9 research outputs found

    Perancangan Media Informasi Program Studi Teknik Informatika Dan Sistem Komputer Pada STMIK STIKOM Indonesia Berbasis Animasi 2D

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    STMIK STIKOM Indonesia is still using media information about study programs that are static and still can not be conveyed properly. This resulted in the existence of students who moved the study program and specialization when they have undergone lecturing process because they feel unsuitable, and still mistaken the students in distinguishing between study program and specialization. Seeing the problem, STMIK STIKOM Indonesia needs a media information about study program in the form of more practical, interesting, effective and detail, that can be used for media campaign and presentation. 2D animation is suitable as a medium to support the study program information because there are elements of visual, audio, text and color combined so that understanding of a concept or information becomes more easily accepted by the user. After the animation is completed, it is tested by internal STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. The results of these tests show an excellent response from the respondents. Both in terms of visualization, audio, and information from 2D animation as a medium to support information Engineering Studies Program Informatics and Computer Systems at STMIK STIKOM Indonesia


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    STMIK STIKOM Indonesia is an IT campus in Denpasar. STMIK STIKOM Indonesia has vision to create a study program which form bachelors of computer science who have ability to make use of smart technology system and digital system to support the development of tourism industry with cultural insight. From direct observation, it was obtained some findings, such as lack of knowledge of marketingship from the performer of the marketing activity of STMIK STIKOM Indonesia about campus life, especially the information about the study program. The effect is lack of knowledge or understanding of the prospective students about the activity done in the process of education in terms of payment, teaching and learning process, up to supporting facilities in STMIK STIKOM campus environment. Most of prospective students have tendency to come to STMIK STIKOM Indonesia to know directly the profile of TI and SK study program rather than only know through information media and its promotion. In the previous research, it has been made the design of information media study program based on desktop, and augmented reality through android application. In the next research, it is developed an information media based on android by combining information system application study program based on desktop with augmented reality which later produce new information media based on android. This new media has advantage with based on android, thus it can be accessed by anyone through android handphone. Interactive multimedia based on android is a proper way to answer the problems. Android technology gives help in the process of presentation about STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. The application that is installed in the students' handphone can inform freely and detail about important information in STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. This modern technology can be downloaded in STMIK STIKOM Indonesia website and can be accessed by the prospective students everywhere they are

    Perancangan Media Interaktif Pengenalan Gamelan Selonding Berbasis Android

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    Technology has an important role in human life. Humans are given the ease to do and complete activities to be more effective and efficient. In the next life, there was a shift in social activities to further introduce the community to support cultural preservation. The design of an information media about the local culture in technology can be used as a form of effort in the background of the nation's cultural assets so that it can be recognized by the wider community. Interactive media design for introduction of the selonding gamelan as one of the Hindu cultural heritage in Bali. By introducing the culture of megamelan selonding, it is hoped that it can make the community more familiar with preserving culture based on local wisdom. So an Android-based media design is very important to be designed and directly proportional to the development of science and technology in society.          One of them utilizes Android-based smartphone technology as a medium to introduce selonding gamelan to the public. In this study the design and manufacture of interactive media is based on the existing instruments in the selonding gamelan. Making an interactive media introduction to Android-based gamelan selonding is expected to be a medium for preserving Balinese culture and to attract the interest of young people in learning selonding gamelan.              After the implementation of interactive media, the Likert scale method is tested, the testing is carried out with the play process and the functions that exist on the interactive media. The results of the test are in line with expectations and on their respective functions.Teknologi memiliki peran penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Manusia diberikan kemudahan untuk melakukan dan menyelesaikan kegiatan menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Dalam kehidupan selanjutnya menyebabkan terjadinya pergeseran aktivitas kegiatan sosial untuk lebih memperkenalkan masyarakat dalam menunjang pelestarian budaya. Perancangan  sebuah media informasi tentang budaya daerah dalam balutan teknologi dapat dijadikan sebagai bentuk usaha dalam melesatarikan asset budaya bangsa agar dapat dikenal oleh masyarakat luas. Perancangan media interaktif tentang pengenalan gamelan selonding sebagai salah satu dari warisan budaya masyarakat hindu di Bali. Dengan memperkenalan budaya megamelan selonding diharapkan dapat membuat masyarakat lebih paham untuk melestarikan budaya yang berbasis pada kearifan lokal. Maka sebuah perancangan media berbasis android sangatlah penting untuk dirancang dan berbanding lurus dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di masyarakat. Salah satunya memanfaatkan teknologi Smartphone berbasis Android sebagai media untuk memperkenalkan gamelan selonding kepada masyarakat. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan dan pembuatan media interaktif berdasarkan dari instrument instrument yang ada pada gamelan selonding. Pembuatan media interaktif pengenalan gamelan selonding berbasis Android ini diharapkan bisa menjadi media untuk melestarikan budaya Bali serta dapat menarik minat generasi muda dalam belajar gamelan selonding. Setelah implementasi media interaktif, maka dilakukan pengujian dengan metode skala likert, pengujian dilakukan dengan proses bermain dan fungsi-fungsi yang ada pada media interaktif. Hasil dari pengujian sesuai dengan harapan dan pada fungsinya masing – masing.   Kata Kunci: Media Interaktif, Gamelan Selonding, Android. &nbsp

    Digital learning media for early children based on local wisdom of the “Jagat Kertih”

