2,688 research outputs found

    Quenched charmonium spectrum on anisotropic lattices

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    We present the results of quenched charmonium spectrum for S- and P-states, obtained by a relativistic heavy quark method on anisotropic lattices. Simulations are carried out using the standard plaquette gauge action and a meanfield-improved clover quark action at at−1=3a_t^{-1} = 3--6 GeV with the renormalized anisotropy fixed to ξ≡as/at=3\xi \equiv a_s/a_t =3. We study the scaling of our fine and hyperfine mass splittings, and compare with previous results.Comment: Lattice 2000 (Heavy Quark Physics), 4 pages, 6 eps figures, LaTeX(espcrc2.sty

    On O(1) contributions to the free energy in Bethe Ansatz systems: the exact g-function

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    We investigate the sub-leading contributions to the free energy of Bethe Ansatz solvable (continuum) models with different boundary conditions. We show that the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz approach is capable of providing the O(1) pieces if both the density of states in rapidity space and the quadratic fluctuations around the saddle point solution to the TBA are properly taken into account. In relativistic boundary QFT the O(1) contributions are directly related to the exact g-function. In this paper we provide an all-orders proof of the previous results of P. Dorey et al. on the g-function in both massive and massless models. In addition, we derive a new result for the g-function which applies to massless theories with arbitrary diagonal scattering in the bulk.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures, v2: minor corrections, v3: minor corrections and references adde

    Magnetoresistance, specific heat and magnetocaloric effect of equiatomic rare-earth transition-metal magnesium compounds

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    We present a study of the magnetoresistance, the specific heat and the magnetocaloric effect of equiatomic RETRETMg intermetallics with RE=LaRE = {\rm La}, Eu, Gd, Yb and T=AgT = {\rm Ag}, Au and of GdAuIn. Depending on the composition these compounds are paramagnetic (RE=LaRE = {\rm La}, Yb) or they order either ferro- or antiferromagnetically with transition temperatures ranging from about 13 to 81 K. All of them are metallic, but the resistivity varies over 3 orders of magnitude. The magnetic order causes a strong decrease of the resistivity and around the ordering temperature we find pronounced magnetoresistance effects. The magnetic ordering also leads to well-defined anomalies in the specific heat. An analysis of the entropy change leads to the conclusions that generally the magnetic transition can be described by an ordering of localized S=7/2S=7/2 moments arising from the half-filled 4f74f^7 shells of Eu2+^{2+} or Gd3+^{3+}. However, for GdAgMg we find clear evidence for two phase transitions indicating that the magnetic ordering sets in partially below about 125 K and is completed via an almost first-order transition at 39 K. The magnetocaloric effect is weak for the antiferromagnets and rather pronounced for the ferromagnets for low magnetic fields around the zero-field Curie temperature.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures include

    Spatially resolved observations of a split-band coronal type-II radio burst

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    Context. The origin of coronal type-II radio bursts and of their band-splitting are still not fully understood. Aims. To make progress in solving this problem on the basis of one extremely well observed solar eruptive event. Methods. The relative dynamics of multi-thermal eruptive plasmas, observed in detail by the SDO/AIA and of the harmonic type-II burst sources, observed by the NRH at ten frequencies from 445 to 151 MHz, is studied for the partially behind the limb event on 3 November 2010. Special attention is given to the band-splitting of the burst. Analysis is supplemented by investigation of coronal hard X-ray (HXR) sources observed by the RHESSI. Results. It is found that the flare impulsive phase was accompanied by the formation of a double coronal HXR source, whose upper part coincided with the hot (T~10 MK) eruptive plasma blob. The leading edge (LE) of the eruptive plasmas (T~1-2 MK) moved upward from the flare region with the speed of v=900-1400 km/s. The type II burst source initially appeared just above the LE apex and moved with the same speed and in the same direction. After about 20 s it started to move about twice faster, but still in the same direction. At any given moment the low frequency component (LFC) source of the splitted type-II burst was situated above the high frequency component (HFC) source, which in turn was situated above the LE. It is also found that at a given frequency the HFC source was located slightly closer to the photosphere than the LFC source. Conclusions. The shock wave, which could be responsible for the observed type-II radio burst, was initially driven by the multi-temperature eruptive plasmas, but later transformed to a freely propagating blast shock wave. The most preferable interpretation of the type-II burst splitting is that its LFC was emitted from the upstream region of the shock, whereas the HFC - from the downstream region.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    A Study of Meson Correlators at Finite Temperature

