1,010 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Produktivitas Padi melalui Pendekatan Sekolah Lapang Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (Slptt) di Kecamatan Sesayap Hilir Kabupaten Tana Tidung

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    Agricultural sector has important role for supporting region's food security, especially commodities of rice as staple food of most Indonesian. One of the efforts for increasing food plants, especially rice, which has been done by Agricultural Minister in 2007, is by programming Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (integrated management of plant). It is held by the airy school methods in certain area. An indicator of successful SLPTT can be seen in the increased knowledge, skill and behavior, good cultivation, increased productivity and beyond. For SLPTT area, indicator of ups and downs that are stated by government is about 0,3 ton/ha. This research intends to understand the SLPTT rice in the border areas, rice productivity and increased of rice farmers' income through SLPTT. This research was held in October – November 2013 to the rice farmers who have become attendants of Sekolah Lapang Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (SLPTT) in sub district Sesayap Hilir, district Tana Tidung. The data collection was questionnaire and direct observation. The proposed hypothesis: There are differences of farmers' income before and after attending SLPTT rice. SPSS 17 program was used for analyzing the proposed hypothesis by Paired sample t-test. The economical analysis was for counting the income levels by counting the total production cost (TC), acceptance (TR) and income (Π). Before SLPTT, the average of harvest productivity was 893 kg/ha GKP, the average of production cost was Rp 4.323.082,00 and the income was Rp 1.096.917,00. After SLPTT program, the respondents have raised their average productivity to 1.270 kg/ha GKP, production cost is Rp 6.041.463,00 and the average income is Rp 1.687.791,00. The result of paired sample t-test and SPSS is got the significance = 0,000 (sig<0,05). It means, Ho is declined and H1 is accepted. It causes the differences between before and after SLPTT program for rice farmers

    Experimental study of the thermal reaming of the borehole by axial plasmatron

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    Purpose. To study rock spallation dynamics in the process of the borehole thermal reaming and analyze energy consumption of the borehole thermal reaming process by plasma jets of the axial plasmatron. Methods. Field experimental study of rock spallation by plasma jets is carried out with the view to measuring the thermal power of plasma, weight of rock spalls and duration of plasma jets impact on the borehole. VT-200 scales were used to measure the rock spalls weight. In the experimental study, plasma jets flow out directly into the borehole in the granite block. The borehole and plasmatron nozzle parameters are geometrically similar. Findings. Experimental data are processed in the form of a table that shows the following parameters of individual experiments: duration of the borehole surface treatment by a plasma jet; thermal power of a plasma jet; heat release of a plasma jet, weight of the rock spalls, energy efficiency of the rock spallation process; productivity of the rock destruction. Experimental data are processed in the form of the dependence of energy consumption of the borehole thermal reaming on the duration of the borehole inner surface thermal treatment. The range of thermophysical and plasmodynamic parameters of the plasma torch that allow to achieve rock spallation is determined. Originality. The linear relationship between the energy consumption in the process of the borehole thermal reaming by low temperature plasma and the duration of the reaming process is revealed, with energy consumption of the reaming process decreasing dramatically with the increase in the process duration. Practical implications. Methodology of the experimental research into the borehole thermal reaming by plasma jets rock spallation is developed. The results of the study could be applied to borehole drilling processes.Мета. Дослідження динаміки лущення гірської породи в процесі термічного розширення свердловини та енергоємності процесу термічного розширення свердловини плазмовим струменем осьового плазмотрона. Методика. В роботі виконано натурне експериментальне дослідження лущення гірської породи струминою плазми. Сутність експерименту полягала у вимірюванні теплової потужності плазми, маси сколених частинок гірської породи та тривалості впливу плазмового струменя на свердловину. Для вимірювання маси сколених частинок гірської породи використовувались ваги ВТ-200. В експериментальному дослідженні струмина плазми витікає безпосередньо в свердловину в блоці міцного граніту. Дотримано геометричну подобу параметрів свердловини та сопла плазмотрона. Результати. Виконано обробку дослідних даних у вигляді таблиці, в якій наведено наступні параметри окремих дослідів: тривалість впливу плазмового струменя на свердловину; теплова потужність плазмового струменя; теплота плазмового струменя, маса сколених частинок породи, енергоємність процесу лущення гірської породи; продуктивність руйнування гірської породи. Виконано обробку дослідних даних у вигляді залежності енергоємності процесу термічного розширення свердловини від тривалості термічної обробки внутрішньої поверхні свердловини. Наукова новизна. Виявлено лінійну залежність енергоємності процесу термічного розширення свердловин низькотемпературною плазмою від тривалості процесу розширення, при цьому енергоємність процесу розширення стрімко зменшується зі збільшенням тривалості процесу. Практична значимість. Розроблено методику експериментального дослідження термічного розширення свердловини шляхом лущенням гірської породи струминою плазми. Отримані результати впливу високотемпературних струмин плазми в процесах крихкого руйнування гірських порід можуть бути застосованими в процесах буріння свердловин.Цель. Исследование динамики шелушения горной породы в процессе термического расширения скважины и энергоемкости процесса термического расширения скважины плазменной струей осевого плазмотрона. Методика. В работе выполнено натурное экспериментальное исследование шелушения горной породы струей плазмы. Сущность эксперимента заключалась в измерении тепловой мощности плазмы, массы сколотых частиц горной породы и длительности воздействия плазменной струи на скважину. Для измерения массы сколотых частиц горной породы использовались весы ВТ-200. В экспериментальном исследовании струя плазмы следует непосредственно в скважину в блоке крепкого гранита. Соблюдено геометрическое подобие параметров скважины и сопла плазмотрона. Результаты. Опытные данные представлены в виде таблицы, в которой сведены следующие параметры отдельных опытов: продолжительность воздействия плазменной струи на скважину; тепловая мощность плазменной струи; теплота плазменной струи, масса сколотых частиц породы, энергоемкость процесса шелушения горной породы; производительность разрушения горной породы. Опытные данные обработаны в виде зависимости энергоемкости процесса термического расширения скважины от продолжительности термической обработки внутренней поверхности скважины. Определен диапазон теплофизических и плазмодинамичних параметров плазменного факела при которых достигается процесс шелушения породы. Научная новизна. Выявлена линейная зависимость энергоемкости процесса термического расширения скважин низкотемпературной плазмой от продолжительности процесса расширения, при этом энергоемкость процесса расширения стремительно уменьшается с увеличением продолжительности процесса. Практическая значимость. Разработана методика экспериментального исследования термического расширения скважины путем шелушения горной породы струей плазмы. Полученные результаты воздействия высокотемпературных струй плазмы в процессах хрупкого разрушения горных пород могут быть применены в процессах бурения скважин.The authors express their gratitude to V.P. Teplyi, Chief Project Designer at the Department of Vibropneumatic Transport Systems and Complexes of the Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and to S.V. Shniakin, Chief Engineer at the Department of Vibropneumatic Transport Systems and Complexes of the Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, for their valuable help during the experimental studies. The authors are also grateful to L.T. Kholiavchenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D), Senior Researcher at the Department of Rock Breaking Problems of the Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, for his valuable guidelines and comments in the discussion of the results obtained through experimental and theoretical studies

