32 research outputs found

    Application of remote training technology at the development of electronic coureses progpams

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    Didactic potential and functions of computer telecommunications provide the opportunity to organize an educational process that meets the requirements and goals of profile training and reflects the basic principles of the personality-oriented approach. Given that the profile training involves flexibility, wide variation and differentiation in both the choice of the content of the students and the forms of education, educational models based on the use of distance educational technologies become an effective resource for the implementation of profile educatio

    Algorithm of surgical treatment of complicated forms of chronic pancreatitis.

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    The purpose of the work was to evaluate the algorithm of surgical treatment of complicated forms of chronic pancreatitis. The results of surgical treatment of 181 patients with complicated forms of chronic pancreatitis were analyzed. 24.5% of patients were admitted with type B pain syndrome. Among them, all patients had multiple strictures of the main pancreatic duct and tissue pressure resistance was >200 mm Hg. Histologically,these patients had stage 4 of pancreatic fibrosis. A combined local resection by Frey-Izbickiy allows to reduce the number of relapses of pancreatic hypertension by 11.1%

    Клінічна та морфологічна характеристика пейсмейкера хронічного панкреатиту

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    Мета. Клінічно та морфологічно обгрунтувати поняття пейсмейкера хронічного панкреатиту (ХП). Матеріали і методи. Проаналізовано результати хірургічного лікування 181 хворого з ХП, ускладненим синдромом панкреатичної гіпертензії. Результати. З больовим синдромом типу В, що опосередковано вказує на тотальний тяжкий фіброз підшлункової залози (ПЗ), госпіталізовані 24,5% пацієнтів. Клінічно у всіх цих хворих виявлені множинні стриктури головної протоки ПЗ, інструментально - тканинний тиск спротиву (ТТС) понад 26,7 кПа (200 мм рт. ст.) та гістологічно - площа сполучнотканинних полів сягала (81,4 ± 6,62)%. Таким чином, пейсмейкером ХП слід вважати стриктуру  - зону максимального фіброзу та кальцеутворення головної протоки ПЗ і, що є основним, проток другого та третього порядків. Головка ПЗ була пейсмейкером ХП тільки у 83,8% спостережень, перешийок або тіло та хвіст ПЗ - у 16,2%. Висновки. Ключовим у хірургічному лікуванні ХП є широке висічення стриктури (зони фіброзу) ПЗ, що забезпечує виконання комбінованої локальної резекції ПЗ за Frey-Izbicki, після якої частота виникнення рецидиву панкреатичної гіпертензії менша на 11,1%

    The problems of utilizing graphite of stopped graphite-uranium reactors

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    A list of radioactive nuclides, the activity of which forms the main part of total activity of graphite stack and graphite elements of the construction of stopped industrial graphite-uranium reactors has been defined. The analysis of activity part contributed by these nuclides at different moments of time after stopping reactor was carried out. A set of construction graphite elements, in which there is a possibility of self-sustaining release of the energy stored (Wigner's energy) was determined. It was stated that the most value of the Wigner's energy is achieved in graphite constructions operated in low-temperature region or at high values of flux densities of damaging neutrons and concurrent gamma radiation

    Критерії об’єму локальної резекції підшлункової залози у хворих з хронічним фіброзно-дегенеративним панкреатитом

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    Мета. Обґрунтування об’єму локальної резекції підшлункової залози (ПЗ) та розробка алгоритму хірургічного лікування хронічного фіброзно-дегенеративного панкреатиту (ХФДП). Матеріали і методи. Проаналізовано результати хірургічного лікування 69 хворих з ХФДП, ускладненим синдромом панкреатичної гіпертензії. У 6 хворих виконали локальну резекцію ПЗ за Frеy, у 2 – за Izbicki, у 52 - за Frеy-Izbicki, у 9 - панкреатодуоденальну резекцію. Результати. Перевагу надавали комбінованій операції Frеy-Іzbicki у зв’язку з тим, що вона уможливлює в повній мірі видалити пейсмейкер хронічного панкреатиту – зону максимального фіброзу ПЗ. Післяопераційні ускладнення виникли у 17,4% хворих. Після операції ніхто з хворих не помер. Висновки. Після операції Frеy-Izbicki частота виникнення рецидиву панкреатичної гіпертензії менша на 11,1%

    Generalized spacetimes defined by cubic forms and the minimal unitary realizations of their quasiconformal groups

