5,100 research outputs found

    The impact of multimodal collaborative virtual environments on learning: A gamified online debate

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    Online learning platforms are integrated systems designed to provide students and teachers with information, tools and resources to facilitate and enhance the delivery and management of learning. In recent years platform designers have introduced gamification and multimodal interaction as ways to make online courses more engaging and immersive. Current Web-based platforms provide a limited degree of immersion in learning experiences, thereby diminishing potential learning impact. To improve immersion, it is necessary to stimulate some or all the human senses by engaging users in an environment that perceptually surrounds them and allows intuitive and rich interaction with other users and its content. Learning in these collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) can be aided by increasing motivation and engagement through the gamification of the educational task. This rich interaction that combines multimodal stimulation and gamification of the learning experience has the potential to draw students into the learning experience and improve learning outcomes. This paper presents the results of an experimental study designed to evaluate the impact of multimodal real-time interaction on user experience and learning of gamified educational tasks completed in a CVE. Secondary school teachers and students participated in the study. The multimodal CVE is an accurate reconstruction of the European Parliament in Brussels, developed using the REVERIE (Real and Virtual Engagement In Realistic Immersive Environment) framework. In the study, we compared the impact of the VR parliament to a non-multimodal control (an educational platform called Edu-Simulation) for the same educational tasks. Our results show that the multimodal CVE improves student learning performance and aspects of subjective experience when compared to the non-multimodal control. More specifically it resulted in a more positive effect on the ability of the students to generate ideas compared to a non-multimodal control. It also facilitated a sense of presence (strong emotional and a degree of spatial) for students in the VE. The paper concludes with a discussion of future work that focusses on combining the best features of both systems in a hybrid system to increase its educational impact and evaluate the prototype in real-world educational scenarios

    Estudi de la brioflora dels Ports de Beseit

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    A catalog of the 186 bryophytic taxa found in the calcareous mountain area of the Ports de Beseit is given, together with a short description of the bryological vegetation, and comments on interesting species such as Acaulon dertosense, Frullania muscicolu, Brachythecium olympicum, Rhynchostegiella compacta, Tortula solmsii, etc. Chorological and ecological spectra are also given.Presentem el catàleg dels 186 taxons briofítics trobats als Ports de Beseit, junt amb una succinta descripció de la vegetació briofítica i comentaris sobre certes especies interessants, com ara Acaulon dertosense, Frullania muscicola, Brachythecium olympicum, Rhynchostegiella compacta, Tortula solmsii, etc. Donem també els espectres corologies i de diversos factors ecologies

    Mindfulness facets, trait emotional intelligence, emotional distress, and multiple health behaviors: A serial two-mediator model.

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    In the present study, we tested a serial mindfulness facets-trait emotional intelligence (TEI)-emotional distress-multiple health behaviors mediation model in a sample of N = 427 German-speaking occupational therapists. The mindfulness facets-TEI-emotional distress section of the mediation model revealed partial mediation for the mindfulness facets Act with awareness (Act/Aware) and Accept without judgment (Accept); inconsistent mediation was found for the Describe facet. The serial two-mediator model included three mediational pathways that may link each of the four mindfulness facets with multiple health behaviors. Eight out of 12 indirect effects reached significance and fully mediated the links between Act/Aware and Describe to multiple health behaviors; partial mediation was found for Accept. The mindfulness facet Observe was most relevant for multiple health behaviors, but its relation was not amenable to mediation. Implications of the findings will be discussed

    Our Decision, Their Lives: Adults' Construction of Pre-School Children's Lives in Singapore

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    Symmetry breaking and unconventional charge ordering in single crystal Na2.7_{2.7}Ru4_4O9_9

