26 research outputs found

    Feminist-Kaleckian Macroeconomic Policy for Developing Countries

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    This paper reviews evidence of the gender effects of globalization in developing economies. It then outlines a set of macroeconomic and trade policies to promote gender equity. The evidence suggests that while liberalization has expanded women's access to employment, the long-term goal of transforming gender inequalities remains unmet and appears unattainable without state intervention in markets. This paper sets forth some general principles that can produce greater gender equality, premised on shifting from economies that are profit led and export oriented to those that are wage led and full-employment oriented. The framework is Kaleckian in its focus on the relationship between the gender distribution of income and macroeconomic outcomes

    Investigación Geológica y Caracterización de Depósitos de Zeolitas de Origen Vulcano-Sedimentarias en la Provincia del Chubut, Argentina

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    Fil: Donnari, Eva. Ministerio de Energía y Minería. Secretaría de Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino (SEGEMAR); Argentina.Fil: Gozalvez, Martín R. Ministerio de Energía y Minería. Secretaría de Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino (SEGEMAR); Argentina.Fil: Ubaldón, M. Cecilia. Ministerio de Energía y Minería. Secretaría de Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino (SEGEMAR); Argentina.Fil: Cozzi, Guillermo. Ministerio de Energía y Minería. Secretaría de Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino (SEGEMAR); Argentina.Fil: Dal Molin, Carlos. Ministerio de Energía y Minería. Secretaría de Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino (SEGEMAR); Argentina.Fil: Castro Godoy, Silvia. Ministerio de Energía y Minería. Secretaría de Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino (SEGEMAR); Argentina.Fil: Marquetti, Cintia. Ministerio de Energía y Minería. Secretaría de Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino (SEGEMAR); Argentina.Se presenta la evaluación geológica de cuatro áreas con afloramientos de rocas zeolitizadas de origen vulcano-sedimentario en la provincia de Chubut, Argentina. Las áreas seleccionadas son: Piedra Parada, Telsen, Los Altares y Lago Muster y corresponden a antiguos depocentros con secuencias vulcano-sedimentarias y ambiente lagunar. En cada una de las áreas mencionadas se utilizó como principal herramienta de prospección el procesamiento de Imágenes ASTER, en base a patrones espectrales de zeolitas de la librería del USGS, con lo cual se obtuvieron imágenes de distribución zonal de zeolitas que orientaron el muestreo y permitieron ampliar las zonas de interés. Todos los afloramientos estudiados corresponden a material piroclástico (tobas de caída) depositadas en cuencas de ambiente lagunar y zeolitizadas en diferentes grados por clinoptilolita/heulandita predominantes, con mordenita minoritaria además de cuarzo, plagioclasas, feldespato potásico, ópalo C/CT, cristobalita, material amorfo y esmectitas. La caracterización incluyó análisis químicos, difracción de Rayos X, capacidad de intercambio catiónico y medición de parámetros físicos. Se identificaron dos litotectos: 1) Secuencias superiores del Grupo Chubut, de edad cretácica y aflorantes en el sector extrandino de la provincia (Telsen, Los Altares y Lago Muster) y 2) Tufolita Laguna de Hunco, de edad paleocena, constituída por material tobáceo circunscripto al interior de la caldera Piedra Parada, en el valle medio del río Chubut. Este estudio confirma la potencialidad minera de los depósitos de zeolitas de origen Vulcano-sedimentarias en cuatro áreas de la provincia del Chubut. Se corroboran como guías prospectivas las secuencias de tobas de caída y las áreas de alteración con zeolitas-esmectitas y se valida el procesamiento de imágenes ASTER, como herramienta efectiva a ser empleada en la investigación geológica de este tipo de depósitos

    Democratization of Brazilian Health Councils: The Paradox of Bringing the Other Side into the Tent

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    Contemporary discussions of 'democratic innovation experiences' have evolved into a heated debate about how effective these 'new spaces' are in including ordinary citizens, particularly those traditionally marginalized and excluded. This article focuses on the Brazilian experience with Health Councils and begins by discussing the conditions that have been pointed out by previous studies as favouring the inclusion of these groups in these 'new spaces'. On the basis of these studies, one question that remains is about the democratic legitimacy of these experiences, as it seems that there is a bias towards the inclusion of those that already have political ties with the traditional political system. The local Health Councils in 31 "subprefeituras"(new administrative subdivisions) of the city of São Paulo were researched and a continuum was observed: ranging from a small number of one or two sectors that have historical ties with political parties included in the council to a far more diversified composition, including up to seven sectors with autonomous representatives and various types of association. Using these results as their starting-point, the analyses conclude with a discussion of the relative significance of the factors previously identified as central in establishing the democratic legitimacy of these 'new democratic spaces'. Copyright (c) 2006 The Author. Journal Compilation (c) 2006 Joint Editors and Blackwell Publishing Ltd..

    A gestão do desenvolvimento local no Brasil: (des)articulação de atores, instrumentos e território Local development management in Brazil: actors' (dis)articulation, instruments and territory

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    As ideias de desenvolvimento local são controversas, pouco consensuadas e, às vezes, até antagônicas entre si, tanto no Brasil quanto no debate internacional. Diante dessa polêmica, este artigo discute a gestão do desenvolvimento local a partir de instrumentos selecionados por meio de uma análise exploratória não apenas conceitual e teórica, mas sobretudo prática. Do ponto de vista metodológico, foi realizada uma análise comparada de experiências regionalmente distribuídas, levando-se em conta suas inserções em redes sociais e seus resultados econômicos na região em que está inserida (Sul, Sudeste e Nordeste). Percebe-se que refletir sobre o desenvolvimento local desdobra-se em duas frentes: uma de reprodução da lógica capitalista em escala localizada (tradicional) e outra de tentativas contra-hegemônicas (solidária). Assim, algumas questões centrais foram identificadas para orientar uma reflexão sobre a intervenção dos atores da sociedade civil e dos governos na formulação de propostas e iniciativas de desenvolvimento econômico local.<br>The ideas of local development are controversial, there is little consensus, and sometimes they are even antagonistic, in Brazil and abroad. Given this controversy, this article discusses local development management, based on instruments selected through an exploratory analysis, not only conceptual and theoretical, but above all practical. It presents a comparative analysis of regionally distributed experiences taking into account their insertion in social networks and the economic results in their regions (South, Southeast and Northeast). On reflecting about local development one can perceive that it unfolds in two fronts: locally, a reproduction of the capitalist logic (tradition), and counter-hegemonic attempts (solidarity). Some key issues were identified to guide a reflection on the role of civil society actors and governments in the formulation of proposals and initiatives for local economic development