444 research outputs found

    Me, Myself, and Future Generations: The Role of Affinity and Effectiveness in the Creation of Consumer Environmental Stewardship (CENS)

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    Policymakers, consumer advocate groups, and researchers agree that consumers need to increase their proenvironmental behaviors if a decent standard of living is to be ensured for future generations. Despite high levels of environmental concern, consumers still refrain from large-scale adoption of proenvironmental behaviors. Social marketers agree that a change in attitudes is not enough to stimulate the necessary behavioral change and are looking for ways to help consumers overcome the costs (e.g., price premiums, inconvenience) that are often associated with proenvironmental behaviors. Currently, consumers often see proenvironmental behavior as a trade-off between short-term personal benefits and longer term collective benefits. The authors contribute to the social marketing literature on proenvironmental behavior by introducing the concept of Consumer Environmental Stewardship (CENS), which centers on the use of intrinsic motivation to stimulate a personal sense of responsibility for the environment. The findings, based on a survey and three experiments, show that the stimulation of consumers’ affinity with future generations (AFGs) and perceived consumer effectiveness (PCE) can help to promote CENS, which in turn raises proenvironmental behaviors. However, this research also shows that increasing levels of AFGs can backfire and result in lower levels of CENS, if consumers experience low levels of PCE

    Entropy and information in neural spike trains: Progress on the sampling problem

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    The major problem in information theoretic analysis of neural responses and other biological data is the reliable estimation of entropy--like quantities from small samples. We apply a recently introduced Bayesian entropy estimator to synthetic data inspired by experiments, and to real experimental spike trains. The estimator performs admirably even very deep in the undersampled regime, where other techniques fail. This opens new possibilities for the information theoretic analysis of experiments, and may be of general interest as an example of learning from limited data.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; referee suggested changes, accepted versio

    Making omnichannel an augmented reality: the current and future state of the art

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    Purpose—This paper explores the current and future role of Augmented Reality (AR) as an enabler of omnichannel experiences across the customer journey. To advance the conceptual understanding and managerial exploitation of AR, the paper synthesises current research, illustrating how a variety of current applications merge online and offline experiences, and provides a future research agenda to help advance the state of the art in AR. Design/methodology/approach—Drawing on situated cognition theorising as a guiding framework, the paper reviews previously published research and currently deployed applications to provide a roadmap for future research efforts on AR-enabled omnichannel experiences across the customer journey. Findings—AR offers myriad opportunities to provide customers with a seamless omnichannel journey, smoothing current obstacles, through a unique combination of i) embedded, ii) embodied, and iii) extended customer experiences. These three principles constitute the overarching value drivers of AR and offer coherent, theory-driven organising principles for managers and researchers alike. Originality/value—Current research has yet to provide a relevant, conceptually robust understanding of AR-enabled customer experiences. In light of the rapid development and widespread deployment of the technology, this paper provides an urgently needed framework for guiding the development of AR in an omnichannel context

    Finding consensus on well-being in education

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    Research on well-being and concern over the well-being of students and teachers has grown dramatically in recent years. Researchers and reformers in positive psychology and education, self-determination theory, social and emotional learning, liberal-democratic political and educational philosophy, and neo-Aristotelian theories of flourishing and character education have played formative and intersecting roles in what is now an international movement to promote the lifelong flourishing of students as an alternative to a human capital and economic growth focus for education. This article defends this flourishing-focused reorientation of education policy and practice, using a value-led and evidence-informed methodology. It sorts through the conceptual disputes and clarifies the ethical considerations that should guide efforts to advance the well-being of students and teachers, assesses key claims and arguments, and brings together compatible aspects of the leading philosophical and psychological perspectives on flourishing as an aim of education. It identifies ethically and evidentially justifiable points of consensus on well-being and flourishing in education, presents a consensus model of relationships between educational environments, learning, and flourishing, and concludes with some recommendations for educational policy and practice

    Disrupting marketing realities: A research agenda for investigating the psychological mechanisms of next‐generation experiences with reality‐enhancing technologies

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    Reality‐enhancing technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality are rapidly becoming a part of everyday life. Seizing this moment, we set out a research agenda for studying the psychological mechanisms underpinning consumer experiences with these new technologies, structured around four application areas: (1) delivering innovative offerings, (2) supporting sustainability and consumer well‐being interventions, (3) balancing value cocreation and privacy concerns, and (4) achieving new modes and means of impact. For each area, we identify research directions that can guide the development and use of reality‐enhancing technologies for the realization of next‐generation consumer experiences. We explicitly balance potential advantages and disadvantages, thus encouraging researchers and practitioners to prioritize developing the “purpose” of these technologies, by focusing on the psychological mechanisms that underlie their use, over the technological development of their “pixels.” In this way, we guide the impactful development of reality‐enhancing technologies for applications with significance for consumers and firms

    Auswirkungen von depressiven Störungen auf die kognitive LeistungsfÀhigkeit und die Fahrkompetenz