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    We study the symmetries of generalized spacetimes and corresponding phase spaces defined by Jordan algebras of degree three. The generic Jordan family of formally real Jordan algebras of degree three describe extensions of the Minkowskian spacetimes by an extra "dilatonic" coordinate, whose rotation, Lorentz and conformal groups are SO(d-1), SO(d-1,1) XSO(1,1) and SO(d,2)XSO(2,1), respectively. The generalized spacetimes described by simple Jordan algebras of degree three correspond to extensions of Minkowskian spacetimes in the critical dimensions (d=3,4,6,10) by a dilatonic and extra (2,4,8,16) commuting spinorial coordinates, respectively. The Freudenthal triple systems defined over these Jordan algebras describe conformally covariant phase spaces. Following hep-th/0008063, we give a unified geometric realization of the quasiconformal groups that act on their conformal phase spaces extended by an extra "cocycle" coordinate. For the generic Jordan family the quasiconformal groups are SO(d+2,4), whose minimal unitary realizations are given. The minimal unitary representations of the quasiconformal groups F_4(4), E_6(2), E_7(-5) and E_8(-24) of the simple Jordan family were given in our earlier work hep-th/0409272.Comment: A typo in equation (37) corrected and missing titles of some references added. Version to be published in JHEP. 38 pages, latex fil

    Observations on Integral and Continuous U-duality Orbits in N=8 Supergravity

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    One would often like to know when two a priori distinct extremal black p-brane solutions are in fact U-duality related. In the classical supergravity limit the answer for a large class of theories has been known for some time. However, in the full quantum theory the U-duality group is broken to a discrete subgroup and the question of U-duality orbits in this case is a nuanced matter. In the present work we address this issue in the context of N=8 supergravity in four, five and six dimensions. The purpose of this note is to present and clarify what is currently known about these discrete orbits while at the same time filling in some of the details not yet appearing in the literature. To this end we exploit the mathematical framework of integral Jordan algebras and Freudenthal triple systems. The charge vector of the dyonic black string in D=6 is SO(5,5;Z) related to a two-charge reduced canonical form uniquely specified by a set of two arithmetic U-duality invariants. Similarly, the black hole (string) charge vectors in D=5 are E_{6(6)}(Z) equivalent to a three-charge canonical form, again uniquely fixed by a set of three arithmetic U-duality invariants. The situation in four dimensions is less clear: while black holes preserving more than 1/8 of the supersymmetries may be fully classified by known arithmetic E_{7(7)}(Z) invariants, 1/8-BPS and non-BPS black holes yield increasingly subtle orbit structures, which remain to be properly understood. However, for the very special subclass of projective black holes a complete classification is known. All projective black holes are E_{7(7)}(Z) related to a four or five charge canonical form determined uniquely by the set of known arithmetic U-duality invariants. Moreover, E_{7(7)}(Z) acts transitively on the charge vectors of black holes with a given leading-order entropy.Comment: 43 pages, 8 tables; minor corrections, references added; version to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Spectra of PP-Wave Limits of M-/Superstring Theory on AdS_p x S^q Spaces

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    In this paper we show how one can obtain very simply the spectra of the PP-wave limits of M-theory over AdS_7(4) x S^4(7) spaces and IIB superstring theory over AdS_5 x S^5 from the oscillator construction of the Kaluza-Klein spectra of these theories over the corresponding spaces. The PP-wave symmetry superalgebras are obtained by taking the number P of ``colors'' of oscillators to be large (infinite). In this large P limit, the symmetry superalgebra osp(8*|4) of AdS_7 x S^4 and the symmetry superalgebra osp(8|4,R) of AdS_4 x S^7 lead to isomorphic PP-wave algebras, which is the semi-direct sum of su(4|2) with H^(18,16), while the symmetry superalgebra su(2,2|4) of AdS_5 x S^5 leads to the semi-direct sum of [psu(2|2) + psu(2|2) + u(1)] with H^(16,16) as its PP-wave algebra [H^(m,n) denoting a super-Heisenberg algebra with m bosonic and n fermionic generators]. The zero mode spectra of M-theory or IIB superstring theory in the PP-wave limit corresponds simply to the unitary positive energy representations of these algebras whose lowest weight vector is the Fock vacuum of all the oscillators. General positive energy supermultiplets including those corresponding to higher modes can similarly be constructed by the oscillator method.Comment: Typos corrected; references added; minor modifications to improve presentation; 37 pages, LaTeX fil