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    This study conveys how to learn with digital media so students can easily understand the material presented independently. The research aims to create new learning innovations through digital audio-visual media easily accessible via mobile phones. Teaching media is made as a barcode that can be scanned and then pasted into the teaching material book. Audio-visual material can then be displayed on the topics discussed in the textbook. Students can easily understand the material because digital media can be explained in detail and completely about the material in student textbooks. The approach is carried out through the local wisdom of Sad Kerti Loka Bali in the Jagat Kertih section, which means glorifying the human environment so that students can adapt the teaching materials. The method used in this research is the Qualitative Method. The design process is carried out in three stages: pre-production, production, and post-production. In testing, in the first stage, students were taught conventional face-to-face methods. Then in the second stage, learning was carried out by adding digital material and being observed. Tests were carried out on early childhood students, teachers as material experts, and visual communication designers as media experts

    The Impact of Digital Technology on Graphic Designer Profession

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    The presence of all-digital technology has shifted the way people communicate, work and do activities. Therefore, there is a new perspective or paradigm in seeing and assessing. If in the previous era, to design a work, someone used manual work equipment, accompanied by long and complicated stages and processes. In fact, it can only be done by certain people who have certain skills. In the current era with the presence of digital technology, the stages and work processes have begun to decrease significantly, as well as in the field of graphic design. This is certainly a challenge for someone who works as a graphic designer. The formulation of the problems raised in this study includes the impacts and challenges of the graphic designer profession in the era of digital technology. This research use descriptive qualitative approach. Data was collected through direct observation, interviews, and documentation. Documentation techniques in the field and interviews, allow researchers to analyze data during data collection. The purpose of this research is to answer the impacts and challenges of the graphic designer profession in the era of digital technology. The results of the analysis show that in addition to the positive impact, the development of digital technology on the graphic designer profession also has a negative impact, namely the role of a graphic designer is slowly being replaced by technology itself. Thus, this is a serious challenge for the graphic designer profession, because it involves the continuity of their profession in the future

    Pelatihan Animasi “Elemen Desain Komunikasi Visual” Bagi Industri Kecil Menengah Bersama Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Provinsi Bali

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    Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM) merupakan roda penggerak ekonomi berbasis kerakyatan. Pertumbuhan jumlah IKM yang semakin meningkat khususnya di Bali mendapat perhatian khusus dari Pemerintah Provinsi Bali. Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan (Disperindag) Provinsi Bali selaku dinas yang menaungi IKM dan UMKM Provinsi Bali sangat tanggap dan sadar akan kebutuhan IKM untuk dapat mempertahankan bisnis yang dijalankan. Salah satu kebutuhan IKM yang sangat penting adalah pemahaman terhadap desain grafis atau desain komunikasi visual  yang merupakan elemen penting dalam proses pembangunan kesadaran akan sebuah brand dan dapat membawa interaksi antara produk dengan target pelanggan. Oleh karena itu Disperindag Provinsi Bali bekerja sama dengan Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia (INSTIKI) mengadakan pelatihan animasi dasar dengan memperkenalkan elemen dasar komunikasi visual dengan tujuan untuk peningkatan kompetensi pengelola IKM. Pelatihan yang berlangsung selama 3 hari ini diikuti oleh 30 peserta pengelola IKM. Peserta mendapat kesempatan praktek langsung dan berdiskusi dengan tenaga pengajar dan seluruh peserta

    Public Speaking Sharing Session Speak With Power and Confidence untuk Guru Indonesia

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    Masa pandemi COVID-19 menuntut tenaga pendidik untuk menjadi komunikator yang baik. Dalam masa pandemi, berbagai kegiatan pelatihan Public Speaking telah diadakan. Menjadi komunikator yang kuat telah menjadi ketrampilan hidup yang penting di era sekarang ini. Kampus STMIK STIKOM Indonesia mengadakan pelatihan Public Speaking bertema Speak With Power and Confidence dengan mendatangkan narasumber yang relevan, I Made Kertayasa. Kegiatan dilakukan secara bertahap yang terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Pelatihan dibuka untuk masyarakat umum, khususnya guru dan tenaga pendidik di Indonesia. Kegiatan dilaksanakan secara daring melalui platform Zoom Meeting. Berdasarkan penilaian oleh peserta, kegiatan mendapatkan respon yang positif

    Pelatihan Fotografi (Motrek) Bagi Guru SMP Dalam Upaya Revitalisasi Bahasa Daerah Untuk Tunas Bahasa Ibu di Balai Bahasa Provinsi Bali

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    The declining use of the Balinese language, especially among the younger generation, is something that the Bali Provincial Language Center needs to pay attention to immediately holding a language revitalization program. One of the activities in the regional language revitalization program is a photography training activity (motrek) for junior high school teachers which aims to revitalize language starting from the school realm, namely teachers and students. His hope in everyday life is not far from photography. The resulting photos can be given a description in Balinese, especially when uploading to social media. The training lasted for 4 days, attended by 75 State Middle School teachers. The training was filled with delivery of material, discussions, questions and answers and hands-on practice using each participant's cell phone. The results of the posttest showed an increase in understanding of the material by 48% from the results of the previous pretest.Pemakaian Bahasa Bali yang menurun terutama di kalangan generasi muda menjadi hal yang perlu diperhatikan oleh Balai Bahasa Provinsi Bali untuk segera mengadakan program revitalisasi Bahasa. Salah satu kegiatan dalam program revitalisasi Bahasa Daerah adalah kegiatan pelatihan fotografi (motrek) untuk Guru SMP yang bertujuan agar revitalisasi bahasa dimulai dari ranah sekolah yaitu Guru dan Siswa. Harapannya di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari tidak jauh dari fotografi,. Foto-foto yang dihasilkan dapat diberikan keterangan dalam Bahasa bali terutama saat menggunggah ke sosial media. Pelatihan yang berlangsung selama 4 hari, menghadirkan peserta sejumlah 75 Guru SMP Negeri. Pelatihan diisi dengan penyampaian materi, diskusi, tanya jawab dan praktek langsung menggunakan ponsel peserta masing-masing. Hasil posttest menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman materi sebesar 48% dari hasil pretest sebelumnya