67 research outputs found

    End-to-end convolutional neural network for automatic encoding facial descriptor (N-CNN) in the diagnosis of intrauterine distress

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    Background. Existing methods for studying intrauterine distress, despite their prevalence, still have their limitations, so studying and assessment of fetal movements during ultrasound diagnostics can become a convenient and affordable additional tool for diagnosing this pathological condition. The aim of the study. To assess the prevalence and diagnostic significance of a known set of fetal facial movements for the timely determination of intrauterine distress. Methods. This prospective single-center study included 225 fetuses of a gestational age from 32 to 40 weeks. The FIGO chart was used as fitting criteria of intrauterine distress. The assessment of facial movements in all fetuses was carried out using the BabyFACS technique, where the action unit (AU) used for the assessment; its coding is carried out in strict accordance with the chart of  motor descriptors (MD). Statistical data processing was carried out using SPSS Statistics 20 (IBM Corp., USA). The Mann – Whitney test was used as the main statistical parameter, where a threshold level of 0.05 was chosen to interpret the p-tests value. Results. Despite the occurrence of AU1, AU2, AU3, AU4 in both groups, these MDs were recorded in the group with confirmed distress (p  =  0.00001). Facial units such as AU9 and AU20 were found only in children with intrauterine distress, which, in the total amount of the MD assessment, can be considered one of the main search signs that specialists should first of all pay attention to. All motor descriptors showed high positive predictive value and diagnostic sensitivity, with the highest results registered for AU9 and AU20. Conclusion. Assessment of facial units during ultrasound diagnostics can be a convenient tool as an additional diagnosis of the development of intrauterine distress and requires further study

    Study of fertility and cytogenetic variability in androgenic plants (R0 and R1) of alloplasmic introgression lines of common wheat

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    Anther culture is one of the methods to obtain DH lines of wheat. A limitation of this method can be cytogenetic instability in plants R0, leading to a decrease in fertility or sterility. In this study, we have investigated the fertility of R0, the fertility and cytogenetic variability of R1 in alloplasmatic introgression lines of common wheat in order to develop a cytogenetically stable DH lines with introgressions from different species. Lines 311/134, 311/FL, 311/IR with the cytoplasm from H. vulgare were studied. 311/134 carries the wheat-rye 1RS.1BL and wheatwheatgrass 7DL-7Ai translocations; 311/FL has the 1RS.1BL translocation and probably introgressions from A. glaucum; and 311/IR has the wheat-rye 1RS.1BL and wheat-Ae. speltoides T2B/2S#2 translocations. Green seedlings developed in anther culture for all lines. Differences between the lines in the ability for androgenesis and in the level of fertility in R0 and R1 have been revealed. Depressed androgenesis, low fertility and high aneuploidy were observed in 311/IR. It has been proposed that the reason for this is cytogenetic instability in gametes, which is caused by Gc genes located on T2B/2S#2. 63.3 % of 311/134 and 311/FL R1 plants that were grown from low seed-set R0 plants were aneuploids. Fertile R0 regenerant plants were identified that segregated in R1 for fertility and chromosome numbers. It has been demonstrated that DH lines are best developed from highfertility R1 plants with 2n = 42 irrespective of fertility in R0

    Alloplasmic recombinant lines (H. vulgare)-T. aestivum with 1RS.1BL translocation: initial genotypes for production of common wheat varieties

