826 research outputs found

    Gamma-ray Flares and VLBI Outbursts of Blazars

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    A model is developed for the time dependent electromagnetic - radio to gamma-ray - emission of active galactic nuclei, specifically, the blazars, based on the acceleration and creation of leptons at a propagating discontinuity or {\it front} of a Poynting flux jet. The front corresponds to a discrete relativistic jet component as observed with very-long-baseline-interferometry (VLBI). Equations are derived for the number, momentum, and energy of particles in the front taking into account synchrotron, synchrotron-self-Compton (SSC), and inverse-Compton processes as well as photon-photon pair production. The apparent synchrotron, SSC, and inverse-Compton luminosities as functions of time are determined. Predictions of the model are compared with observations in the gamma, optical and radio bands. The delay between the high-energy gamma-ray flare and the onset of the radio is explained by self-absorption and/or free-free absorption by external plasma. Two types of gamma-ray flares are predicted depending on pair creation in the front.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to ApJ. 10 figures can be obtained from R. Lovelace by sending postal address to [email protected]

    Влияние эмоциональной направленности и личностных качеств педагога на процесс формирования авторитета у социально неадаптированных подростков

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    The relevance of the problem explored in the article is conditioned by the role the educator plays in the upbringing and education of the younger generation. The educator impacts on children and adolescents shaping their personality. Pedagogical activity is based not only on various professional competencies realized by the educator, but also on the personality orientation and a set of personal qualities that enable him or her to organize the educational process effectively and, if necessary, to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance for socially maladjusted children and adolescents. One of the major conditions for psychological correction is the type of the educator’s emotional orientation and his or her personal qualities that may significantly affect a child’s behavior and development on the whole. The study aims to empirically investigate how the type of the educator’s emotional orientation and personal qualities influence the process of gaining authority among socially maladjusted adolescents. The following methods and techniques were used in the course of research: literature analysis, the empirical methods of observation, experimenting, questionnaire, B.I. Dodonov’s questionnaire for determining emotional orientation; D. Feldes’ modified scale of “sympathetic distance”; a referential scale. The methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis were applied to process the obtained data. The research data were obtained by means of testing and polling 28 comprehensive school teachers and educators of Lipetsk Medical-Psychological Center (Russia) and local secondary schools as well as 62 at-risk teenagers in 2018–2019. The study resulted in determining the dominant types of emotional orientation intrinsic to “effective” educators who are successful in working with socially maladjusted adolescents. It was discovered that adolescents tend to intuitively choose educators with the altruistic and communicative types of the general emotional orientation as a reference person (a significant person). In assessing the educators’ personal qualities, adolescents also give preference to features that are part of the “inventory” of the altruistic and communicative types of emotional orientation. The practical relevance of the research is stipulated by the fact that its general theoretical approaches and practical results can be used by school teachers and educators employed in rehabilitation centers dealing with socially maladjusted adolescents.La relevancia del problema explorado en el artículo está condicionada por el papel que juega el educador en la educación y educación de la generación más joven. El educador impacta en los niños y adolescentes que dan forma a su personalidad. La actividad pedagógica se basa no solo en diversas competencias profesionales realizadas por el educador, sino también en la orientación de la personalidad y un conjunto de cualidades personales que le permiten organizar el proceso educativo de manera efectiva y, si es necesario, proporcionar asistencia psicológica y pedagógica para niños y adolescentes socialmente inadaptados. Una de las principales condiciones para la corrección psicológica es el tipo de orientación emocional del educador y sus cualidades personales que pueden afectar significativamente el comportamiento y el desarrollo del niño en general. El estudio tiene como objetivo investigar empíricamente cómo el tipo de orientación emocional y las cualidades personales del educador influyen en el proceso de ganar autoridad entre los adolescentes socialmente inadaptados. Los siguientes métodos y técnicas se utilizaron en el curso de la investigación: análisis de literatura, métodos empíricos de observación, experimentación, cuestionario, B.I. Cuestionario de Dodonov para determinar la orientación emocional; D. Escala modificada de Feldes de "distancia simpática"; Una escala referencial. Se aplicaron los métodos de análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo para procesar los datos obtenidos. Los datos de la investigación se obtuvieron mediante pruebas y encuestas a 28 maestros y educadores escolares integrales del Centro Médico-Psicológico de Lipetsk (Rusia) y escuelas secundarias locales, así como a 62 adolescentes en riesgo en 2018-2019. El estudio resultó en la determinación de los tipos dominantes de orientación emocional intrínseca a los educadores "efectivos" que tienen éxito en el trabajo con adolescentes socialmente inadaptados. Se descubrió que los adolescentes tienden a elegir intuitivamente educadores con los tipos altruistas y comunicativos de la orientación emocional general como persona de referencia (una persona significativa). Al evaluar las cualidades personales de los educadores, los adolescentes también dan preferencia a las características que son parte del "inventario" de los tipos altruistas y comunicativos de orientación emocional. La relevancia práctica de la investigación está estipulada por el hecho de que sus enfoques teóricos generales y resultados prácticos pueden ser utilizados por maestros y educadores escolares empleados en centros de rehabilitación que se ocupan de adolescentes socialmente inadaptados.Актуальность исследуемой в статье проблемы обусловлена значимостью роли педагога в воспитании и обучении подрастающего поколения. Педагог посредством своей деятельности, своих личностных качеств воздействует на детей и подростков, формирует их как личность.Педагогическая деятельность основана не только на реализации педагогом различных профессиональных компетенций, но на направленности личности и наличии комплекса личностных качеств, позволяющих эффективно организовать учебно-воспитательный процесс и, при необходимости, проводить психолого-педагогическую коррекцию детей и подростков с нарушениями социальной адаптации. Одним из ведущих условий психологической коррекции выступают тип эмоциональной направленности педагога и его личностные качества, которые способны существенно влиять на поведение ребенка и его развитие в целом. Цель представленного в статье исследования, заключается в эмпирическом изучении влияния типа эмоциональной направленности и личностных качеств педагога на процесс формирования авторитета у социально неадаптированных подростков. Для решения поставленных в исследовании задач и проверки гипотезы применялся ряд методов и методик: теоретический анализ научной литературы по проблеме исследования, эмпирические методы: наблюдение, эксперимент, анкетирование, опросник эмоциональной направленности личности Б.И. Додонова; модифицированная шкала «симпатической дистанции» Д. Фелдса; шкала референтности. Для обработки полученного материала применялись методы качественного и количественного анализа. Результаты исследования. Данные, полученные в исследовании, сформированы путем тестирования и анкетирования 28 педагогов общеобразовательных школ и Медико-психологического центра г. Липецка и 62 подростка, состоящих на учете в инспекции по делам несовершеннолетних в 2018-2019 гг. В ходе исследования определены доминирующие типы эмоциональной направленности «эффективных» педагогов, успешно осуществляющих воспитательную деятельность в отношении социально неадаптированных подростков. Выявлено, что подростки интуитивно выбирают в качестве референтного (значимого) лица педагогов с альтруистическим и коммуникативным типами общей эмоциональной направленности. В ходе оценки личностных качеств педагогов подростки также отдают преференции тем свойствам, которые входят в «инвентарий» альтруистического и коммуникативного типов эмоциональной направленности. Практическая значимость работы заключается в том, что общие теоретические подходы и полученные практические результаты исследования могут быть использованы в работе учителей школ, реабилитационных центров по взаимодействию с социально неадаптированными подростками