    Pengembangan Skill Guna Meningkatkan Kinerja Sekretaris Pada Pt Jasa Raharja (Persero) Cabang Kalimantan Selatan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi kendala dalam pengembangan skill guna meningkatkan kinerja sekretaris pada PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) Cabang Kalimantan Selatan, dan untuk mengetahui pengembangan skill sekretaris yang perlu dilakukan oleh PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) Cabang Kalimantan Selatan Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif, yang mana penulis hanya menggambarkan masalah sebagaimana adanya atau sesuai dengan kenyataan yang terjadi pada objek penelitian. Dalam teknik pengumpulan data penulis melakukan observasi yaitu pengamatan secara langsung di lapangan, serta dokumentasi berupa foto-foto dan wawancara secara langsung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) Cabang Kalimantan Selatan memiliki sekretaris yang kurang menguasai skill dasar sebagai seorang sekretaris sehingga menyebabkan kinerja sekretaris kurang efektif dan efisien. Hal ini disebabkan karena sekretaris merupakan seorang lulusan Sarjana Komputer sehingga tidak memiliki pengetahuan mendasar mengenai kesekretarisan, dan juga dikarenakan perusahaan tidak pernah memberikan pelatihan khusus tentang kesekretarisan. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini sekretaris harus berinisiatif untuk mengembangkan skill salah satunya dengan cara mempelajari literature yang ada hubungannya dengan skill tersebut, selain itu perusahaan juga harus mengadakan pelatihan untuk sekretaris dengan menerapkan sasaran pelatihan, menyusun kurikulum, menetapkan sarana, memilih peserta, dan menetapkan waktu pelaksanaan. Dengan melakukan strategi tersebut maka skill sekretaris akan berkembang dan kinerja sekretaris akan menjadi lebih baik

    Evaluasi Penempatan Dan Jumlah Saklar ABSW Pad a Saluran Distribusi Primer Gardu Induk Mangkunegaran