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    Alloplasmic lines are formed when the cytoplasm of one species is replaced by the cytoplasm of another as a result of repeated recurrent crosses of wide hybrids with the paternal genotype. Since the cytoplasm replacement results in new intergenomic interactions between a nucleus and cytoplasm leading to variability of plant characteristics, alloplasmic lines with restored fertility can be an additional source of biodiversity of cultivated plants. Earlier, recombinant alloplasmic lines (H. vulgare)-T. aestivum designated as L-17(1)–L-17(37) were formed from a plant with partially restored fertility of the BC3 generation of barley-wheat hybrid H. vulgare (cv. Nepolegayushchii) × T. aestivum (cv. Saratovskaya 29). This male-sterile hybrid was consistently backcrossed with wheat varieties Mironovskaya 808 (twice) and Saratovskaya 29, and Mironovskaya 808 had a positive impact on the restoration of fertility. This paper presents the results of investigation into a group of recombinant alloplasmic lines (L-17F4), as well as into doubled haploids (DH) lines – alloplasmic DH-17-lines obtained from anther culture of alloplasmic lines (L-17F2). The most productive of these lines were used as initial breeding genotypes. Hybrid form Lutescens 311/00-22 developed from the crossing of the alloplasmic DH(1)-17 line (as maternal genotype) with euplasmic line Com37 (CIMMYT), the source of the 1RS.1BL wheat-rye translocation, proved to be successful for breeding. The presence of the 1RS.1BL translocation in the genome of the Lutescens 311/00-22 form and the L-311(1)–L-311(6) alloplasmic lines isolated from it did not lead to a decrease of fertility or sterility in the plants. This indicates that the chromosome of the 1BS wheat does not carry the gene(s) that determine the restoration of fertility in the studied (H. vulgare)-T. aestivum alloplasmic lines. Alloplasmic lines L-311(1)–L-311(6) showed their advantage in comparison with the standard varieties for resistance to leaf and stem rust, yield, and grain quality. The breeding tests performed at Omsk Agricultural Scientific Center, Agrocomplex “Kurgansemena”, Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Ishimskoe” (Tyumen Region), using alloplasmic lines L-311(5), L-311(4) and L-311(6) resulted in varieties of spring common wheat Sigma, Uralosibirskaya 2 and Ishimskaya 11, respectively

    Distant supervision from knowledge graphs

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    In this chapter, we discuss approaches leveraging distant supervision for relation extraction. We start by introducing the key ideas behind distant supervision as well as their main shortcomings. We then discuss approaches that improve over the basic method, including approaches based on the at-least-one-principle along with their extensions for handling false negative labels, and approaches leveraging topic models. We also describe embeddings-based methods including methods leveraging convolutional neural networks. Finally, we discuss how to take advantage of auxiliary information to improve relation extraction

    Неврологические проявления иксодового клещевого боррелиоза, ассоциированного с хроническим описторхозом, в Томской области

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    A comparative analysis of neurological manifestations in patients with acute ixodic tick-borne borreliosis (ITB) and patients with ITB associated with chronic opisthorchiasis has been carried out. It has been found that at ITB in the acute phase, nearly all parts of the nervous system are involved in the pathological process. Diseases of central parts of the nervous system were found in 86.7% patients with the monoinfection and in 96.7% patients with ITB associated with chronic opisthorchiasis, diseases of the vegetative part were found in 75.0 and 83.3% patients, and peripheral failures were found in 18.3 and 48.3% patients, respectively. In the structure of neurological pathology of the acute stage of ITB with chronic opisthorchiasis, the prevalence of the combined disease of different parts of the nervous system (93.3%), the more frequent occurrence (96.7%) and higher intensity of headaches (more than 4 points by the visual analog scale), vertigo (76.7%), cognitive failures (35.0%), signs of the vegetative disfunction syndrome (95.0%), and peripheral neuropathy (48.3%) were diagnosed.Проведен сравнительный анализ неврологических проявлений у 60 пациентов с острым иксодовым клещевым боррелиозом (ИКБ) и 60 больных с острым ИКБ на фоне хронического описторхоза. Установлено, что при ИКБ острой стадии в патологический процесс вовлекаются практически все отделы нервной системы. Так, поражение центральных отделов нервной системы выявлено у 86,7% больных с моноинфекцией и у 96,7% — с ИКБ на фоне хронического описторхоза, вегетативного отдела — у 75,0 и 83,3% и периферические расстройства — у 18,3 и 48,3% соответственно. В структуре неврологической патологии острой стадии ИКБ на фоне хронического описторхоза констатировали преобладание комбинированного поражения различных отделов нервной системы (93,3%), более значимую частоту регистрации (96,7%) и бóльшую выраженность головных болей (по визуальный аналоговой шкале более 4 баллов), головокружения (76,7%), когнитивных расстройств (35,0%), проявлений синдрома вегетативной дисфункции (95,0%) и периферических нейропатий (48,3%)

