22 research outputs found

    The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Public Financial Services Education through Financial Technology in Sleman Regency, Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to know the impact of financial inclusion on public financial services education through financial technology. This research was conducted in Sleman Regency because the area was quite large in Yogyakarta, and was ranked third. This type of research is quantitative research. Data collection methods used are questionnaires and literature studies. Data analyses used in this study are the validity test, reliability test, descriptive statistical test, and SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis test. The results of this study found that financial inclusion has been proven to have no impact on public financial services education. However, financial inclusion has proven to have a significant impact on financial technology in Sleman Regency in 2018. In addition, financial inclusion through financial technology has also proven to have a positive impact on public financial service education in Sleman Regency in 2018


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    Village existence is very important for national development. Thus, uneven development between the Village and the City can cause many villagers who try their fortune in the city, leave the village and do not want to return to the Village. This research was conducted to determine the effect of human resource competence on financial accountability of village funds and the influence of the role of village heads on village financial accountability. The population in this study are all villages in the Sleman Regency. This research uses incidental sampling. The sample size uses the Slovin formula, with a minimum number of respondents of 71 villages. The analysis method uses structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis test. The conclusion of this study, namely that there is a significant influence between HR competencies on village financial accountability, meaning that if HR competencies are higher, the financial accountability of village funds is more accountable. There is a significant influence between HR competencies on the financial accountability of village funds, meaning that if HR competencies are higher, the financial accountability of village funds will be more accountable. There is a significant influence between the role of the village head on the financial accountability of village funds, meaning that if the role of the village head is higher, then the financial accountability of village funds is more accountable

    Analyzing Fraud Diamond for Detecting Fraud Committed with Religiosity as Intervening Variable: Study in Manufacturing Company’s Managers in East Java

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    This research was conducted to find out the reasons why a manager commits fraud. Diamond fraud model was used in this research. Religiosity variables are used as intervening variables to determine the effect of religiosity in intervening fraudulent actions among managers of manufacturing companies in East JavaThe data analysis techniques used in this study were descriptive analysis and path analysis. The results of the analysis test in this study resulted in several conclusions, namely the Fraud diamond factor proved to have a significant effect on fraud (Fraud) committed by managers of manufacturing companies in East Java. Meanwhile, Fraud diamond (Incentive) factors proved to have no significant effect on fraud (Fraud) committed by managers of manufacturing companies in East Java. In addition, Religiosity was also not able to interfere strongly with the relationship between Fraud diamond on fraud (Fraud) committed by managers of manufacturing companies in East Java. In conclusion, this result of this research proves that the level of religiosity of a manager is not necessarily able to suppress fraud that is committed in the company

    The Effect of Intellectual Capital and Financial Services Knowledge on Financial Inclusion

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    The study aims to determine the influence of intellectual capital and education on public financial services in increasing financial inclusion. This study applied a survey technique by selecting respondents according to the purposive sampling method. The number of respondents in this study was 500 people and came from various regions in Indonesia. Data analysis was performed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques. The results indicate that intellectual capital has a positive effect on financial inclusion. Conversely, education about public financial services has no influence in increasing financial inclusion. The results of this study indicate that the success of financial inclusion programs in Indonesia is caused more by the role of public intellectual capital. Studies show that the public does not have the courage to be involved in banking institutions because the image of this institution tends to be inflexible in its operations. The results of this study are expected to make a real contribution, especially for the government and banks, that in order to achieve the success of the financial inclusion program in Indonesia; the related parties should educate the public directly to citizens who have not been reached by banking services continuously and with a more down to earth approach

    Policy Socialization and Business Strategy Direction of Eco-Tourism

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    This study aims to estimate the losses of tourism-related sectors and businesses to take recovery steps by disseminating policies and strategic directions. This study uses the Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) to calculate losses. This study indicates that the average percentage of losses in the tourism sector from January to August 2020 is 68% (9,508 million USD) to 69% (10,328 million USD). Several sectors experienced losses, especially accommodation (2978 to 3235 million USD); food and beverages (1750 to 1900 million USD); and shopping (1530 to 1662 million USD). Business actors need to know the socialization of government policies such as fiscal stimulus, CHSE (Cleanliness Health Safety Sustainability) certification, and market reactivation. The direction of the right strategy is also carried out, such as product innovation, improvement of health protocols, digitization, and certification. How to Cite:Esquivias, M. A., Sugiharti, L., Rohmawati, H., & Jaya, I.M.L.M. (2022). Policy Socialization And Business Strategy Direction Of Eco-Tourism. Etikonomi, 21(1), 193-212. https://doi.org/10.15408/etk.v21i1.23068

    Metode penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif : teori, penerapan, dan riset nyata

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    viii, 222 hlm, 14,5 x 23 c

    Metode penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif : teori, penerapan, dan riset nyata

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    viii, 222 hlm, 14,5 x 23 c

    Metode penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif: Teori, penerapan, dan riset nyata

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    Buku ini dirancang untuk memenuhi materi mata kuliah metodologi penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Materi dalam buku ini yaitu tentang bab-bab yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk penelitian. Selain itu, buku ini disusun secara lengkap dan praktis, sehingga diharapkan dapat menjadi tuntunan bagi mahasiswa maupun peneliti kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang menghendaki adanya panduan penelitian yang praktis, lengkap dan mudah dipahami

    Metode penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif : teori, penerepan dan riset nyata

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    viii. 222 halaman.: 21 c