91 research outputs found


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    Genggong merupakan sebuah instrument musik yang sudah kita warisi sejak zaman yang lampau. Sebagai instrumen musik tua, Genggong memiliki bentuk yang sangat kecil dan nampaknya sangat sederhana. Meskipun demikian, alat music ini memiliki teknik yang cukup rumit. Genggong merupakan sebuah instrumen musik yang sangat menarik. Alat musik ini terbuat dari pelepah enau (Bahasa Bali Pugpug), berbentuk segi empat panjang dengaan ukuran panjang kurang lebih 16 cm dan lebar 2 cm. Ditangah- tengahnya sebuah pelayah sepanjang kurang lebih 12 cm; pada ujung kanan di buat lubang kecil tempat benang itu diikatkan pada sebuah potongan bambu kecil sepanjang 17 cm, sedangkan pada ujung kirinya diikatkan kain sebagai tempat pegangan ketika bermain. Genggong sering dimainkan oleh para petani sambil melepas lelah di sawah, kadang- kadang di mainkan di rumah, bahkan tidak jarang bahwa seseorang memainkan genggong dengan maksud menarik perhatian wanita (kekasihnya), sebagaimana halnya dilakukan dengan instrumen suling. Hanya saja dengan adanya parkembangan dunia yang sangat pesat dewasa ini, kebiasaan untuk menarik perhatian wanita dengan menggunakan genggong semakin jarang kita jumpai

    Insersi dan Delesi Intron Satu Gen Rhodopsin (RDP1) Nukleus Kelompok Burung Megapoda (Aves megapodiidae) Indonesia

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    Insertion and deletion are information that reflect evolutional potency of species or population, that nowadays, are central topics in conservation genetics. This research aims to reveal the proportion of insertion and deletion on RDP1of species Megapodes in Indonesia. Whole blood DNA was extracted according to the protocol of Qiamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (Qiagen), and used as template for PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) which was conducted according the protocol of Takara Ex TaqTM PCR Kit in a Perkin-Elmer Thermal Cycler 9600. PCR products were purified using a Qiaquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen, USA). The sequencing reaction for RDP1 was performed using BigDye v.3.1. Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems,USA) followed the protocol of ABI Prism 3100-Avant Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems, USA). Alignment of RDP1 nucleotide sequences of megapodes and that are obtained from international DNA data base (DDBJ-DNA Data Bank of Japan) with accession number AF 394649 (RDP1) were conducted by using Clustal-X. Characteristics of RDP1 were analyzed by employing the DNA Sequence Polymorphism (DnaSP) version 3.51 and Program MEGA version 4. The analysis result demonstrated there were insertion and deletion on RDP1 of species of Megapodes in Indonesia, which resulting in a gap of 1-10 bp and was concentrated in nucleotide 407-568. Alignments between species of Megapodes  and two species of Galliformes showed more gaps, which were concentrated on nucleotides 480-708

    Genetic Diversity of Plant Species Mangrove Sonneratia Spp. in Central Sulawesi and Its Utilization as a Learning Media

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    The mangrove Sonneratia caseolaris that grows on land (Bora) has a different morphological form from Sonneratia alba which grows on the sea coast of Parigi and Donggala. This study aims to determine the genetic diversity of mangrove species Sonneratia spp. in Central Sulawesi and utilizing research results as a learning media in the form of a genetics practicum module. The results showed that the genetic diversity of the mangrove species Sonneratia spp. in Parigi, Donggala, and Bora showed a difference, namely that Sonneratia alba which grew in Parigi and Donggala had the same similarity index, namely 88.9%, while Sonneratia caseolaris which grew in Bora had a different similarity index, namely 71.3%. From these results, a learning media in the form of a genetics practicum guide module was made and was validated by content experts, design experts, media experts, and 10 students.   &nbsp