    Wheat-barley hybridization – the last forty years

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    Abstract Several useful alien gene transfers have been reported from related species into wheat (Triticum aestivum), but very few publications have dealt with the development of wheat/barley (Hordeum vulgare) introgression lines. An overview is given here of wheat 9 barley hybridization over the last forty years, including the development of wheat 9 barley hybrids, and of addition and translocation lines with various barley cultivars. A short summary is also given of the wheat 9 barley hybrids produced with other Hordeum species. The meiotic pairing behaviour of wheat 9 barley hybrids is presented, with special regard to the detection of wheat– barley homoeologous pairing using the molecular cytogenetic technique GISH. The effect of in vitro multiplication on the genome composition of intergeneric hybrids is discussed, and the production and characterization of the latest wheat/barley translocation lines are presented. An overview of the agronomical traits (b-glucan content, earliness, salt tolerance, sprouting resistance, etc.) of the newly developed introgression lines is given. The exploitation and possible use of wheat/barley introgression lines for the most up-to-date molecular genetic studies (transcriptome analysis, sequencing of flow-sorted chromosomes) are also discussed

    Aluminosilicate Proppants Based on Technogenic Raw Materials

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    В работе представлены результаты разработки технологии по лучения алюмосиликатных пропантов на основе техногенного сырья. В качестве сырьевых материалов использовали корундовую пыль, полученную при дроблении электроплавленного корунда. В качестве спекающей добавки — отсевы щебеночного производства (гранодиорит).The paper presents the results of developing a technology for producing aluminosilicate proppants based on technogenic raw materials. Corundum dust obtained by crushing electrofused corundum was used as a raw material. As a sintering additive is used screenings of crushed stone production (granodiorite)

    Supporting data and methods for the characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles conjugated with pH-(low)-insertion peptide, testing their cytotoxicity and analyses of biodistribution in SCID mice bearing MDA-MB231 tumor

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    The method of Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticle synthesis by co-precipitation, modification by 3-aminopropylsilane and conjugation with pH-(low)-insertion peptide (pHLIP) is reported. The characterization of nanoparticles by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, elemental and thermogravimetric analyses as well as dynamic light scattering and z-potential measurements is provided. The effect of nanoparticles on the viability of mouse and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells is tested by flow cytometry. The experimental details of nanoparticle administration to tumor-bearing mice, magnetic resonance imaging scanning as well as subsequent tumor sample collection and their processing for transmission electron microscopy, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, histological and immunohistochemical analyses are described. Biodistribution of the nanoparticles in mice and blood serum analysis data for experimental animals are given. The data are useful for an experiment workflow design and for the development of theranostic systems based on magnetic nanoparticles. © 2020 The AuthorsRussian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 18-015-00319_aMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: RFMEFI62117X0015This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research [grant number 18-015-00319_a ]. The ICP-AES measurements were carried out using the core facilities of TPU's “Physical and chemical methods of analysis” (project VIU-RSCBS-142/2019). The research involving PBMC experiments was carried out within the framework of the state assignment theme (No. AAAA-A18-118031490008-7) of the Siberian State Medical University. The research into nanoparticle characterization by IR spectroscopy, elemental analysis (CHN) and TGA was carried out within the framework of the state assignment theme (No. АААА-А19-119011790130-3) in the Joint-Use Center for Spectroscopy and Analysis of Organic Compounds, Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis UB RAS. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) and zeta potential (z P ) characterization were carried out within the framework of the state assignment theme No. АААА-А18-118020290129-5 in the Miheev Institute of Metal Physics UB RAS. The experiments with animals and MRI were carried out at the Center for Genetic Resources of Laboratory Animals at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (Unique identifier of the project RFMEFI62117X0015 ). TEM analysis was carried out at the Multiple-access Center for Microscopy of Biological Subjects, Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS