157 research outputs found

    Analyses of shuttle orbiter approach and landing conditions

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    A study of one shuttle orbiter approach and landing conditions are summarized. Causes of observed PIO like flight deficiencies are identified and potential cures are examined. Closed loop pilot/vehicle analyses are described and path/attitude stability boundaries defined. The latter novel technique proved of great value in delineating and illustrating the basic causes of this multiloop pilot control problem. The analytical results are shown to be consistent with flight test and fixed base simulation. Conclusions are drawn relating to possible improvements of the shuttle orbiter/digital flight control system

    On the screening of the potential between adjoint sources in QCD3QCD_3

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    We calculate the potential between adjoint sources in SU(2)SU(2) pure gauge theory in three dimensions. We investigate whether the potential saturates at large separations due to the creation of a pair of gluelumps, colour-singlet states formed when glue binds to an adjoint source.Comment: 3 pages, uuencoded Z-compressed postscript file, contribution to Lattice '9

    Breakdown of large-N quenched reduction in SU(N) lattice gauge theories

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    We study the validity of the large-N equivalence between four-dimensional SU(N) lattice gauge theory and its momentum quenched version--the Quenched Eguchi-Kawai (QEK) model. We find that the assumptions needed for the proofs of equivalence do not automatically follow from the quenching prescription. We use weak-coupling arguments to show that large-N equivalence is in fact likely to break down in the QEK model, and that this is due to dynamically generated correlations between different Euclidean components of the gauge fields. We then use Monte-Carlo simulations at intermediate couplings with 20 <= N <= 200 to provide strong evidence for the presence of these correlations and for the consequent breakdown of reduction. This evidence includes a large discrepancy between the transition coupling of the "bulk" transition in lattice gauge theories and the coupling at which the QEK model goes through a strongly first-order transition. To accurately measure this discrepancy we adapt the recently introduced Wang-Landau algorithm to gauge theories.Comment: 51 pages, 16 figures, Published verion. Historical inaccuracies in the review of the quenched Eguchi-Kawai model are corrected, discussion on reduction at strong-coupling added, references updated, typos corrected. No changes to results or conclusion


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    We calculate the potential between ``quarks'' which are in the adjoint representation of SU(2) color in the three-dimensional lattice theory. We work in the scaling region of the theory and at large quark separations RR. We also calculate the masses MQgM_{Qg} of color-singlet bound states formed by coupling an adjoint quark to adjoint glue (``gluelumps''). Good scaling behavior is found for the masses of both magnetic (angular momentum J=0J=0) and electric (J=1J=1) gluelumps, and the magnetic gluelump is found to be the lowest-lying state. It is naively expected that the potential for adjoint quarks should saturate above a separation RscrR_{\rm scr} where it becomes energetically favorable to produce a pair of gluelumps. We obtain a good estimate of the naive screening distance RscrR_{\rm scr}. However we find little evidence of saturation in the potential out to separations RR of about twice RscrR_{\rm scr}.Comment: 8 pages plus 8 figures in 2 postscript files (uuencoded

    Magnetic Z(N) symmetry in 2+1 dimensions

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    This review describes the role of magnetic symmetry in 2+1 dimensional gauge theories. In confining theories without matter fields in fundamental representation the magnetic symmetry is spontaneously broken. Under some mild assumptions, the low-energy dynamics is determined universally by this spontaneous breaking phenomenon. The degrees of freedom in the effective theory are magnetic vortices. Their role in confining dynamics is similar to that played by pions and sigma in the chiral symmetry breaking dynamics. I give an explicit derivation of the effective theory in (2+1)-dimensional weakly coupled confining models and argue that it remains qualitatively the same in strongly coupled (2+1)-dimensional gluodynamics. Confinement in this effective theory is a very simple classical statement about the long range interaction between topological solitons, which follows (as a result of a simple direct classical calculation) from the structure of the effective Lagrangian. I show that if fundamentally charged dynamical fields are present the magnetic symmetry becomes local rather than global. The modifications to the effective low energy description in the case of heavy dynamical fundamental matter are discussed. This effective lagrangian naturally yields a bag like description of baryonic excitations. I also discuss the fate of the magnetic symmetry in gauge theories with the Chern-Simons term

