146 research outputs found
Election of Regional Representative Councils Members with Noken System in Election Principle Perspective
The holding of General Elections, including the election of members of the Regional Representative Council in parts of Papua, has its own character because its implementation is different from the general election. If all this time we only know that, the implementation of the General Election is carried out in a "direct, general, free and secret manner", then there are some areas in Papua that still use the general election with the noken/tie system. This is because the culture of indigenous peoples in the Papua region in terms of decision-making concerning common interests is carried out through deliberation meetings involving members of the community as a whole or certain people ("Men with authority" or "The Big Man") only as representatives to take a decision. This is also corroborated by the Constitutional Court Decision Number 47-81 / PHPU.A-VII / 2009 which basically states that they do not question the voting system used by indigenous peoples in the central highlands of Papua, because the essence of the General Election process is that everyone can exercise direct, public, free and confidential voting rights. With the implementation of the General Election (including the election of DPD members) with the noken/ikat system, it does not provide guarantees and legal certainty for the constitutional rights of voters to determine for themselves who they think is best based on their rational logic. Honesty does not only mean that no provisions in the General Election are violated or simply that no votes are manipulated. Honesty must also be interpreted as the system that most allows the people to elect candidates according to their conscience based on the capacity and integrity of the candidates
Pola hubungan ketetanggaan pada masyarakat kota (studi kasus di rumah susun menanggal, Surabaya)
Sebagai makhluk sosial, manusia tidak dapat hidup tanpa dengan adanya orang lain, kecuali untuk jangka waktu dan ruang tertentu,manusia membutuhkan kehidupan dirinya sebagai makhluk individu. Dalam pidato yang berjudul On Social Structure (1939), Radcliffe Brown mengusulkan untuk membedakan antara individu (individual) dengan person. Individu adalah manusia sebagai organisme, dan person adalah orang yang mempunyai kedudukan dalam struktur sosial. Dalam kehidupannya sebagai warga masyarakat, setiap orang (person) terjerat dalam struktur-struktur sosial yang ada dalam masyarakatnya.Masing-masing struktur sosial tersebut mengatur kedudukannya dalam kaitannya dengan kedudukan-kedudukan dari orang-orang lainnya yang secara keseluruhannya memperlihatkan corak tertentu yang berbeda dari struktur sosial lainnya. Corak dari suatu struktur sosial ditentukan oleh konfigurasi dari kegiatan- kegiatannya. Adanya kedudukan-kedudukan yang diatur oleh struktur sosial tersebut menuntut dan menghasilkan adanya peranan-peranan yang sesuai dengan kedudukan-kedudukan tersebut (Suparlan, 1986)
Pengaruh Pengalaman, Keahlian, Situasi Audit, dan Etika terhadap Skeptisisme Profesional Auditor (Studi Kasus pada Kap di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Pengalaman, Keahlian, Situasi Audit, dan Etika terhadap Skeptisisme Profesional Auditor baik secara parsial maupun secara simultan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian sampel dengan jumlah sampel 37 auditor. Uji coba instrument dilakukan menggunakan uji coba terpakai dilakukan pada KAP di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Uji validitas menggunakan correlation product moment, sedangkan uji reliabilitas menggunakan cronbach alpha. Uji asumsi klasik meliputi uji normalitas, uji linearitas, uji multikolinearitas, dan uji heteroskedastisitas. Uji hipotesis pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana dan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan Pengalaman terhadap Skeptisisme Profesional Auditor pada KAP di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Ditunjukkan dengan nilai signifikansi lebih kecil dari level of significant (0,005<0,050), dan garis regresinya Y = 46,084 + 1,389 X1; (2) Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan Keahlian terhadap Skeptisisme Profesional Auditor. Ditunjukkan dengan nilai signifikansi lebih kecil dari level of significant (0,000<0,050), dan garis regresinya Y= 40,379 + 1320X2; (3) Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan Situasi Audit terhadap Skeptisisme Profesional Auditor. Ditunjukkan dengan nilai signifikansi lebih kecil dari pada level of significant (0,000<0,050), dan garis regresinya Y = 28,818 + 1,350X3; (4) Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan Etika terhadap Skeptisisme Profesional Auditor. Ditunjukkan dengan nilai signifikansi lebih kecil dari level of significant (0,000<0,050), dan garis regresinya Y = 33,296 + 0,596X4; (5) Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan secara simultan antara Pengalaman, Keahlian, Situasi Audit dan Etika terhadap Skeptisisme Profesional Auditor. Ditunjukan dengan nilai signifikansi lebih kecil dari level of significant (0,005<0,050), dan garis regresinya Y = 22,230 + 0,694X1 + 0,613X2 + 0,594 X3 +0,322 X4
Analisis Yuridis Eksistensi Kelembagaan PDAM Kota Surakarta dalam Rangka Mewujudkan Good Coorporate Governance menuju Millenium Development Gools (MDGs)
