277 research outputs found

    Petrologic-geochemical evidence of geologic-genetic uniformity of gold hydrothermal deposits formed in black-shale and non-shale substratum

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    The problem of gold deposits origin lying in crystal and black-shale substratum is discussed. The expediency of comparative research of all geologic-real-genetic factors of their formation, among which a significant value is retained by the geochemical, is emphasized. The technique of geochemical researches, based on use of substratum petrologic studying results of golden-ore fields and their frame, providing formation of multilevel system of geochemical selection representing stage-by-stage history of rock formation and their geochemical shape at each stage, is offered.The results of the offered approach realization in golden-ore deposits of the North Transbaikalia lying in the crystal substratum and Proterozoic black-shale strata in the frame of the Muiskiy ledge of the Archean base of the Siberian craton are presented. The resulted materials prove in geochemical aspect the geologic-genetic uniformity of formed in non-shale and black-shale substratum of gold hydrothermal deposits, proved by the totality of empirical data. The offered technique provides formation of regional, and in the long termglobal banks, of correct geochemical dat


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    У статті з’ясовано специфіку педагогічного проектування сучасного уроку української мови, визначено теоретико-методологічні особливості моделювання змістових компонентів і структурних етапів уроку рідної мови. Педагогічне проектування як цілісний комплекс дій учителя забезпечує розробку ефективної технології сучасного навчального заняття та реалізацію педагогічного проекту з метою розвитку комунікативної компетентності учнів. Педагогічне проектування словесника складається з основних етапів − моделювання, власне проектування, конструювання. (The article revealed the specifics of the pedagogical design of the modern Ukrainian language classes, defined theoretical and methodological features of the semantic modeling of structural components and stages of the lesson native language. Pedagogical design a coherent set of actions the teacher provides effective technology development of modern educational classes and implementing educational project to develop communicative competence of students. Pedagogical design language and literature consists of the main stages – design, proper design, and construction.

    Mineral-petrochemical and geochemical features of ultrametamorphic process of the focus-dome type

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    Distribution of petrogeneous and oregeneous (Au, Ag, Hg) chemical elements in metamorphic zones of the Kedrovskiy focus-dome construction in Northern Transbaikalia is shown and discussed. The conclusion is drawn about absence of substance essential migration during local focus-dome ultrametamorphism

    Femic chemical elements in near-ore metasomatic haloes of the Kedrovskoye gold-ore deposit (the North Transbaikalia)

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    The results of studying geochemistry of phemophilous group in near-ore apogneiss and aposhale metasomatites of the Kedrovskoye mesothermal deposit in the North Tranbaikalia are presented. According to mineralogy-petrochemical data it was defined that metasomatic haloes belong to beresite metasomatic formation with propylite-like profile of transformations at the area periphery. Silica loss up to the half of its mass from the back zones was stated in the initial ores and conditions of this loss were determined. Silica removed from the ores served as a basis for formation of gold-bearing quartz veins. In the back zones of near-ore metasomatic haloes contrast anomalies of phosphorous, titanium, magnesium, manganese, iron, potassium and calcium were found. Femic orientation of gold-bearing metasomatites demonstrates the generation of metal-bearing fluids in mantle magmatic chambers

    Mineralogical petrochemical and geochemical features of near ore metasomatism in the gold ore deposit "Verkhne-Sakukanskoye" (Northern Transbaikal Region)

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    Discussion in comparative aspect of the nature of geochemical fields in the mesothermal gold deposits formed in blacks and a crystal substratum is continued. The relation of near vein metasomatic and geochemical auras for a case of intervein spaces of low gold-bearing quartz veins is shown on the example of the deposit «Verkhne-Sakukanskoye» of Northern Transbaikal Region located in southwest early Proterozoic frame of the Chara ledge of the Archean base - the western fragment of the Aldan board. In the first part of the article the geological structure of the deposit, mineral structure of ores are considered. On the basis of studying of mineral composition and structure of rocks with attraction of original chemical silicate analyses and petrochemical calculations the enclosing ore containing bodies of plutonic rocks of the early Proterozoic Kodarsky complex are diagnosed as hornblende - biotite quartz diorite and quartz monzonite. In the second part of the article for the first time a mineralogical - petrochemical zonation of near vein metasomatic auras is described, their belonging to a beresite metasomatic formation, and belonging of the deposit to the gold subformation of a gold - uranium - polymetallic beresite ore formation is proved. The geochemical materials revealing distribution on near Clarke levels of contents of ore genous elements (Au, Ag, Hg, etc.) in an intervein space is given, genetic connection of near vein geochemical auras with near vein metasomatic ones in frames of mesotermal ore-forming process of late Paleozoic epoch is substantiated. The obtained results are consistent with conclusions about structure and conditions of formation of the geochemical fields, made earlier in others mesothermal gold deposits of blacks and not slate types