    String breaking by dynamical fermions in three-dimensional lattice QCD

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    The first observation is made of hadronic string breaking due to dynamical fermions in zero temperature lattice QCD. The simulations are done for SU(2) color in three dimensions, with two flavors of staggered fermions. The results have clear implications for the large scale simulations that are being done to search (so far, without success) for string breaking in four-dimensional QCD. In particular, string breaking is readily observed using only Wilson loops to excite a static quark-antiquark pair. Improved actions on coarse lattices are used, providing an extremely efficient means to access the quark separations and propagation times at which string breaking occurs.Comment: Revised version to appear in Physical Review D, has additional discussion of the results, additional references, modified title, larger figure

    Numerical study of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with gluinos

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    We report on a numerical investigation of the SU(2) gauge theory with gluinos. The low-lying spectrum in bosonic and fermionic channels is determined. Improvements of the multi-bosonic algorithm are discussed.Comment: latex, 3 pages, 4 figures; Poster presented by K. Spanderen at LATTICE9

    Confining strings in SU(N) gauge theories

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    We calculate the string tensions of kk-strings in SU(NN) gauge theories in both 3 and 4 dimensions. In D=3+1, we find that the ratio of the k=2k=2 string tension to the k=1k = 1 fundamental string tension is consistent, at the 2σ2 \sigma level, with both the M(-theory)QCD-inspired conjecture and with `Casimir scaling'. In D=2+1 we see a definite deviation from the MQCD formula, as well as a much smaller but still significant deviation from Casimir scaling. We find that in both D=2+1 and D=3+1 the high temperature spatial kk-string tensions also satisfy approximate Casimir scaling. We point out that approximate Casimir scaling arises naturally if the cross-section of the flux tube is nearly independent of the flux carried, and that this will occur in an effective dual superconducting description, if we are in the deep-London limit. We estimate, numerically, the intrinsic width of kk-strings in D=2+1 and indeed find little variation with kk. In addition to the stable kk-strings we investigate some ofthe unstable strings, finding in D=2+1 that they satisfy (approximate) Casimir scaling. We also investigate the basic assumption that confining flux tubes are described by an effective string theory at large distances. We estimate the coefficient of the universal L\"uscher correction from periodic strings that are longer than 1 fermi, and find cL=0.98(4)c_L=0.98(4) in D=3+1 and cL=0.558(19)c_L=0.558(19) in D=2+1. These values are within 2σ2 \sigma of the simple bosonic string values and are inconsistent with other simple effective string theories.Comment: 57 pages, 11 figures. Errors on fits reduced by altering the analysis to a standard one. Conclusions unchanged; note addedchanged. Some typos correcte

    Effective matrix model for deconfinement in pure gauge theories

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    We construct matrix models for the deconfining phase transition in SU(N) gauge theories, without dynamical quarks, at a nonzero temperature T. We generalize models with zero and one free parameter to study a model with two free parameters: besides perturbative terms ~T^4, we introduce terms ~T^2 and ~T^0. The two N-dependent parameters are determined by fitting to data from numerical simulations on the lattice for the pressure, including the latent heat. Good agreement is found for the pressure in the semi-quark gluon plasma (QGP), which is the region from Tc, the critical temperature, to about ~4 Tc. Above ~1.2 Tc, the pressure is a sum of a perturbative term, ~ +T^4, and a simple non-perturbative term, essentially just a constant times ~ -Tc^2 T^2. For the pressure, the details of the matrix model only enter within a very narrow window, from Tc to ~1.2 Tc, whose width does not change significantly with N. Without further adjustment, the model also agrees well with lattice data for the 't Hooft loop. This is notable, because in contrast to the pressure, the 't Hooft loop is sensitive to the details of the matrix model over the entire semi-QGP. For the (renormalized) Polyakov loop, though, our results disagree sharply with those from the lattice. Matrix models provide a natural and generic explanation for why the deconfining phase transition in SU(N) gauge theories is of first order not just for three, but also for four or more colors. Lastly, we consider gauge theories where there is no strict order parameter for deconfinement, such as for a G(2) gauge group. To agree with lattice measurements, in the G(2) matrix model it is essential to add terms which generate complete eigenvalue repulsion in the confining phase.Comment: 80 pages, 26 figure

    On the chirality of quark modes

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    A model for the QCD vacuum based on a domainlike structured background gluon field with definite duality attributed to the domains has been shown elsewhere to give confinement of static quarks, a reasonable value for the topological susceptibility and indications that chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken. In this paper we study in detail the eigenvalue problem for the Dirac operator in such a gluon mean field. A study of the local chirality parameter shows that the lowest nonzero eigenmodes possess a definite mean chirality correlated with the duality of a given domain. A probability distribution of the local chirality qualitatively reproduces histograms seen in lattice simulations.Comment: RevTeX4, 5 figures, 14 page