303 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Teknologi Inovasi Pupuk Organik Cair Bio-Inokulum Plus Guna Peningkatan Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman

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    Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) membuktikan bahwa pupuk organik cair Bio-Inoculum Plus dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk. ZPT juga merupakan biopestisida, dan (2) memperoleh bio-inokulum ditambah pupuk organik cair dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman. Metode penelitian: Kegiatan penelitian ini dilaksanakan mulai bulan Februari sampai dengan Oktober 2019, pada beberapa komoditas tanaman baik stek tanaman buah, tanaman yang sulit berbuah maupun untuk peningkatan produksi tanaman dilakukan di beberapa daerah baik di Provinsi Bali bahkan di daerah. Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Hasil penelitian dilakukan dengan analisis kualitatif. Hasil dan pembahasan: Hasil yang diperoleh dari aplikasi pupuk organik cair Bio-Inoculum pada perbanyakan tanaman buah dengan menggunakan stek sampai tunas dan akar membutuhkan waktu antara 7-18 hari. Untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan tanaman, percepat pembungaan dan pembuahan pada tanaman yang sulit tumbuh bunga dan buahnya. Implikasi: Pupuk organik cair Bio-Inoculum dapat menggantikan peran pupuk anorganik (meminimalkan bahkan menghilangkan) dan pertumbuhan tanaman menjadi lebih subur, lebih sehat dan meningkatkan hasil panen sebesar 15-30%

    Pola Interaksi Ternak dan Tanaman pada Simantri 116 Desa Katung, Kecamatan Kintamani, Kabupaten Bangli

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    The program is integrated farming systems by farmers. One of the groups that implement integrated farming system with cattle horticultural crops is gapoktan Budi Luhur. The study aims to determine the income farmers in the farm in the village of Simantri 116 uncertain , the district of Kintamani , Bangli Regency , based on patterns of integration between horticultural crops, cattle, land management and crop rotation on the farm in the village of Simantri 116 uncertain, the district of Kintamani , Bangli Regency. Data were obtained from census survey methods through techniques of 23 respondents Gapoktan Budi Luhur farmer groups implementing Simantri 116 in Bangli regency. Secondary data were obtained from the written literature related to the research. Results were analyzed using analysis of gross margin income of Rp 64,955,152 Rupiahs citrus, gross margine of bananas Rp 276,978 rupiahs, gross margine of cabbage revenue of 1,099,573 rupiahs and Rp 9,015,489 rupiahs cattle every year. The land produces citrus production of 643 tonnes , 14. 705 bananas, cabbage 10 tons and 23 cows. So the total revenue earned by Simantri 116 of 75,347,192 rupiahs. The results showed that the respondents have an average of 1,06 hectares of land area. Land used for crop production with livestock includes an average 0.85 hectares of land for citrus productions, the average land cattle production 00,01 hectares, 12,03 for cabbage production remainder is used for banana production. The results of the analysis of data with a simple linear programming approach and gross margin analysis. The use of a simple linear programming analysis to select a combination of several activities that can maximize the gross income and to evaluate the effect of uncertainty on the farm gross profit in hectare of farm land. Gross margin analysis aims to determine the total income of the respondents. Based on the results of the analysis of risk factors obtained gross profit of 1,629.876.554 rupiahs, to 1,788,452,493 rupiahs admission fee of 158 575 938 rupiahs production facilities for all commodities in production with a maximum of 10 % of risk costs in hectare. Farmers who might avoid the risk of selecting plants that will generate a small but gross profit low risk, otherwise the plants will produce large gross profit but high risk. In this case the farmer would probably avoid the risk of selecting plants that will generate a small but gross profit low risk, otherwise the plants will produce large gross profit but high risk will be avoided so that farmers can increase farm income through a crop with livestock integration systems

    NGC 7538 : Multiwavelength Study of Stellar Cluster Regions associated with IRS 1-3 and IRS 9 sources

