181 research outputs found

    Usability of “iCollege” Learning Management System in University Environment

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    In recent years, there has been an increasing demand in integrating new technologies into educational procedures. The Learning Management System (LMS), a web-based educational technology, helps teachers meet their pedagogical objectives, organize course materials, and support students. Learning Management Software (LMS) has been implemented in many universities across the world to assist link faculty and students outside of the classroom setting. It is a digital environment that allows the efficient distribution of academic materials, Easy access to information, instant access to up-to-date content, maintain a library virtually and enhanced communication through a single location. The main scope of developing this Learning Management System is to resolve above-described features and address many issues in the Academic process and content deliverables. The software solution has been implemented by addressing each requirement of administrators, Students, and Lecturers following each phase of the software life cycle in order to provide real time operations and advanced functions for the web based LMS syste

    Computerized System to Manage Business Functionalities for a Gymnasium

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    Sri Lanka as a still developing country must keep up with modern technologies. Computers in this advanced world are more and more famous and turning essential to our way of life. In these modern days, people are very much concerned about their health and diet, also they are looking for a gym. This Gymnasium management system is a combination of wellness centers designed to deal with customers easier and more efficiently. A gymnasium is a must-go place for any person who loves to live a fit and healthy bodybuilding lifestyle. This system is developed for Fitness Factory Gymnasium located in the Galle district in Sri Lanka. The gym is equipped with all modern machinery and other supporting items to provide better service to its customers. So, the number of members is increasing day by day and the gym management has decided to move to an IT solution to handle the increasing volumes. Improvement was finished after distinguishing client needs utilizing different information assortment innovations. Because of the prerequisites, the product was planned and created with an iterative and steady advancement technique. The system was created determined to supplant the ongoing manual framework utilized in the fitness center. The framework expresses that the fitness center's assets ought to be effectively available to its individuals while engaging the fitness center's administration cycle. Key functions such as trainer’s membership management, customer management, workout plans management (workout management), Customer workout schedule management, Nutrition plan management (Customer meal management), trainer leave management, Q & A management, BMI Calculator, memo and reminder management, inquiry management and report generation were identified. Access control is achieved with a username and password to the admin, trainer, and customer. The system can suggest the best workout schedules for the members. Researchers’ primary goal in developing this system is to make things that were previously done manually in the gym easier. Researchers expect that all system users will benefit from a better service

    Efficiency of an E-Commerce Web Application with MERN Stack and Modern Tools

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    The majority of people in today's generation use technology to manage their life and take care of their basic necessities. Many of us in our generation shop for clothing, groceries, and electronics and even fancy items via e-commerce websites.  We created a single chocolatier e-commerce web application utilizing the MERN stack, which consists of the MongoDB database, the Express.JS framework, the React.JS library, and the Node.JS platform. This program has several views for users and administrators, is fully functioning with 8 main functions.   Depending on the interests of the consumer, we can purchase many chocolate types and brands through this website. In this project, we have the option to add and remove, edit, and save various products. For the website, we have created administrative features including login and logout options, admin dashboard, category and brand management for customers, payment method options for carts, review, and promotion management. Customers could search, sort, filter, and add goods to the cart. The customer can pay and purchase the things when the bills are created based on the cart contents. On the other hand, we have used the modern tools which are necessary to improve the functional and non-functional requirements of the application


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    Ruhuna (Yala) National Park, a strict nature reserve which lies on the southern coast of SriLanka, covers 97,878 hectares ofland. The park comprises of secondary forest where manyspecies of mammals, avifauna, reptiles and birds .are living in substantial numbers. ThePark has achieved the international reputation. Evidently, all categories of some 100,000tourists, 70 percent of which are local tourists visit the Park annually. Tourism in asanctuary is both nature based and sustainable, and sustainability incorporatesenvironmental, socio-cultural and economic dimensions. There should be a control ofsupply-oriented management securing the environmental and economic benefits. Thepublic interest and enthusiasm in the Park could be used not only to market the product butalso to conserve the resources. Hence, the study attempted to analyze the local demand ofthe tourists for Ruhuna National Park with the view of improving Ruhuna National Park asan attractive tourist's destination.The local demand of the tourists for Ruhuna National Park is measured as zonal visitationrate, travel cost, and their willingness to pay. The highest visitation rate is recorded fromBadulla (5.6) while the lowest rate is recorded from Matale (2.1) The visitors from Matalehave the highest total travel cost (Rs. 732.50). Hambantota visitors spend Rs. 115.04 as thetotal travel cost. However, the multiple regression analysis shows that the visitation ratewith income, age, educational level and total travel cost excluding the visitors from Mataraand Hambantota districts, is highly correlated (r2 = 0.935). However, the age issignificantly correlated with visitation rate while total travel cost has a significant negativecorrelation with the visitation rate. According to the local visitors, the willingness to payper person per year is calculated as Rs. I l6.41.

