1,408 research outputs found

    Calidad docente percibida, motivación y rendimiento académico en estudiantes universitarios

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    52 p.¿Son de calidad los instrumentos que miden calidad docente? El interés internacional sobre el estudio de la calidad docente en los últimos 90 años ha ido creciendo hasta superar las 2000 publicaciones (Shao, Anderson y Newsome, 2007). La siguiente investigación, tiene como objetivo general la creación y validación de una herramienta de evaluación docente percibida basada en el modelo de Brady y Cronin (Brady y Cronin, 2001; Shih, Martínez, y Garrido, 2011), el cual esquematiza la calidad percibida de un servicio en función de: a) la interacción personal, b) el ambiente físico y c) la calidad del producto. El modelo se complementa con la variable motivación entendida como un conjunto de procesos que involucran la dirección, activación y persistencia de una conducta a través del tiempo además de considerar la taxonomía clásica intrínseca y extrínseca (Pekrun, 1992; Sánchez y Pina, 2011). Con esta variable veremos de qué manera la motivación intrínseca o extrínseca, interfieren en como el alumno universitario evalúa a sus profesores.Para esta investigación se utilizó una muestra de alumnos de dos universidades de la región del Maule, una universidad Privada, Universidad Autónoma de Chile sede Talca y otra estatal, Universidad de Talca. La muestra consta de un total de 418 alumnos, 210 de la institución privada y 208 de la institución estatal.Finalmente, nuestras variables criterio son rendimiento académico, además de la variable involucramiento referido al contexto educativo, lo que finalmente nos permitió obtener resultados positivos entre cada una de las variables de estudio y lograr un instrumento con adecuados índices de fiabilidad y validez.Palabras claves: Calidad Docente, Calidad Percibida, Motivación, Rendimiento Académic

    Effects of ripening stages and of plant vegetative vigor on the phenolic composition of grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. Cabernet Sauvignon in the Maipo Valley (Chile)

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    Quantitative changes in the composition of phenolic compounds in skins and seeds were determined during ripening of grape of Cabernet Sauvignon vines growing with low, medium or high vigor. Compounds in the skins were gallic and syringic acid, (+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, quercetin-3-galactoside, quercetin-3-rutinoside, quercetin-3-arabinglucoside, quercetin-3-glucoside, and quercetin-3-rhamnoside, kaempferol-3-rutinoside and kaempferol-3-glucoside. The following compounds were identified in seeds: gallic acid, (+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, and procyanidins B1, B2, B3 and B4. The composition of compounds depended on the stage of ripening and vigor. No clear relationship was found between groups of compounds.

    How inhibitory and excitatory inputs gate output of the inferior olive

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    The inferior olive provides the climbing fibers to Purkinje cells in the cerebellar cortex, where they elicit all-or-none complex spikes and control major forms of plasticity. Given their important role in both short-term and long-term coordination of cerebellum-dependent behaviors, it is paramount to understand the factors that determine the output of olivary neurons. Here, we use mouse models to investigate how the inhibitory and excitatory inputs to the olivary neurons interact with each other, generating spiking patterns of olivary neurons that align with their intrinsic oscillations. Using dual color optogenetic stimulation and whole-cell recordings, we demonstrate how intervals between the inhibitory input from the cerebellar nuclei and excitatory input from the mesodiencephalic junction affect phase and gain of the olivary output at both the sub- and suprathreshold level. When the excitatory input is activated shortly (~50 ms) after the inhibitory input, the phase of the intrinsic oscillations becomes remarkably unstable and the excitatory input can hardly generate any olivary spike. Instead, when the excitatory input is activated one cycle (~150 ms) after the inhibitory input, the excitatory input can optimally drive olivary spiking, riding on top of the first cycle of the subthreshold oscillations that have been powerfully reset by the preceding inhibitory input. Simulations of a large-scale network model of the inferior olive highlight to what extent the synaptic interactions penetrate in the neuropil, generating quasi-oscillatory spiking patterns in large parts of the olivary subnuclei, the size of which also depends on the relative timing of the inhibitory and excitatory inputs.</p

    Transcription factor FOXP2 is a flow-induced regulator of collecting lymphatic vessels.

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    The lymphatic system is composed of a hierarchical network of fluid absorbing lymphatic capillaries and transporting collecting vessels. Despite distinct functions and morphologies, molecular mechanisms that regulate the identity of the different vessel types are poorly understood. Through transcriptional analysis of murine dermal lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs), we identified Foxp2, a member of the FOXP family of transcription factors implicated in speech development, as a collecting vessel signature gene. FOXP2 expression was induced after initiation of lymph flow in vivo and upon shear stress on primary LECs in vitro. Loss of FOXC2, the major flow-responsive transcriptional regulator of lymphatic valve formation, abolished FOXP2 induction in vitro and in vivo. Genetic deletion of Foxp2 in mice using the endothelial-specific Tie2-Cre or the tamoxifen-inducible LEC-specific Prox1-CreER &lt;sup&gt;T2&lt;/sup&gt; line resulted in enlarged collecting vessels and defective valves characterized by loss of NFATc1 activity. Our results identify FOXP2 as a new flow-induced transcriptional regulator of collecting lymphatic vessel morphogenesis and highlight the existence of unique transcription factor codes in the establishment of vessel-type-specific endothelial cell identities

    Sustainable Selection, Breeding and Hatchery Operation for Darag Native Chicken Production in Western Visayas, Philippines

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    Farmers in Panay Island raise Philippine native chickens known as Darag. However, raisers encounter problems on low fertility and hatchability, including high chick mortality when reared in high population densities. To address these concerns, this study aimed to establish a free range breeder flock, collect data on breeding and reproductive performance of Darag breeders, and develop protocols on culling and selection of breeders, hatchery, and range management. A 100-hen Darag nucleus farm and three 200-hen commercial Darag breeder flocks were established. Heritability estimates, reproductive, feed supplementation, and weights were computed. Results showed the following: heritability estimates for Darag plumage (h2=0.835), brown egg color (h2=0.534), yellow skin color (h2=0.452), gray shank color (h2=0.493), and pale-red earlobes (h2=0.524). Other results are as follows: Age at point of lay, 19–24 weeks; egg produced per hen per year, 96–110; age when productive, 24–36 months; mean daily feed consumption, 50–75 g per bird; mean weight of eggs, 43.04 g; egg breakage, 0.5%–3.5%; viable eggs, 90%–99%; and egg fertility rate, 80.0%–96%. The mortality rates of the chickens at different stages: brooding stage, 4.17%; hardening stage, 5.68%; and growing stage, 7.5%. The cost to production is as follows: egg, PhP 4.17–6.25; day-old chicks, PhP 39.25–47.01; and ready-to-lay pullet/ready-to-breed cockerel, PhP 137.24–143.65. Our calculations reveal a production cost of PhP 796,530.00 for a 100-hen nucleus farm in 42 months and total sales of PhP 998,840.00, with a profit of PhP 202,310.00 and return on investment of 25.40%. A ranging area of 10 m2 per breeder and 1:5 male-female ratio family units are stocking recommendation. Protocols on culling and selection of breeders, hatchery, and range management were developed.