39 research outputs found

    Effectiveness Of Blended Learning In Human Anatomy Courses

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    It is very demanding to teach anatomy in the present curriculum of medical education. The amount of time allotted to teach and learn human anatomy is diminishing. The traditional teaching method is no longer effective in being able to provide vast amounts of human anatomy learning material. Besides, this method is also passive, which is not liked by the current generation of students. Various disciplines have widely used the learning approach with the blended learning method. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of the blended learning method (BL) with the traditional teaching (TT) method on the student's final grades and the percentage of graduation rates for the gross human anatomy courses. A total of 217 final student grades from Batch 2016 (69 students), Batch 2017 (69 students), and Batch 2018 (79 students) were collected and analyzed. Students in Batch 2018 received the blended learning (BL) method while the Batch 2016 and Batch 2017 received the traditional teaching (TT) method. The mean final scores between the BL and TT methods were compared, also the percentage of graduation rates between the two methods. There was a significant mean difference in the student's final grade (P <0.001) between the BL method (66.77) versus the TT method (47.84). The percentage of students who passed with the BL method (65.82%) is higher than the TT method (10.14%). The result concluded blended learning method is more effective in increasing the final grade and percentage of graduating students than the traditional teaching method for gross human anatomy courses


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    Program yang telah direncanakan dan disusun baiknya harus terlaksana sesuai perencanaan yang telah dibuat karena sudah berdasarkan analisis SWOAT dan analisis kebutuhan. Seringkali perencanaan yang dibuat setelah di implementasikan dan lanjut di evaluasi menjadi tidak sesuai harapan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengevaluasi rencana kinerja dan anggaran pada sekretariat DPRD Kab. Buleleng. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan penelitian evaluasi yang berati menjelaskan secara detail dan menggambarkan fenomena yang diamati. Sampel pada penelitian ini melibatkan lima (5) informan yang akan diwawancara terkait dengan rencana kinerja dan anggaran pada sekretariat DPRD di Kabupaten Buleleng. Menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam dimana instrumen menggunakan lembar wawancara terstruktur dan lembar observasi. Hasil penelitian ini secara keseluruhan perencenaan yang dibuat telah dilaksanakan secara baik, namun rencana kerja yang disusun belum optimal yaitu belum memperhatikan aspek teknis dalam perhitungan kebutuhan  kegiatan sehinga rencana kerja  sekretariat anggota dewan keperluan dananya besar. Perumusan atau pengkajian tingkat capaian target oleh pengguna anggaran tidak pernah dilakukan sehingga untuk mengkur tingkat keberhasilan suatu program yang dalam indikator kinerja sasaran tidak diketahui. Kesimpulan ketidaksesuai rencana kerja yang dibuat dengan pagu penyusunan RKA-SKPD. Sehingga kurangnya pagu yang dialokasikan dalam proses penyusunan RKA SKPD membuat  tidak leluasa untuk menggunakannya dalam program dan kegiatan. Sangat perlu dilakukan kajian awal mengenai hal dimaksud sehingga tidak terjadi ketidaksesuaian

    Sweet pranajiwa (Sterculia javanica R. Br) seed extract increases spermatogenesis and sexual behavior in mice (Mus musculus)

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    Background: As regards the increasing number of infertility cases in male, it induces them to use various kinds of medicine include alternative medicine. Some drugs that improve the sexual behavior previously have been approved for several years. Especially for pranajiwa seed extract, its sexual effect had not been tested previously. Aim: This study was designed to show a botanical product named: pranajiwa seed widely used as an aphrodisiac, could increases spermatogenesis and sexual behavior Methods: The design of this experimental research is a randomized pre-posttest control group design. Data were collected from 44 mice divided into 4 groups: the first is the control group, the second group is 2.5% Pranajiwa seed extract, the third group contains 5% sweet Pranajiwa seed extract and the last is treated with 10% Pranajiwa seed extract. Results: Sweet Pranajiwa seed extract, in different concentration 2.5%, 5% and 10% respectively, which is given every day for 35 days could increase the spermatogenesis, frequency of mounting and intromission, and there was a decrease of time for mounting and intromission. Conclusion: All of pranajiwa seed extract concentration were significantly increase spermatogenesis and sexual behavior instead of control group (p&lt;0.05). </p