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    Dialek Bali Aga (DBA) merupakan salah satu dialek bahasa Bali yang umumnya tersebar di daerah pegunungan di Bali dan di Kecamatan Nusa Penida. Pada masa lalu penutur DBA, yang sering menganggap diri sebagai penduduk asli pulau Bali ini, bersikap divergen secara sosial dan linguistik terhadap msyarakat tutur bahasa Bali Dialek Bali Dataran (DBD). Sikap divergen ini menyebabkan DBA berkembang secara berbeda dengan DBD sehingga menjadi dialek tersendiri. Modernisasi dan kemajuan di berbagai bidang membuat masyarakat tutur DBA semakin dinamis dan dalam dinamikanya mereka banyak berinteraksi dengan masyarakat tutur DBD. Dalam interaksi ini sikap divergen mereka, baik secara sosial maupun linguistic, mulai mencair. Mereka menguasai DBD dan bahkan ada fenomena DBA di beberapa wilayah mulai terdesak oleh DBD. Di desa Bali Aga Pedawa, keterdesakan DBA Pedawa (DBAP) menimbulkan keprihatinan di kalangan pemuka masyarakat karena desa Pedawa memiliki kekhasan budaya yang merupakan bagian dari identitas masyarakat Pedawa. Jika transmisi antargenerasi DBAP, yang merupakan bahasa ibu masyarakat Pedawa, terputus, maka dikahawatirkan generasi mendatang tidak dapat mengenali budaya yang merupakan jati dirinya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang menerapkan metode simak dan cakap ini dapat diketahui bahwa beberapa penelitian kebahasaan yang dilakukan di desa Pedawa, baik oleh peneliti Indonesia mau pun asing, ternyata memiliki dampak penting bagi masyarakat di desa itu, yakni menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat akan peran penting bahasa ibu mereka. Dalam beberapa periode belakangan mulai ada geliat revitalisasi bahasa di desa ini, yang ditandai dengan munculnya rasa bangga dan sikap positif terhadap DBAP, meluasnya ranah pakai DBAP, misalnya acara rapat yang dahulu sempat menggunakan DBD atau bahasa Indonesia, mulai beralih kembali ke DBAP. Di kalangan generasi muda dan usia dewasa muda, DBAP bahkan mewarnai percakapan mereka di media sosial. Pengenalan budayabudaya tradisional asli, seperti upacara mesangih massal, ngangkid massal, rumah adat tradisional Pedawa dan lain-lain, melalui berbagai media, menyebabkan kosakata DBAP yang menyangkut budaya, rumah, dan perundagian makin dikenal secara luas. Geliat kebahasaan yang beriringan dengan geliat revitalisasi budaya ini sangat menunjang pengembangan desa Pedawa dalam sebagai objek pariwisata. Meningkatnya vitalitas DBAP ini, sekaligus dapat menunjang pendidikan di tingkat sekolah dasar dan menunjang layanan kesehatan, utamanya di kalangan lansia, yang umumnya monolingual, bahkan monolektal. Sebagai sebuah dialek dengan kekhasannya dan kekhasan budaya yang diwahanainya, DBAP ikut menunjang program pendidikan multikultural di Indonesia

    The Characterization of Interferon Regulatory Factor 2 (IRF-2) Gene From Maleo (Macrocephalon Maleo S. Müller 1846) Tuva Village Gumbasa Sub-District Sigi Regency Central Sulawesi and it’s Utilization as Learning Media

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    IRF-2 is a member of the interferon regulatory transcription factor (IRF) which encodes interferon regulating factors. The study aimed to describe the character of the Interferon Regulatory Factor 2 (IRF-2) gene sequence from maleo and provide an experimental module about molecular genetic methods. This study used descriptive methods. Genetic data were obtained by using the molecular method through three stages of DNA isolation, DNA amplification, and sequencing. Alignment is done using Clustal X in the MEGA6 program. Phylogeny tree constructed by Neighbor-Joining algorithm and Juke-Cantor evolution's model from program MEGA6. The sample consisted of 0,3 ml blood from two individual maleo and species of Megapode group as a comparison that was obtained from GenBank. The results of the analysis from 612 bp of IRF-2 genes identified with the composition of the nucleotide base of 23.1% T, 20.8% C, 35.1% A and 21.0% G. IRF-2 gene sequence of nucleotide composition was rich in adenine (A). Analysis of IRF-2 gene sequences phylogeny tree topology tree produced good enough and has aggregated species from Megapodiidae family. Moreover, the validation suggested that the practical guide book in this study were ‘eligible’ to be used as learning media

    Analysis of Ability to Understand the Concept of Space Building Volume in Elementary School Students in South Palu District

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    This study aims to describe the types of amphibians in Wera Nature Park, to develop and produce a research-based booklet on amphibian species in Wera Nature Park which is suitable for use as a medium for studying animal taxonomy. Research consists of 2 types of research; purposive sampling technique and visual encounter survey (VES), ADDIE Development. The results of the descriptive research in WNTP obtained 10 species of Amphibians of the Anura order from 5 families, development received a standard booklet containing scientific names, pictures, media validation of 80.00% meaning that the good category was "Eligible". Material expert validation with a final score of 91.66% in the "Very Good" category. So that the product developed is feasible to be tested. The percentage of small group trials was 84.55% in the "very good" category. The percentage of the results of the large group trial was 90.08% in the "very good" category. Based on media expert validation, material and small and large group test results, it can be concluded that amphibian species booklets in WNTP are suitable for use as animal taxonomy enrichment material in the Biology Education Study Program FKIP Tadulako University

    Flying Activity of Apis cerana Honey Bee at Surouding Hive Area in Central Sulawesi

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    Information on foraging activity is important for efforts to increase the productivity of Apis cerana honeybees. Honey bees flying activities are carried out in the context of nest guarding activities from enemy attacks, removing feces from the nest, and foraging which takes place during the day to collect pollen and nectar from plants. This study aims to analyze the daily activity patterns of bees A. cerana which is influenced by environmental factors. This study used two colonies of A. cerana, namely colony one and colony two with the same colony size. The observed behaviors were bees leaving the nest, entering with pollen, and entering without pollen. The number of A. cerana colony one flying for pollen was high in the morning and low in the afternoon due to the very high light intensity during the day. Unlike colony one, A. cerana colony two did not actively perform flight activities and showed a different activity of flying in front of the nest forming a crowd in the afternoon. An inflorescence calendar needs to be developed to determine the flowering period of plants around the hive so that bee forage is continuously available to avoid absconding. absconding. Identification of plant pollen as a source of bee food needs to be done to determine the types of plants utilized by bees

    Effect of Land Altitude on Pollen Diameter Xylocopa spp. in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Pollen is used by bees as a source of protein to support life and increase bee productivity. The sizes and types of pollen carried by bees vary greatly. Plants originating from the highlands are likely to produce pollen diameters that are different from those from the lowlands. It is necessary to measure the diameter of pollen that honey bees feed from different plant types to find out the food source that bees prefer. This research aims to determine the effect of height on the diameter of pollen from various types of plants carried by honey bees to increase production. The research method used in this research is field experimental. The research design used a completely randomized design (CRD) linear model with 3 altitude treatments, namely height 0-100 masl (P1), height 400-499 masl (P2) and height 800-899 masl (P3). The research results show that altitude has a very real influence (P<0.05) on bee pollen diameter. The largest average pollen diameter located at P2, namely 53,260c ± 5,703 μm for pollen width (Equatorial) and 58,144c ± 5,894 μm for pollen length (Polar). Then the average of the second diameter at height P3, namely 47.825b ± 5.426 μm for pollen length (Polar) and 51.435b ± 5.867 μm for pollen width (Equatorial). Apart from that, the smallest average pollen diameter is located at P1 with pollen width (equatorial) of 32.258a ± 2.544 μm and pollen length (pollen) of 38.157a ± 3.752 μm. To meet pollen needs, bees do not depend on diameter certain things specifically. The largest pollen that a bee can swallow is pollen in diameter equatorial pollen between 9.63 μm to 94.79 μm

    Mushroom Diversity in the River Flow in The TAHURA Area of Palu City and Its Untilizaio as a Learning Media

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    This study aims to analyze the diversity of mushroom species in the watershed area of the TAHURA area of Palu City and to create a media poster regarding the types of fungi that exist in the river basin in the TAHURA area of Palu City that can be used in learning. This type of research is descriptive research. The method used in this research is the path method (Belt Transect). Sampling is divided into 3 stations in the TAHURA area of Palu City, along the river flow, 10 Belt Transects will be made and the distance between the transects is 20 m. Line length (Belt Transect) 100 m with a plot width of 2 x 2 m and a distance between plots of 2 m. The results found 16 species belonging to 2 divisions, where in the Basidiomycota division there are 15 types of mushrooms and in the Ascomycota division there is 1 type of fungus. medium category or the value of H '= 2.57. The results of the study were used as learning media in the form of posters about the diversity of mushroom species in the river basin area in the TAHURA area of Palu City, after going through validation by media validation lecturers and due diligence by 24 students who were divided into 2 groups, with a large group average score of 86, 8% and the small group 88.3%, the results obtained are classified as suitable for use as learning media
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