411 research outputs found

    Comparison of Ten Metal-Doped LaFeO3 Samples on Photocatalytic Degradation of Antibiotics in Water under Visible Light: Role of Surface Area and Aqueous Phosphate Ions

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    Doping semiconducting oxides, such as LaFeO3 (LF), with metallic elements is a good strategy to improve the performance of photocatalysts. In this study, LF and ten different nanopowders metal-doped at the La or Fe site of LaFeO3 were evaluated in the photocatalytic degradation of ciprofloxacin (CP) and oxytetracycline (OTC). The following metals were used in the doping (mol%) process of LF: Pd 3% and 5%; Cu 10%; Mg 5%, 10%, and 20%; Ga 10%; Y 10% and 20%; and Sr 20%. The doped samples were synthetized using a citrate auto-combustion technique. From the X-ray diffraction (XRD) data, only a single crystalline phase, namely an orthorhombic perovskite structure, was observed except for trace amounts of PdO in the sample with Pd 5%. The specific surface area (SSA) ranged from 9 m(2) g(-1) (Ga 10%) to 20 m(2) g(-1) (Mg 20%). SEM images show that all samples were constituted from agglomerates of particles whose sizes ranged from ca. 20 nm (Mg 20%) to ca. 100 nm (Pd 5%). Dilute aqueous solutions (5 x 10(-6) M) prepared for both CP and OTC were irradiated for 240 min under visible-light and in the presence of H2O2 (10(-2) M). The results indicate a 78% removal of OTC with Cu 10% doped LF in a phosphate buffer (pH = 5.0). The degradation of CP is affected by pH and phosphate ions, with 78% (in unbuffered solution) and 54% (in phosphate buffer, pH = 5.0) removal achieved with Mg 10% doped LF. The reactions follow a pseudo-first order kinetic. Overall, this study is expected to deepen the assessment of photocatalytic activity by using substrates with different absorption capacities on photocatalysts

    Effect of Grafting on Tomato Fruit Quality

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    The study aimed to assess if grafting affects tomato fruit quality. The research has been conducted in greenhouses where grafted and ungrafted tomatoes have been produced. A Romanian tomato hybrid and a Dutch tomato hybrid, ‘Siriana’ F1 and ‘Abellus’ F1, were used as scions and four cultivars of the Lycopersicon genus, ‘Emperador’ F1 (Dutch hybrid), ‘L542’, ‘L543’ and ‘L544’ (Romanian cultivars) were used as rootstocks. Eight grafted variants (‘Siriana’בEmperador’, ‘Siriana’בL542’, ‘Siriana’בL543’, ‘Siriana’בL544’, ‘Abellus’× ‘Emperador’, ‘Abellus’בL542’, ‘Abellus’בL543’, ‘Abellus’בL544’) and two ungrafted variants (‘Siriana’, control and ‘Abellus’, control) were obtained. The tomato fruit quality has been observed at ‘Siriana’ and ‘Abellus’ grafted on all rootstocks. Compared to ungrafted tomatoes, which have yielded 80.1% and 85.3% of extra and first quality fruits, ‘Siriana’ and ‘Abellus’ grafted on ‘Emperador’ have had a very good fruit quality, 82.3% and 86.8% and grafted on Romanian cultivars have had a quality between 79.1-79.8% and 84.1-84.4% to the same quality standards. Analyzing the dependence between the quality categories (extra and first class) and the soluble dry substance content, a positive dependence was observed between grafted plants and ungrafted plants at both hybrids, ‘Siriana’ r2 = 0.4914 and ‘Abellus’ r2 = 0.1517 and the carbohydrates content, a negative dependence was observed between grafted plants and ungrafted plants at both hybrids, ‘Siriana’ r2 = 0.017 and ‘Abellus’ r2 = 0.798. The total vitamin C content has decreased after grafting. The grafting has had an influence on the soluble dry substance content, the total amount of carbohydrates and vitamin C at all grafting combinations. It can be said that the rootstocks played an important role on the fruit quality

    English Learning Using Infographics for Balinese Secondary School Students

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    As the facilitator of the learning process, the teacher needs to utilize appropriate media for students to help them learn better. Visual media is considered a great help as it provides information more attractively. Thus, this study aimed to develop infographics as an English teaching medium for 8th-grade junior high school students. The subject of this research was the English learning media used by the 8th-grade teacher at SMPN 4 Singaraja. This study was a Design and Development research which consisted of 3 steps of research, namely design, development, and evaluation. The researcher's notes, infographic development blueprints, instrument validation, and expert judgment were used to collect the data. The data were from the researchers' notes, and the infographic development blueprint was described qualitatively. Meanwhile, the score obtained from the instrument validation and the results of the expert judgment were explained quantitatively. The final result indicated that the infographic is very good to be used as an English teaching medium, especially for the 8th grade of junior high school students. Therefore, this research concluded that by developing books containing infographics, English teachers could have another type of visual media to teach all topics in grade 8 by using infographics

    Experimental and calculated circular dichroism spectra of monoaza[5]helicenes

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    Circular dichroism (CD) spectra have been measured in the range of 400–200 nm on CH3OH solutions of both enantiomers for the almost complete series of monoaza[5]helicenes, namely the molecules where the hetero N atom occupies positions 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, respectively (the 2 isomer is missing due to difficulties in the synthesis). CD spectra recorded at controlled room temperature allow one to define precise racemization rates, that are nicely interpreted on the basis of DFT molecular orbital calculations. Time-dependent DFT methods provide us with calculated CD and UV spectra, that are compared with the corresponding experimental data. We discuss the role of the N atom in determining the height of the racemization barrier and in shaping the appearance of the CD spectra

