16 research outputs found

    Improvement Interpolation Method for Vessel Trajectory Prediction based on AIS Data

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    An acceptable shipping monitoring system should be able to provide early detection of vessel accidents. One of the keys to early detection is trajectory prediction. Even though the prediction results depend heavily on the historical data of the vessel trajectory, there are often missing values in the trajectory data due to disturbances in the Automatic Identification System (AIS) data transmission process. Therefore, this study proposes a preprocessing method that includes data cleaning, trajectory extraction, and a combination of Linear interpolation methods for straight-shaped trajectories and Cubic Spline interpolation for curved-shaped trajectories. Test results involving three different trajectories showed that the Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) method produces a smaller Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) value on linear interpolation. Visually, however, the GRU method with linear interpolation has a deficiency in the curved-shaped trajectories. Our studies involving the Bidirectional GRU (BiGRU), Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), and Bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) methods showed that the model built using the proposed interpolation method has a lower RMSE value. This study emphasizes that good predictions of vessel trajectories based on AIS data requires an additional process, namely the interpolation of vessel trajectories according to their shape

    Evaluation of DVB-T2 Digital TV Propagation Performance in the Bali Broadcast Area

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    The development of terrestrial television broadcasting technology in the world today is switching from analog broadcasting systems to digital broadcasting systems. Analog Switch Off (ASO) is the period when analog broadcasts are stopped and replaced with digital broadcasts. Through the jargon "Clean Picture, Clear Sound, Advanced Technology" people will feel better quality than analog TV. In the era of digital broadcasting, TV viewers not only watch broadcast programs but can also get additional facilities such as EPG (Electronic Program Guide) to find out the programs that have been and will be aired later. With digital broadcasting, there is the ability to provide interactive services where viewers can directly rate the sound of broadcast programs in addition to the presence of features that can be utilized, such as features related to disaster information. In this study, an evaluation of the performance of DVB-T2 Digital TV propaganda will be carried out in the Bali service area. The quality of digital TV broadcasts in the Bali broadcast area is influenced by signal propagation which is parameterized by parameters C / N (or S / N), Modulation Error Rate (MER), Bit Error Rate (BER) by measuring at the test point or location of the test point/test measurement which is the outermost limit of the service area under the Minister of Communication and Information no 23 / PER / M.KOMINFO / 11/2011. So this research can be produced a map of the quality of broadcasting services in Bali which can be used as an indicator to avoid Bali from blank spot areas that can be recommended for Digital TV operators in Bali for repeater installation planning

    Efficient Motion Field Interpolation Method for Wyner-Ziv Video Coding

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    Wyner-Ziv video coding has the capability to reduce video encoding complexity by shifting motion estimation procedure from encoder to decoder. Amongst many motion estimation methods, expectation maximization algorithm is the most effective one. Unfortunately, the implementation of block-based motion estimation in this algorithm causes motion field profile bounded by granularity of block size. Nearest-neighbor and bilinear interpolation methods have already applied in multiview image coding to handle similar problem. This paper aims to evaluate performance of both interpolation methods in transform-domain Wyner-Ziv video codec. Results showed that bilinear interpolation effective only for high motion video sequences. In this scenario, it has bitrate saving up to 3.29 %, 0.2 dB higher PSNR, and 12.30 % higher decoding complexity compared to nearest-neighbor. In low motion video content, bitrate saving only gained up to 0.82%, with almost the same PSNR, while decoding complexity increase up to 10.32%. 

    Implementasi Aplikasi Mobile Augmented Reality Untuk Pengenalan Materi Bangun Ruang

