for their arrangement, as well as reduction of the total toxicity index of the required protective measures

    Christian values in spiritual and moral upbringing of students

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    © 2018, Ecozone, OAIMDD. All rights reserved. The issue of spiritual and moral upbringing of student-age youth is quite topical for the contemporary Science and practice. The article substantiates the necessity of spiritual and moral upbringing of the young generation on the basis of Christian values, and highlights as well as the gained experience in the implementation of the Christian values into education system of higher educational institutions. The purpose of the present study is to establish psychological patterns and mechanisms of spiritual and moral upbringing of the student‟s personality through inclusion and acceptance of Christian values. The objective of the research involves the solution of the following tasks: carrying out psychological, theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem on spiritual and moral upbringing of the personality; providing a system of psychological and pedagogical practices designed to promote spiritual and moral upbringing of the student‟s personality; and developing and testing a training program of spiritual formation of the student‟ personality. The authors have proposed the formation mechanisms of spiritual values of the student‟s personality, and developed psychological training program to form spirituality in the student‟s personality

    Tuning Pt characteristics on Pt/C catalyst for aqueous-phase reforming of biomass-derived oxygenates to bio-H-2

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    Pt/C catalysts with varied Pt sizes and distributions were investigated for aqueous-phase reforming (APR) of ethylene glycol (EG) to H2. APR experiments were performed on a continuous-flow fixed bed reactor with a catalyst loading of 1 g and EG feeding of 120 mL h−1 at 225 °C and 35 bar for 7 h. The fresh and used Pt/C catalysts were characterized by XRF, BET, CO chemisorption, TEM, XTEM, and XPS. Catalyst preparation protocols changed Pt characteristics on Pt/C catalysts, leading to a distinguishable H2 production. The rates for EG conversion and H2 production increased linearly with mean Pt size (3–11 nm), while having a volcano relationship with the mean size of agglomerated Pt particles (17–30 nm). Pt with concentrated Pt particles on surface of Pt/C catalysts was more preferable for APR of EG than the homogeneously distributed in catalysts. Optimal performance was obtained over a Pt/C-PR catalyst, which was prepared by precipitation method, showing a superb turnover frequency of 248 molH2 molPt−1 min−1 for H2 production from EG in APR. Besides, Pt/C catalysts also showed excellent stability. These results have shown the promise of Pt/C catalyst for APR of EG, which can be extended for bio-H2 production via APR of biomass-derived oxygenates in waste streams

    Klinefelter syndrome mosaicism in boys with neurodevelopmental disorders: a cohort study and an extension of the hypothesis

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    Our study provides data on the occurrence of KSM in neurodevelopmental disorders among males. Accordingly, it is proposed that KSM may be a possible element of pathogenic cascades in psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases. These observations allowed us to extend the hypothesis proposed in our previous report on the contribution of somatic gonosomal mosaicism (Turner’s syndrome mosaicism) to the etiology of neurodevelopmental disorder