996 research outputs found

    Temporal extensivity of Tsallis' entropy and the bound on entropy production rate

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    The Tsallis entropy, which is a generalization of the Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy, plays a central role in nonextensive statistical mechanics of complex systems. A lot of efforts have recently been made on establishing a dynamical foundation for the Tsallis entropy. They are primarily concerned with nonlinear dynamical systems at the edge of chaos. Here, it is shown by generalizing a formulation of thermostatistics based on time averages recently proposed by Carati [A. Carati, Physica A 348, 110 (2005)] that, whenever relevant, the Tsallis entropy indexed by qq is temporally extensive: linear growth in time, i.e., finite entropy production rate. Then, the universal bound on the entropy production rate is shown to be 1/1q1/|1-q| . The property of the associated probabilistic process, i.e., the sojourn time distribution, determining randomness of motion in phase space is also analyzed.Comment: 25 pages, no figure

    Optimal Covariant Measurement of Momentum on a Half Line in Quantum Mechanics

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    We cannot perform the projective measurement of a momentum on a half line since it is not an observable. Nevertheless, we would like to obtain some physical information of the momentum on a half line. We define an optimality for measurement as minimizing the variance between an inferred outcome of the measured system before a measuring process and a measurement outcome of the probe system after the measuring process, restricting our attention to the covariant measurement studied by Holevo. Extending the domain of the momentum operator on a half line by introducing a two dimensional Hilbert space to be tensored, we make it self-adjoint and explicitly construct a model Hamiltonian for the measured and probe systems. By taking the partial trace over the newly introduced Hilbert space, the optimal covariant positive operator valued measure (POVM) of a momentum on a half line is reproduced. We physically describe the measuring process to optimally evaluate the momentum of a particle on a half line.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Ground-state phase diagram of the Kondo lattice model on triangular-to-kagome lattices

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    We investigate the ground-state phase diagram of the Kondo lattice model with classical localized spins on triangular-to-kagome lattices by using a variational calculation. We identify the parameter regions where a four-sublattice noncoplanar order is stable with a finite spin scalar chirality while changing the lattice structure from triangular to kagome continuously. Although the noncoplanar spin states appear in a wide range of parameters, the spin configurations on the kagome network become coplanar as approaching the kagome lattice; eventually, the scalar chirality vanishes for the kagome lattice model.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Application of exchange Monte Carlo method to ordering dynamics

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    We apply the exchange Monte Carlo method to the ordering dynamics of the three-state Potts model with the conserved order parameter. Even for the deeply quenched case to low temperatures, we have observed a rapid domain growth; we have proved the efficiency of the exchange Monte Carlo method for the ordering process. The late-stage growth law has been found to be R(t)t1/3R(t) \sim t^{1/3} for the case of conserved order parameter of three-component system.Comment: 7 pages including 5 eps figures, to appear in New J. Phys. http://www.njp.or

    Planck Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Cluster Mass Calibration using Hyper Suprime-Cam Weak Lensing

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    Using \sim140 deg2^2 Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) survey data, we stack the weak lensing (WL) signal around five Planck clusters found within the footprint. This yields a 15σ\sigma detection of the mean Planck cluster mass density profile. The five Planck clusters span a relatively wide mass range, MWL,500c=(230)×1014M/hM_{\rm WL,500c} = (2-30)\times10^{14}\,M_\odot/h with a mean mass of MWL,500c=(4.15±0.61)×1014M/hM_{\rm WL,500c} = (4.15\pm0.61)\times10^{14}\,M_\odot/h. The ratio of the stacked Planck Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) mass to the stacked WL mass is MSZ/MWL=1b=0.80±0.14 \langle M_{\rm SZ}\rangle/\langle M_{\rm WL}\rangle = 1-b = 0.80\pm0.14. This mass bias is consistent with previous WL mass calibrations of Planck clusters within the errors. We discuss the implications of our findings for the calibration of SZ cluster counts and the much discussed tension between Planck SZ cluster counts and Planck Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology.Comment: 12 pages, 2 tables, 7 figures, accepted to PASJ special issu

    Manganite charge and orbitally ordered and disordered states probed by Fe substitution into Mn site in LnBaMn1.96Fe0.04O5, LnBaMn1.96Fe0.04O6 and LnBaMn1.96Fe0.04O5.5 (Ln=Y, Gd, Sm, Nd, Pr, La)