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    Proses interaksi pembelajaran yang awalnya tatap muka sekarang beralih ke daring karena adanya pandemi COVID-19. Selama proses pembelajaran daring, siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami konsep dan mengembangkan konsep sampai refleksi. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yaitu mengembangkan dan menerapkan media pembelajaran yang dapat menarik minat siswa dan membantu pemahaman materi bangun ruang. Pengembangan media pembelajaran menggunakan teknologi augmented reality sebagai aplikasi mobile untuk memvisualisasikan materi bangun ruang dalam bentuk 3D yang diproyeksikan pada smartphone. Model waterfall dipilih sebagai acuan dalam pengembangan aplikasi. Penerapan aplikasi augmented reality dalam pembelajaran daring menggunakan strategi REACT untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan aplikasi. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu aplikasi berbasis Android dengan menggunakan model waterfall dengan hasil valid melalui uji black box, hasil penilaian kuesioner untuk penggunaan aplikasi mendapatkan rata-rata 82.44% dengan indikator kategori ”Baik”. AbstractThe learning interaction process that was originally face-to-face is now turning online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During the online learning process, students have difficulty in understanding concepts and developing concepts until reflection. This research aims to develop and implement learning media that can attract students and help them understand the material of solid figures. The development of learning media uses augmented reality technology as a mobile application to visualize solid figure materials in 3D projected on smartphones. The waterfall model was chosen as a reference in application development. The adoption of augmented reality applications in online learning uses REACT strategies to maximize application usage. The results of this study are Android-based applications using waterfall models with valid results through black-box tests, questionnaire assessment results for application usage get an average of 82.44% with the category indicator "Good"

    Evaluasi SIMRS pada Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dengan Framework COBIT 5

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    Salah satu prasyarat terhadap standar sebuah rumah sakit di Indonesia, termasuk di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Klungkung adalah adanya penggunaan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIMRS). Disamping itu, sumber daya manusia (SDM) adalah salah satu faktor yang memiliki peran penting dalam keberhasilan penerapan SIMRS. Dua pernyataan tersebut menjadi sasaran program bagi RSUD Klungkung yang berkeinginan untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan teknologi dan SIMRS, serta kuantitas dan kualitas SDM RS. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan evaluasi pada setiap pihak yang terlibat dalam penerapan SIMRS di RSUD Klungkung. Selain untuk mengukur sejauh mana penerapan SIMRS yang telah berjalan, evaluasi ini juga bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa baik SDM yang terlibat di dalamnya telah dikelola. Proses evaluasi dilaksanakan dengan mengacu pada kerangka kerja Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology versi 5 (COBIT 5) pada sub domain proses Align, Plan, and Organise 07 (APO07), yakni Manage Human Resources. Metode pengukuran dan proses analisa penelitian didasarkan pada penilaian kuesioner setiap responden yang memiliki keterlibatan dalam penerapan SIMRS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan SIMRS terhadap manajemen SDM berada pada tingkat kapabilitas 1 dengan nilai sebesar 74%. Analisa kesenjangan terhadap tingkat kapabilitas harapan yang berada pada tingkat kapabilitas 3 menghasilkan usulan rekomendasi perbaikan guna menyusun rencana strategis manajemen SDM serta meningkatkan pemanfaatan layanan SIMRS dan Teknologi Informasi (TI). AbstractHospital Management Information System (SIMRS) is one of the requirements for the hospital’s standards in Indonesia, including at the Regional Public Hospital (RSUD) of Klungkung. Additionally, human resources (HR) have the main role in SIMRS's successful implementation. The statements become the RSUD Klungkung targets to improve technology and SIMRS uses, also the quantity and quality of human resources. The SIMRS evaluation is needed for each party involved in its implementation. It is carried out to measure the SIMRS implements and to ensure human resources involved have been well managed. The evaluation process is measured using Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology 5th version (COBIT 5) framework within the sub domain process Align, Plan, and Organise 07 (APO07), namely Manage Human Resources. The analysis is based on an assessment of each respondent’s questionnaire who involved in the SIMRS implementation. The result shows that SIMRS implementation towards human resources management is at capability level 1 with a value of about 74%. Gap analysis of expected capabilities at capability level 3 provides recommendation improvements in order to increase the strategic plan for SDM management as well as SIMRS and Information Technology (IT) service

