214 research outputs found

    Systemic fungal endophytes and ploidy level in Festuca vivipara populations in North European Islands

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    Exploring the regional pattern of variation in traits driven by symbiotic interactions may provide insights to understand the evolutionary processes that operate over plant populations. Polyploidy, which is associated with fitness improvement, is expected to increase with latitude and altitude. However, it has never been explored in relation with the occurrence of epichloid fungal endophytes in plants. Both, variation in ploidy level and in the incidence of fungal endophytes, are known to occur in species of fine fescues. Here, we surveyed the occurrence of systemic fungal endophytes in natural Festuca vivipara populations in North European islands. In addition, we identified the fungal species associated with this grass and determined the predominant ploidy level for each population. Endophytes were found in four of six, two of three, and one of three populations for Faroe Islands, Iceland and Great Britain, respectively. With an average low incidence level of 15 % in infected populations, there was no relationship between infection level and either latitude or altitude. The phylogenetic analysis based on sequences ITS and the tub2 genes, supports that the endophytic species is EpichloA &lt;&lt; festucae, the same as in other fine fescues. We found no variation in ploidy level as all the plants were tetraploid (4X) with 28 chromosomes, a pattern which contrasts with the variation reported in previous antecedents. Our results suggest that apart from low and variable benefits of the endophyte to the plants, there would be a complex dynamics between epichloid endophytes and species of the fine fescue complex which merits further studies.</p

    Effects of a glyphosate-based herbicide on soil animal trophic groups and associated ecosystem functioning in a northern agricultural field

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    Despite an increasing concern of consequences of using vast amounts of glyphosate-based herbicides in agroecosystems, their potential effects on non-target soil organisms and soil functioning are mostly unknown. It has also been argued that fields in northern latitudes should be under special surveillance as the short active period of decomposers may restrict glyphosate degradation. We investigated the effects of a glyphosate- based herbicide, Roundup, on the abundance of enchytraeids and nematodes, both essential groups in decomposer food webs, and plant litter mass loss and soil availability of mineral N in a two-year agricultural field setting in south-west Finland. Our experiment consisted of (1) non-treated weed plots, (2) plots, where weeds were killed by hoeing, and (3) plots treated with both Roundup and hoeing. We found that killing plants by hoeing had drastic effects on soil fauna and functioning, and apparently, distinguishing these effects from direct glyphosate effects is profoundly important when evaluating glyphosate risks in soils. In contrast, the effects of Roundup on soil fauna and functioning were minor and transient and no glyphosate remains were found in the soil at the end of the experiment. These results suggest that side-effects can be minor and glyphosate degradation effective also in soil under northern climatic conditions

    Local adaptation in natural European host grass populations with asymmetric symbiosis

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    Recent work on microbiomes is revealing the wealth and importance of plant-microbe interactions. Microbial symbionts are proposed to have profound effects on fitness of their host plants and vice versa, especially when their fitness is tightly linked. Here we studied local adaptation of host plants and possible fitness contribution of such symbiosis in the context of abiotic environmental factors. We conducted a four-way multi-year reciprocal transplant experiment with natural populations of the perennial grass Festuca rubra s.l. from northern and southern Finland, Faroe Islands and Spain. We included F. rubra with and without transmitted symbiotic fungus Epichloë that is vertically transmitted via host seed. We found local adaptation across the European range, as evidenced by higher host fitness of the local geographic origin compared with nonlocals at three of the four studied sites, suggesting that selection pressures are driving evolution in different directions. Abiotic factors did not result in strong fitness effects related to Epichloë symbiosis, indicating that other factors such as herbivory are more likely to contribute to fitness differences between plants naturally occurring with or without Epichloë. Nevertheless, in the case of asymmetric symbiosis that is obligatory for the symbiont, abiotic conditions that affect performance of the host, may also cause selective pressure for the symbiont.</p

    Does Glyphosate Affect the Human Microbiota?

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    Glyphosate is the world's most widely used agrochemical. Its use in agriculture and gardening has been proclaimed safe because humans and other animals do not have the target enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS). However, increasing numbers of studies have demonstrated risks to humans and animals because the shikimate metabolic pathway is present in many microbes. Here, we assess the potential effect of glyphosate on healthy human microbiota. Our results demonstrate that more than one-half of human microbiome are intrinsically sensitive to glyphosate. However, further empirical studies are needed to determine the effect of glyphosate on healthy human microbiota

    A Glyphosate-Based Herbicide in Soil Differentially Affects Hormonal Homeostasis and Performance of Non-target Crop Plants