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    The layered manganese oxides LnBaMn1.96Fe0.04Oy (Ln=Y, Gd, Sm, Nd, Pr, La) have been synthesized for y=5, 5.5 and 6. In the oxygen-saturated state (y=6) they exhibit the charge and orbital order at ambient temperature for Ln=Y, Gd, Sm, but unordered eg-electronic system for Ln=La,Pr,Nd. Fourfold increase of quadrupole splitting was observed owing to the charge and orbital ordering. This is in agreement with the jumplike increase in distortion of the reduced perovskite-like cell for the charge and orbitally ordered manganites compared to the unordered ones. Substitution of 2 percents of Mn by Fe suppresses the temperatures of structural and magnetic transitions by 20 to 50 K. Parameters of the crystal lattices and the room-temperature M\"{o}ssbauer spectra were studied on forty samples whose structures were refined within five symmetry groups: P4/mmm, P4/nmm, Pm-3m, Icma and P2/m. Overwhelming majority of the Fe species are undifferentiated in the M\"{o}ssbauer spectra for most of the samples. Such the single-component spectra in the two-site structures are explained by the preference of Fe towards the site of Mn(III) and by the segmentation of the charge and orbitally ordered domains.Comment: 8 figures; figures 2 and 3 were revise

    Plasticity of microvascular oxygenation control in rat fast-twitch muscle: effects of experimental creatine depletion

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    Aging, heart failure and diabetes each compromise the matching of O2 delivery (QO2)-to-metabolic requirements (O2 uptake, VO2) in skeletal muscle such that the O2 pressure driving blood-myocyte O2 flux (microvascular PO2, PmvO2) is reduced and contractile function impaired. In contrast, β-guanidinopropionic acid (β-GPA) treatment improves muscle contractile function, primarily in fast-twitch muscle (Moerland and Kushmerick, 1994). We tested the hypothesis that β-GPA (2% wt/BW in rat chow, 8 wk; n=14) would improve QO2-to-VO2 matching (elevated PmvO2) during contractions (4.5 V @ 1 Hz) in mixed (MG) and white (WG) portions of the gastrocnemius, both predominantly fast-twitch). Compared with control (CON), during contractions PmvO2 fell less following β-GPA (MG -54%, WG -26%, p<0.05), elevating steady-state PmvO2 (CON, MG: 10±2, WG: 9±1; β-GPA, MG 16±2, WG 18±2 mmHg, P<0.05). This reflected an increased QO2/VO2 ratio due primarily to a reduced VO2 in β-GPA muscles. It is likely that this adaptation helps facilitate the β-GPA-induced enhancement of contractile function in fast-twitch muscles

    Strange filamentary structures ("fireballs") around a merger galaxy in the Coma cluster of galaxies

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    We found an unusual complex of narrow blue filaments, bright blue knots, and H-alpha emitting filaments and clouds, which morphologically resembled a complex of ``fireballs,'' extending up to 80 kpc south from an E+A galaxy RB199 in the Coma cluster. The galaxy has a highly disturbed morphology indicative of a galaxy--galaxy merger remnant. The narrow blue filaments extend in straight shapes toward the south from the galaxy, and several bright blue knots are located at the southern ends of the filaments. The Rc band absolute magnitudes, half light radii and estimated masses of the bright knots are -12 - -13 mag, 200 - 300 pc and 10^6-7 Msolar, respectively. Long, narrow H-alpha emitting filaments are connected at the south edge of the knots. The average color of the fireballs is B - Rc = 0.5, which is bluer than RB199 (B - R = 0.99), suggesting that most of the stars in the fireballs were formed within several times 10^8 yr. The narrow blue filaments exhibit almost no H-alpha emission. Strong H-alpha and UV emission appear in the bright knots. These characteristics indicate that star formation recently ceased in the blue filaments and now continues in the bright knots. The gas stripped by some mechanism from the disk of RB199 may be traveling in the intergalactic space, forming stars left along its trajectory. The most plausible fireball formation mechanism is ram pressure stripping by high-speed collision between the galaxy and the hot intra-cluster medium. The fireballs may be a snapshot of diffuse intra-cluster population formation, or halo star population formation in a cluster galaxy.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Ap

    Fermionic Ghosts in Moyal String Field Theory

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    We complete the construction of the Moyal star formulation of bosonic open string field theory (MSFT) by providing a detailed study of the fermionic ghost sector. In particular, as in the case of the matter sector, (1) we construct a map from Witten's star product to the Moyal product, (2) we propose a regularization scheme which is consistent with the matter sector and (3) as a check of the formalism, we derive the ghost Neumann coefficients algebraically directly from the Moyal product. The latter satisfy the Gross-Jevicki nonlinear relations even in the presence of the regulator, and when the regulator is removed they coincide numerically with the expression derived from conformal field theory. After this basic construction, we derive a regularized action of string field theory in the Siegel gauge and define the Feynman rules. We give explicitly the analytic expression of the off-shell four point function for tachyons, including the ghost contribution. Some of the results in this paper have already been used in our previous publications. This paper provides the technical details of the computations which were omitted there.Comment: 65 pages, typos correcte