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    GI Mangkunegaran terletak di pusat kota Solo yang melayani beban domestik, bisnis. dan industri yang menuntut keandalan tinggi. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan keandalan yaitu dengan pemasangan ABSW pada titik-titik yang strategis agar efektivitasnya tinggi. Perbaikan lebih jauh dapat dilakukan dengan memindahkan lokasi pemasangan ABSW yang efektivitasnya terendah untuk meningkatkan efektivitasnya dan mempercepat pengoperasian ABSW dengan menggunakan ABSW motorik pada GI Mangkunegaran yang perlu dipersiapkan sejak sekarang. Dalam penelitian ini yang dijadikan sebagai bahan penelitian adalah ABSW NC (normally close) di setiap penyulang GI Mangkunegaran. Efektivitas ABSW tersebut ditentukan dengan nilai customer hours yang terselamatkan jika terjadi gangguan atau pemadaman. ABSW NC yang memiliki efektivitas paling rendah di setiap penyulang dipertimbangkan untuk dipindahkan ke lokasi lain untuk meningkatkan efektivitasnya. Jumlah ABSW yang sudah ada dievaluasi cukup atau tidak terhadap jumlah yang diperlukan. Dengan cara melakukan percobaan-percobaan pemindahan lokasi dan perhitungan secara manual. didapatkan bahwa: . 1. Jumlah ABSW yang ada sudah mencukupi 2. ABSW yang efektivitasnya terendah di setiap penyulang dan perlu dipindah adalah ABSW nomor 5/B2-109E, 7/B2-109. B2-93A. B2-134, 10B/B2-109E. dan 28/B4- 161 3. ABSW yang efektivitasnya tertinggi di setiap penyulang dan dapat diganti dengan ABSW motorik adalah ABSW nomor 32A/B2-109E. A/B2-146Q. B4-100D, I/B2- 163F, 9B/B4-168. dan 5/B4-16

    Supply of rice (Oryza sativa) commodity in India: Insights on domestic production performance

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    Food security is a critical issue in the developing world. India is the second largest producer of rice (Oryza sativa L.) next to China and rice accounts for larger proportion of human caloric intake in India. The price rise of rice commodity and conversion of rice lands for non agriculture purposes necessitate examining the existing status of rice production and suggesting measures to prevent any sort of disturbances in food security in India. This paper aims at analyzing the present production performance of rice in the country by examining the trends and shifts in production growth, delineating the sources of production growth as well as assessing the instability in rice production. In addition, some other critical issues of spatial differentials and price escalation are also discussed. The study reveals that there has been deceleration in growth rate of rice production and productivity not only in India but also in all the top five major rice producing countries in the world. There exists a spatial variation among Indian states, where northern and southern region registered higher rice productivity and the rest of the regions witnessed less productivity. Yield effect contributed more towards the decline in production growth in eastern states like West Bengal, Odisha and Asom and therefore it is required to have adequate measures to improve upon the yield growth. Besides, higher instability in rice production is also noticed in Odisha and Bihar. It is therefore important to have technology breakthrough in rice which could push the production trajectory path upwards and achieve a higher and sustainable growth rate in rice as well as sustaining food security status in India

    Retrospective study of chemotherapy induced cardiotoxicity from a tertiary cancer centre in South India

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    Background: Ever increasing therapeutic modalities in treatment of various malignancies has resulted in an enormous number of cancer survivors. Cancer survivors face various issues in their long term health due to the cancer and/or its treatment. Late effects including organ damage, functional disability and risk of second malignancy continue to be elucidated. One of the most debilitating and serious toxicity is cardiotoxicity due to chemotherapy.Methods: This study was a retrospective analysis of all patients who developed chemotherapy induced cardiotoxicity between January 2013 to December 2015.Results: A total of 16 patients developed cardiotoxicity. 13 patients had doxorubicin induced toxicity. Cardiotoxicity was noted to occur at low cumulative doses. 2 patients had complete recovery of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) on follow up. 1 patient had progressive worsening of LVEF. 1 patient died due to cardiotoxicity. On detection of cardiotoxicity, most of the patients received cardiac remodeling drugs - angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (mostly enalapril), other drugs used were carvedilol and diuretics.Conclusions: In Indian patients, cardiotoxicity can occur at very low cumulative doses of doxorubicin and in young patients too. Most of the patients did not have any underlying comorbid illnesses. We wish to highlight the need to diligently repeat cardiac screening investigations at frequent intervals to detect asymptomatic cardiotoxicity

    Uji Adaptasi Klon Karet Harapan Irr Seri 200 Pada Masa Tanaman Belum Menghasilkan Di Daerah Beriklim Basah, Kebun Aek Tarum – Kabupaten Asahan