    Hydrodynamic Simulations of Counterrotating Accretion Disks

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    Hydrodynamic simulations have been used to study accretion disks consisting of counterrotating components with an intervening shear layer(s). Configurations of this type can arise from the accretion of newly supplied counterrotating matter onto an existing corotating disk. The grid-dependent numerical viscosity of our hydro code is used to simulate the influence of a turbulent viscosity of the disk. Firstly, we consider the case where the gas well above the disk midplane rotates with angular rate +\Omega(r) and that well below has the same properties but rotates with rate -\Omega(r). We find that there is angular momentum annihilation in a narrow equatorial boundary layer in which matter accretes supersonically with a velocity which approaches the free-fall velocity and the average accretion speed of the disk can be enormously larger than that for a conventional \alpha-disk rotating in one direction. Secondly, we consider the case of a corotating accretion disk for rr_t. In this case we observed, that matter from the annihilation layer lost its stability and propagated inward pushing matter of inner regions of the disk to accrete. Thirdly, we investigated the case where counterrotating matter inflowing from large radial distances encounters an existing corotating disk. Friction between the inflowing matter and the existing disk is found to lead to fast boundary layer accretion along the disk surfaces and to enhanced accretion in the main disk. These models are pertinent to the formation of counterrotating disks in galaxies and possibly in Active Galactic Nuclei and in X-ray pulsars in binary systems.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, to appear in Ap

    The component composition of integrated foreign language competence of future specialists of State Fire Service of the Emergency Ministry of Russia

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    The authors of the article consider one of the areas of modern vocational education as the formation of integrated foreign language communicative competence of future specialists. It is analyzed the reasons of integration lack of professional and foreign language background in the foreign language qualification in high school. They actualize the education content as a process of integration of vocational and language experience in the field of activity of the future specialist.Рассматривается одна из проблемных областей современного профессионального образования – формирование интегрированной иноязычной коммуникативной компетентности будущих специалистов. Анализируются причины отсутствия единства освоения профессионального и языкового опыта в иноязычной подготовке вуза. Актуализируются вопросы содержания образования как процесс интеграции профессионального и языкового опыта в сфере деятельности будущего специалиста

    "The Conqueror! Cyrus! Napoleon!": the Image of Napoleon in the Art World of Joseph Brodsky

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    The article is devoted to the problem of Brodsky's perception and interpretation of such an important historical era as the era of the Napoleonic campaigns, and in it - the image of Napoleon, who in culture was traditionally interpreted as a genius, villain, superman, etc.Статья посвящена проблеме восприятия И. Бродским образа Наполеона

    Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability of the Magnetopause of Disc-Accreting Stars