    Green Data Center Design of Udayana University

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    Data center of Udayana University is not integrated who caused excessive power usage. The green data center system needs to be applied to the data center of Udayana University, where the use of power can be more efficient and environmentally friendly. The purpose of this study is to determine the energy consumption in the data center of Udayana University and to design a data center in accordance with the criteria and standards for green data center. Collecting data in this study using the survey directly into the data center, interviews with IT staff and analyze the data center. Then, will be calculated green metrics i.e. Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and Data Center Infrastructure Efficiency (DCIE) and designing a green data center. Based on the research, the result of data center power consumption is 104.231 w. where the results of the calculation of PUE is 2.51 which is inefficient and DCIE calculation is 39%, which means that the efficiency of power usage reaches 39%. From the results obtained, will be redesign the servers clustering to minimize the use of cables and easier for checking, using a raised floor according to the cooling system was designed, using a system of electric 3 phase for load balanced, redesign the cooling system using a row-oriented cooling system and redesign cabling in the data center. By doing the design of green data center at the University of Udayana, data center power consumption will be down significantly and efficiency will be increased


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    This paper propose a preprocessing techniques in lung segmentation scheme using Anisotropic Diffusion filters. The aim is to improve the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity results of segmentation. This method was chosen because it has the ability to detect the edge, namely in doing smoothing, this method can obscure noise, while maintaining the edges of objects in the image. Characteristics such as this is needed to process medical image filter, where the boundary between the organ and the background is not so clear. The segmentation process is done by K-means Clustering and Active Contour to segment the lungs. Segmentation results were validated using the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) showed an increased accuracy, sensitivity and specificity, when compared with the results of segmentation in the previous paper, in which the preprocessing method used is Gaussian Lowpass filter. </div

    Pemerdayaan Masyarakat Adat dan Penyuratan Awig-Awig Desa Pakraman Siangan-Gianyar-Bali Indonesia

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    Tujuan penyuratan awig-awig di Desa adat Siangan adalah sebagai implementasi dari kehendak Peraruran Daerah Nomor 3 tahun 2001 tentang Desa Pakraman, setiap Desa adat/Pakraman menyuraktan awig-awig. Selain itu, yang sangat urgen adalah kehendak masyarakat adat Siangan untuk merevisi awig-awig yang tidak sesuai dengan perkembangan jaman. Hal yang sangat penting dilaksanakan penyuratan awig-awig adalah untuk menghindari konflik tapal batas desa, atas dasar yang saling seluk dengan tetangga desa adat yang bersebelahan, dan juga untuk menghindari saling klaim wilayah yang berpotensi ekonomis. Dalam hukum adat secara sosiologis, bahwa hukum adat sifatnya tidak tertulis. Namun mulai diberlakunya Peraturan Daerah Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Bali Nomor: 06 tahun 1986 tentang kedudukan, Fungsi dan Peranan Desa Adat dalam Propinsi Tingkat I Bali, desa Adat, diperintahkan untuk penyuratan awig-awig di seluruh desa adat di Bali. Dalam penyuratan awig-awig sosialisasi sangat penting untuk menjaring masukan dari tokoh-tokoh masyarakat, prajuru adat, kelompok yang berkepentingan berkaitan dengan isi awig-awig tidak boleh bertentangan dengan asas kepatutan dan peraturan perundang-undangan serta ideologi Pancasila

    Penerapan Strategi React Berbantuan Augmented Reality Bangun Ruang Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika

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    Sistem pembelajaran daring dilakukan untuk mengurangi penyebaran wabah Covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan strategi pembelajaran yaitu strategi REACT dengan berbantuan media pembelajaran yaitu aplikasi augmented reality pada materi bangun ruang sisi datar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain penelitian yaitu pretest-posttest control group design yang dilakukan selama proses pembelajaran daring. Subjek penelitian yaitu siswa kelas VIII di SMP Satu Atap Pejukutan, Kabupaten Klungkung. Penggunaan soal pilihan ganda digunakan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa. &nbsp;Hasil belajar siswa selanjutnya di uji dengan uji ANOVA dan mendapatkan nilai signifikansi yaitu sebesar 0.02 yang lebih kecil dari 0.05, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat adanya perbedaan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan strategi REACT berbantuan aplikasi augmented reality bangun ruang dalam pembelajaran matematika dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar sisw