6,035 research outputs found

    Non-vanishing Heterotic Superpotentials on Elliptic Fibrations

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    We present models of heterotic compactification on Calabi-Yau threefolds and compute the non-perturbative superpotential for vector bundle moduli. The key feature of these models is that the threefolds, which are elliptically fibered over del Pezzo surfaces, have homology classes with a unique holomorphic, isolated genus-zero curve. Using the spectral cover construction, we present vector bundles for which we can explicitly calculate the Pfaffians associated with string instantons on these curves. These are shown to be non-zero, thus leading to a non-vanishing superpotential in the 4D effective action. We discuss, in detail, why such compactifications avoid the Beasley-Witten residue theorem.Comment: 1 + 23 page

    Career Anchors, National Culture and Leave Intent of MIS Professionals in Taiwan

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    This study focuses on the career anchors of MIS professionals and adopts the well-established career theory, Schein\u27s Career Anchors, as the fundamental theory in this study. The present paper attempts to investigate the relationship between career anchors and leave intent of MIS professionals in Taiwan. The study adds the cultural construct, Chinese Relationalism, into its research model, in order to comprehend the role of Chinese Relationalism in the context of the career anchor model. Three career anchors: technical competence, autonomy, and entrepreneurship, have direct (negative or positive) and significant impacts on the intents of MIS professionals to leave their employment. This study establishes that Chinese Relationalism impacts on the technical competence, geographical security, identity, lifestyle, and various career anchors of MIS professionals and also moderates the relationships between autonomy, entrepreneurship and the leave intent of MIS professionals in Taiwan

    VI-Band Follow-Up Observations of Ultra-Long-Period Cepheid Candidates in M31

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    The ultra-long period Cepheids (ULPCs) are classical Cepheids with pulsation periods exceeding ≈80\approx 80 days. The intrinsic brightness of ULPCs are ~1 to ~3 mag brighter than their shorter period counterparts. This makes them attractive in future distance scale work to derive distances beyond the limit set by the shorter period Cepheids. We have initiated a program to search for ULPCs in M31, using the single-band data taken from the Palomar Transient Factory, and identified eight possible candidates. In this work, we presented the VI-band follow-up observations of these eight candidates. Based on our VI-band light curves of these candidates and their locations in the color-magnitude diagram and the Period-Wesenheit diagram, we verify two candidates as being truly ULPCs. The six other candidates are most likely other kinds of long-period variables. With the two confirmed M31 ULPCs, we tested the applicability of ULPCs in distance scale work by deriving the distance modulus of M31. It was found to be μM31,ULPC=24.30±0.76\mu_{M31,ULPC}=24.30\pm0.76 mag. The large error in the derived distance modulus, together with the large intrinsic dispersion of the Period-Wesenheit (PW) relation and the small number of ULPCs in a given host galaxy, means that the question of the suitability of ULPCs as standard candles is still open. Further work is needed to enlarge the sample of calibrating ULPCs and reduce the intrinsic dispersion of the PW relation before re-considering ULPCs as suitable distance indicators.Comment: 13 pages, with 14 Figures and 4 Tables (one online table). AJ accepte

    How to Create Suitable Augmented Reality Application to Teach Social Skills for Children with ASD

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are characterized by a reduced ability to appropriately express social greetings. Studies have indicated that individuals with ASD might not recognize the crucial nonverbal cues that usually aid social interaction. This study applied augmented reality (AR) with tabletop role-playing game (AR-RPG) to focus on the standard nonverbal social cues to teach children with ASD, how to appropriately reciprocate when they socially interact with others. The results showed that intervention system provides an AR combined with physical manipulatives and presents corresponding specific elements in an AR 3D animation with dialogue; thus, it can be used to help them increase their social interaction skills and drive their attention toward the meaning and social value of greeting behavior in specific social situations. We conclude that AR-RPG of social situations helped children with ASD recognize and better understand these situations and moderately effective in teaching the target greeting responses

    Fucosyltransferase 1 and 2 play pivotal roles in breast cancer cells.

