634 research outputs found

    Total gluon shadowing due to fluctuation effects

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    We show a new physical phenomenon expected for the ratio R_{pA} of the unintegrated gluon distribution of a nucleus over the unintegrated gluon distribution of a proton scaled up by the atomic factor A^{1/3} in the fluctuation-dominated (diffusive scaling) region at high energy. We calculate the dependence of R_{pA} on the atomic number A, the rapidity Y and the transverse gluon momentum k_{\perp}. We find that R_{pA} exhibits an increasing gluon shadowing with growing rapidity, approaching 1/A^{1/3} at asymptotic rapidities which means total gluon shadowing, due to the effect of gluon number fluctuations or Pomeron loops. The increase of R_{pA} with rising gluon momentum decreases as the rapidity grows. In contrast, in the geometric scaling region where the effect of fluctuations is negligible, the ratio R_{pA} shows only partial gluon shadowing in the fixed-coupling case, basically independent on the rapidity and the gluon momentum.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; two plots and further explanations added; matches version accepted for publicatio

    High-enegy effective action from scattering of QCD shock waves

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    At high energies, the relevant degrees of freedom are Wilson lines - infinite gauge links ordered along straight lines collinear to the velocities of colliding particles. The effective action for these Wilson lines is determined by the scattering of QCD shock waves. I develop the symmetric expansion of the effective action in powers of strength of one of the shock waves and calculate the leading term of the series. The corresponding first-order effective action, symmetric with respect to projectile and target, includes both up and down fan diagrams and pomeron loops.Comment: 15 pages, 10 eps figure

    Dense-Dilute Duality at work: dipoles of the target

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    We explore the properties of the QCD high energy evolution in the limit of a dilute target. Using the recently established property of selfduality of the evolution operator (hep-ph/0502119), we show how to properly define the target gluon and dipole creation operators in terms of dual Wilson lines (dual eikonal factors). We explain how to expand these operators in terms of the functional derivatives of the color charge density, in the situation when they act on the eikonal factors of the projectile partons. We explicitly calculate the expansion of the high energy evolution operator to fourth order in the functional derivatives. Our result is infrared and ultraviolet finite, but does not coincide with the formula given in hep-ph/0501088. We resolve this discrepancy by showing that the identification of the dipole creation and annihilation operators used in hep-ph/0501088 is incomplete, and provide the required corrections to these definitions. The use of the corrected operators in the calculational framework of hep-ph/0501088 reproduces our result. We also prove that there is no discrepancy between the expansion of the JIMWLK equation and the dualization of the expansion of the weak field limit.Comment: 18 pages, Explanations added. Version to appear in PR

    JIMWLK evolution in the Gaussian approximation

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    We demonstrate that the Balitsky-JIMWLK equations describing the high-energy evolution of the n-point functions of the Wilson lines (the QCD scattering amplitudes in the eikonal approximation) admit a controlled mean field approximation of the Gaussian type, for any value of the number of colors Nc. This approximation is strictly correct in the weak scattering regime at relatively large transverse momenta, where it reproduces the BFKL dynamics, and in the strong scattering regime deeply at saturation, where it properly describes the evolution of the scattering amplitudes towards the respective black disk limits. The approximation scheme is fully specified by giving the 2-point function (the S-matrix for a color dipole), which in turn can be related to the solution to the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation, including at finite Nc. Any higher n-point function with n greater than or equal to 4 can be computed in terms of the dipole S-matrix by solving a closed system of evolution equations (a simplified version of the respective Balitsky-JIMWLK equations) which are local in the transverse coordinates. For simple configurations of the projectile in the transverse plane, our new results for the 4-point and the 6-point functions coincide with the high-energy extrapolations of the respective results in the McLerran-Venugopalan model. One cornerstone of our construction is a symmetry property of the JIMWLK evolution, that we notice here for the first time: the fact that, with increasing energy, a hadron is expanding its longitudinal support symmetrically around the light-cone. This corresponds to invariance under time reversal for the scattering amplitudes.Comment: v2: 45 pages, 4 figures, various corrections, section 4.4 updated, to appear in JHE