    A study of light amplification and dispersion by surface tension on water droplet above taro (Colocasia Esculenta) leaf

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    Hydrophobic characteristics are widely used in the development of new materials, especially to be applied to the surface coating of materials. This involves amplification of the light exposure on the hydrophobic surface for energy-efficient buildings and photovoltaic energy harvesting systems. The paper discusses the role super-hydrophobic nature of light dispersion falling on the water droplet of the taro leaf surface. Camera and video modes were used to get infrared ray images shot at the water droplet, in dark and bright spaces, with variations in the angle of rays incidence and the volume of droplet. The result shows that the waxy layer surface of the taro leaf has the main structure of alkanes/alkyne with active phenol and aldehydes groups, that peak in 2,648/cm. These active groups bind the atoms (free) of the leaf surface when the leaf surface is in normal conditions. The presence of water bubbles on the surface of the taro leaf causes air to be trapped in the cavity of the lump, forms a silvery layer, resulting in chemical reactions with Mg and K atoms, and dehydrogenation of hydrocarbons. These reactions form metal oxides and hydrogen gas. When the bubble is hit by light, the dispersion tends to strengthen at the light angle greater than 40°, due to the silvery coating of magnesium and potassium oxides and the activity of hydrogen gas, that lead to stronger surface tension and the electron mobility and strengthening water molecules bonds. The activities of these products accelerate atomic movement that amplifies the light energy into white light. This study is expected to be a consideration for the new hydrophobic materials design. Applications for surface coating that can amplify light irradiated on the super-hydrophobic surface are promising for energy-efficient buildings and photovoltaic energy harvesting

    Development of energy harvesting with water droplet continuous flow over nanohollow and nanostalagmite of taro leaf surface

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    Electrical energy is generated by harvesting the induced charge in metal electrodes and by connecting the surface of the taro leaf, coated with the electrodes underneath, to the bridge rectifier and capacitor. This discussion was supported by a Scanning Electron Microscope analysis on the surface of taro leaves.The electrical energy was measured using a bridge rectifier atvarious water droplet rate in contact with leaf,and at various slope of the taro leaves. The results showed that the slope of the leaf surface contact area with water droplets and taro leaf increases the generation of electric voltage. The greater the tilt angle of the taro leaf surface causing more electrons to jump out of orbit. The surface of taro leaves made by a cluster of nanostalagmites with other nanostalagmites separated by nanoscalehollows that tend to repel water droplets. The results from the repulsion of nanostalagmites at a very small radius of the nanostalagmite structure were very high surface tension or surface energy. The electron jump is mainly generated due to the high surface tension energy of the nanostalagmite structure that when it comes into contact with ionized H+ and OH- in the water droplet,it produces hydrogen (H2). H2 is trapped in the nanohollows between the nanostalagmites. Due to the dense morphology of nanostalagmite, H2 will tend to be pushed upwards to force the water droplet. As a result, the surface tension will be higher and the surface will be more superhydropobic thereby increasing the electrical voltage. The morphology and the tilt angle have an important role in generating electrical energy. Thus, it is necessary to do further research on superhidrophobic characteristics as a solution in the future to overcome the problem of electrical energ

    Role of small addition of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) on laminar burning velocity of hydrous ethanol