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    FUT1 and FUT2 encode alpha 1, 2-fucosyltransferases which catalyze the addition of alpha 1, 2-linked fucose to glycans. Glycan products of FUT1 and FUT2, such as Globo H and Lewis Y, are highly expressed on malignant tissues, including breast cancer. Herein, we investigated the roles of FUT1 and FUT2 in breast cancer. Silencing of FUT1 or FUT2 by shRNAs inhibited cell proliferation in vitro and tumorigenicity in mice. This was associated with diminished properties of cancer stem cell (CSC), including mammosphere formation and CSC marker both in vitro and in xenografts. Silencing of FUT2, but not FUT1, significantly changed the cuboidal morphology to dense clusters of small and round cells with reduced adhesion to polystyrene and extracellular matrix, including laminin, fibronectin and collagen. Silencing of FUT1 or FUT2 suppressed cell migration in wound healing assay, whereas FUT1 and FUT2 overexpression increased cell migration and invasion in vitro and metastasis of breast cancer in vivo. A decrease in mesenchymal like markers such as fibronectin, vimentin, and twist, along with increased epithelial like marker, E-cadherin, was observed upon FUT1/2 knockdown, while the opposite was noted by overexpression of FUT1 or FUT2. As expected, FUT1 or FUT2 knockdown reduced Globo H, whereas FUT1 or FUT2 overexpression showed contrary effects. Exogenous addition of Globo H-ceramide reversed the suppression of cell migration by FUT1 knockdown but not the inhibition of cell adhesion by FUT2 silencing, suggesting that at least part of the effects of FUT1/2 knockdown were mediated by Globo H. Our results imply that FUT1 and FUT2 play important roles in regulating growth, adhesion, migration and CSC properties of breast cancer, and may serve as therapeutic targets for breast cancer

    A role for SUMO modification in transcriptional repression and activation

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    Since the discovery of the SUMO (small ubiquitin-like modifier) family of proteins just over a decade ago, a plethora of substrates have been uncovered including many regulators of transcription. Conjugation of SUMO to target proteins has generally been considered as a repressive modification. However, there are now a growing number of examples where sumoylation has been shown to activate transcription. Here we discuss whether there is something intrinsically repressive about sumoylation, or if the outcome of this modification in the context of transcription will prove to be largely substrate-dependent. We highlight some of the technical challenges that will be faced by attempting to answer this question

    Persistence of Japanese Encephalitis Virus Is Associated with Abnormal Expression of the Nonstructural Protein NS1 in Host Cells

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    AbstractPersistent infection with Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) was established in murine neuroblastoma N18 cells, and the persistency has been maintained in cell culture for over 6 months. From the persistently infected cells, a clone named C2-2 was selected and expanded to form a stable cell line. The vast majority of C2-2 cells showed viral protein staining by immunofluorescence and continuously produced low levels of virus (103to 104PFU/ml) without marked cytopathic effects or cyclic variations. In addition to the wild-type viral proteins, truncated forms of the viral nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) as well as its derivative NS1′ were produced in C2-2 cells. Both truncated NS1 and NS1′ contain deletions at their N-termini; however, the analyses by RT–PCR and direct sequencing of the viral RNA failed to detect any truncations or mutations within the NS1 region, suggesting that NS1 truncation was a result of a unique posttranslational proteolytic cleavage of NS1 in the persistently infected cells. Similar but not identical truncation of NS1 was also observed in two other persistently infected cell lines established in Vero and DBT (murine astrocytoma) cells. However, viruses released from C2-2 cells did not produce truncated NS1 upon infection of N18 cells, suggesting that NS1 truncations were the result of virus–cell interaction in persistently infected cells. These data indicate a strong association between abnormal NS1 expression and JEV persistency. A probable involvement of dysfunctional NS1 in the establishment and/or maintenance of JEV persistency in tissue culture is discussed
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