291 research outputs found

    Modeling of the Labour Force Redistribution in Investment Projects with Account of their Delay

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    The mathematical model of the labour force redistribution in investment projects is presented in the article. The redistribution mode of funds, labour force in particular, according to the equal risk approach applied to the loss of some assets due to delay in all the investment projects is provided in the model. The sample of the developed model for three investment projects with the specified labour force volumes and their defined unit costs at the particular moment is given

    Principles and experience of justification of ecological representativeness of Emerald network potential sites

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    The article presents the results of the multi-method research to provide justification of Emerald network potential site, which meets the requirements of environmental representativeness. Flora and vegetation of the core natural habitat, species composition and prevalence of the species of European importance and from the Red books of the country and region, as well as the habitats of European importance were systematized with the use of methods of botanical and geobotanical studie

    Internal gravity waves in the energy and flux budget turbulence-closure theory for shear-free stably stratified flows

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    We have advanced the energy and flux budget turbulence closure theory that takes into account a two-way coupling between internal gravity waves (IGWs) and the shear-free stably stratified turbulence. This theory is based on the budget equation for the total (kinetic plus potential) energy of IGWs, the budget equations for the kinetic and potential energies of fluid turbulence, and turbulent fluxes of potential temperature for waves and fluid flow. The waves emitted at a certain level propagate upward, and the losses of wave energy cause the production of turbulence energy. We demonstrate that due to the nonlinear effects more intensive waves produce more strong turbulence, and this, in turn, results in strong damping of IGWs. As a result, the penetration length of more intensive waves is shorter than that of less intensive IGWs. The anisotropy of the turbulence produced by less intensive IGWs is stronger than that caused by more intensive waves. The low-amplitude IGWs produce turbulence consisting up to 90% of turbulent potential energy. This resembles the properties of the observed high-altitude tropospheric strongly anisotropic (nearly two-dimensional) turbulence.Peer reviewe

    Ethnical and cultural particularity of gluttonic discourse

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    The article is devoted to ethnic perculiarity and originality of the Russian and British lingvocultures in line with gustative preference

    Development of Filters with Minimal Hydraulic Resistance for Underground Water Intakes

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    The development of modern structures of water wells filtering equipment with enhanced performance characteristics is a vital task. The purpose of this work was to create filters for taking water from underground sources that have high performance, long service life, quickly and economically replace or repair in case of performance loss. The selection of the filter device must be made taking into account all the geological features of the aquifers, the performance characteristics of the filter devices and the size of the future structure. Filter equipment designs for water intake wells have been developed in this study. These filters have low hydraulic resistance, high performance and are easy to repair. This article presents the dependency of flow inside the receiving part of the well, the dependence of filter resistance at various forms of the cross section of the filter wire and the selected optimal section. The paper proposes a method for selecting the optimal cross-section of the filter wire used in the manufacture of a water well filter. The proposed structures of easy-to-remove well filters with increased productivity allow replacing the sealed well filter with a new one easily, reducing capital and operating costs, and increasing the inter-repair periods of their operation. Based on the presented method, examples are given for selecting the parameters of the filter wire cross-section. The above calculations showed that the use of the hydraulic resistance criterion at the design stage of underground water intakes can significantly reduce the cost of well construction. Studies have found that the minimum hydraulic resistance to ensure maximum filter performance is achieved when using filter wire teardrop and elliptical shapes

    Bilingualism and biculturalism and teaching of modern languages: point of view of a teacher of french from Russia

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    More than 50% of the world's inhabitants are bilingual, and this percentage is expected to be increasing due to the increasing global mobility. Some people are bilingual because of the characteristics of their families, others because of migration, or because they live in a border area or a country that has several languages. Bilingualism is extremely widespread in Russia and in France. In this article, the actual and complex phenomenon of bilingualism in the contemporary cultural situation, in particular in the teaching of foreign languages, is considere

    The problem of students' self-realization during the period of studying at the university

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    В статье приводятся результаты исследования, проведенного среди студентов ТюмГУ, по выявлению значимых для личности сфер самореализации в период обучения в университете; определяются проблемы самореализации и пути их преодоления.In the article there are the results of research, which students of Tyumen State university were involved in. The aim of research was to find out the important, spheres of students self-realization in the period of studying at the university; the problem of self-realization and overcoming them

    Biological resources of the Fabaceae family in the Cretaceous south of Russia as a source of starting material for drought-resistance selection

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    The aim of this work is the study of biological resources of the genera Medicago and Trifolium species in Cretaceous South of the Central Russian Upland as the most valuable in genetic and economic term

    Content of matrix metalloproteinases in the intraocular fluid of patients with primary open-angle glaucoma

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    Aim of the study was to investigate the content of matrix metalloproteinases 2, 3, 9, in the intraocular fluid of patients with a developed stage of primary open-angle glaucoma. Material and methods. The study included 47 patients with advanced stage of primary open-angle glaucoma. The diagnosis is based on ophthalmological examination, including visual acuity, binocular ophthalmoscopy, spheroperimetry, echoophthalmography, optical coherence tomography, intraocular pressure measurement. Exclusion criteria were acute and exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases of the organ of vision, diabetic retinopathy, neovascular glaucoma, uveitis, hemophthalmia, autoimmune and tumor processes of any localization, as well as acute and exacerbations of chronic inflammatory diseases of any organs and systems. Patients who took for normalization of intraocular pressure drugs containing analogues of prostaglandins, that could activate the inflammatory process, were excluded from the study. 26 patients with a diagnosis of uncomplicated cataract made up a comparison group. All patients underwent determination of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) 2, 3, 9 in the intraocular fluid. Results. Concentration of MMP-2 but not MMP-3 or MMP-9 is statistically significantly higher in the intraocular fluid of patients with a developed stage of primary open-angle glaucoma compared to individuals with uncomplicated cataracts. This may indicate importance of MMP-2 in the development of a local aseptic inflammatory process, impaired extracellular matrix and «remodeling» of the tissue structures of the organ of vision, leading to disruption of the outflow of intraocular fluid, which is an important factor in the pathogenesis of primary open-angle glaucoma