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    We present results for mesonic propagators in temporal and spatial directions at T below and above the deconfining transition in quenched QCD. Anisotropic lattices are used to get enough information in the temporal direction. We use the Wilson fermion action for light quarks and Fermilab action for heavy quarks.Comment: LATTICE 99 (finite temperature and density), 3 pages, LaTeX with 3 eps figures, espcrc2.sty, psfig.st

    Baryon Operators and Baryon Spectroscopy

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    The issues involved in a determination of the baryon resonance spectrum in lattice QCD are discussed. The variational method is introduced and the need to construct a sufficient basis of interpolating operators is emphasised. The construction of baryon operators using group-theory techniques is outlined. We find that the use both of quark-field smearing and link-field smearing in the operators is essential firstly to reduce the coupling of operators to high-frequency modes and secondly to reduce the gauge-field fluctuations in correlators. We conclude with a status report of our current investigation of baryon spectroscopy.Comment: Invited talk at Workshop on Computational Hadron Physics, Cyprus, Sept. 14-17, 200

    Sociodemographic factors and patient perceptions are associated with attitudes to kidney transplantation among haemodialysis patients

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    Background. Treatment decisions made by patients with chronic kidney disease are crucial in the renal transplantation process. These decisions are influenced, amongst other factors, by attitudes towards different treatment options, which are modulated by knowledge and perceptions about the disease and its treatment and many other subjective factors. Here we study the attitude of dialysis patients to renal transplantation and the association of sociodemographic characteristics, patient perceptions and experiences with this attitude. Methods. In a cross-sectional study, all patients from eight dialysis units in Budapest, Hungary, who were on haemodialysis for at least 3 months were approached to complete a self-administered questionnaire. Data collected from 459 patients younger than 70 years were analysed in this manuscript. Results. Mean age of the study population was 53 +/- 12 years, 54% were male and the prevalence of diabetes was 22%. Patients with positive attitude to renal transplantation were younger (51 +/- 11 versus 58 +/- 11 years), better educated, more likely to be employed (11% versus 4%) and had prior transplantation (15% versus 7%)(P < 0.05 for all). In a multivariate model, negative patient perceptions about transplantation, negative expectations about health outcomes after transplantation and the presence of fears about the transplant surgery were associated, in addition to incre- asing age, with unwillingness to consider transplantation. Conclusions. Negative attitudes to renal transplantation are associated with potentially modifiable factors. Based on this we suggest that it would be necessary to develop standardized, comprehensible patient information systems and personalized decision support to facilitate modality selection and to enable patients to make fully informed treatment decisions

    O(a)-improved quark action on anisotropic lattices and perturbative renormalization of heavy-light currents

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    We investigate the Symanzik improvement of the Wilson quark action on anisotropic lattices. Taking first a general action with nearest-neighbor and clover interactions, we study the mass dependence of the ratio of the hopping parameters, the clover coefficients, and an improvement coefficient for heavy-light vector and axial vector currents. We show how tree-level improvement can be achieved. For a particular choice of the spatial Wilson coupling, the results simplify, and O(m0aτ)O(m_0a_\tau) improvement is possible. (Here m0m_0 is the bare quark mass and aτa_\tau the temporal lattice spacing.) With this choice we calculate the renormalization factors of heavy-light bilinear operators at one-loop order of perturbation theory employing the standard plaquette gauge action.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figure

    Finite size corrections in massive Thirring model

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    We calculate for the first time the finite size corrections in the massive Thirring model. This is done by numerically solving the equations of periodic boundary conditions of the Bethe ansatz solution. It is found that the corresponding central charge extracted from the 1/L1/L term is around 0.4 for the coupling constant of g0=−π4{g_0}=-{\pi\over 4} and decreases down to zero when g0=−π3{g_0}=-{\pi\over{3}}. This is quite different from the predicted central charge of the sine-Gordon model.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, 2 figure

    Exact Conductance through Point Contacts in the ν=1/3\nu =1/3 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

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    The conductance for tunneling through a point contact between two ν=1/3\nu =1/3 quantum Hall edges is described by a universal scaling function, which has recently been measured experimentally. We compute this universal function exactly, by using the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz and a Boltzmann equation.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur
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