    Mineral-petrochemical wallrock alteration of rocks in Bericul gold-ore deposit (Kuznetsk Alatau)

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    The distribution of mineral associations in near-veined zonal propylite-beresite metasomatic columns of mesothermal Bericul gold-ore deposit was analyzed. However, the polymineral composition in the inner (axial and adjacent with it rear) zones is inconsistent to the existing metasomatic column theoretical model. According to Korzhinskii metasomatic zoning theory, implied monomineral (quartz) and binary-mineral (quartz, sericite) compositions are characteristic of axial and rear zones, respectively. In common with above-mentioned facts, the zoning formation of differential component mobility is influenced by two additional factors: counter diffusion of components from fractured fluids into pores and diffusion mechanism of mass transfer it's from pores fluids into fractured of rock-fluid systems

    The development of the network interaction as a condition of the ensuring and assessment of the professional training results

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    В настоящее время работодатель становится доминирующим заказчиком и оценщиком качества образования. Конкурентоспособность выпускника может быть обеспечена только при социальном партнерстве всех заинтересованных сторон: работодателей, учебных заведений, развитием общества в целом. Процедура сертификации квалификации требует решения многих проблем. Применение кластерных организационных технологий способствует внешней оценке качества подготовки выпускников.Nowadays the employer is becoming a dominant customer and an evaluator of the quality of education. The competitiveness of the graduate can only be achieved by the social partnership of all stakeholders: employers, educational institutions, the development of society on a whole. The certification procedure qualification requires the solution of many problems. The use of cluster organizational technology contributes to external assessment of the quality of graduates

    The International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals (IRPTC) of UNEP

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    Until recently there has been no international register or international network linking national registers for the exchange of information on, and for, chemical hazard assessment and control. The International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals (IRPTC) was established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 1976 and is now in full operation. The objectives assigned to the Register concern the establishment of a global network of contributing partners through which it can develop its data-bank containing relevant information for an assessment of environmental hazards caused by chemicals, and disseminate this information to decision-making bodies, national authorities, international organizations and other institutions, and to the scientific community that is concerned with the evaluation and control of chemicals in the environment. The IRPTC operations involve preparation of data profiles for chemicals, the development of a computerized data storage and retrieval system, a query-response service, and the publication of a 4-monthly Register Index, a periodical Bulletin, and other documents. These contain information on chemicals, international and national activities related to issues of chemical safety, and also legislative and regulatory measures for protection of the health of humans and of the environment from the noxious effects of chemical


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    The article deals with the peculiarities of monitoring the technical state of construction objects comprising the measures to trace the deformation of buildings (constructions) on the whole, deformation and stress state of certain structures, the state of the ground, foundations, and underground waters in the construction zone, timely recording and assessment ofany deviations from the project, normative and regulation requirements, comparison of the forecast on the mutual influence of the object and the environment with the results obtained from the monitoring in order to ensure a timely prevention and elimination of the identified adverse phenomena and processes. The article provides a basis for undertaking inspections of construction objects, enumerates issues connected with construction and technical studies, whose solution requires the expert to have knowledge of the technical state of the buildings, structures, some of their structural elements, recorded by the preliminary technical examination of the technical inspection in the documents that were drafted by specialized organizations or specialists who have a license to conduct this activity. The article provides extracts from main normative documents regulating mandatory verification of the technical state of buildings and structures and that are used in construction and technical studies.Розглянуто особливості проведення моніторингу технічного стану будівельних об’єктів. Наведено витяги з основних нормативних документів, які регламентують обов’язкове визначення технічного стану будівель і споруд, що використовується під час проведення будівельно-технічних досліджень

    Field-asymmetric transverse magnetoresistance in a nonmagnetic quantum-size structure

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    A new phenomenon is observed experimentally in a heavily doped asymmetric quantum-size structure in a magnetic field parallel to the quantum-well layers - a transverse magnetoresistance which is asymmetric in the field (there can even be a change in sign) and is observed in the case that the structure has a built-in lateral electric field. A model of the effect is proposed. The observed asymmetry of the magnetoresistance is attributed to an additional current contribution that arises under nonequilibrium conditions and that is linear in the gradient of the electrochemical potential and proportional to the parameter characterizing the asymmetry of the spectrum with respect to the quasimomentum.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. For correspondence, mail to [email protected]