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    Depressive Störungen können neben den Erstrangsymptomen „depressive Stimmung“, „Verlust von Interesse oder Freude“ und „erhöhte ErmĂŒdbarkeit“ mit einer großen Anzahl an weiteren Symptomen einhergehen. Folgende kognitive Defizite sind kennzeichnend: Störungen der kognitiven FlexibilitĂ€t, des ArbeitsgedĂ€chtnisses, des freien Abrufs von GedĂ€chtnisinhalten, der geteilten Aufmerksamkeit und von Teilbereichen der selektiven Aufmerksamkeit. Die Bundesanstalt fĂŒr Straßenwesen (BASt) und wissenschaftliche Forschungsarbeiten konnten eine Reihe an Leistungs- und Persönlichkeitsmaßen identifizieren, welche eine ausreichende psychische LeistungsfĂ€higkeit im Straßenverkehr gewĂ€hrleisten sollen. Obwohl sich die hierbei hervorgehobenen kognitiven Leistungsfunktionen nahezu umfassend mit den Defizitbereichen bei depressiven Störungen ĂŒberschneiden und bisher kein rein linearer Zusammenhang zwischen der Schwere der depressiven Symptomatik und dem AusprĂ€gungsgrad kognitiver BeeintrĂ€chtigungen gefunden werden konnte, besagt die aktuelle Rechtslage, dass lediglich bei schweren depressiven Episoden die Fahreignung anzuzweifeln sei. Ziele der vorliegenden Arbeit: Zum einen sollte ĂŒberprĂŒft werden, ob sich die in der Literatur berichteten Unterschiede zwischen depressiven Patienten und gesunden Vergleichspersonen in der kognitiven LeistungsfĂ€higkeit, bei der Fahrkompetenz, bei der Selbstbeschreibung und im Risikoverhalten finden lassen. Zum anderen wurde zu bestimmen versucht, welche dieser Maße hauptverantwortlich fĂŒr Unterschiede in der Fahrkompetenz sind. Methode: Hierzu bearbeitete eine Gruppe stationĂ€r-psychiatrischer Patienten mit unipolarer Depression jeweils unmittelbar nach stationĂ€rer Aufnahme und bei Entlassung (neuro-) psychologische Testverfahren. DarĂŒber hinaus wurde zeitnah zu den Testungen eine praktische Fahrerprobung in einem Fahrschulauto durchgefĂŒhrt. Ein dritter Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand darin, die wissenschaftliche GĂŒte dieser praktischen Fahrverhaltensprobe zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen. Alle Untersuchungen wurden parallel auch mit einer Kontrollgruppe körperlich und psychisch gesunder Probanden durchgefĂŒhrt. Ergebnisse: Die Fahrverhaltensprobe konnte strenge wissenschaftliche und verkehrspsychologische Anforderungen erfĂŒllen. Es zeigte sich, dass sich die Patienten neben dem Ausmaß ihrer subjektiven und objektiven DepressivitĂ€t, auch in einer Reihe von Leistungs- und Persönlichkeitsmaßen von den Kontrollpersonen unterschieden. Es ließen sich sowohl einzelne wie auch Kombinationen an Variablen identifizieren, die bereits fĂŒr die eher geringe StichprobengrĂ¶ĂŸe der Studie die Fahrkompetenz der Probanden mit einem zufrieden stellenden Maß an SensitivitĂ€t und SpezifitĂ€t vorhersagten. Diskussion: Mit dieser Arbeit wurde erstmals bei Patienten mit mittelschwerer Depression sowohl anhand neuropsychologischer Testverfahren als auch mit Hilfe einer praktischen Fahrverhaltensprobe untersucht, welche Auswirkungen deren Erkrankung auf die Fahrkompetenz hat. Vorangegangene Studien konnten aber bereits die Annahme der BASt, dass nur bei schweren depressiven Episoden die Fahreignung fraglich sei, deutlich in Frage stellen. Die vorliegende Studie stĂŒtzt die bisherigen Erkenntnisse und zeigt zusĂ€tzlich auf, dass auch bei einer praktischen Fahrverhaltensprobe, die den Anforderungen der BASt entspricht, nicht von vergleichbaren Leistungen bei depressiven Patienten und gesunden Kontrollen auszugehen ist. Die geringe StichprobengrĂ¶ĂŸe lĂ€sst allerdings eine Generalisierung der Ergebnisse nicht zu. Weitere Forschungsarbeit in dieser Richtung ist erforderlich

    Touching the untouchable: exploring multi-sensory augmented reality in the context of online retailing

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    Mental intangibility during product evaluation remains one of the greatest drawbacks for online purchasing. However, emerging multi-sensory Augmented Reality (m-AR) applications offer a potential solution for this online retailing problem. Drawing on active inference theory, this article proposes a conceptual framework to assess how sensory control and feedback modalities affect consumer value judgements by reducing mental intangibility. We show how touch control, compared to voice control, positively affects consumers’ willingness-to-pay. The underlying mechanism is a sequential process of reduced mental intangibility and increased feeling of decision comfort. In addition, we highlight a positive moderating effect of congruent auditory feedback on decision comfort. We also demonstrate a novel consumer boundary condition. Consumers high in assessment orientation experience a stronger reduction in mental intangibility. The results are consistently replicated across three experiments implying theoretical and managerial contributions for m-AR in the context of online retailing

    Seeing with the customer’s eye: exploring the challenges and opportunities of AR advertising

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    This position article on augmented reality (AR) advertising offers a conceptual framework of recent scholarship on the intersection between AR technologies, advertising, and marketing metrics. The framework identifies theory-based building blocks for this domain alongside relevant recent examples. It proposes a conceptual case for contextualization of advertising content through AR technology. Finally, an agenda for future research in AR advertising is specified, incorporating multiple conceptual perspectives and empirical directions