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    We present deep and high-resolution (FWHM ~ 0.4 arcsec) near-infrared (NIR) imaging observations of the NGC 7538 IRS 1-3 region (in JHK bands), and IRS 9 region (in HK bands) using the 8.2m Subaru telescope. The NIR analysis is complemented with GMRT low-frequency observations at 325, 610, and 1280 MHz, molecular line observations of H13CO+ (J=1-0), and archival Chandra X-ray observations. Using the 'J-H/H-K' diagram, 144 Class II and 24 Class I young stellar object (YSO) candidates are identified in the IRS 1-3 region. Further analysis using 'K/H-K' diagram yields 145 and 96 red sources in the IRS 1-3 and IRS 9 regions, respectively. A total of 27 sources are found to have X-ray counterparts. The YSO mass function (MF), constructed using a theoretical mass-luminosity relation, shows peaks at substellar (~0.08-0.18 Msolar) and intermediate (~1-1.78 Msolar) mass ranges for the IRS 1-3 region. The MF can be fitted by a power law in the low mass regime with a slope of Gamma ~ 0.54-0.75, which is much shallower than the Salpeter value of 1.35. An upper limit of 10.2 is obtained for the star to brown dwarf ratio in the IRS 1-3 region. GMRT maps show a compact HII region associated with the IRS 1-3 sources, whose spectral index of 0.87+-0.11 suggests optical thickness. This compact region is resolved into three separate peaks in higher resolution 1280 MHz map, and the 'East' sub-peak coincides with the IRS 2 source. H13CO+ (J=1-0) emission reveals peaks in both IRS 1-3 and IRS 9 regions, none of which are coincident with visible nebular emission, suggesting the presence of dense cloud nearby. The virial masses are approximately of the order of 1000 Msolar and 500 Msolar for the clumps in IRS 1-3 and IRS 9 regions, respectively.Comment: 27 pages, 18 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Model Karakteristik Self Excited Vibrations Aliran Fluida Akibat Perubahan Konstanta Elastis Tube

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    Analisis eksperimental pada penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh karakteristik self excited vibrations secara aktual. Karakteristik self excited vibrations hanya dapat diamati pada kondisi kritis yang mempunyai nilai pinch ratio tertentu. Pengambilan data dengan alat ukur getaran (vibrations meter) untuk mengukur karakteristik getaran yang terjadi berupa frekwensi, amplitudo dan analisis FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). Perubahan konstanta elastis selang menghasilkan frekwensi getaran pada rentang 5,83 Hz – 10,00 Hz. Sedangkan amplitudo getaran yang dihasilkan menurun dengan berkurangnya kecepatan aliran yaitu pada rentang 0,30 mm – 1,95 mm. Pengaruh perubahan konstanta elastis selang juga dapat dinyatakan dengan parameter indeks kecepatan (S). Indeks kecepatan yang dihasilkan pada selang dengan konstanta K3 menghasilkan rentang S3 = 2,61 – 3,37, K2 menghasilkan rentang S2 = 2,69 – 3,51, dan K1 menghasilkan rentang S1 = 2,82 – 3,71. Selain itu penurunan pinch ratio (βe) menyebabkan indeks kecepatannya juga menurun karena kekakuan sistem akan meningkat akibat meningkatnya tekanan fluida. Parameter lain yang menunjukkan pengaruh konstanta elastis selang adalah bilangan Womersley (α) dan angka Strouhal (St). Pada selang dengan konstanta K3 menghasilkan rentang angka Strouhal St3 = 0,30 – 0,38, K2 menghasilkan St2 = 0,29 – 0,37, dan K1 menghasilkan St1 = 0,27 – 0,35. Selain itu pada selang dengan konstanta K3 menghasilkan rentang α3 = 65,35 – 68,38, K2 menghasilkan α2 = 64,07 – 67,24, dan K1 menghasilkan α1 = 62,26 – 65,69. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah parameter bilangan Womersley (α) dan angka Strouhal (St) meningkat dengan bertambahnya konstanta elastis selang dan kekakuan sistem. Sedangkan indeks kecepatan (S) menurun dengan meningkatnya konstanta elastis selang