This research is aimed to know institusional existence in PDAM Kota Surakarta having jurudical in globalization era to the Millenium Development Goals and the normative obtacles and its solution in realizing Good Corporate Governance principle in the MDGs in PDAM Kota Surakarta
Comparison of Eight Month Coastal Polluted Porcelain and Epoxy Resin Outdoor Insulators
This study presents the experimental results of eight months naturally coastal polluted outdoor porcelain and epoxy resin insulators. The experiments were leakage current and applied high voltage measurements used a two-channel storage digital oscilloscope, in the hermetically sealed chamber, where temperature, humidity , pressure and applied voltage could be adjusted and measured simultaneously. The leakage current waveforms were analyzed using FFT and the relation to environmental parameters were analyzed using correlation matrix of multivariate statistical tools. It was also conducted SEM and EDAX tests. Base on the correlation coefficient matrix, the humidity contributed to leakage current amplitude and phase angle on the porcelain insulator were very significant, with the correlation coefficient were 0.60 and -0.68 respectively. Whereas, on polluted epoxy resin insulator, the humidity did not influence to leakage current and phase angle considerably. Generally, the surface became rougher than the new one. The most three chemical elements in pollutants were chlorine, silicon and ferrum
Rancangbangunprototype Panel Surya Sebagai Alat Pengusir Hama Burung
There are many ways which can be done by farmers to repel the bird pests, one of them is by using ultra sonic wave (Parcaya, 2008). Among the farmers there are some methods which are used to repel this bird pest such as by making “orang-orangan” (puppet), banners, ringing cans, putting plastic bags ,catapult and even using air rifle. By means of this bird pest repelling device using ultra sonic wave, it will be benefit for the farmers to repel the bird pest. This device consists of several series electronic, such as solar panel, series of battery charger controller , storage batteries, series of light sensor, series of amplifier/intensifier laser IC 555 and series of ultrasonic sensor. The degree of influence of sparrow pest was decreasing by 95%. The method applied for 4 stages, namely collecting data, device design, device construction and device testing/experiment. The result of this research is solar panel prototype design as a bird pest repelling device innovation which is useful for farmers to ease the jobs
Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Profitabilitas, Opini Audit, dan Umur Perusahaan terhadap Audit Delay (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Property dan Real Estate yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada Tahun 2012-2014)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Profitabilitas, Opini Audit, dan Umur Perusahaan terhadap Audit Delay pada Perusahaan property dan real estate yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2012-2014. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kausal komparatif dengan pendekatan ex post facto. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling berjumlah 41 Perusahaan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif, uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi linier sederhana, dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa (1) Ukuran Perusahaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Audit Delay, hal ini dibuktikan dengan koefisien regresi=-3,118, nilai signifikansi t sebesar 0,010 < 0,05. (2) Profitabilitas berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Audit Delay, hal ini dibuktikan dengan koefisien regresi=-22,386, nilai signifikansi t sebesar 0,026 < 0,05. (3) Opini Audit berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Audit Delay, hal ini dibuktikan dengan koefisien regresi=3,407, nilai signifikansi t sebesar 0,013 < 0,05. (4) Umur Perusahaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Audit Delay, hal ini dibuktikan dengan koefisien regresi=-0,231, nilai signifikansi t sebesar 0,030 < 0,05. (5) Ukuran Perusahaan, Profitabilitas, Opini Audit, dan Umur Perusahaan berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap Audit Delay, hal ini dibuktikan dengan nilai signifikansi F sebesar 0,002 < 0,05. Besarnya pengaruh secara simultan ditunjukkan dengan nilai R square sebesar 12,9%
Peran Center for Internasional Forestry Research (Cifor) Di Indonesia Terkait Mekanisme Reducing Emission From Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) 2007-2014
This research aimed to cexplain the role of an International organization CIFOR at a Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Indonesia. The organization is an organization that focused on forestry research. Since the issue of climate change become the attention of the world and also the attention of student. Indonesia became one of the foremost in support of the issue. In COP 13 which is a string of framework under the UNFCCC appears a scheme for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. The scheme also is the reference Indonesia and other countries for support to solve the problem of climate change, such a scheme known as REDD. The theory used in this paper is the role theory. In this research, The method used of qualitative methods, qualitative research is a descriptive understanding. This research found that the role of International organizations in supporting and contributing to problem a country can be as Motivator, communicator, and Fasilitator
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