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    Ethanol is an appropriate substitution for gasoline fuel in spark ignition engines. Ethanol has a high-octane number allowing to use it in the higher compression ratio of the engine. A better understanding of combustion characteristics of ethanol is needed before it is used widely in the spark ignition engine. One of the most important parameters of the replacement fuel is the burning velocity. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to investigate experimentally the effect of the small addition of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) on the laminar burning velocity of hydrous ethanol. The combustion characteristic of the ethanol and LPG mixture was examined in a cylindrical combustion chamber with a diameter of 10.8 cm and a length of 17 cm. The flame had a spherically expanding shape. Fuel mixture was ignited by sparks inside the cylinder and the flame diameter was measured from the flame image captured by the high-speed camera. The research used two types of ethanol fuel such as anhydrous ethanol and hydrous ethanol containing 0.3 % of water. The percentage of LPG in the fuel mixture was varied from 0 % to 20 %. The results showed that the addition of 10 % LPG in ethanol increases laminar burning velocity. For anhydrous fuels, ethanol burning velocity is higher than for LPG and the highest burning velocity is in ethanol, to which 10 % LPG is added while the lowest is in LPG. Besides, the effect of water content in ethanol fuel causes a decrease in combustion speed significantly. But the addition of LPG up to 10 % makes hydrous ethanol relatively more robust to rising water content due to the combustion reaction is helped by a higher radical concentration in LPG. This is caused by two factors: the partial preheating zone resulted by the hydroxyl group (OH) of ethanol that supplied more heat energy and the high concentration of radicals in LPG that assists the combustion reaction

    Role of small addition of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) on laminar burning velocity of hydrous ethanol

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    Ethanol is an appropriate substitution for gasoline fuel in spark ignition engines. Ethanol has a high-octane number allowing to use it in the higher compression ratio of the engine. A better understanding of combustion characteristics of ethanol is needed before it is used widely in the spark ignition engine. One of the most important parameters of the replacement fuel is the burning velocity. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to investigate experimentally the effect of the small addition of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) on the laminar burning velocity of hydrous ethanol. The combustion characteristic of the ethanol and LPG mixture was examined in a cylindrical combustion chamber with a diameter of 10.8 cm and a length of 17 cm. The flame had a spherically expanding shape. Fuel mixture was ignited by sparks inside the cylinder and the flame diameter was measured from the flame image captured by the high-speed camera. The research used two types of ethanol fuel such as anhydrous ethanol and hydrous ethanol containing 0.3 % of water. The percentage of LPG in the fuel mixture was varied from 0 % to 20 %. The results showed that the addition of 10 % LPG in ethanol increases laminar burning velocity. For anhydrous fuels, ethanol burning velocity is higher than for LPG and the highest burning velocity is in ethanol, to which 10 % LPG is added while the lowest is in LPG. Besides, the effect of water content in ethanol fuel causes a decrease in combustion speed significantly. But the addition of LPG up to 10 % makes hydrous ethanol relatively more robust to rising water content due to the combustion reaction is helped by a higher radical concentration in LPG. This is caused by two factors: the partial preheating zone resulted by the hydroxyl group (OH) of ethanol that supplied more heat energy and the high concentration of radicals in LPG that assists the combustion reaction

    The use of heat circulator for flammability in mesoscale combustor

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    The mesoscale combustor is a part of the micropower electric generator. The function of the mesoscale combustor is to convert hydrocarbon to become thermal energy through combustion reaction. It is difficult to maintain the flame stability of a mesoscale combustor due to its millimetre-scale size.This study aims to determine the performance and recognize mesoscale combustor phenomena that have stainless steel heat recirculators. This study is to test the combustion characteristics of liquid and gas fuels in meso-combustors which use heat recirculator. The heat circulator is made of stainless steel tube with an inner diameter of 3.5. The parameters observed were flammability limits, temperature distribution and flame visualization.It is confirmed that the stainless steel heat recirculator, is useful for liquid fuel preheating and evaporating inside of mesoscale combustor. The flame of liquid fuels can be stabilized at an equivalence ratio of 0.9 to 1.25, and up to about 900 centigrade Celsius. Thus recommend for liquid fuel micropower generator. It is noted that when the heat recirculator is too close to the flame, excessive flame cooling occurs and causes the flame extinguished. The meso-combustor, which has no heat recirculator, and designed for gas fuel only, can stabilize flame at an equivalence ratio of 0.7 to 1.5. It is also confirmed that the inaccurate selection of the material of thermal recirculator risks reducing the flame stability. It is important to note that when the gas fuel exits the storage tube, there is an expansion and a decrease in temperature which can affect flammability limit