    Analisa Keausan Roda Gigi Lurus Secara Mikroskopik Dengan Variasi Beban

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    Peran rodagigi dalam sebuah kendaraan maupun dunia industry sangat penting dalam menghubungkan atau meneruskan putaran daya yang dihasilkan dari proses energi kinetik menjadi energi mekanik. Didalam aplikasi penggunaan transmisi roda gigi sering dijumpai suatu masalah yaitu keausan roda gigi. Keausan merupakan penguraian ketebalan permukaan akibat gesekan yang terjadi pada pembebanan dan gerakan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui laju keausan pengaruh beban dan putaran terhadap keausan roda gigi lurus dengan bahan SCM 440. Korelasi kecepatan keausan dengan variasi beban sebesar R2 = 0,9721. Dari hasil analisa penelitian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa pada putaran 200 rpm dan 500 rpm dengan beban 0 kg, 5 kg, dan 10 kg mengalami penurunan keausan secara linier. Sedangkan pada putaran 1000 rpm dengan beban 0 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg mengalami kenaikan dan penurunan yang signifikan karena pada beban yang besar dan putaran tinggi laju keausan akan tidak stabil cenderung terlihat mencolok perbedaannya. Semakin berat beban yang diterima pada roda gigi, maka semakin rendah putaran yang dihasilka

    Molecular and functional characterization of an evolutionarily conserved CREB-binding protein in the Lymnaea CNS

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    In eukaryotes, CREB-binding protein (CBP), a coactivator of CREB, functions both as a platform for recruiting other components of the transcriptional machinery and as a histone acetyltransferase (HAT) that alters chromatin structure. We previously showed that the transcriptional activity of cAMP-responsive element binding protein (CREB) plays a crucial role in neuronal plasticity in the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis. However, there is no information on the molecular structure and HAT activity of CBP in the Lymnaea central nervous system (CNS), hindering an investigation of its postulated role in long-term memory (LTM). Here, we characterize the Lymnaea CBP (LymCBP) gene and identify a conserved domain of LymCBP as a functional HAT. Like CBPs of other species, LymCBP possesses functional domains, such as the KIX domain, which is essential for interaction with CREB and was shown to regulate LTM. In-situ hybridization showed that the staining patterns of LymCBP mRNA in CNS are very similar to those of Lymnaea CREB1. A particularly strong LymCBP mRNA signal was observed in the cerebral giant cell (CGC), an identified extrinsic modulatory interneuron of the feeding circuit, the key to both appetitive and aversive LTM for taste. Biochemical experiments using the recombinant protein of the LymCBP HAT domain showed that its enzymatic activity was blocked by classical HAT inhibitors. Preincubation of the CNS with such inhibitors blocked cAMP-induced synaptic facilitation between the CGC and an identified follower motoneuron of the feeding system. Taken together, our findings suggest a role for the HAT activity of LymCBP in synaptic plasticity in the feeding circuitry

    Ammonia mapping observations of the Galactic infrared bubble N49: Three NH3_3 clumps along the molecular filament

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    We have carried out the NH3_3 (J,K)=(1,1),(2,2),(J,K)=(1,1),(2,2), and (3,3)(3,3) mapping observations toward the Galactic infrared bubble N49 (G28.83-0.25) using the Nobeyama 45 m telescope. Three NH3_3 clumps (A, B, and C) were discovered along the molecular filament with the radial velocities of \sim 96, 87, and 89 km s1^{-1}, respectively. The kinetic temperature derived from the NH3_3 (2,2)/NH3_3 (1,1) shows Tkin=27.0±0.6T_{\rm kin} = 27.0 \pm 0.6 K enhanced at Clump B in the eastern edge of the bubble, where position coincides with massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) associated with the 6.7 GHz class II methanol maser source. This result shows the dense clump is locally heated by stellar feedback from the embedded MYSOs. The NH3_3 Clump B also exists at the 88 km s1^{-1} and 95 km s1^{-1} molecular filament intersection. We therefore suggest that the NH3_3 dense gas formation in Clump B can be explained by a filament-filament interaction scenario. On the other hand, NH3_3 Clump A and C at the northern and southern side of the molecular filament might be the sites of spontaneous star formation because these clumps are located \sim5-10 pc away from the edge of the bubble.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, accepted for Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (PASJ

    Physics and Applications of Laser Diode Chaos

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    An overview of chaos in laser diodes is provided which surveys experimental achievements in the area and explains the theory behind the phenomenon. The fundamental physics underpinning this behaviour and also the opportunities for harnessing laser diode chaos for potential applications are discussed. The availability and ease of operation of laser diodes, in a wide range of configurations, make them a convenient test-bed for exploring basic aspects of nonlinear and chaotic dynamics. It also makes them attractive for practical tasks, such as chaos-based secure communications and random number generation. Avenues for future research and development of chaotic laser diodes are also identified.Comment: Published in Nature Photonic