312 research outputs found

    Gas Seepage and Pockmark Formation From Subsurface Reservoirs:Insights From Table-Top Experiments

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    Pockmarks are morphological depressions commonly observed in ocean and lake floors. Pockmarks form by fluid (typically gas) seepage thorough a sealing sedimentary layer, deforming and breaching the layer. The seepage-induced sediment deformation mechanisms, and their links to the resulting pockmarks morphology, are not well understood. To bridge this gap, we conduct laboratory experiments in which gas seeps through a granular (sand) reservoir, overlaid by a (clay) seal, both submerged under water. We find that gas rises through the reservoir and accumulates at the seal base. Once sufficient gas over-pressure is achieved, gas deforms the seal, and finally escapes via either: (a) doming of the seal followed by dome breaching via fracturing; (b) brittle faulting, delineating a plug, which is lifted by the gas seeping through the bounding faults; or (c) plastic deformation by bubbles ascending through the seal. The preferred mechanism is found to depend on the seal thickness and stiffness: in stiff seals, a transition from doming and fracturing to brittle faulting occurs as the thickness increases, whereas bubble rise is preferred in the most compliant, thickest seals. Seepage can also occur by mixed modes, such as bubbles rising in faults. Repeated seepage events suspend the sediment at the surface and create pockmarks. We present a quantitative analysis that explains the tendency for the various modes of deformation observed experimentally. Finally, we connect simple theoretical arguments with field observations, highlighting similarities and differences that bound the applicability of laboratory experiments to natural pockmarks.</p

    Ulta-slow relaxation in discontinuous-film based electron glasses

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    We present field effect measurements on discontinuous 2D thin films which are composed of a sub monolayer of nano-grains of Au, Ni, Ag or Al. Like other electron glasses these systems exhibit slow conductance relaxation and memory effects. However, unlike other systems, the discontinuous films exhibit a dramatic slowing down of the dynamics below a characteristic temperature T∗T^*. T∗T^* is typically between 10-50K and is sample dependent. For T<T∗T<T^* the sample exhibits a few other peculiar features such as repeatable conductance fluctuations in millimeter size samples. We suggest that the enhanced system sluggishness is related to the current carrying network becoming very dilute in discontinuous films so that the system contains many parts which are electrically very weakly connected and the transport is dominated by very few weak links. This enables studying the glassy properties of the sample as it transitions from a macroscopic sample to a mesocopic sample, hence, the results provide new insight on the underlying physics of electron glasses.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Time Dependent Development of the Coulomb Gap

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    We show that the time development of the Coulomb gap in a Coulomb glass can involve very long relaxation times due to electron rearrangement and hopping. We find that an applied magnetic field reduces the rate of electron hopping and, hence, Coulomb gap formation. These results are consistent with recent conductance experiments on thin semiconducting and metallic films.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, 3 encapsulated postscript figure

    Density Functional Application to Strongly Correlated Electron Systems

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    The LSDA+U approach to density functional theory is carefully reanalyzed. Its possible link to single-particle Green's function theory is occasionally discussed. A simple and elegant derivation of the important sum rules for the on-site interaction matrix elements linking them to the values of U and J is presented. All necessary expressions for an implementation of LSDA+U into a non-orthogonal basis solver for the Kohn-Sham equations are given, and implementation into the FPLO solver is made. Results of application to several planar cuprate structures are reported in detail and conclusions on the interpretation of the physics of the electronic structure of the cuprates are drawn.Comment: invited paper in Journal of Solid State Chemistr

    Commensurate-Incommensurate Magnetic Phase Transition in Magnetoelectric Single Crystal LiNiPO4_4

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    Neutron scattering studies of single-crystal LiNiPO4_4 reveal a spontaneous first-order commensurate-incommensurate magnetic phase transition. Short- and long-range incommensurate phases are intermediate between the high temperature paramagnetic and the low temperature antiferromagnetic phases. The modulated structure has a predominant antiferromagnetic component, giving rise to satellite peaks in the vicinity of the fundamental antiferromagnetic Bragg reflection, and a ferromagnetic component giving rise to peaks at small momentum-transfers around the origin at (0,±Q,0)(0,\pm Q,0). The wavelength of the modulated magnetic structure varies continuously with temperature. It is argued that the incommensurate short- and long-range phases are due to spin-dimensionality crossover from a continuous to the discrete Ising state. These observations explain the anomalous first-order transition seen in the magnetoelectric effect of this system
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