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    Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide with a yearly increase in global application. Recent studies report glyphosate residues from diverse habitats globally where the effect on non-target plants are still to be explored. Glyphosate disrupts the shikimate pathway which is the basis for several plant metabolites. The central role of phytohormones in regulating plant growth and responses to abiotic and biotic environment has been ignored in studies examining the effects of glyphosate residues on plant performance and trophic interactions. We studied interactive effects of glyphosate-based herbicide (GBH) residues and phosphate fertilizer in soil on the content of main phytohormones, their precursors and metabolites, as well as on plant performance and herbivore damage, in three plant species, oat (Avena sativa), potato (Solanum tuberosum) and strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa). Plant hormonal responses to GBH residues were highly species-specific. Potato responded to GBH soil treatment with an increase in stress-related phytohormones abscisic acid, indole-3-acetic acid and jasmonic acid but a decrease in cytokinin ribosides and cytokinin-O-glycosides. GBH residues in combination with phosphate in soil increased aboveground biomass of potato plants and the concentration of the auxin phenylacetic acid but decreased phaseic acid and cytokinin ribosides and O-glycosides. Chorsimate-derived compounds (indole-3-acetic acid, phenylacetic acid and benzoic acid) as well as herbivore damage decreased in oat, when growing in GBH-treated soil but concentrations of the cytokinin dihydrozeatin and cytokinin ribosides increased. In strawberry plants, phosphate treatment was associated with an elevation of auxin (indole-3-acetic acid) and the cytokinin trans-zeatin, while decreasing concentrations of the auxin phenylacetic acid and cytokinin dihydrozeatin was observed in the case of GBH treatment. Our results demonstrate that ubiquitous herbicide residues have multifaceted consequences by modulating the hormonal equilibrium of plants, which can have cascading effects on trophic interactions.</p

    Geographic Variation in Festuca rubra L. Ploidy Levels and Systemic Fungal Endophyte Frequencies

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    Polyploidy and symbiotic Epichloe fungal endophytes are common and heritable characteristics that can facilitate environmental range expansion in grasses. Here we examined geographic patterns of polyploidy and the frequency of fungal endophyte colonized plants in 29 Festuca rubra L. populations from eight geographic sites across latitudes from Spain to northernmost Finland and Greenland. Ploidy seemed to be positively and negatively correlated with latitude and productivity, respectively. However, the correlations were nonlinear; 84% of the plants were hexaploids (2n = 6x = 42), and the positive correlation between ploidy level and latitude is the result of only four populations skewing the data. In the southern-most end of the gradient 86% of the plants were tetraploids (2n = 4x = 28), whereas in the northernmost end of the gradient one population had only octoploid plants (2n = 8x = 56). Endophytes were detected in 22 out of the 29 populations. Endophyte frequencies varied among geographic sites, and populations and habitats within geographic sites irrespective of ploidy, latitude or productivity. The highest overall endophyte frequencies were found in the southernmost end of the gradient, Spain, where 69% of plants harbored endophytes. In northern Finland, endophytes were detected in 30% of grasses but endophyte frequencies varied among populations from 0% to 75%, being higher in meadows compared to riverbanks. The endophytes were detected in 36%, 30% and 27% of the plants in Faroe Islands, Iceland and Switzerland, respectively. Practically all examined plants collected from southern Finland and Greenland were endophyte-free, whereas in other geographic sites endophyte frequencies were highly variable among populations. Common to all populations with high endophyte frequencies is heavy vertebrate grazing. We propose that the detected endophyte frequencies and ploidy levels mirror past distribution history of F. rubra after the last glaciation period, and local adaptations to past or prevailing selection forces such as vertebrate grazing

    Data on litter quality of host grass plants with and without fungal endophytes

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    Certain Pooideae species form persistent symbiosis with fungal endophytes of Epichloë genus. Although endophytes are known to impact the ecology and evolution of host species, their effects on parameters related with quality of plant biomass has been elusive. This article provides information about parameters related with the quality of plant litter biomass of two important grass species (Schedonorus phoenix and Schedonorus pratensis) affected by the symbiosis with fungal endophytes (Epichloë coenophiala and Epichloë uncinata, respectively). Four population origins of S. phoenix and one of S. pratensis were included. Mineral, biochemical and structural parameters were obtained from three samples per factors combination [species (and population origin)×endophyte]. This data can be potentially used in other studies which, by means of 'data reanalyzing' or meta-analysis, attempt to find generalizations about endophyte effects on host plant litter biomass. The present data is associated with the research article "Role of foliar fungal endophytes on litter decomposition among species and population origins" (Gundel et al., In preparation) [1]

    Tests of the co-integration rank in VAR models in the presence of a possible break in trend at an unknown point

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    In this paper we consider the problem of testing for the co-integration rank of a vector autoregressive process in the case where a trend break may potentially be present in the data. It is known that un-modelled trend breaks can result in tests which are incorrectly sized under the null hypothesis and inconsistent under the alternative hypothesis. Extant procedures in this literature have attempted to solve this inference problem but require the practitioner to either assume that the trend break date is known or to assume that any trend break cannot occur under the co-integration rank null hypothesis being tested. These procedures also assume the autoregressive lag length is known to the practitioner. All of these assumptions would seem unreasonable in practice. Moreover in each of these strands of the literature there is also a presumption in calculating the tests that a trend break is known to have happened. This can lead to a substantial loss in finite sample power in the case where a trend break does not in fact occur. Using information criteria based methods to select both the autoregressive lag order and to choose between the trend break and no trend break models, using a consistent estimate of the break fraction in the context of the former, we develop a number of procedures which deliver asymptotically correctly sized and consistent tests of the co-integration rank regardless of whether a trend break is present in the data or not. By selecting the no break model when no trend break is present, these procedures also avoid the potentially large power losses associated with the extant procedures in such cases