    Pomeron loops in zero transverse dimensions

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    We analyze a toy model which has a structure similar to that of the recently found QCD evolution equations, but without transverse dimensions. We develop two different but equivalent methods in order to compute the leading-order and next-to-leading order Pomeron loop diagrams. In addition to the leading-order result which has been derived from Mueller's toy model~\cite% {Mueller:1994gb}, we can also calculate the next-to-leading order contribution which provides the (αs2αY)(\alpha_{s}^{2}\alpha Y) correction. We interpret this result and discuss its possible implications for the four-dimensional QCD evolution.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Drell-Yan production and Lam-Tung relation in the Color Glass Condensate formalism

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    We study the Drell-Yan production cross section and structure functions in proton (deuteron)-nucleus collisions using the Color Glass Condensate formalism. The nucleus is treated in the Color Glass Condensate framework which includes both higher twist effects due to the inclusion of multiple scatterings and leading twist pQCD shadowing due to the small x resummation, while the proton (or deuteron) is treated within the DGLAP improved parton model. In particular, the Drell-Yan structure functions are used in order to investigate the Lam-Tung relation at small x, which is known to be identically zero at leading twist up to Next-to-Leading order, and is thus a good playground for studying higher twist effects. In agreement with this, we find that violations of this relation are more important for low momentum and invariant mass of the Drell-Yan pair, and also in the region of rapidity that corresponds to smaller values of x in the nucleus.Comment: 25 pages, 16 postscript figure

    Selection of human capital in metallurgical companies using information technology (IT)

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    Personnel selection is a process that takes place in a company in order to have better business performance and competitive advantage. Nowadays, companies have realized the importance of human capital as a necessity for survival in today’s competitive market. There are several methods for selecting staff, but this paper seeks to demonstrate that this selection can be done with the help of an expert system. Metallurgical companies face even greater challenges for managing personnel selection. This research will discover and test the key elements of management personnel selection and implementation of an expert system

    Fluctuations effects in high-energy evolution of QCD

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    Recently, Iancu and Triantafyllopoulos have proposed a hierarchy of evolution equations in QCD at high energy which generalises previous approaches by including the effects of gluon number fluctuations and thus the pomeron loops. In this paper, we present the first numerical simulations of the Langevin equation which reproduces that hierarchy. This equation is formally the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation supplemented with a noise term accounting for the relevant fluctuations. In agreement with theoretical predictions, we find that the effects of the fluctuations is to reduce the saturation exponent and to induce geometric scaling violations at high energy.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, minor corrections, version appeared in Phys. Rev.

    Diffractive dissociation including pomeron loops in zero transverse dimensions

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    We have recently studied the QCD pomeron loop evolution equations in zero transverse dimensions [Shoshi:2005pf]. Using the techniques developed in [Shoshi:2005pf] together with the AGK cutting rules, we present a calculation of single, double and central diffractive cross sections (for large diffractive masses and large rapidity gaps) in zero transverse dimensions in which all dominant pomeron loop graphs are consistently summed. We find that the diffractive cross sections unitarise at asymptotic energies and that they are suppressed by powers of alpha_s. Our calculation is expected to expose some of the diffractive physics in hadron-hadron collisions at high energy.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures; numerous explanations added, matches the published versio

    On Angular Correlations and High Energy Evolution

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    We address the question to what extent JIMWLK evolution is capable of taking into account angular correlations in a high energy hadronic wave function. Our conclusion is that angular (and indeed other) correlations in the wave function cannot be reliably calculated without taking into account Pomeron loops in the evolution. As an example we study numerically the energy evolution of angular correlations between dipole scattering amplitudes in the framework of the large NcN_c approximation to JIMWLK evolution (the "`projectile dipole model"'). Target correlations are introduced via averaging over (isotropic) ensemble of anisotropic initial conditions. We find that correlations disappear very quickly with rapidity even inside the saturation radius. This is in accordance with our physical picture of JIMWLK evolution. The actual correlations inside the saturation radius in the target QCD wave function, on the other hand should remain sizable at any rapidity.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure