45 research outputs found

    Inhibitory potential against methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) of Dolichandrone spathacea, a mangrove tree species of Malaysia

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    In this study, methanol extracts from the leaf and stem of Dolichandrone spathacea (L.f) K. Schum., a lesser-known local mangrove tree species, was evaluated using disc diffusion and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value determination assays against six strains of local MRSA clinical isolates and one ATCC MRSA reference strain. The stem extract exhibited a higher zone of inhibition as compared with the leaf extract against the tested isolates. Further qualitative evaluation of the stem extract showed MIC values between 1.25 to 1.88 mg/ml against three selected MRSA clinical isolates. Phytochemical screening revealed that the triterpene and saponin compounds might be responsible for the better inhibitory activity from the stem extract as compared to the leaf extract. This study is the first report of the phytochemical screening and the inhibitory activity of D. spathacea leaves and stems methanolic extracts against MRSA clinical isolates.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Inhibitory potential against methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) of Dolichandrone spathacea, a mangrove tree species of Malaysia

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    In this study, methanol extracts from the leaf and stem of Dolichandrone spathacea (L.f) K. Schum., a lesser-known local mangrove tree species, was evaluated using disc diffusion and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value determination assays against six strains of local MRSA clinical isolates and one ATCC MRSA reference strain. The stem extract exhibited a higher zone of inhibition as compared with the leaf extract against the tested isolates. Further qualitative evaluation of the stem extract showed MIC values between 1.25 to 1.88 mg/ml against three selected MRSA clinical isolates. Phytochemical screening revealed that the triterpene and saponin compounds might be responsible for the better inhibitory activity from the stem extract as compared to the leaf extract. This study is the first report of the phytochemical screening and the inhibitory activity of D. spathacea leaves and stems methanolic extracts against MRSA clinical isolates.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Inhibitory potential against methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) of Dolichandrone spathacea, a mangrove tree species of Malaysia

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    In this study, methanol extracts from the leaf and stem of Dolichandrone spathacea (L.f) K. Schum., a lesser-known local mangrove tree species, was evaluated using disc diffusion and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value determination assays against six strains of local MRSA clinical isolates and one ATCC MRSA reference strain. The stem extract exhibited a higher zone of inhibition as compared with the leaf extract against the tested isolates. Further qualitative evaluation of the stem extract showed MIC values between 1.25 to 1.88 mg/ml against three selected MRSA clinical isolates. Phytochemical screening revealed that the triterpene and saponin compounds might be responsible for the better inhibitory activity from the stem extract as compared to the leaf extract. This study is the first report of the phytochemical screening and the inhibitory activity of D. spathacea leaves and stems methanolic extracts against MRSA clinical isolates.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    The eye speaks! decoding user experience through eye tracking of syntactical properties analysis for cultural artefact

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    Background: An artefact usage experience is able to provide a tremendous input on behavioural research. This paper presents about a computational methodology of eye tracking to lead designers and behavioural researchers to construct an effective procedure ensuring the excavation of user knowledge. Objectives: Our research highlights the potential for designers and behavioural researchers on using eye tracking test on for capturing user‟s knowledge of functional aesthetic as cognitive and behavioural ergonomic data for the said artefacts. The eye tracking instrument was introduced to capture the aesthetic experience knowledge of Malay cultural artefact for defining artefact behavioural experience (usage) based on the user‟s eye movements. Results: Results from a qualitative case study was performed demonstrated the use of eye tracking on studying the traditional Malay curvy weapon known as Lawi Ayam through the identification of the syntactic properties. Results from the eye tracking data (fixation data, heat map visualization, gaze plot and RTE feedbacks) on AOI(area of interest)was used to discover the interrelationship between user and artefact(stimuli). A dynamic observation during the identification process by the users in the eye tracking could reveal behavioural responses and eye movement information including the proprioceptive feedback from artefact usage experience. Conclusion: This study finds that the eye tracking method can be integrated in cultural artefact research to sustain tacit knowledge for new designing purposes

    Effectiveness of the EMPOWER-PAR Intervention in Improving Clinical Outcomes of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Primary Care: A Pragmatic Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial