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    This work investigates the short wavelength stability of the magnetopause between a rapidly-rotating, supersonic, dense accretion disc and a slowly-rotating low-density magnetosphere of a magnetized star. The magnetopause is a strong shear layer with rapid changes in the azimuthal velocity, the density, and the magnetic field over a short radial distance and thus the Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability may be important. The plasma dynamics is treated using non-relativistic, compressible (isentropic) magnetohydrodynamics. It is necessary to include the displacement current in order that plasma wave velocities remain less than the speed of light. We focus mainly on the case of a star with an aligned dipole magnetic field so that the magnetic field is axial in the disc midplane and perpendicular to the disc flow velocity. However, we also give results for cases where the magnetic field is at an arbitrary angle to the flow velocity. For the aligned dipole case the magnetopause is most unstable for KH waves propagating in the azimuthal direction perpendicular to the magnetic field which tends to stabilize waves propagating parallel to it. The wave phase velocity is that of the disc matter. A quasi-linear theory of the saturation of the instability leads to a wavenumber (kk) power spectrum k1\propto k^{-1} of the density and temperature fluctuations of the magnetopause, and it gives the mass accretion and angular momentum inflow rates across the magnetopause. For self-consistent conditions this mass accretion rate will be equal to the disc accretion rate at large distances from the magnetopause.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Efficiency of local therapy with the use of a new preparation for oral care at periodontitis in the course of hyperpeptic gastritis after tobacco smoke intoxication

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    Periodontal diseases, arising against a background of stomach pathology at tobacco addiction remain an acute problem of modern dentistry. The aim of the work is an experimental study of efficiency of application of the new preparation for oral care during treatment of periodontitis simulated against a background of hyperpeptic gastritis under conditions of intoxication by tobacco smoke. At the first stage all experimental animals were divided into 4 groups: І - intact, II - with simulated periodontitis, III - with simulated periodontitis against a background of simulated hyperpeptic gastritis, IV - with simulated periodontitis against a background of hyperpeptic gastritis under conditions of tobacco smoking. Biochemical researches at periodontitis in rats were conducted for determination of influencing stomach pathology and tobacco smoke. On the II stage efficiency of local therapy was studied with the use of the new preparation for oral care and a comparator agent.Results: At experimental periodontitis against a background of hyperpeptic gastritis under conditions of smoking the considerable changes in periodontal tissues typical for the inflammatory process develop. The local therapy at rats with the use of the new preparation resulted in accelerating removing harmful influence of damaging factors and restoring the state of periodontal tissues, than in case of application of the comparator agent. The efficiency of the new preparation consists in normalizing influence on processes of lipid peroxidation, inflammation and activation of the protective systems of oral cavity during periodontitis which arises up against a background of hyperpeptic gastritis


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    The article gives the results of a study of managers and ordinary employees of Russian organizations on the problem of identifying sources of conflicts and stress factors affecting the functioning of companies. The paper analyses in detail and presents the answers of respondents to the questionnaire about the frequency of the confrontation; on the impact of collisions on staff productivity and on the development of unfavorable mental states of workers; on the role of management and ordinary employees in the emergence of conflicts; about the main reasons for the conflict confrontation; on the system of conflict and stress management, including measures to prevent and resolve them. The results of the survey showed that both the company’s management and ordinary personnel are involved in conflicts, and the leading source of confrontation, according to the majority of respondents, is the individual psychological characteristics of employees. At the same time, the conflicts themselves act as stress factors, having a direct adverse effect on the efficiency of activities and causing specific unwanted emotional reactions. Among other things, the results of the survey showed that the organizations where the respondents work do not have a well-functioning system of conflict management. The research results are practice-oriented


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    The importance of the social development of personnel in innovative economy as a decisive factor in the stability of society and improving the quality of life of both workers themselves and the entire population of the country has been defined. It has been shown that social development of staff in the organization contributes to the improvement of social and labor relations through interaction of the parties of social partnership based on the principle of tripartite cooperation and “tripartism”, and also contributes to the full development of the potential of employees and their professional competences. The main directions of social development of personnel included in the social policy of the organization have been determined in the paper. As a result of the research, priority role of cash payments and guarantees in the organization’s social responsibility strategy have been identified. At the same time, the main principle in the development of policy aimed at social development of staff should be targeted consideration of the needs of employees. The principle of targeting to determine the level of staff satisfaction should be the main one for evaluating the effectiveness of work in this direction. In addition, the authors point to the need to use modeling and forecasting the prospects of social innovations in order to achieve sustainable development in the long term

    Adaptation of persons with disabilities to inclusive education in the university as a condition of their successful functioning in the labour market

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    The main way to implement this principle of equality in the education of persons with disabilities and persons with disabilities (HIA) is now inclusive education at all levels of education throughout life. The basic concepts related to disability, integration of persons with disabilities into society, educational environment have been highlighted in the article, the differences in the understanding and interpretation of these concepts have been shown. The factors of adaptation of students with invalidity and disabilities have been disclosed. The formation of an inclusive educational environment in the University is impossible without improving the management of inclusive education in higher education system