336 research outputs found

    Balanced excitation and inhibition in temperature responses to meth

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    Fatal hyperthermia after administration of various amphetamines is well-known clinical phenomenon, however, there is no consistent theory explaining its etiology and/or pathogenesis. Dose-dependence of temperature responses to methamphetamine is intricate. Recently, using mathematical modeling it was suggested that delicate interplay of excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms underlies this complexity

    Why is it easier to run in the cold?

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    Comment on: Exercise activates compensatory thermoregulatory reaction in rats: a modeling study

    Tissue oxidative metabolism can increase the difference between local temperature and arterial blood temperature by up to 1.3oC: Implications for brain, brown adipose tissue, and muscle physiology

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    Tissue temperature increases, when oxidative metabolism is boosted. The source of nutrients and oxygen for this metabolism is the blood. The blood also cools down the tissue, and this is the only cooling mechanism, when direct dissipation of heat from the tissue to the environment is insignificant, e.g., in the brain. While this concept is relatively simple, it has not been described quantitatively. The purpose of the present work was to answer two questions: 1) to what extent can oxidative metabolism make the organ tissue warmer than the body core, and, 2) how quickly are changes in the local metabolism reflected in the temperature of the tissue? Our theoretical analysis demonstrates that, at equilibrium, given that heat exchange with the organ is provided by the blood, the temperature difference between the organ tissue and the arterial blood is proportional to the arteriovenous difference in oxygen content, does not depend on the blood flow, and cannot exceed 1.3oC. Unlike the equilibrium temperature difference, the rate of change of the local temperature, with respect to time, does depend on the blood flow. In organs with high perfusion rates, such as the brain and muscles, temperature changes occur on a time scale of a few minutes. In organs with low perfusion rates, such changes may have characteristic time constants of tens or hundreds of minutes. Our analysis explains, why arterial blood temperature is the main determinant of the temperature of tissues with limited heat exchange, such as the brain

    Harmonic emission from cluster nanoplasmas subject to intense short laser pulses

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    Harmonic emission from cluster nanoplasmas subject to short intense infrared laser pulses is studied. In a previous publication [M. Kundu et al., Phys. Rev. A 76, 033201 (2007)] we reported particle-in-cell simulation results showing resonant enhancements of low-order harmonics when the Mie plasma frequency of the ionizing and expanding cluster resonates with the respective harmonic frequency. Simultaneously we found that high-order harmonics were barely present in the spectrum, even at high intensities. The current paper is focused on the analytical modeling of the process. We show that dynamical stochasticity owing to nonlinear resonance inhibits the emission of high order harmonics.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, RevTe

    Peculiarities of evolutions of elastic-plastic shock compression waves in different materials

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    In the paper, we discuss such unexpected features in the wave evolution in solids as strongly nonlinear uniaxial elastic compression in a picosecond time range, a departure from self-similar development of the wave process which is accompanied with apparent sub-sonic wave propagation, changes of shape of elastic precursor wave as a result of variations in the material structure and the temperature, unexpected peculiarities of reflection of elastic-plastic waves from free surface

    `In pursuit of the Nazi mind?' the deployment of psychoanalysis in the allied struggle against Germany

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    This paper discusses how psychoanalytic ideas were brought to bear in the Allied struggle against the Third Reich and explores some of the claims that were made about this endeavour. It shows how a variety of studies of Fascist psychopathology, centred on the concept of superego, were mobilized in military intelligence, post-war planning and policy recommendations for ‘denazification’. Freud's ideas were sometimes championed by particular army doctors and government planners; at other times they were combined with, or displaced by, competing, psychiatric and psychological forms of treatment and diverse studies of the Fascist ‘personality’. This is illustrated through a discussion of the treatment and interpretation of the deputy leader of the Nazi Party, Rudolf Hess, after his arrival in Britain in 1941

    ATR inhibition facilitates targeting of leukemia dependence on convergent nucleotide biosynthetic pathways.

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    Leukemia cells rely on two nucleotide biosynthetic pathways, de novo and salvage, to produce dNTPs for DNA replication. Here, using metabolomic, proteomic, and phosphoproteomic approaches, we show that inhibition of the replication stress sensing kinase ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein (ATR) reduces the output of both de novo and salvage pathways by regulating the activity of their respective rate-limiting enzymes, ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) and deoxycytidine kinase (dCK), via distinct molecular mechanisms. Quantification of nucleotide biosynthesis in ATR-inhibited acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cells reveals substantial remaining de novo and salvage activities, and could not eliminate the disease in vivo. However, targeting these remaining activities with RNR and dCK inhibitors triggers lethal replication stress in vitro and long-term disease-free survival in mice with B-ALL, without detectable toxicity. Thus the functional interplay between alternative nucleotide biosynthetic routes and ATR provides therapeutic opportunities in leukemia and potentially other cancers.Leukemic cells depend on the nucleotide synthesis pathway to proliferate. Here the authors use metabolomics and proteomics to show that inhibition of ATR reduced the activity of these pathways thus providing a valuable therapeutic target in leukemia

    Landau damping in thin films irradiated by a strong laser field

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    The rate of linear collisionless damping (Landau damping) in a classical electron gas confined to a heated ionized thin film is calculated. The general expression for the imaginary part of the dielectric tensor in terms of the parameters of the single-particle self-consistent electron potential is obtained. For the case of a deep rectangular well, it is explicitly calculated as a function of the electron temperature in the two limiting cases of specular and diffuse reflection of the electrons from the boundary of the self-consistent potential. For realistic experimental parameters, the contribution of Landau damping to the heating of the electron subsystem is estimated. It is shown that for films with a thickness below about 100 nm and for moderate laser intensities it may be comparable with or even dominate over electron-ion collisions and inner ionization.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Nesting properties and anisotropy of the Fermi surface of LuNi2_{2}B2_{2}C

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    The rare earth nickel borocarbides, with the generic formula RRNi2_{2}B2_{2}C, have recently been shown to display a rich variety of phenomena. Most striking has been the competition between, and even coexistence of, antiferromagnetism and superconductivity. We have measured the Fermi surface (FS) of LuNi2_{2}B2_{2}C, and shown that it possesses nesting features capable of explaining some of the phenomena experimentally observed. In particular, it had previously been conjectured that a particular sheet of FS is responsible for the modulated magnetic structures manifest in some of the series. We report the first direct experimental observation of this sheet.Comment: 4 pages, 4 PS figure

    Statistical Derivation of Basic Equations of Diffusional Kinetics in Alloys with Application to the Description of Diffusion of Carbon in Austenite

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    Basic equations of diffusional kinetics in alloys are statistically derived using the master equation approach. To describe diffusional transformations in substitution alloys, we derive the "quasi-equilibrium" kinetic equation which generalizes its earlier versions by taking into account possible "interaction renormalization" effects. For the interstitial alloys Me-X, we derive the explicit expression for the diffusivity D of an interstitial atom X which notably differs from those used in previous phenomenological treatments. This microscopic expression for D is applied to describe the diffusion of carbon in austenite basing on some simple models of carbon-carbon interaction. The results obtained enable us to make certain conclusions about the real form of these interactions, and about the scale of the "transition state entropy" for diffusion of carbon in austenite.Comment: 26 pages, 5 postscript figures, LaTe