
Petrologic-geochemical evidence of geologic-genetic uniformity of gold hydrothermal deposits formed in black-shale and non-shale substratum


The problem of gold deposits origin lying in crystal and black-shale substratum is discussed. The expediency of comparative research of all geologic-real-genetic factors of their formation, among which a significant value is retained by the geochemical, is emphasized. The technique of geochemical researches, based on use of substratum petrologic studying results of golden-ore fields and their frame, providing formation of multilevel system of geochemical selection representing stage-by-stage history of rock formation and their geochemical shape at each stage, is offered.The results of the offered approach realization in golden-ore deposits of the North Transbaikalia lying in the crystal substratum and Proterozoic black-shale strata in the frame of the Muiskiy ledge of the Archean base of the Siberian craton are presented. The resulted materials prove in geochemical aspect the geologic-genetic uniformity of formed in non-shale and black-shale substratum of gold hydrothermal deposits, proved by the totality of empirical data. The offered technique provides formation of regional, and in the long termglobal banks, of correct geochemical dat

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