300 research outputs found

    Beregeningswijzer PR handig hulpmiddel bij Beregenen op maat

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    In het project Beregenen op Maat proberen de provincies Noord-Brabant en Limburg het grondwaterverbruik in de land- en tuinbouw te verminderen. Het PR ontwikkelt voor de deelnemende veehouders hulpmiddelen die inzicht geven in het juiste moment van beregenen en de optimale giftgrootte

    Effect beregening gering bij extreme zomerse temperaturen

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    Scherp drogend weer en hoge temperaturen lijken de optimale omstandigheden om te gaan beregenen. Toch blijkt dat het effect van beregening onder deze omstandigheden tegenvalt

    Precisiewerk loont

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    Nauwkeurig meten en werken kan een goede productie met minder middelen opleveren. Dat wordt hier uitgewerkt voor bemesting en beregening

    Veranderingen van het alledaagse

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    Migratie, racisme en minderhede

    Drie jaar Beregenen Op Maat heeft veel opgeleverd

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    In het project Beregenen op Maat is een pakket van hulpmiddelen tot stand gekomen waardoor een gemiddeld bedrijf minimaal 15% minder grondwater gebruikt, wat al gauw een jaarlijkse besparing oplevert van fl 1000,-

    Stikstofjaarwijzer berekent ruimte voor aanvoer kunstmest

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    Om snel inzicht te krijgen in de hoeveelheid stikstof die op grasland aangevoerd mag worden, ontwikkelde het PV de Stikstofjaarwijzer

    Functional proteomic profiling links deficient DNA clearance with increased mortality in individuals with severe COVID-19 pneumonia

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    The factors that influence survival during severe infection are unclear. Extracellular chromatin drives pathology, but the mechanisms enabling its accumulation remain elusive. Here, we show that in murine sepsis models, splenocyte death interferes with chromatin clearance through the release of the DNase I inhibitor actin. Actin-mediated inhibition was compensated by upregulation of DNase I or the actin scavenger gelsolin. Splenocyte death and neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) clearance deficiencies were prevalent in individuals with severe COVID-19 pneumonia or microbial sepsis. Activity tracing by plasma proteomic profiling uncovered an association between low NET clearance and increased COVID-19 pathology and mortality. Low NET clearance activity with comparable proteome associations was prevalent in healthy donors with low-grade inflammation, implicating defective chromatin clearance in the development of cardiovascular disease and linking COVID-19 susceptibility to pre-existing conditions. Hence, the combination of aberrant chromatin release with defects in protective clearance mechanisms lead to poor survival outcomes

    Kaderrichtlijn water gaat verder dan terugbrengen bemesting

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    Een nadere uitleg van wat er met de Kaderrichtlijn Water wordt beoog

    Door aanpassing beweiding naar lager nitraatgehalte onder grasland

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    Op proefbedrijf Cranendonck wordt verlaging van de stikstofgift en vermindering van de beweidingsduur vergeleken met de gangbare bedrijfsvoering om nitraatverliezen naar het grondwater te beperke

    The estimated burden of fungal disease in South Africa

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    Background. With a population of 56.5 million, over 7 million persons living with HIV, one of the world’s highest rates of tuberculosis (TB) and a large proportion of the population living in poverty, South Africa (SA)’s fungal disease burden is probably substantial and broad in scope.Objectives. To estimate the burden of fungal disease in SA.Methods. Using total and at-risk populations and national, regional and occasionally global data, we estimated the incidence and prevalence of the majority of fungal diseases in SA.Results. Estimates for the annual incidence of HIV-related life-threatening fungal disease include cryptococcal meningitis (8 357 cases), Pneumocystis pneumonia (4 452 cases) and endemic mycoses (emergomycosis, histoplasmosis and blastomycosis, with 100, 60 and 10 cases per year, respectively). We estimate 3 885 cases of invasive aspergillosis annually. The annual burden of candidaemia and Candida peritonitis is estimated at 5 421 and 1 901 cases, respectively. The epidemic of pulmonary TB has probably driven up the prevalence of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis to 99 351 (175.8/100 000), perhaps the highest in the world. Fungal asthma probably affects >100 000 adults. Mucosal candidiasis is common, with an annual prevalence estimated at 828 666 and 135 289 oral and oesophageal cases, respectively, complicating HIV infection alone (estimates in other conditions not made), and over a million women are estimated to be affected by recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis each year. Tinea capitis in children is common and conservatively estimated at >1 000 000 cases. The inoculation mycoses sporotrichosis, chromoblastomycosis and eumycetoma occur occasionally (with 40, 40 and 10 cases estimated, respectively). Overall, we estimate that over 3.2 million South Africans are afflicted by a fungal disease each year (7.1% of the population).Conclusions. Significant numbers of South Africans are estimated to be affected each year by fungal infections, driven primarily by the syndemics of HIV, TB and poverty. These estimates emphasise the need for better epidemiological data, and for improving the diagnosis and management of these diseases
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