    Design and Implementation of a Web Application for an E-Plant Store

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    With the advancement of technology in every industry, finding items with a few clicks is now simpler. Most people do not have enough knowledge about planting and its advantages of it. Therefore, this platform will be very helpful for those who sell and buy plants. Customers cannot compare prices or pay online when it comes to markets or plant nurseries. So, in this case, Plantae.lk offers various opportunities to customers. They can inspect, get details, compare plants’ pricing, and make online payments easily. In this competitive business world, customer satisfaction is extremely important. We want each customer to have a pleasant shopping experience. With that intention, customer support service offers technical advice and guidance when it is needed. This web application also consists of detailed gardening advice. The major goal of this web application is to provide a better business experience for both seller and consumer.([1])([2]

    FitFlame – Health and Fitness Coaching Application to Mitigate the Issues in the Current Applications

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    Online fitness coaches help people achieve a healthy lifestyle by offering customized solutions. The demand for professional coaching is expected to grow in the coming years. Nevertheless, no applications in the market address the problems in the coaching process. Today, coaches and clients had to use many third-party apps. The reason for this is that no single fitness coaching app offers communication and exercise-tracking features. Even though some apps meet some of these requirements, they are out of reach for most people's budgets. This paper aims to suggest a robust and full-fledged app to mitigate those issues. FitFlame is the name of the proposed app. Both coaches and clients can benefit from this app. Also, FitFlame is a fitness coaching system available on mobile and the web. It helps clients locate and contact coaches, subscribe to coaching plans, and track their progress. It does away with third-party programs and gives users a better experience

    Literature review and a preliminary study on leishmaniasis to inform community awareness campaigns in Sri Lanka

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    Background: Accurate knowledge about transmission and potential risk factors of leishmaniasis among residents in endemic areas is imperative. This paper presents a review of the existing literature on leishmaniasis risk factors in Sri Lanka and a preliminary study of the disease related awareness, attitudes and practices in an endemic area.Methods: Publications on epidemiology of leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka were reviewed. Data were collected using an interviewer administered questionnaire from 120 inhabitants in Dickwella Divisional Secretariat in the District of Matara by a multistage cluster sampling method.Results: Around 20 publications were reviewed, and potential risk factors identified. In the field survey, 21.7% (n=26/120) were aware of the name “leishmaniasis”. Disease vector was identified by 68.1% (n=64/94) through the shown picture and description. Acne form was known as a type of early leishmanial skin lesion by 81.1% (n=73/90). Potential risk factors such as cracks of house walls (55.8%, n=67/120), damp areas in houses (60.0%, n=72/120), animal burrows (45%, n=54/120) and livestock pens (12.5%, n=15/120) were abundant in this area. Western medical treatment was preferred by 78.9% (n=71/90) as the treatment option. Around 58.9% (n=53/90) of respondents felt that disease prevention is a combined responsibility of community and the government.Conclusions: Even though, potential environmental risk factors were abundant, this study found poor awareness regarding the salient aspects of leishmaniasis among the participants. They possessed positive attitudes towards curability of the disease, obtaining proper treatment and disease control.</p

    Global Illness and Deaths Caused by Rotavirus Disease in Children

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    To estimate the global illness and deaths caused by rotavirus disease, we reviewed studies published from 1986 to 2000 on deaths caused by diarrhea and on rotavirus infections in children. We assessed rotavirus-associated illness in three clinical settings (mild cases requiring home care alone, moderate cases requiring a clinic visit, and severe cases requiring hospitalization) and death rates in countries in different World Bank income groups. Each year, rotavirus causes approximately 111 million episodes of gastroenteritis requiring only home care, 25 million clinic visits, 2 million hospitalizations, and 352,000–592,000 deaths (median, 440,000 deaths) in children <5 years of age. By age 5, nearly every child will have an episode of rotavirus gastroenteritis, 1 in 5 will visit a clinic, 1 in 60 will be hospitalized, and approximately 1 in 293 will die. Children in the poorest countries account for 82% of rotavirus deaths. The tremendous incidence of rotavirus disease underscores the urgent need for interventions, such as vaccines, to prevent childhood deaths in developing nations
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