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    Pada tanaman karet, kondisi curah hujan dan hari hujan bisa merupakan salah satu faktor pembatas untuk pertumbuhan tanaman secara optimal. Pada umumnya tanaman karet dapat tumbuh dan berproduksi optimal pada kondisi curah hujan berkisar 1800-2500 mm/th dan jumlah hari hujan berkisar 115–150 hari/th. Dengan demikian, seleksi klon karet unggul yang dapat beradaptasi dengan baik pada kondisi cekaman lingkungan tertentu seperti curah hujan tinggi sangat penting dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi keragaan klon karet unggul harapan IRR seri 200 pada wilayah beriklim cukup basah. Pengujian adaptasi klon unggul harapan IRR seri 200 dan klon pembanding PB 260 dibangun di Kebun Aek Tarum, Kabupaten Asahan pada tahun 2010. Rata-rata curah hujan selama delapan tahun di lokasi penelitian ini sebesar 2899 mm/th dengan jumlah hari hujan sebanyak 186 hari/th. Jumlah curah hujan dan hari hujan di lokasi penelitian ini tergolong tinggi, sehingga kurang optimal untuk pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman karet. Pengamatan terhadap karakter pertumbuhan lilit batang dilakukan pada umur 1 - 4 tahun. Karakter tebal kulit dan anatomi kulit diamati pada umur 4 tahun. Intensitas serangan penyakit gugur daun Colletotrichum, Oidium, dan Corynespora diamati pada umur 3 dan 4 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klon IRR 205, IRR 210, IRR 215, IRR 219, dan IRR 220 memiliki pertumbuhan jagur. Klon IRR 205, IRR 210, dan 215 memiliki ukuran tebal kulit paling tinggi, sedangkan klon IRR 215 dan IRR 219 memiliki karakter anatomi yang cukup baik. Semua klon IRR seri 200 yang diuji tergolong moderat resisten sampai dengan resisten terhadap penyakit gugur daun Colletotrichum, Oidium, dan Corynespora.Diterima : 18 November 2014; Direvisi : 20 Desember 2014; Disetujui : 6 Mei 2015 How to Cite : Sayurandi., Suhendry, I., & Woelan, S. (2015). Uji adaptasi klon karet harapan IRR seri 200 pada masa tanaman belum menghasilkan di daerah beriklim basah, Kebun Aek Tarum – Kabupaten Asahan. Jurnal Penelitian Karet, 33(1), 11-24. Retrieved from http://ejournal.puslitkaret.co.id/index.php/jpk/article/view/16

    Analisis Potensi Obyek Wisata Dan Kesiapan Masyarakat Dalam Pengembangan Desa Wisata Berbasis Masyarakat Di Kawasan Danau Linting Kabupaten Deli Serdang

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    The research about the value of potential and attraction of tourism object in Linting Lake area hasn't been never conducted. The research has aims to analyzed the potential and attraction of nature tourism in Linting Lake area and community appraisal in developing the tourism village in Linting Lake area. Questioneries involved the visitors, the public, staff of the Forest Ministry, and staff of Tourism Ministry. The results of the research showed that the potential of natural resources in Sibunga –bunga village are hot water sources, caves, and lime stones. Evaluation of object and tourism attraction is categorized to be feasible for further development. People are willing to participate in developing their village to be one of the tourism village

    Robust PID Control Design in CPS-based Batch Distillation Column

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    Interconnected system between computationand physical process (Cyber-Physical Systems) has been widelyused in industrial processes. In CPS-based industrial process,sensors, controllers, and actuators are connected into acommunication network. The communication network mayintroduce delay time uncertainties due to shared resources andload traffic in the network. Furthermore, the nonlinear timevaryingcharacteristic of batch distillation column may causesanother uncertainties to take into account in control systemdesign. Parameter model and delay process uncertainty isintroduced due to linearized system approximation thatunmodeled high-frequency dynamics. The dynamicuncertainty on both I/O channel are also introduced to thesystem uncertainty. In this paper, robust PI and PID controllerusing AMIGO method with appropriate weighting function isdesigned to guarantee robust stability spesification of batchdistillation column. The impact of system uncertainties toclosed-loop system performances such as peak overshoot andintegral error is investigated. MATLAB/Simulink simulationis used to validate the methods before its implementation inCPS-based batch distillation column. Based on simulation, theproposed robust PI/PID controller can guarantee robuststability of system compared to conventional PID controller.Furthermore, the robust PI/PID controller can improve closedloopsystem performances compared to conventional PID