341 research outputs found

    Dynamics of a Quantum Control-Not Gate for an Ensemble of Four-Spin Molecules at Room Temperature

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    We investigate numerically a single-pulse implementation of a quantum Control-Not (CN) gate for an ensemble of Ising spin systems at room temperature. For an ensemble of four-spin ``molecules'' we simulate the time-evolution of the density matrix, for both digital and superpositional initial conditions. Our numerical calculations confirm the feasibility of implementation of quantum CN gate in this system at finite temperature, using electromagnetic π\pi-pulse.Comment: 7 pages 3 figure

    Scaling-violation phenomena and fractality in the human posture control systems

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    By analyzing the movements of quiet standing persons by means of wavelet statistics, we observe multiple scaling regions in the underlying body dynamics. The use of the wavelet-variance function opens the possibility to relate scaling violations to different modes of posture control. We show that scaling behavior becomes close to perfect, when correctional movements are dominated by the vestibular system.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    From quantum cellular automata to quantum lattice gases

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    A natural architecture for nanoscale quantum computation is that of a quantum cellular automaton. Motivated by this observation, in this paper we begin an investigation of exactly unitary cellular automata. After proving that there can be no nontrivial, homogeneous, local, unitary, scalar cellular automaton in one dimension, we weaken the homogeneity condition and show that there are nontrivial, exactly unitary, partitioning cellular automata. We find a one parameter family of evolution rules which are best interpreted as those for a one particle quantum automaton. This model is naturally reformulated as a two component cellular automaton which we demonstrate to limit to the Dirac equation. We describe two generalizations of this automaton, the second of which, to multiple interacting particles, is the correct definition of a quantum lattice gas.Comment: 22 pages, plain TeX, 9 PostScript figures included with epsf.tex (ignore the under/overfull \vbox error messages); minor typographical corrections and journal reference adde

    Geometric approach to nonlinear coherent states using the Higgs model for harmonic oscillator

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    In this paper, we investigate the relation between the curvature of the physical space and the deformation function of the deformed oscillator algebra using non-linear coherent states approach. For this purpose, we study two-dimensional harmonic oscillators on the flat surface and on a sphere by applying the Higgs modell. With the use of their algebras, we show that the two-dimensional oscillator algebra on a surface can be considered as a deformed one-dimensional oscillator algebra where the effect of the curvature of the surface is appeared as a deformation function. We also show that the curvature of the physical space plays the role of deformation parameter. Then we construct the associated coherent states on the flat surface and on a sphere and compare their quantum statistical properties, including quadrature squeezing and antibunching effect.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figs. To be appeared in J. Phys.

    An Evolutionary Approach to Active Robust Multiobjective Optimisation

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    An Active Robust Optimisation Problem (AROP) aims at finding robust adaptable solutions, i.e. solutions that actively gain robustness to environmental changes through adaptation. Existing AROP studies have considered only a single performance objective. This study extends the Active Robust Optimisation methodology to deal with problems with more than one objective. Once multiple objectives are considered, the optimal performance for every uncertain parameter setting is a set of configurations, offering different trade-offs between the objectives. To evaluate and compare solutions to this type of problems, we suggest a robustness indicator that uses a scalarising function combining the main aims of multi-objective optimisation: proximity, diversity and pertinence. The Active Robust Multi-objective Optimisation Problem is formulated in this study, and an evolutionary algorithm that uses the hypervolume measure as a scalarasing function is suggested in order to solve it. Proof-of-concept results are demonstrated using a simplified gearbox optimisation problem for an uncertain load demand

    Role of entanglement in two-photon imaging

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    The use of entangled photons in an imaging system can exhibit effects that cannot be mimicked by any other two-photon source, whatever the strength of the correlations between the two photons. We consider a two-photon imaging system in which one photon is used to probe a remote (transmissive or scattering) object, while the other serves as a reference. We discuss the role of entanglement versus correlation in such a setting, and demonstrate that entanglement is a prerequisite for achieving distributed quantum imaging.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamics, correlations and phases of the micromaser

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    The micromaser possesses a variety of dynamical phase transitions parametrized by the flux of atoms and the time-of-flight of the atom within the cavity. We discuss how these phases may be revealed to an observer outside the cavity using the long-time correlation length in the atomic beam. Some of the phase transitions are not reflected in the average excitation level of the outgoing atom, which is the commonly used observable. The correlation length is directly related to the leading eigenvalue of the time evolution operator, which we study in order to elucidate the phase structure. We find that as a function of the time-of-flight the transition from the thermal to the maser phase is characterized by a sharp peak in the correlation length. For longer times-of-flight there is a transition to a phase where the correlation length grows exponentially with the flux. We present a detailed numerical and analytical treatment of the different phases and discuss the physics behind them.Comment: 60 pages, 18 figure files, Latex + \special{} for the figures, (some redundant figures are eliminated and others are changed

    Gaussian Wigner distributions and hierarchies of nonclassical states in quantum optics-The single mode case

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    A recently introduced hierarchy of states of a single mode quantised radiation field is examined for the case of centered Guassian Wigner distributions. It is found that the onset of squeezing among such states signals the transition to the strongly nonclassical regime. Interesting consequences for the photon number distribution, and explicit representations for them, are presented.Comment: 11 Pages Revtex one eps figure. Replaced with minor changes in ref

    SHIELD: Neutral Gas Kinematics and Dynamics

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    We present kinematic analyses of the 12 galaxies in the "Survey of HI in Extremely Low-mass Dwarfs" (SHIELD). We use multi-configuration interferometric observations of the HI 21cm emission line from the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) to produce image cubes at a variety of spatial and spectral resolutions. Both two- and three-dimensional fitting techniques are employed in an attempt to derive inclination-corrected rotation curves for each galaxy. In most cases, the comparable magnitudes of velocity dispersion and projected rotation result in degeneracies that prohibit unambiguous circular velocity solutions. We thus make spatially resolved position-velocity cuts, corrected for inclination using the stellar components, to estimate the circular rotation velocities. We find circular velocities <30 km/s for the entire survey population. Baryonic masses are calculated using single-dish HI fluxes from Arecibo and stellar masses derived from HST and Spitzer imaging. Comparison is made with total dynamical masses estimated from the position-velocity analysis. The SHIELD galaxies are then placed on the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation. There exists an empirical threshold rotational velocity <15 km/s, below which current observations cannot differentiate coherent rotation from pressure support. The SHIELD galaxies are representative of an important population of galaxies whose properties cannot be described by current models of rotationally-dominated galaxy dynamics