    Effects of MDMA on Extracellular Dopamine and Serotonin Levels in Mice Lacking Dopamine and/or Serotonin Transporters

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    3,4-Methylendioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) has both stimulatory and hallucinogenic properties which make its psychoactive effects unique and different from those of typical psychostimulant and hallucinogenic agents. The present study investigated the effects of MDMA on extracellular dopamine (DAex) and serotonin (5-HTex) levels in the striatum and prefrontal cortex (PFC) using in vivo microdialysis techniques in mice lacking DA transporters (DAT) and/or 5-HT transporters (SERT). subcutaneous injection of MDMA (3, 10 mg/kg) significantly increased striatal DAex in wild-type mice, SERT knockout mice, and DAT knockout mice, but not in DAT/SERT double-knockout mice. The MDMA-induced increase in striatal DAex in SERT knockout mice was significantly less than in wildtype mice. In the PFC, MDMA dose-dependently increased DAex levels in wildtype, DAT knockout, SERT knockout and DAT/SERT double-knockout mice to a similar extent. In contrast, MDMA markedly increased 5-HTex in wildtype and DAT knockout mice and slightly increased 5-HTex in SERT-KO and DAT/SERT double-knockout mice. The results confirm that MDMA acts at both DAT and SERT and increases DAex and 5-HTex

    MOP Reduction During Long-Term Methamphetamine Withdrawal was Restored by Chronic Post-Treatment with Fluoxetine

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    Previously, we found fluoxetine reduces methamphetamine preference in mice. However, effects of fluoxetine on developed methamphetamine preference and on methamphetamine induced gene expression changes have been largely unknown. The present study investigates effects of post-treatment with fluoxetine on methamphetamine dependence and on gene expressions after long-term withdrawal in mice. First, we examined whether chronic post-treatment with fluoxetine attenuated methamphetamine-conditioned place preference. Next, we examined the changes in gene expression levels after long-term withdrawal (with saline or fluoxetine treatment) following chronic methamphetamine treatment. Using mRNA from the pooled frontal cortices of 10 mice per group, gene expression analyses were performed using a custom-developed cDNA array and a real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR. Chronic post-treatments with fluoxetine abolished the conditioned place preference developed by methamphetamine administrations. Even after long-term withdrawal from repeated methamphetamine administration, µ-opioid receptor (MOP) gene expression was significantly reduced in the frontal cortex. The reduced MOP gene expression in the frontal cortex was restored by chronic administration with fluoxetine. These changes were confirmed by Western blot analyses. These findings suggest that the chronic post-treatments with fluoxetine might be effective for restoring the reduction of MOP levels in the frontal cortex following long-term abstinence from methamphetamine

    Association Study of Two Cannabinoid Receptor Genes, CNR1 and CNR2, with Methamphetamine Dependence

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    Several studies have suggested that the endocannabinoid system plays significant roles in the vulnerability to psychiatric disorders including drug abuse. To examine the possible association of the CNR1 and CNR2 genes, which encode cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2, with methamphetamine dependence, we investigated three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs806379, rs1535255, rs2023239) in intron 2 of the CNR1 gene and a nonsynonymous SNP, Q63R, in the CNR2 gene. The study samples consisted of 223 patients with methamphetamine dependence and 292 age- and sex- matched controls. There were no significant differences between the patients and controls in genotypic or allelic distribution of any SNP of the CNR1 and CNR2 genes. We also analyzed the clinical features of methamphetamine dependence. Rs806379 of the CNR1 gene showed a significant association with the phenotype of latency of psychosis after the first consumption of methamphetamine. Patients with the T allele or T-positive genotypes (T/T or A/T) may develop a rapid onset of psychosis after methamphetamine abuse. The present study suggests a possibility that genetic variants of the CNR1 gene may produce a liability to the complication of psychotic state after abuse of methamphetamine; however, our findings need to be confirmed by future replications

    Association Between 5HT1b Receptor Gene and Methamphetamine Dependence

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    Several lines of evidence implicate serotonergic dysfunction in diverse psychiatric disorders including anxiety, depression, and drug abuse. Mice with a knock-out of the 5HT1b receptor gene (HTR1B) displayed increased locomotor response to cocaine and elevated motivation to self-administer cocaine and alcohol. Previous genetic studies showed significant associations of HTR1B with alcohol dependence and substance abuse, but were followed by inconsistent results. We examined a case-control genetic association study of HTR1B with methamphetamine-dependence patients in a Japanese population. The subjects were 231 patients with methamphetamine dependence, 214 of whom had a co-morbidity of methamphetamine psychosis, and 248 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. The three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rs130058 (A-165T), rs1228814 (A-700C) and rs1228814 (A+1180G) of HTR1B were genotyped. There was no significant difference in allelic and genotypic distributions of the SNPs between methamphetamine dependence and the control. Genetic associations of HTR1B were tested with several clinical phenotypes of methamphetamine dependence and/or psychosis, such as age at first abuse, duration of latency from the first abuse to onset of psychosis, prognosis of psychosis after therapy, and complication of spontaneous relapse of psychotic state. There was, however, no asscocation between any SNP and the clinical phenotypes. Haplotype analyses showed the three SNPs examined were within linkage disequilibrium, which implied that the three SNPs covered the whole HTR1B, and distribution of estimated haplotype frequency was not different between the groups. The present findings may indicate that HTR1B does not play a major role in individual susceptibility to methamphetamine dependence or development of methamphetamine-induced psychosis
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