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    Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) represent among the most common and debilitating conditions seen in primary care. Patients’ care will often involves multiple providers and follow-up requires persistence by patients and clinicians alike, therefore ideal outcomes are often difficult to achieve. The need for better disease management policies and practice is growing. This is due to the changing demographic profile of the population, the increasing cost of managing people in acute care hospitals and the availability of new technologies and services. All these changes enable a different care paradigm which is more cost effective and provides people with chronic conditions an improved quality of life. Management of the NCDs therefore offers an excellent opportunity to practice chronic disease management - a systems approach designed to ensure excellent care. The NCD team has developed a comprehensive approach to chronic disease care. We would like to describe the NCD Program in Ampangan Health Clinic which represents many typical government health clinics in Malaysia and the processes by which it was developed. Included are specific examples of the tools and how they can be used by individual clinicians incaring for patients. The integration of Chronic Disease Management Services into health care systems is the direction being undertaken to tackle the burden of chronic disease. Disease management supports the shift in healthcare from an emphasis on managing the acute episode to managing the entire disease course, highlighting both prevention and maintenance of wellbeing for patients with chronic diseases. Disease management promotes better integration and coordination of care across all aspects of the health sector


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    The Australian government had funded the National Primary Care Collaborative (NPCC) program with funding of $14.6 million over three years. One of the pilots project was the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Quality Improvement Program (AMQuIP).The study aims to optimize general practitioners (GPs) management of patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip and knee by identifying gaps between their current practice and best practice. The Breakthrough Series Collaborative methodology with several Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles was employed. Participants comprises of 12 GPs/practices from two Victorian Divisions of general Practice (one rural, one metropolitan) with 10 patients per GP/practice. GPs/practices attended an orientation and three learning workshops and a videoconference. GPs/practices completed PDSA cycles between workshop and reported results at workshops. GPs/practices reported use of guidelines, change in patient management and change in practice management/systems. All recruited patients completed the SF-12v2 Health Survey and WOMAC OA Index Questionnaire twice. Follow up activities including focus groups and face-to-face interviews were held six months after the final workshop. All GPs/practices used the guidelines/key messages, introduced “new” management strategies to patients, and made positive changes to their practice management/systems. Patient reported positive changes and outcomes. By using a structured methodology and evidence-based guidelines/key messages; GPs can introduce new patient management strategies, and by identifying gaps in practice management systems, positive changes can be achieved

    Pengaruh Modal dan Luas Lahan terhadap Pendapatan Petani Kopi di Desa Lewa Jadi, Kecamatan Bandar, Kabupaten Bener Meriah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Modal dan Luas Lahan Terhadap Pendapatan Petani Kopi di Desa Lewa Jadi Kecamatan Bandar Kabupaten Bener Meriah. Metodelogi yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif.Sampel yang digunakan adalah masyarakat petani kopi yang mempunyai lahan kopi sebanyak 73 responden.Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer. Data primer diperoleh dengan cara penyebaran angket (kuisioner) kepada petani kopi. Analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah uji regresi linear berganda, uji asumsi klasik, uji multikoleniaritas, uji heterokedastisitas, uji determinan, uji T, uji F dengan bantuan SPSS versi 16.Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukan bahwa variabel modal berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pendapatan petani kopi di Desa Lewa Jadi Kecamatan Bandar kabupaten Bener Meriah. Dan variabel luas lahan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap pendapatan petani kopi di Desa Lewa Jadi Kecamatan Bandar Kabupaten Bener Meriah.   Kata Kunci: Modal, Luas Lahan, Pendapatan

    A Supplementarycontextual Reading Materials For Seventh Grade Students

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    This research was intended to design a model of reading teaching materials using procedure texts to facilitate the students learn the procedure texts materials in grade VII SMP Negeri 4 Ketapang West Kalimantan Province. The research method used in this research was development research, the procedures of designing material in this research includedneed analysis, gathering and selecting reading materials, evaluating the selected materials,designing and developing the material based on the contextual teaching and learning approach, applying the material design. The subjects in this research were 22 students, where 12 were female and 10 were male in trying out the model. The tools of data collecting in this research was interview guide and observation sheet. After three cycles of development-evaluation-revisions the researcher and two evaluators came to an agreement that the materials were USAble