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    The interplay of charge, spin, and lattice degrees of freedom in matter leads to various forms of ordered states through phase transitions. An important subclass of these phenomena of complex materials is charge ordering (CO), mainly driven by mixed-valence states. We discovered by combining the results of electrical resistivity (ρ\rho), specific heat, susceptibility χ\chi (\textit{T}), and single crystal x-ray diffraction (SC-XRD) that Na2.7_{2.7}Ru4_4O9_9 with the monoclinic tunnel type lattice (space group CC2/mm) exhibits an unconventional CO at room temperature while retaining metallicity. The temperature-dependent SC-XRD results show successive phase transitions with super-lattice reflections at \textbf{q}1_1=(0, 12\frac{1}{2}, 0) and \textbf{q}2_2=(0, 13\frac{1}{3}, 13\frac{1}{3}) below TC2T_{\textrm{C2}} (365 K) and only at \textbf{q}1_1=(0, 12\frac{1}{2}, 0) between TC2T_{\textrm{C2}} and TC1T_{\textrm{C1}} (630 K). We interpreted these as an evidence for the formation of an unconventional CO. It reveals a strong first-order phase transition in the electrical resistivity at TC2T_{\textrm{C2}} (cooling) = 345 K and TC2T_{\textrm{C2}} (heating) = 365 K. We argue that the origin of the phase transition is due to the localized 4dd Ru-electrons. The results of our finding reveal an unique example of Ru3+^{3+}/Ru4+^{4+} mixed valance heavy \textit{d}4^4 ions.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Postfledging Survival, Movements, and Dispersal of Ring Ouzels (Turdus torquatus)

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    We thank Invercauld Estate for cooperation with access to Glen Clunie. S. Redpath, J. Wilson, and S. Roos provided valuable comments on the manuscript. This study was funded by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Scottish Natural Heritage, and the Cairngorms National Park Authority. J.L.L. was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Time-stepping beyond CFL: a locally one-dimensional scheme for acoustic wave propagation

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    In this abstract, we present a case study in the application of a time-stepping method, unconstrained by the CFL condition, for computational acoustic wave propagation in the context of full waveform inversion. The numerical scheme is a locally one-dimensional (LOD) variant of alternating dimension implicit (ADI) method. The LOD method has a maximum time step that is restricted only by the Nyquist sampling rate. The advantage over traditional explicit time-stepping methods occurs in the presence of high contrast media, low frequencies, and steep, narrow perfectly matched layers (PML). The main technical point of the note, from a numerical analysis perspective, is that the LOD scheme is adapted to the presence of a PML. A complexity study is presented and an application to full waveform inversion is shown.National Science Foundation (U.S.); Alfred P. Sloan Foundatio

    Interdisciplinary Approaches for Integrating Materials Science and Dentistry.

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    Dental materials science is a core course in most undergraduate dental curricula [...]

    Conteúdos linguísticos como subsídio à formação de professores alfabetizadores: a experiência do Brasil e de Portugal

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    Objetiva identificar em dois programas de formação de professores alfabetizadores – no Brasil, Pacto Nacional pela Alfabetização na Idade Certa (Pnaic) e, em Portugal, Programa Nacional do Ensino do Português (Pnep) – os conteúdos linguísticos relacionados ao ensino da leitura que fundamentaram a atualização dos professores com vistas a compreender como as descobertas científicas penetram o campo pedagógico. Por meio de análise documental, são apresentadas, de forma resumida, a estrutura e a organização dos dois programas e os respectivos conteúdos de formação. Há muita similaridade entre os dois programas com relação à organização e às estratégias metodológicas e há diferenças importantes quanto à atualidade dos conteúdos oferecidos aos professores alfabetizadores, assim como o tempo de formação aplicado a este conteúdo. A formação linguística do professor é essencial para desenvolver competência para o ensino da língua e, por conseguinte, melhorar as habilidades de ler e escrever dos alunos do ensino fundamental.This article aims to identify the linguistic contents related to the teaching of reading in two training programs for literacy teachers: Brazil’s National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age (Pacto Nacional pela Alfabetização na Idade Certa – Pnaic) and the National Program for Portuguese Teaching (Programa Nacional do Ensino do Português – Pnep) of Portugal. The focus is on the linguistic contents that served as foundation for the updating of teachers, in order to understand how scientific discoveries permeate the teaching field. Through documentary analysis, the structure and the organization of the two programs and their respective training contents are briefly presented. There are many similarities between the two programs, regarding the organization and the methodological strategies; but there are also differences in relation to the timeliness of the content offered to the literacy teachers, as well as to the duration of the training applied to the content. The linguistic training of teachers is essential to developing the competence for language teaching and, therefore; for the improvement of reading and writing skills of elementary school students.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UMinho (UI 317 da FCT), PortugalFundos Nacionais através da FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) e cofinanciado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) com a referência POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007562info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio